[v.short]The wonders of technology


Well-Known Member
Care to guess what I was watching?

... well, that could have gone better.

Wish my head wasn't ringing like a damn bell at Sunday mass, too, come to think of it.


And here I am, all dressed up with nowhere to go. But up, that is.

Father would be proud ...

... fuck that.

I'm pretty sure I don't have a concussion, though, despite the fact that I think I blacked out there for a moment.

Eh, maybe it's just my head getting used to being introduced to steel girders. Once the disbelief about my skull not being splattered all over the landscape as a result of that passes, it's nothing to get too excited about.

Aaaaand the fact I just thought that must mean I got knocked around harder than I thought I did, since it did not sound sane in any way, shape, or form.

Wait, I'm thinking _sanity_.

Right. Sanity.


Good joke there, me.

I think sanity went straight out the window the moment I decided to a)have conversations with dear old dad, who's been dead for the past couple of years, or b)play the glorified, dress-up version of cops and robbers.

Still trying to figure out which one the fuck I'm supposed to be on the latter, by the way.

I groan, pick myself up to my hands and knees, and shake off the cobwebs ... oh, bad _bad_ fucking pun there.

Just in time to see my friend about to get skewered by a piece of my own equipment, which is being swung about by someone, or some_thing_, that's black, hissy, and has far too many teeth for comfort.

There's a moment I want to dash forward and try to put myself in-between the sharp and poky bits sticking out from one 'wing' of said piece of equipment, before my brain comes back on from ... well, what'd you know, I _am_ concussed ... swimmingly fabulicious, that ... and I reach for the belt, flip a catch open, and double tap.

The glider, still in mid swing, blows up in the black thing's face.

Its/his screech of pain is music to my ears.

"Well, that was bracing," I say, and Pete looks at me like I've grown a second head.

Hi, I'm Harry Osborn.

I'm quite possibly insane, and recovering from a case of severe MPD with homicidal tendencies thrown in for good measure.

And I fucking _love_ technology.

Ain't it grand?

The Goblin: Legit?!?!
a shameless ripoff of another man's concept

I'm disappointed in the latest Spider-Man flick. Too much crammed into too short a time with too little space given to character development ... or even properly paced and sized fight scenes (what can I say, I like large running battles. This one was short on them). There were cool bits, yeah, and I loved Campbell's and Stan's cameos, but the whole thing felt weak at the ending credits.

Besides, poetic justice aside, and not even pointing out that Harry survived a _point_fucking_blank_ bomb detonation with just getting half his mug scarred as a result so is puncture wounds like that wouldn't do him in immediately, he'd likely recover and not die like a sad little bitch ... oops, I think I just did :p ... yeah, anyway, why the hell didn't they do it like this?

Right, that's it, someone want this, feel free to pick it up since I'm not doing anything with it.

EDIT: Awww, shit, how do I put this into 'Ideas' where it was meant to be in the first place?
