Bleach Veiled Moon Chapter 2


Lazy Bastard...

So here's the next chapter finally. It's mostly done, just needs a bit here and there for polish. Hope ya'll think it was worth the wait. The rest should be up relatively soon.


Bleach is created by Tite Kubo and distributed by Weekly Shonen Jump, Studio Pierrot,
& Viz Media LLC.

Seikirei is created by Sakurako Gokurakuin and distributed by Young Gangan, Square
Enix, Seven Arcs & Funimation Entertainment

No permission has been obtained from any of the copyright holders for the use of the
characters and situations from this series. This work of fiction is not for profit and not
intended to infringe on copyrighted intellectual property in any significant or harmful

Should they, or any of their affiliates, request it, this non-profit story will
be taken off line as quickly as possible.

Any original characters, however, are owned by me. If you steal them, I shall hunt you
down and skewer your nuts. You want to use them? Just ask me first as I'll probably say

Feedback is encouraged. That's why I write. Also for the cookies.
And The Root Beer. The sweet, nectar-of-the-gods root beer.

Flames are pointless, as the author is a flaming retard.

...hold up, that's not what I meant. Uh, let's just start the story.


Rukia blinked, watching both Ichigo and the girl walk away from the station. She stood
watch over them from the top of a telephone pole across the street from the station in

Watching the two, her mind whirled at what all of this meant, and if she wasn't careful
she'd slip. That would be all too easy at this point, as she still hadn't gotten over her
shock of Ichigo with a girl who wasn't from their little group.

Even stranger, was that she could tell that while Ichigo was scowling, it wasn't close to
his usual ones that normally graced his face.

She continued to watch as the two made their way, with the girl, Uzume if she recalled,
trying to latch onto his arm. A part of her twisted seeing that again, that it should be
Orihime with him coming to mind before she squashed it.

She found herself ready to hop off the pole to follow them when something else caught
her eye.

Down below her and wearing a sharp business-like attire a man almost too leisurely
walked down the street wearing sunglasses and was talking in a phone every so often.
Underneath one of his arms looked what appeared to binoculars. After a moment he took
hold of them and held it up to his eyes and with a start Rukia noticed that he was directing
them towards Ichigo and Uzume.

No longer thinking of following the two Rukia jumped towards the ground to observe her
new prey more closely.


Ghostface211 presents...

In Association with Wheeljack...

A Bleach - Sekirei Crossover

Veiled Moon

Feather Two: Meet The Folks (UK house mix)

Comments, Constructive Criticism, and MST 3000's can go to


"Oh, wow", Uzume gushed in open mouthed awe. "So this is it?"

"Yeah, this is it", Ichigo muttered.


Both stood several feet away from the Kurosaki Clinic with Uzume all but skipping the
last few feet to stop and gaze at her ashikabi's home. Standing two stories the Kurosaki
home slash clinic as seen from sky was in a reverse 'L' shape pattern turned 90 degrees
with the clinic portion jutting outwards from the right side of the home toward the street
and sidewalk. The clinic portion had an extension that was only one story with the green
roof angling downward from near several feet above where the 2nd floor of the home portion
was. Above the glass double door entrance and equally sized window portion was the sign
of the Kurosaki Clinic for one and all to see, the sign outline and lettering in white imposed
over a light blue background.

His eyes darted to the clinic's insides, viewable from where they were at. Nobody at the
desk, but if he was lucky maybe they were helping a patient. Time to go around to the
home's front door.

"Uzume", he called, getting her attention. "This way".

With that, both walked past the clinic entrance and walked alongside it and passed the
mini parking lot to the home's entrance. Walking around the brick and iron fence he finally
reached the door and he paused to look back and saw Uzume practically bouncing in
place, and supremely thankful that she was wearing a bra this time. Sighing he narrowed
his eyes and braced himself with Uzume behind him and reached for the doorknob and

With that the door flew open and Ichigo took a quick hop back, bracing himself with an
arm out, ready to grab Uzume if he needed-

He blinked.

His father stood halfway out the door, his hand still on the doorknob. No, that in itself
wasn't unusual...scratch that, it was since he wasn't flying out to him but what was really
unusual was that he was wearing a burgundy colored robe and a pipe in his other hand.
Seeing the two his eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

"Ichigo", Isshin bellowed happily, marching forward with open arms and grasping his all
too stiff boy in a hug.

"What", Ichigo deadpanned.

Isshin then let go of Ichigo and turned to the girl, looking on a bit bewildered. "And
guest!", he said, moving and walking toward her. "Welcome, welcome! I'm this boy's
father, Isshin Kurosaki", he introduced, giving a short bow.

"Good afternoon, sir." Uzume bowed slightly in greeting. Clutching her hands, she gave
Isshin a sunny smile. "I'm Uzume! Ichigo's girlfriend!"

The former shinigami turned and gave his Sekirei a flat look, who simply shrugged in
response. Isshin seemed to miss the exchange as he returned Uzume's smile, "Ah! So
this is your lady friend my son?"

"Uh... yeah, you could say that." Ichigo cautiously agreed, eying his father carefully.

Isshin laughed heartily as he patted Ichigo on his shoulder, "No need to be embarrassed
Ichigo! After all, it's not every day a man brings home a potential new family member!"
He turned to Uzume and pulled her close, giving the Sekirei a quick squeeze. "Sorry for
my boy. He's quite the shy one."

Uzume shook her head and smiled as she returned the embrace, "Don't worry about it.
I'm working on it."

"Ha, that's what I like to hear," Isshin replied as he broke the hug. He put his hand on
her shoulder, gesturing towards the open door. "Please, please come in. Everyone's

With that Ichigo stared open mouthed at the man masquerading as his father introducing
himself like a normal human being instead of the man-child that raised him.

'It has to be a mod soul, per- Wait, everyone!?'

Turning to the doorway stood his sisters... and his comrades behind them.


With that he did the best thing he could think of.

"Yo", he said raising his arm in greeting.

No one said anything.


"Come boy!", he heard his father cry as he slammed a hand into his back and practically
shoved him forward toward the front door, stumbling all the way.

As Ichigo regained his balance at the front door he turned to sneer at his father before
being grabbed and pulled from behind into the home. With that his father turned to her.

With a gentlemanly bow with a hand to his chest he motioned to the door.

Eyes flickering back and forth, she then followed her ashikabi into his home, taking note
of the others there.

Her face took on a puzzled look at catching the expressions of two girls before they
turned to go further into the home. One wore a look that looked...lost. The other stared
at her with hard stare, measuring her.

"Huh", she breathed as she entered the home.



"They're turning on the last street. Reports say this is the one where he lives at", Rukia
heard the man say.

Standing and keeping a distance of a block away from the couple Rukia continued to
watch the tall man as he spoke into his phone. The entire walk to this point was also
simply staying away from the same distance as he continued to report to whomever his
superiors were.

"What time will you be there, I want to catch up and sit for a bit", he grumbled. After a
moment he got his reply and answered, "Dammit, will you hurry up! Do you know how
long I've been tailing them on foot?"


"I don't give a damn how bad traffic's been, you get to sit down and its cold over here!"


"Yes it is, you're in a damn temp controlled van! Che! Whatever, just be here, he should
be arriving any moment. We need to set up shop to see if he spills anything".

Rukia raised an eyebrow at that. It had been all too easy to see what he was up to, but
the fact that he was trailing a friend of hers had more than irked her, her aura chilling the
area close by that the goon had been rubbing his arms most of the way up to this point.
This new wrinkle was the nail in the coffin that had her deciding to act.

As much as she could, at least.

"What th'?!", the goon muttered as he stumbled a bit, hopping on a foot. Turning back,
he saw his upturned shoe behind him. "How th' hell...?"

"Dammit all, what the hell is this?", he grumbled as he grabbed the shoe. The shoelaces
had all been cut, almost as if they had split apart at not being able to contain their contents.

Standing he moved around paying attention to his other shoe, feeling it out.

No, it doesn't feel tight or anything, and he couldn't remember anything to suggest there
had been a problem with the other shoe.

"Just my luck", he grumbled as he slipped the open shoe back on, mindful to walk slower
lest it fall off.

"Hm", Rukia tsked as she walked behind him, Sode no Shirayuki resting on her shoulders.
As the goon bent over to slip the shoe on she flicked her sword arm.

"DAMMIT!" he cried as his pants fell.


Back at Ground Zero...

Ichigo's eye twitched as Uzume was seemingly everywhere. From the living room walls
to every picture to the kitchen she was moving about, her eyes taking in what she could,
imagining every bit of history that may have happened. Hands touched walls and
caressed chairs and pictures. All this with a smile that would have powered the whole
house and clinic if she could plug into the wall. While he had expected this he hadn't
expected that his friends would be there and this soon. Trying not peek at the corner of his
eye at them he could pretty much feel Tatsuki's aura growing by the moment.

Well not really.

But if he could he would. And Tatsuki knew that he would. And he knew that she knew
that he would if he could.

"Uzume", he then said aloud, capturing her attention immediately.

"Yes, Ichigo", she quickly responded, hopping over to him.

He resisted the overwhelming urge to close his eyes as she grabbed his right hand in
hers as she stood beside him. Thankfully she didn't rest her head on his shoulders like
he had expected her to.

Finally turning to his friends and family he looked at them and gauged their reactions.

His father was grinning like an idiot. Nothing surprising there.

Karin had a raised eyebrow and Yuzu was strangely... neutral.

He turned to see Uryu and Chad, and in doing so missed Yuzu's eye twitching.

Chad wore a neutral look and Uryu seemed to be almost... studying her he guessed.
Having fought with them long enough he knew they would be curious, and knew that Uryu
had probably thought of several scenarios as to what the hell was happening.

Tatsuki was...

Forget that, he knew he was a dead man. One glance was all it took to see 'that' look on
her face and the vein at her forehead. At this point it probably was good that Uzume had
her powers after all. It'd give them a running start. Good thing she couldn't use shunpo or
hirenkyaku. Or at least he thought she didn't.

And Inoue?

He glanced at her and paused.

She was standing and gazing at him and Uzume. The look she was giving him though...
It reminded him a little bit of when he had left Uzume that first time, after he spent his first
night at Maison Izumo several months ago. Her face was slightly tilted, her bangs brushed
to the side with a few just over her eyes and her mouth open slightly.

Catching him looking at her she blinked and smiled at him, but even he could see that it
wasn't close to her normal cheery ones.

With that something else in his stomach knotted.

"Now son", his father said, clasping his unused shoulder and still grinning like an idiot.
"Aren't you going to introduce us?"

With those words Uzume let go of Ichigo and stepped up to the people who had gathered
and bowed to them.

"Everyone", Ichigo said, glaring at his old man and giving in to the inevitable, "this is Uzume".

"Its so very wonderful to meet all of you", she said rising, her smile even more radiant.

He gulped as Tatsuki's twitching eye became even more pronounced.

"It''s nice to meet you", Orihime said, stepping forward.

"I've wanted to meet Ichigo's friends and family for so long, but Ichigo said it wasn't a
good idea. Seeing you all now I wonder why he said that?"

With that Ichigo looked at the ceiling, unbelieving that she mouthed that out loud.

"Yeah, I wonder why", Tatsuki said, the heat evident in her tight reply.

Uzume looked at her blinking in confusion.

'Fuck me', Ichigo internally lamented.

"Hey", he said aloud, getting their attention. Best nip this as best he could now. "I have
some stuff I wanna go over with you. Let's take it up to my room", he finished motioning
up the stairs with his head.

"We're going to your room?" Uzume said a bit too excitedly.

'We are, you aren't', he thought. 'Better to separate everyone now while we still have
a home'.

"Uzume, uh, if you don't mind, I need to talk with them privately for a bit. Dad and Yuzu
and Karin can show you around. "My sisters", he added, realizing that he wasn't going
to be able to introduce them proper before everything spiraled out of control.


"Look, I just want to bring them up to speed. Alone. Trust me, its ok."

"Ichigo?" she questioned, concerned at how he was acting. He was home, his family was
around and from what he said before they left was that they wanted to meet her. So why
was he acting so strangely now that everyone was here?

"Uzume-chan, was it", she heard his dad say as he came up to her.

"Uh, yes", she responded, her thoughts momentarily broken.

"Come on over, trust me what I have is much, much more fun than what my hapless boy
has to say".

"Um, thank you but-"

"I have pictures", he said, stopping her immediately as her eyes brightened. Ichigo's own
eye twitched, knowing his dad was taking advantage to the situation, but before he could
say a word his body was brought forward by someone grabbing his collar.

"Yeah, let us talk", Tatsuki growled out as she then hauled him to the stairs, him
protesting all the way.

"Tatsuki-chan", Orihime called out, following them to get Tatsuki to let go of Ichigo. Uryu
nodded to Uzume before he turned and silently followed them and Chad bowed at Uzume
before turning to follow himself.

"Hey!" Uzume called out with an arm outstretched, not liking seeing her ashikabi

She stopped her forward momentum as Isshin took a hold of her closest wrist gently
and tugged.

"They'll be fine", he assured her. "Besides, the best stuff is over here anyway", he happily
supplied as she found herself going along, giving a concerned glance at the direction she
last saw her ashikabi in.



"The hell happened to you man?"

The nameless goon eyed his partner disdainfully as he entered the back of the van, his
outfit ripped to shreds. The only thing still in pristine form on him were his pair of boxer
shorts and black socks. "I dunno, but there's something freaky about this place."

"If you say so man," his partner shrugged as he eyed his companion oddly. "Aren't
you cold?"

"The fuck do you think?!" he growled as he took his seat. "If I was superstitious, I'd think
I pissed off some ghost or something."

The very same ghost he had pissed off, Rukia trailed in behind him. Her arms crossed
in front of her as the van's door closed. His partner snorted and looked away from him,
"Whatever man. Did you at least get the bugs planted before your wardrobe malfunction?"

"No such luck," he grunted. "I was barely able to hold onto my dignity after you called."

"Do you at least have them on you?!"

"I dunno!" he shouted. "In case you hadn't noticed, I was having problems!!"

"Screw your problems!" his partner shouted back. "You know how much shit we're
gonna be in if we don't report what that Kurosaki kid's doing so far from the capital?
What we should be doing is storming his place and taking care of any loose ends!"

'Loose ends huh?' Rukia thought. She frowned as she fell through the van's floor, "We'll
see about that.'

"You know you can't do that without top brass approval," his partner countered.

"No shit flasher," he retorted as he picked up the transistor. "And that's just what I'm
gonna get now!" Bringing the device to his lips, he pressed the button to talk, "Kurokawa
to MBI HQ. Need a response, over." He paused as he got no response, not even a hint
of static. "HQ over." he repeated.

"Dude," his partner began to get his attention. "Look down."

"Huh?" he asked as he looked down...

And found the radio's wires cut and frayed. Sparking all the more irritably.

"The fuck happened?!?" he cried as he threw the transistor down to floor.

"Maybe this place is haunted..."

"And maybe we just got a shit wire job!" Kurokawa growled irritably as he reached into
his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "No need to panic..", he began as he flipped
his phone open.

And his mouth thinned into a tight line as the flip part of the phone fell to the ground.

Rukia smirked as she hovered over angry men. Oh this was gonna be so much fun.


Back at the fort...

Tatsuki had indeed let him go. After all, it was only a small reprieve before they reached
their destination and she gutted him for real. Fixing his shirt as she let go he walked up
to his room to open the door and allowed the others to enter first.

As Chad being the last walked in he followed and closed the door behind him.

"Alright, now wh-urk!", Ichigo choked out as two hands gripped his collar tight enough to
cut the flow of air to his lungs and was unceremoniously shoved against the wall next to
his door.

"Arisawa!", Uryu cried out.

"You son of a bitch", Tatsuki growled out menacingly before she found several arms grab
hers and felt Chad's massive arms curl under her shoulders and lifted her away to hold
her firm in his grasp.

"!", she yelled out, or tried to as Uryu palmed her mouth, shutting her up as
glared at him. He glared back at her.

"Kurosaki-kun", Orihime had called out, now instantly at Ichigo's side as he sat on the
floor with the wall propping him up. He was gasping for breath as his head was turned
towards Tatsuki, who was still struggling in Chad's grasp, but he knew that as tough as
she was she wasn't going to break Chad's hold. Uryu still had a hand over her mouth as
her eyes bored into Ichigo's own.

He wiped his mouth with his wrist and again straightened out his shirt and rubbed his
neck. Thanking Orihime he stood up and Tatsuki's struggles lessened as she in turn
continued to glare at him.

"You just can't wait to hear what I have to say", he growled at her.

She twisted her head, and Uryu let go and she took a quick gasp of air. "You coward!"
she spat at him. "You don't even have the balls to say anything and you have the
goddamn nerve to tell *us* to wait!"

"You don't know anything of what's happened", he barked back at her.

"Oh, I know what's happened", she growled. "Your balls finally dropped and you found
yourself a pretty girl to go live with but didn't have enough to tell us on your own!"

"Tatsuki-chan!", Orihime cried.

"Orihime", Tatsuki said, looking at her.

"Ku-Kurosaki-kun must have had a good reason", she said, her voice wavering. She
turned to look at him. "Right?", she questioned, voice cracking and eyes holding as
much faith as they could with the circumstances involved.

"If there are any, I'd like to hear it now as well", Uryu said, standing a foot away from
Tatsuki and Chad.

"I want to know as well, Ichigo", Chad responded too, his own normally passive face
calling for answers.

Ichigo turned to look at all of the and turned back to Orihime, noticing her mouth quivering
a bit as she gazed at him hopefully.

He sighed and walked to his bed and plopped down upon it, the sprains in the mattress
squeaking in response, too long used to more force being used upon it. He gazed was
fixed at some point on the floor as he began to speak.

"What I have to say is for your ears only. I don't want my sisters to know anything", he
said, though none of them save Uryu noticed he didn't include his father. "And yes, I've
been threatened", he told them as he lifted his head to them.

With that, all of their attention was focused and Tatsuki's glare abated slightly, curious
now as she heard this bit of news. With that Chad finally let her go and she stepped
forward. "Start talking", she demanded.



Well-Known Member
Heh, Orihime reads like a kicked puppy desperately hoping that she might have a chance with Ichigo.

Tatsuki is butting her head in what's not really his business, and Isshin proved his being a moron. Or maybe he just believes that Ichigo should be honest with his friends. Ichigo cares about Uzume at this point. If he was willing to take the chance of becoming a hollow and save someone he barely knew, then how far will he go for Uzume? Pretty damn far.

MBI followed the two to Karakura and ran into the resident shinigami. Maybe they'll send the disciplinary squad next and maybe they'll duke it out. Should be fun.

Worth the wait? Yes. Eager for more? Hell yeah.


Well-Known Member
I'm liking it & I agree that Rukia & Ichigo's friends are being douchebags. Especially Rukia - messing with living affairs much? She doesn't even know anything.

Heh, & Ichigo can be such a motherhen. And suck in a group where 'normal' has a different definition. The interrogation is going to be...frustrating.

It's really amusing how Yuzu is passive-aggressive. I wonder what will happen next time she has a scene.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who knows anything would have come to the realization that Ichigo knows something and people are there to report if he talks. The logical thing to do would be to gather information. Instead she plays pranks. She should at least assume that anyone Ichigo pisses off might have at least one agent who can see spirits. It's no wonder she's being sent to the real world as back up instead of being the leader. She can't handle that sort of responsibility.

Ranma Uzumaki

Well-Known Member
I like it but Tatsuki being a bitch it Ichigo life he can date who ever he wants he doesn't need her approval to date another girl other than Orihime.


Well-Known Member
I think the general consensus is that Orihime is Sad. Tatsuki is acting like a huge bitch. And Rukia is being Stupid.

And sadly enough they are all fairly in character for it.


Well-Known Member
Ranma Uzumaki said:
I like it but Tatsuki being a bitch it Ichigo life he can date who ever he wants he doesn't need her approval to date another girl other than Orihime.
While true, she's more pissed that he kept it secret. Moreso considering how both him and Orihime have seemingly danced around each other for the last few years (not to mention the frustration of Ichigo being oblivious and Orihime getting tongue-tied).

As Ghost has mentioned, this chapter is pretty much finished. The issue is some dialogue and polish that's keeping the rest of it from being posted all at once.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the punctuation was a bit off, and the wording was awkward at times. I can't point out the things I saw at the moment as I'm writing this from my phone, but what I read looks good. I'll give another look over in the morning.

Well done guys.


Well-Known Member
dr.michael92 said:
I noticed the punctuation was a bit off, and the wording was awkward at times. I can't point out the things I saw at the moment as I'm writing this from my phone, but what I read looks good. I'll give another look over in the morning.

Well done guys.
By all means, and this goes for everyone reading and enjoying this, please point these out to us. We really do want to maintain quality so every bit helps.

Suggestions are welcome too.


Well-Known Member
Well, one thing I can point out real quick is that you have an inconsistent problem with your commas following your quotation marks.

In most cases, they should be before your quotation marks, like so: ,"

In some places, it's done correctly, and in others it's done wrong. Take a look at that first.


Well-Known Member
I suggest a longer chapter. A chapter that can be summarized in two sentences with out missing anything is a bit small.


Lazy Bastard...
And nao...

Part Two...




For all the commotion that was happening upstairs, Uzume found herself lost in a
wonderland of memories from her ashikabi's past. Hands softly caressed pictures and
photos from different times of Ichigo's life and she sat on a couch engrossed in a
photo book that Isshin had all but slammed in front of her. With each turn of the page the
sekirei found herself wishing more and more that she could have been released far earlier
to have been a bigger part of his life.

She held back a giggle as she came across a photo of him as a boy around 8 with a girl
around his age looking as if they had been in some sort of scrap, both not happy to have
been caught and photographed at how dirty muddied both were. While that had been
amusing enough, it was the look on his face that caused her near giggle as she found
herself looking at a smaller version of his current scowl.

Off to the side the remainder of the Kurosaki clan watched with interest. Some more than
others, as Yuzu was giving the oblivious girl an intense stare that would've burned through
the girl if she had her way.

Yuzu's eyes flickered up and down the girl, taking her in and biting her lip. Biting back a
growl she unconsciously patted her chest, muttering to herself.

Karin sat off to the side, glancing to the ceiling every so often. Something was up big
time. Tatsuki's face and mannerisms gave that off with all the subtlety of a nuclear bomb.
The girl, Uzume, herself was a mystery; No family name was given, showing that she was
indeed close to her brother. How, she didn't know, though it couldn't be due to the girl's
large rack, as if that's all her brother was interested in he would've bagged Orihime ages

Isshin found himself leaning against the wall, a grin on his face and a hand at his chin,
rubbing it in thought. When his foolish boy was all but dragged upstairs Uzume had
been all the ready to charge up with them. Thankfully he had already set some
picture books aside, ready for his fatherly duty to humiliate his son with blackmail photos.

Unfortunately they had been needed for use as a distraction, as he just did not get the
full effect without his son present. And, damn it all, he had all his friends here too...

Still, he had to admit that the girl was quite the beauty. Considering Orihime, she had to
be lest he begin to worry about the boy.... No, scratch that: He had been worrying about
the boy. All the missed signs... All the convenient opportunities in leaving the two alone...
Well, not really alone, as he and Yuzu were still watching, but that's beside the point.

That point being that the girl couldn't be more obvious and for all his brain's Ichigo could
not see what was right in front of him. It was cute in the beginning, but borderline
frustrating now. If were that Ichigo wasn't ready for a relationship then that would be all
and good, providing he told the girl about it so there could be some progress but no.

So to see this girl, Uzume...

This girl...


Proof that the boy had a libido! And not only that, but they were going to be living together
in the same complex! He sighed, both happy and disappointed. Disappointed that Ichigo
couldn't at least tell Orihime as he was fond of the girl and that she at least deserved that

And happy that his boy was taking those first steps ahead and moving forward. He took
a look into the kitchen and fought back a rare uncharacteristic moment of melancholy,
wondering what Masaki would have said. Seeing Uzume near the poster looking at it he
couldn't help but-

He closed his eyes and chuckled to himself. 'I must be getting old if reminiscing causes
me to miss *that*.' Standing next to the poster was indeed Uzume, photo book in hand
and open, looking at one of the pictures and then the poster. Both Yuzu and Karin had
followed her and were standing to her side, peering over to see which photo had caused
her to get up.

He quietly approached all three from behind and looked over the girls shoulder.

"Is this his mother?" she asked, knowing he was close by.

Crossing his arms he drew in a large breath and smiled broadly, bringing those happy
times to fore.

"Yes, she was."

"Was," Uzume said softly, a bit surprised.

"Her name was Masaki," he began, "And she was the mother to the biggest mama's boy
in the world..."



In his room, Ichigo looked at each of his friends.

"And that's pretty much how it went," he finished up.

It was silent as everyone took in his story, each lost in their own thoughts at the sheer
magnitude of what he was implying and what the stakes were. A massive battle royal,
using these... 'sekirei' until one is left standing...

"I feel sick," Tatsuki muttered under her breath, a sentiment that the others shared.

Catching Ichigo's gaze and looking into his eyes Tatsuki continued. "All that is true,

Ichigo nodded.

"This is so fucked up. They play some sicko's game and have no choice in the matter
should they die or not?!" she exclaimed feeling angry.

"The way it sounds its more like one massive cockfighting scheme," Chad murmured,
remembering some of the things he had seen when he was younger back in Mexico. He
grimaced a bit as the images of results of what some of those fights produced came to fore.

"It really is a sad thing," Orihime said, getting their attention. Not noticing their gaze she
was lost in a storm of conflicting emotions. On one hand Kurosaki-kun had no intentions
of finding a girlfriend at all, but circumstances came through in giving him something more.
On the other hand from what they've been told so far this girl would never be separated
from him short of death, no matter what Kurosaki-kun may feel for her.

Her stomach knotted in what that meant for herself...

"Do you need any help, Ichigo?" Chad inquired. From what Ichigo described of what
these beings were capable of things could get messy real quick if the girl, Uzume, was
overwhelmed. If he were there and Ichigo needed help...

"At this point we seem to be ok," Ichigo mentioned. "After that attack by those weird
girls we haven't seen hide nor hair of them. As for the rest, I'm not sure when these
fights are supposed to start."

"But," Chad insisted.

Ichigo shrugged. "I'll keep in touch regarding that," Ichigo promised.

"On the other hand it does make a twisted amount of sense," Uryu suddenly said, getting
their attention. "MBI has had a great deal of strides of the last decade, with much of it
being to buy much of the greater Tokyo area. As of a few days ago MBI now owns well
over ninety percent of Eastern Tokyo."

All of their eyes widened at that.

"But aren't they just some medicine company?" Tatsuki said.

"While it is true that they are a pharmaceutical company, they've patented not only a great
deal of medication but much of the new technology and advanced treatments they've
developed since they first arrived on the medical scene." He looked away, memories from
long ago not making sense now starting to come to fore to find new answers.

"My father has a bit of love/hate relationship with them, and their name used to come up
quite a bit when I was younger. Grandfather told me not to take concentrate so much on
it but it used to get very loud whenever he needed to 'privately' talk to someone." He then
turned to Ichigo. "Your father's probably had some dealings with them in the past as well.
You don't recall anything of the sort?"

Ichigo looked away and concentrated. After a moment he shook his head.

"What I'm curious about is why the hell didn't you tell us sooner?!" Tatsuki exclaimed at
him, redirecting her ire.

"Oh yeah, Tatsuki, what the hell was I supposed to say?" Ichigo growled back at her.
"'Oh, by the way guys, while I was in Teito I got involved in some massive conspiracy
scheme that involves a girl who says she's in love with me!'" he said semi mockingly.
"It's embarrassing enough as it is!"

"It would have been better than keeping your mouth shut about it, that's for sure! With
what we've all seen and went through its not much of a stretch if it comes from you!"
she retorted.

Ichigo opened his mouth and shut it, blowing out a frustrated breath through his nose at
her point. Sighing, he looked at her. "Yeah, you're right," he conceded grudgingly. "It's
definitely not how I saw myself starting college."

He took a breath in and blew it out audibly. "At this point I just gotta go forward and take
it from there. I have school starting soon and I can't ignore that. I've worked too hard to
let something like this screw it all up."

The others silently agreed with that.

"But," Orihime then piped up. "What about Uzume?"

"Uzume..." Ichigo repeated, looking away to scratch his head. "I...I still don't know what
to totally make of it, but... she's a good girl. If it weren't for all this crap she'd fit right in
with the rest of us, minus the afterlife stuff 'n all," he said and smirked.

"But...," Orihime prompted again, blushing a bit trying not to look into Ichigo's eyes.
"But what do you feel about her, Kurosaki-kun?"

The others all turned to him, wondering and he turned red and stuttered for a bit.
Growling he controlled himself and stared forward and thought about it. After a moment
he finally spoke, "To be honest it... it still kinda freaks me out about what she says about
us and our connection. That she loves me and will die to protect or die when I die. I mean,
what the hell do you say to that?" he exclaimed, waving an arm for emphasis.

The others were silent, waiting for him to continue.

"If it weren't for the fact that she's proved to me what she's capable of not to mention the
jackass of a president calling me himself I'd think she was nuts and would've ditched her
a long time ago." He then gave a frustrated sigh. "I can't abandon her. She's been
nothing but kind and supportive to me since we've met, and she's been a great friend. In
that, I do like her. Sooner or later she's going to be fighting for her life against a hundred
and seven others like her and people like me, and I'll be damned if I abandon her for that!,"
he proclaimed, eyes shining.

The others looked at him, seeing his conviction.

"While we all won't be in the same place, some of us won't be that far away if you need
help," Uryu said while the others nodded. "You sure you don't want backup?"

Ichigo sighed again. "I appreciate the thought but its rather moot point right now. I've had
no contact since meeting Uzume from Mr MBI. Uzume doesn't know much else about it
and its not like I can ask around without looking like I'm nuts. No schedules, no place or
times. Nothing."

Uryu leaned his head back against the wall. "Its a fine mess you've found yourself in
Kurosaki," he smirked. "No powers at all worth mentioning and here you are still
making waves."

"Shut up, Uryu," Ichigo retorted.

"It doesn't matter," Orihime then said. "If you need help Kurosaki-kun, we'll help!," she
emphasized, holding out her arm and pounding her fist into her chest, causing them to
bounce. "Owieeee~," she then rubbed herself.

Tatsuki chortled and rubbed her friends head. "Yeah, she's right about that."

Ichigo shook his head and looked at everyone before looking at Orihime last. "Thanks

Orihime smiled back at him but she wondered still. He didn't give her a straight answer
on the girl downstairs. A girl that, if she did survive (and Orihime actually hoped she
would, being the girl that she is), would she really stay with Kurosaki-kun forever? What
could she do against that?


Uzume blinked as she looked at the old photograph, lost in thought. The pictures she
had come across earlier had drawn her in so deeply due to something she hadn't truly
seen from her ashikabi.

A smile.

Not just any smile, but the kind that showed complete happiness and without a care in
the world.

The kind she wanted to give to him.

All of those smiles were with a woman, a very beautiful one at that. When seen with the
other photos it was clear that this was his mother, but why hadn't she seen her yet?
Was she at work? Did she live elsewhere?

It was then that she had remembered the poster she came across in her initial impromptu
sight-seeing bustle when she first came into the house. Sitting up and taking the
photo book with her she hesitantly walked into the kitchen and compared the two and

And then Isshin had explained...

She caressed the photo of her young ashikabi and closed her eyes, her chest aching
with the pain of knowing what Ichigo must have went through.

"Are you okay?," she heard.

"Huh," she looked up, seeing Yuzu looking at her in concern and Karin giving her an
odd look.

"You're crying," Karin informed her.

"Huh," she blinked before wiping her eyes and finding that yes indeed a few tears had
slipped. "Oh," she exclaimed, quickly rubbing and drying her eyes, hoping that they
weren't red when she stopped.

"Sorry," she told them, not wanting them to get worked up. "I was just... I was just
thinking how hard it was for him... for all of you."

Yuzu's face fell and nodded at that. "I still miss mommy," she said.

Karin looked away, lost in her own thoughts.

"She... she really was your world," she said, looking at a beach picture with all of them,
surrounding Masaki. Ichigo could have been no older than 7 and the girls had to be
around 2-3 years old in the picture, both her and Isshin holding one of them and Ichigo
holding onto a sash that was tied to his mother's waist.

"He's... he's so different now..."

"We all are," Karin said, getting into the conversation.

"Sorry," Uzume said, unsure if she insulted them in some way.

"Listen," Karin said suddenly, looking at Uzume as if measuring her. "But, are you for
real? Why do you care?"

"Karin!," Yuzu exclaimed in surprise. Uzume blinked at her.

"I care because I love him," Uzume replied simply.

Karin blinked and Yuzu went white.

"Lo-lo-love? Ich-Ichi-Ichi-nii?"

"No, seriously," Karin retorted, almost irritated. "What are you after?"

"Nothing," Uzume replied, confused.

"No one says things like that unless they want something. If you do something to my
brother I promise you...," Karin said, leaving the threat hanging. In front of Karin Yuzu
nodded sharply, happy to be side-to-side with her sister on this.

Uzume blinked at them and smiled, realizing what they were doing and felt warm,
knowing that Ichigo's family really loved him.

"I promise you," Uzume started holding a palm up. "I love your brother, and I will be with
him until I die," she proclaimed, her voice becoming firm and her eyes vibrated with the
honesty of her pledge.

Both sisters were taken aback, surprised in their own way. Yuzu was looking back and
forth, processing what she just heard. Karin's eyes bored into Uzume's, looking for any
deception to be had.

"Okay," Karin began hesitantly, "but if you do anything to my brother, I promise you I'll
pay you back a hundred fold."

It was Uzume's turn to blink, hearing the steel in his sister's words.

"And that'll be nothing compared to what I'd do to her," a new voice popped up.

All three girls turned and found Tatsuki standing a few feet away from them. Behind her
the group was slowly coming down the stairs, with Ichigo bringing up the rear.

Uzume looked at the new girl, the one who had shown the most hostility earlier and
frowned. Was she a girlfriend? A girl who wanted to be his girlfriend?

"Ichigo told us everything," she said.

Uzume mouth opened slightly and her eyes widened and she paled slightly.

Tatsuki held up her hand, stopping both Uzume's thoughts and Karin's growing suspicions.
"You check out so far, but we gotta talk with ya privately," she said thumbing towards the

Both Karin and Yuzu got up to follow before Tatsuki looked at them. "Sorry, but we got
*other* things to bring up."

Yuzu huffed but Karin's eyes widened. She had calmed a bit when Tatsuki had given an
obvious all-clear signal, as it was an understatement that Tatsuki could be worse than her
in wanting to keep threats to her friends and family away. For her to basically give a
passing grade was a weight off her own chest, but for them to go up and bring up *that*

She felt her stomach drop at the thought of him getting involved in that hell again after all
he had been put through already. And from what she could sense, with no powers at all...

She watched as Uzume gave Tatsuki a weary look before setting the photo book down
and following the others back upstairs and silently prayed for her brother's safety.


Lazy Bastard...

Outside once more...

"Dude... where's my car?"

Kurokawa looked to his partner and gave him a flat look, "I wanna know what happened
to your pants."

"You don't know what happened to them?"

"Do I wanna know?"

"I don't think you wanna know."

Kurokawa sighed and rubbed his neck as the stood outside the Kurosaki clinic, "Why are
we even here man?"

His partner paused and put a finger to his lips in thought, "Weren't we here to observe

"We were?" Kurokawa turned and looked at his partner curiously, "Who?"

"Damned if I know," he grunted. "But I do be thinking we need to get me some pants
at least. I'm fucking freezing!"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Kurokawa nodded as they turned and walked away from the
clinic. Leaving their van behind, Kurokawa sighed. "I feel like we forgot something, and
it's gonna get us in big trouble."

"Man, you worry to much. Now let get me some pants!"

Rukia's eyes narrowed as the duo walked off as inconspicuously as they could. Pocking
her kikouchikan, she turned and looked at a certain window at the Kurosaki clinic worriedly,
"Just what have you gotten yourself involved with this time Ichigo?"

A ring from her side made Rukia's worried look be replaced with an irritated frown. Grabbing
her phone, she sighed as she glanced at the device. 'Figures,' she thought as she
re-pocketed the device. "Duty calls." she sighed as she shumpoed away from the Kurosaki


Back at the fort....

"It sounds too damn complicated if you ask me," Tatsuki muttered after listening to the
first part of what being a Sekirei in this tournament meant. "All these pledges, noritos
and other stuff.... What's the deal with it? How hard is it just go over, kick their ass and
be done with it?"

Uzume gave Tatsuki a glance, looking a bit unsure of the girl's comments. "I...well," she
started, gulping and looking at Ichigo, trying to plead with her eyes that this was a
potentially, scratch that, was, a bad idea. "I..I'm not sure about what I can say..."

"Tell 'em everything you can," Ichigo said, nodding to her and giving her a comforting look.
"You can trust them. Believe me, they can take care of themselves."

Orihime saw the exchange and felt some of her spirit drop, noticing just how fast Ichigo
had been able to do that to her. He had at times did that for herself as well, but it took
a long, long time to do so.

Tatsuki noticed as well and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Uzume was still unsure, but relented and nodded to Ichigo. "If you say so, Ichigo." She
then turned back to others. "Ichigo told you about us sekirei and our need for an ashikabi,

Tatsuki nodded. "Yeah," she bit out.

"Ok," she said, raising an eyebrow at her reply. "A norito is a special power which can
be released by a sekirei but only after they have kissed their ashikabi, which will unlock
that potential. Along with an incantation, the norito unleashed can and will be a big-"

"Waitwaitwait," Tatsuki interrupted.

Everyone turned to look at Tatsuki and Uzume raised another eyebrow at her, slightly
miffed at being interrupted. "Yes"?

"Did you say a kiss"?

Tatsuki's open mouth closed as her reply was cut off from the side. At the wall, staring
in surprised was Orihime.

"Yes," Uzume confirmed. "A kiss will let us use our norito."

"Your joking, right?," Tatsuki cut in again. "It kinda sounds too convenient if you ask me.
Listen," Tatsuki said again, keeping Uzume from replying. "I get that you like Ichigo, we
all do, but it sounds too stupid if you can't use your strongest powers if your....," Tatsuki
trailed off, feeling like the next word tasted like molded pizza, "'master.'...," she finally
spat out. "If your master isn't around to help."

"Hey I wouldn't lie about something like this," Uzume huffed as she gave Ichigo's oldest
friends an irritated look.

"Yes I'm so sure," Tatsuki replied skeptically. "A mysteriously super powered girl who can
only use her greatest abilities through the kiss of the person just for her? You'll forgive
me if I don't think of that as an excuse to make out with some guy you think is hot." She
crossed her arms as she returned Uzume's gaze.

"T-T-Tatsuki-chan!" Orihime cried.

"You got something against me?" Uzume asked almost challengingly.

"Not in particular," Tatsuki shrugged. "But your little 'game' involves someone who's like
a brother to me. So you'll forgive me if I'm not just a bit protective of that doofus sitting
next to you."

"Nice to know you care, babe." Ichigo snorted.

"Don't call me that Berry-tan," Tatsuki growled.

"Well," Uryu interjected. "There is one way you could prove your story to us."

Ichigo turned to Uryu and gave the Quincy a hard glare, "Oh no."

"Come now Ichigo," Uryu was smirking as Ichigo continued to glare at him. "Unless her
ability is dangerous to both friend or foe there's no reason she can't prove her tale true
with a simple kiss."

Uzume turned back and grasped her Ashikabi's arm, "He's right Ichigo. Besides, you
promised me one on the train, remember?"


"You what?" Tatsuki gasped. To shock to even growl at her longtime friend while Orihime
stared at her long time love with clear surprise.

"Yeah I did," Ichigo confirmed as a light blush crossed the bridge of his nose. "But that
was under the condition of you not using your powers unless it was a life or death situation."

"This is a life or death situation," Uzume countered.

"No it's not!" Ichigo cried back. "Besides, I said I'd do it in private," he muttered.

"What's wrong Kurosaki?" Uryu asked, not even bothering to hide the amusement in his
voice. "It's just a kiss isn't it? It's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Ichigo snapped his head to the side and glared at Uryu, well aware of the stares from
Orihime and Tatsuki. "You be quiet you damn instigator."

"Ichigo," Chad then asked softly.

"Yeah?," Ichigo asked warily.

"What did she mean by this being a 'life or death' situation."

Ichigo's lips formed a thin line, wondering how to answer his friend's question.

"Ichigo?" Chad pressed after a moment.

"Remember how I said earlier about MBI threatening me if anything leaks? This kinda

Tatsuki snorted, "Big deal. Some spooks in their big black suits gonna Little Cricket us
or memorize us? They're welcome to try." She smirked as she made a fist, "I'd love the

"It is a big deal!" Uzume cried out. "You have no idea just how *big* MBI is and what's

"And I'd tell 'em to bring it on!" Tatsuki responded. "C'mon can't you just say fuck this
game and revolt or somethin'?"

"You really don't understand at all," Uzume trailed off sadly. "We're not normal, not
human! We're as close as we can be, but we are not completely like you! MBI has
their own dogs that they can send out! Sekirei like me! You'd never stand no chance!
I don't want one of my ashikabi's friends to get killed if I can help it!"

"Well," Uryu interrupted. "If you would show us your power, we might be able to at least
get a slight inkling into what we're dealing with here."

Uzume took a breath and went silent for a moment, giving Ichigo a concerned look.
Finally opening them she stepped forward and looked at them all before settling on Tatsuki.
"Fine then. If only to prepare you, but if anyone asks you saw nothing."

Uryu nodded, "Of course."

"Do you really have to kiss Ichigo though?" Tatsuki grumbled

"If I am to be able to use my strongest attack, yes," she said before taking on a
contemplative look. After a few seconds she said, "Let's try this for starters."

Tatsuki snorted once again, clearly annoyed at the situation but not saying much more
on it. Uzume let out a sigh as she stood from Ichigo's bed, "Ichigo, can you stand for a

"Hmm?" he looked at her before he looked down at his bed linnins and nodded. "Oh I
see, gotcha."

She smiled as he rose from his bed," Thanks. But y'know this would've been easier if
you let me bring my-"

"Hell no." Ichigo cut her off. "No way. No how. That uniform is banned. Forever."

"But Ichigoooo," she moaned.

"No buts!" he commanded. "Those clothes are too dangerous! Just show 'em what you
can do and get it over with."

"Uhh.." Tatsuki interrupted. "What the hell are you two talking about?"

"Nothing," Ichigo grunted. "Absolutely nothing."

"Right, whatever." Tatsuki snorted. "Let's just get this crap over with."

"Yea, yea" Uzume muttered. "Just don't be to surprised ok?"

Tatsuki let out an annoyed sound as Uzume turned her back to the short haired fighter.
Instead looking at the bed of her ashikabi for a brief moment before closing her eyes in
consecration. Tatsuki's eyebrow could only raise in slight curiosity as the sheets
began to levitate slightly off of the former shinigami's bed.

It hovered about an inch from his bed for a moment before it levitated around Uzume's
head and shoulders, obscuring her face. "Big whoop, you made a veil for yourself. So
you got some telepathic powers?" The bed sheet then launched itself at her feet,
wrapping around her ankles quicker than the martial artist could dodge. She let out a
yelp in surprise as she quickly felt herself being lifted off the ground and being hung
upside down. She let off a small glare at Uzume's backside, "Cute."

"Do you get the idea now?," Uzume asked, hoping this would pacify the short tempered

"That you can't come up with a better reason to make out with my friend?" Tatsuki
grunted. "Nope."

"Tatsuki, stop being so damn stubborn," Ichigo muttered. "Seriously, now's not the time
to be picking fights."

"So how are you doing that?" Orihime cut in.

"This?" Uzume asked Orihime while pointing at Tatsuki. At Orihime's nod she answered,
"This is my power."

"Your power's controlling sheets?" Tatsuki asked. "How terrifying."

"No," Uzume growled. "My power is basically a type of telekinesis. It's just easier to use
fabric for my means to fight."

Uryu nodded in understanding, "Oh, I can see how it would work on someone like
Tatsuki. She's mostly a melee fighter, so she would be at a disadvantage fighting
you because of your power."

"Please," Tatsuki snorted. "As if I couldn't break out of this."

Uzume smiled a little as she harden some of the fabric pressing at Tatsuki's back "Well
that may be, but you do realize that if my Ashikabi asked me to, you'd be dead before you
could even try right?"

Tatsuki just crossed her arm, "And if I really wanted to, I'd bust your ass before you even
could do something that stupid."

Uzume's smile faded at Tatsuki's defiant attitude, "What's with you? What the hell does
it take for you to understand that this is serious?!"

"I've had worse," Tatsuki answered. "I've seen worse. We all have. Believe me when I
tell you this. If you were half serious about it, there is no way in hell you could take me
on right now."

"Tatsuki," Ichigo growled.

"Am I wrong Ichigo?" she snapped back at the ex-shinigami.

Ichigo snorted, "Is there a point to this hazing, Tatsuki?"

"Other than not close to what we've fac-," she stopped, feeling a hand on her shoulder.

Turning she turned and saw Chad standing behind her, arm outstretched and resting on
her shoulder as best it could at her angle. Silently the gentle giant shook his head
before letting go and turning his gaze to Uzume. "What else can you do?," he asked.

Uzume blinked at Tatsuki's sudden silence before turning to the giant of a man, "What?"

"I'm curious as well," Uryu chimed in. "Is this the extent of your abilities?"

Her lips pursed as she eyed Ichigo's friends, still puzzled by what Tatsuki was about to
say before she shook her head and looked firmly at Uryu. "No this is not all I can do."

With those words, the bedsheets loosened their grip on Tatsuki's ankles. The martial
artist barely had time to squeak out a sound of surprise before she was unceremoniously
dropped on her back. She gave Uzume a small glare as she rubbed the small of her
back, "Ow."

Uzume shrugged indifferently as the bed sheets wrinkled and curled in front of her and
Ichigo, forming a large circle, "I can pretty much make any shape I need to be it for offense
or defense. So long as it's not something elemental I can defend from most any attack."

"I see," Uryu paused in thought giving the sekirei an odd glance.

Uzume blinked as he continued to stare at her, "What?"

"Nothing..." Uryu began. "It's just... if your Ashikabi kissed you, would it just augment
your abilities?"

"You really aren't gonna let this go are you, four eyes?" Ichigo growled.

"As amusing as it is to see you squirm over something trivial," Uryu smirked. "I do have
reasons for asking these questions of your lady friend that does not revolve around you."

Ichigo was about to retort when caught the look in Uryu's eyes and stopped. His eyes
widened in realization.

"Yes, Kurosaki, that's exactly it," Uryu confirmed, lifting a hand to his face to push his
glasses back into place.

"Huh?" Uzume looked between her ashikabi and his friend confused. "What's it? What
are you two talking about?"

With a bit of a grimace Ichigo turned to face Uzume. "Nothing, it's nothing."

"Kurosaki-kun," Orihime said softly, knowing what he was feeling.

Uzume frowned slightly at her ashikabi's attitude but said nothing as she turned back to
Uryu. "To answer your question, yes. By using my Norito, my abilities would all be
augmented tremendously. But..."

"But?" Uryu asked.

"But I won't show you what I can do," she continued, giving the Quincy a hard gaze.
"Even if you are Ichigo's friends, to show what I can do when I use my norito is asking
to much for trouble. I don't want MBI to come knocking on Ichigo's door after we just
got here."

"That's all fine and well," Uryu nodded in agreement at the sekirei. "All I need is for you
to kiss your.. ashikabi," he smirked as Ichigo growled irritably at him. "That should
suffice for my inquiry."

"Oh that's fine then!" Uzume chirped.

Ichigo rolled his eyes, "Of course it is."

"Oh, buck up Ichigo," Uzume smiled seductively as she turned back to her ashikabi and
wrapped her arms around his waist. "It's for a good cause!"

Ichigo sighed and gave Uzume a slightly expectant look, "So long as you benefit right?"
He sighed again as she giggled. "Eh, whatever."

With that, Ichigo saw Uzume step forward to stand toe to toe with him and fought down
the embarrassment and butterflies in his stomach that had been subsiding up to this
moment. She was looking at him expectantly, half in concern and half in anticipation at
what was to come. He nearly jumped when she reached up to place her hands on his
shoulders being as nervous as he was, knowing that all eyes were upon him.

Tatsuki crossed her arms and frowned, doing her best to resist the urge to tap her foot,
not happy with the situation at all.

Chad watched, curious as to what kind of power would come forth with a kiss.

Uryu leaned back against the wall, arms crossed and doing his best not to smirk all the
while as he waited to see how her spiritual power would change with this power up. The
fact that Kurosaki was damn near freezing up was an all to welcome side benefit. As
they drew closer he frowned, feeling what seemed to be a...tightening-no, an accumulation
of power. It wasn't increasing, but it seemed to be... preparing?

How odd...

Orihime wanted to shout, to fall forward, to do something, anything, to stop what was
coming and yet... The words would not come. As if what were happening were a train
wreck she couldn't stop yet couldn't help but watch.

With that, Uzume tiptoed up, the anticipation on her face melting away to one of
contentment, and it was all Orihime could do to not envy the girl.

It... it was all so unfair...


"But at the rate you're taking Ichigo could get tired of waiting and find someone else."


She shook her head at the memory. He hadn't left to find anybody, somebody had found
him! It wasn't the same, was it?

There had to be something she could do...

And with that, lips met.

All eyes narrowed as each felt the rise in power as it focused on her back, a glowing
crest hovering over the area below the back of her neck as bright wing shaped lights
burst forth.

Uzume stood back, feeling the power roll through her as the wings subsided.

Uryu's eyes narrowed as he could feel the accumulated energy increase dramatically to
permeate her being.

Tatsuki blinked, a bit surprised at how much of a show she got and felt the difference in
power that had come with it and smirked. Stronger, yes, but....

Chad watched, a bit surprised at what had come.

Orihime was thinking along similar lines, her face red at the kiss and trying not to think
how oddly beautiful it had been.

Uryu cupped his chin, mentally comparing and contrasting her power output from earlier.

Uzume smiled as she stepped away slightly from her ashikabi, licking her lips slightly as
Ichigo's blush deepened. "Well, that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"Depends on your definition of bad," Ichigo grunted as he shook his head. "You
satisfied?" he shot at Uryu.

"I suppose," Uryu shrugged. "I think we can all agree that what Uzume-san has told us
is true now. Correct?"

Tatsuki blinked as she felt Uryu's gaze on her, "What? What're you looking at me for?"

"Was that show enough for you to ease on your disagreement with this situation?" Uryu
asked calmly.

"Oh that," she grumbled. She shrugged as she gave Uzume a cool gaze, "I suppose I
can believe that she's honest about her power for now."

Uzume blinked and frowned at Tatsuki, "What do you mean for now?"

"Now, now," Orihime began. She smiled softly as she waved her hands in a warding
gesture between the two girls. "There's no need for that. There still some things we
need to ask her."

Uzume rose an eyebrow at the girl, "Oh? What else do you need to know?"

"Ah well..." she hesitated putting a finger to her lips in thought. "Umm..."

"How did you reveal your powers to Kurosaki-kun?"

Ichigo blinked before he groaned slightly. "Oh... there's a story in and of it's self."

"Well it's not like we got things to do today," Tatsuki mentioned.

"Not much to say," Ichigo shrugged. "It was about a week after I met Uzume..."


Three Months Ago...

"So, where are we going on our date?" Ichigo asked Uzume as they walked the cold
streets of Teito. The sekirei was clutching his arm and had a content look on her face
as they waded through the busy streets. He smirked slightly as Uzume was doing
her best to keep from bouncing with excitement, "You seem to be so sure of this place
and all."

She grinned at him. "Kagari and I used to have some fun here before he got tangled up
with other things."

Ichigo's smirk turned into a small frown, "This isn't something dirty is it? I'm not legal
yet y'kno."

She giggled as she clutched him tighter and looked up at him. "No, but if its dirty you
want we can go elsewhere," she said with no small amount of hope.

He blushed at her teasing while giving her a flat look, "Does your mind live in the gutter
or something?"

"Only when you're involved," she told him, wanting to give him a kiss but knowing she
couldn't due to being out in public.

"So you're saying this is my fault?" he asked with a deadpan tone.

"Hey baaaaaaaaaaaaaby," an arrogant voice suddenly interrupted, "How's about you in
dump that kid and hang with a real man for a drink or two?"

Ichigo turned to the voice, and it was all he could do to keep from laughing. The two
random men were the epitome of guys who exist solely to get their asses kicked by some
hero or bad ass character to look cool. They were well muscular men, with olive colored
skin and greasy clothes. One dude had a pompadour, confusing his looks with some old
bancho kid. The other had his hair slicked back and was wearing sunglasses at night.

"No thanks, I've already got more than enough man here with me," Uzume responded
coldly as she turned to look at a pair of tall, well-muscled men.

"Come on, why be with a boy, when you can be with a man?" the second man chimed
in, "We're a lot better than this little wimp."

Ichigo snickered humorously for a while before he responded, "Oh man, they even have
those sad ass lines faceless thugs say before they get beat down."

"The fuck'd you say?!?" the one man with a pompadour growled. "You wanna piece of this
ya little shit?!?"

"Hah, I shit little fucks like you before breakfast," Ichigo grinned. "I'ma do you a favor.
I'm gonna let you walk away and be some other cliche dude's intro ass kicking. Go on,"
he made a shooing motion with his hands. "Beat it, I'm busy."

"Oh yeah little fucker?" sunglasses man growled, "Maybe I should teach you a lesson!"

"Good lord, get better material," Ichigo growled. "Last chance, dipshit. Back away."

"Oh yeah? And what're you gonna do to me little bitch?" he taunted.

"Ya know boy," Pompadour man said through narrowed eyes, "I was gonna let you off
easy, show ya girl there what a real man's like. But now I'm gonna put yer ass in the

"For the love of god, I'm begging you to get better lines." Ichigo palmed his face and let
off an annoyed groan before his hand slipped from his face. Giving the horny hoods an
annoyed glare, he cricked his neck and prepared to give these mooks the ass whopping
they were created for when Uzume stepped in front of him. "Uzume?"

She turned and gave him a flirtatious wink, "Why don't you let me handle this Ichigo?"

Ichigo rose an eyebrow, "You sure?"

She nodded, "Besides, you should know what I can do. Now's as good a time as any."

"The fuck ya little shit?" Sunglasses man shot off, "You gon' let the girl fight for ya?"

"Hey beat it hot stuff," Pompadour man grinned lecherously at Uzume. "I don't wanna
have to dent that hot little ass of yours. I still wanna introduce you ta my little snake."

Ichigo pinched the bridge of his nose, "Oh. My. Fucking. God. I should kick your asses
on principal now."

"I got this Ichigo." Uzume walked slowly towards the living cliches, a confidant grin on
her face. "You little boys aren't even worth my time, much less my man's time. This
isn't even gonna take two seconds."

"Arrogant little bitch," Sunglasses man growled and took a stance. "You asked for this!!"

"Be easy on her man," Pompadour man warned his brother cliche. "I still got plans for
that sweet ass."

Uzume's grin just grew Ichigo noticed pieces of thread gathering behind Uzume's head.


Back to the present....

"And after that, she basically ripped the clothes off those losers and tied them up by their
ankles to a fire escape." He chuckled a bit as he finished the tale. "Man, it was cold
that night."

"That's what they said," Uzume giggled.

"Well you were pointing at their junk and calling it 'cute,'" Ichigo responded.

"I'm surprised you just let her fight for you Kurosaki," Uryu spoke up. He adjusted his
glasses slightly and smirked at the eldest Kurosaki heir, "I never would have thought you
would allow another to fight your battles for you."

Ichigo snorted, "Well Ishida, these guys were so sad that if I did fight'em I'd would've been
arrested for beating on the weak or something. Besides, I lifted a finger anyway, Uzume
just put it down."

"Oh?" Uryu asked. "So you're a henpecked husband already?"

"What was that?" Ichigo growled.

Uzume nodded at Uryu, "Yeah, he is. I got him on a leash."

"Ok first off," he pointed as Uryu, "You shut up and you," He pointed at Uzume,
"Bite me."

"Maybe later when you're in a better mood," she responded with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, " Tatsuki growled as she cut in. "This is cute and all, but you still ain't
answered all my questions." She turned to Uzume and pointed at Ichigo, "Why him?"

"Because I'm bonded to him," Uzume responded mater of factually.

"Yeah I get that," Tatsuki responded. "But why him? Why not someone else?"

"What Tatsuki-chan means is," Orihime cut in. "How do you know that Kurosaki-kun is
the one for you?"

" body and heart knew before I did."

"That still doesn't explain everything!" Tatsuki cried out exasperated.

"It's simple," Uzume continued. "When he came to my aid my body... my body reacted,
and my heart felt like it was about to explode out of my chest." She blushed lightly as
she continued, "the more he tried to help me, the stronger my body reacted. You see...
we Sekirei... when we find our destined Ashikabi or the Ashikabi best suited for us our
bodies react like that."

"And an ashikabi is required to allow a sekirei's true powers and abilities to be used
against other sekirei," Uryu commented.

Uzume nodded towards the boy.

"But why?" Orihime asked. "Why in the world would you fight your fellow Sekirei?"

Uzume smiled softly "Because... because the winner of the Sekirei battle will be allowed
to be with his or her Ashikabi forever." She looked at Ichigo fondly and her smile grew,
"Isn't he worth protecting?"

"That's debatable," Tatsuki whispered.

"Love you too, Tat-chan," Ichigo sarcastically replied back.

Tatsuki stuck her tongue out at him as Orihime continued to look at Uzume with a
concerned expression. "And... and what happens when you fight these other sekirei?"

Uzume turned her face away, refusing to look the other girl in the eyes. For several
moments she was silent and still, as if resolving some internal struggle.

"Uzume-chan?" Orihime pressed, looking concerned at the Sekirei's pained look.

Ichigo sighed as he placed a hand on Uzume's shoulder, causing a slight pang of envy
to course through Orihime's heart once more. "Uzume," Ichigo sighed. "The sooner
you get it out, the quicker we can talk about something else."

She sighed as she placed a hand atop of Ichigo's. "Right," she whispered, giving Ichigo
a small smile before turning back to Orihime. "Sorry... I just... I just don't like talking
about this part."

"I'm sorry if I-," Orihime began before she was cut off by Uzume raising a hand to her.

"No need for that." She smiled softly. "It would come out anyway I guess." She gave a
very heavy sigh, then swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "When a sekirei battle
ends, the loser is one who loses their crest," she explained.

"And what's so bad about that? Does it come back later for a rematch?," Tatsuki asked.

Uzume shot Tatsuki a hard look. "No," she said, holding the other girl's gaze. "There
are no rematches." She held her arms to herself, feeling a chill. "When a sekirei loses
her crests, its for good." She closed her eyes. "With that, MBI will pick up the body,
and the sekirei will forever be parted from their ashikabi."

Tatsuki frowned at Uzume's words.. "So you mean... you guys fight to the death?! And
this MBI group sponsors this bullshit?!?"

Ichigo was frowning as well, "That's news to me, Uzume. I thought you would only die if
and when I did."

Uzume nodded, "That's true too. It's just that..." Her eyes began to moisten, wanting
very much to rest her head against Ichigo's chest and let his comforting, reassuring
heartbeat lull her back into a secure mind frame. "It's not exactly the best form of
dinner talk, y'know?"

"Still you should have told me," Ichigo retorted. "The more I hear about this game the
less I like it."

"I know," Uzume said. "And its because of that is why I'll fight hard enough to never lose."

"Do you have to fight?" Orihime asked, her own tears threading to burst from her eyes.
"Isn't there any way you can get out of this?"

Uzume gave the girl a wan smile at her thoughtfulness but shook her head. "If there was,
I'd like to know it. The thought of being separated from Ichigo is a bit too much at times,
and that's nothing to say about the others."

"Still..." Orihime continued, twin trails of tears streaming down her face. "To have to fight
your own people... to be forced away from someone you love..."

A few tears escaped Uzume's eyes as well. "I know..."

A heavy silence settled over the room before a ringing cell phone brought everyone's
attention to it's owner. Tatsuki let out an embarrassed laugh as she answered the phone,
"Sorry." she muttered before she brought the receiver to her lips, "Hello?"

Her face fell after a moment, "Oh, hi dad." She groaned after a moment, irritably pinching
the bridge of her nose. "No, I am not over at Ichigo's house," she lied. "And even if I was
why do you care?"

Another pause from Tatsuki as the assembled group stared at her, "You know... you
really have perfect timing dad," she muttered under her breath. "Eh? What do you mean
crybaby detector? Look does this call have a point or what?"

One more pause as her father spoke to her. She sighed, "Ah ok. Yeah, yeah I'll see if
Orihime wants to come over too. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Bye."

"And what did your dad want, Tatsuki-chan?" Orihime asked.

"He said mama had dinner almost done and wanted to invite you over." She looked at
Ichigo and smirked, "He says hi to you by the way."

"Yes, I bet he does," Ichigo groaned, causing Uzume to blink in slight confusion.

"It's just as well," Uryu sighed as he looked at his watch. "It's getting late."

Chad nodded, "I have practice tonight."

"Really?" Ichigo asked. "This close to graduation?"

Chad nodded, "We have a show coming up soon."

"Huh," Ichigo said. "Did not know that."

"You're in a band?," Uzume asked. When Chad nodded she turned back to Ichigo,
"We have to go to their show Ichigo!"

"Sure," Ichigo nodded. "Let me know when it is ok?"

Chad nodded as Uryu pushed himself off the wall, "I got patrol tonight."

Tatsuki nodded, "And we got dinner with the doofus." She sighed and turned to Ichigo,
"You sure you'll be ok?"

"Peachy," Ichigo answered. "I got my own idiot to handle."

"Really?" Uzume asked. "Who?"

Tatsuki blinked and pointed out the door, "You mean she doesn't know?"

"He's up to something," Ichigo shrugged.

"Who is?" Uzume asked again.

"You'll see." Ichigo answered.

"Heh, have fun with that then," Tatsuki turned to Uzume and gave her a hard look, "We'll
talk again. I still got some questions."

"Fine with me," Uzume answered as she returned her look. "You know where to find me."

"That I do," Tatsuki nodded. "Later."

Orihime bowed slightly to the pair, "It was nice to meet you Uzume-chan."

"Likewise," Uzume nodded. "See ya."

Orihime nodded as she rose from her bow, quickly following Tatsuki out of the former
shinigami's room. Ichigo sighed as he stood up and cracked his neck. "Well, better
go see if dinner's on yet."


The eldest Kurosaki paused at the door as he heard his sekirei's voice, "Yeah Uzume?"

"Are you absolutely sure it was wise to tell your friends all about the game?"

Ichigo sighed as he ran his hands through his head, "Uzume... you trust me right?"

"Always," she quickly replied.

"Then trust me when I say it'll be fine." Ichigo responded. "Believe me, if MBI tried
something with them they'd be up shit creek without a paddle."

She sighed, "If you say so." She paused. "One more thing."


"You and Tatsuki keep saying you've seen worse than the Sekirei game." She paused
for a moment before continuing, "What do you mean by that?"

Ichigo sighed, his grip on the door frame tightening slightly. "You'll know when I think
you're ready to know. No sooner, no later."

"When I'm ready?" Uzume asked as Ichigo left his room and headed downstairs. "What
does that mean?"


Ranma Uzumaki

Well-Known Member
Ghostface said:

Ichigo turned to the voice, and it was all he could do to keep from laughing.? The two
random men were the epitome of guys who exist solely to get their asses kicked by some
hero or bad ass character to look cool.?
Oh the irony :rofl: This is Great!


Well-Known Member
My question is: how strict is the MBI with secrecy? Because what Rukia did (the blocking communications part) doesn't seem very farfetched for the variety of people that could get involved with Sekirei. At the very least, it doesn't seem like the MBI tried terribly hard. If they did, I think the MBI might have more issues they need to be worry about.

As an aside, I think it would be interesting if you made the Sekirei unreadable along the lines of Reiki (or whatever it is). Not stronger or better or anything like that, just somehow 'unclear', to emphasize how alien they are.

Hmm, you'd think kisses would be less of a deal to adults, as opposed to the atypical shonen lead. I suppose a first kiss could be a bigger deal, but making such a fess over a peck, especially after acclimatizing to Uzume for a few months? I guess it emphasizes how unused to contact Ichigo is.


Well-Known Member
marthf1 said:
My only question is how strict is the MBI with secrecy? Because what Rukia did (the blocking communications part) doesn't seem very farfetched for the variety of people that could get involved with Sekirei. At the very least, it doesn't seem like the MBI tried terribly hard. If they did, I think the MBI might have more issue than the series' readers are led to believe.
Rukia basically dicked with them.

MBI was pretty much scoping out both Ichigo and Uzume to see what their intentions were, as no one has actually done this, as the Second Stage rule does not apply here, but, what are they doing, exactly? Could it be a competitor? Those kind of questions.

Due to this, only a small contingent of goons was needed. What happened with Rukia are not the usual results.

Hmm, you'd think kisses would be less of a deal to adults, as opposed to the atypical shonen lead. I suppose a first kiss could be a bigger deal, but making such a fess over a peck, especially after acclimatizing to Uzume for a few months? I guess it emphasizes how unused to contact Ichigo is.
It isn't so much as he hasn't been getting used to them (and beginning to like it, mind you), but he pretty much has all eyes on him for this, and that's pretty much an uncomfortable feeling for him.

Second edit: Ichigo's dealing with physical contact are more of a slow progression. He's gotta think about it through first before being comfortable with it. You will see this.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot that the 'do not leave' didn't kick in until the Second Stage. One of the stages dragged on so it started blurring in my head. But I don't think that has everything to do with secrecy. I guess I just don't remember if Minaka cared if people/the world knew about the competition/superpowers.

Considering the Sekirei competition deals with the supernatural, do you think that the goons will even bother reporting about it? It could seem like bad luck, but if I was a rational adult, I'd think something was a bit shady given the knowledge of aliens duking it out. And the fact that kind of crap just doesn't happen.

Second edit: Ichigo's dealing with physical contact are more of a slow progression. He's gotta think about it through first before being comfortable with it. You will see this.
Point. It was after the 'interrogation', too. A bad knee-jerk reaction on my part.


Well-Known Member
You know, Tatsuki was talking a lot of shit for being the only one in the room who couldn't beat Uzume.

And It isn't like she was there for most of the major events. Not like she did anything more than run from Aizen.

I like you Tatsuki less and less the more she opens her mouth.


Well-Known Member
Minaka cares that the game can go on. He's apparently a genius. He knows that if he lets the competitors get away with to much he won't be able to have as much fun.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed for Tatsuki bashing.

Can't say I care to much. Either way, I enjoy reading this. Keep it up guys.

And was that the end of the chapter?


Well-Known Member
dr.michael92 said:
Confirmed for Tatsuki bashing.

Can't say I care to much. Either way, I enjoy reading this. Keep it up guys.

And was that the end of the chapter?
No, not yet.

Should be one last chunk if Ghost doesn't want to split it in two.

Total chapter size is 123 kb.

As for Tatsuki, we're not bashing her. Hell, we like her a lot going from what we have with her in our other fics, Stranger than Fiction for Ghost, Blessings In Disguise for me(she can be fun to write at times). What she's doing here is pretty much how we see her acting with the information she has and what she's experienced in the last few years.


Active Member
Hmm, that's a nice beginning for an amateur at manipulation. It could have gone better but it wasn't a bad attempt.


Lazy Bastard...
Next part. One more post to end this chapter.

Several minutes later, outside the home the young comrades in arms walked quietly
down the sidewalk, the sun already under the horizon. "Well that was pretty informative,"
Uryu said, breaking the silence that had fallen on the group as they had left the Kurosaki

"I'll say," Tatsuki nodded. "Found out if Ichigo isn't under twenty four hour surveillance
he'll find a way to get himself into some deep shit."

"That's true enough," Uryu agreed. "But I was more talking about the girl."

"Mmn," Chad muttered in agreement. "She's light on her feet."

"Heh," Tatsuki quipped. "Were you paying more attention than what you were supposed
to, Sado?"

Chad rose an eyebrow at her question, but said nothing.

"You might want to be careful Arisawa-san," Uryu commented. "With the way you were
talking to Uzume, one would think that you were jealous of her."

"Oh come off it! You didn't buy all that mumbo jumbo about her and her connection with
Ichigo did you?," she sniped.

"Well can you sense spiritual pressure?" Uryu quipped back.

That shut her up, as she turned to glare at the passing ground in front of her.

"Regardless of whether or not her story is true, there is some sort of bond between
Kurosaki and that girl." Uryu continued. "When they kissed, her spiritual pressure rose
quite a good deal. Still..." He frowned in thought, "Still... there's something I just can't put
my finger on."

Tatsuki snorted, "Whatever you say."

"Y'know little miss matchmaker," Uryu smirked at her. "If you could keep your own goal
of putting Kurosaki and Inoue-san together aside for more than five seconds, you might
have learned something."

"Ishida-kun, Tatsuki-chan, please calm down," Orihime pleaded, blushing hard at being
brought into focus as well as having her own suspicions confirmed.

"Whaddya mean learned something?," Tatsuki growled.

"I mean you would have gotten educated," Uryu snarked. "What else would I mean?"

"Well forgive me for being angry at letting misses mcbigtits barging into our lives and
possibly screwing things up for Ichigo."

"You say that like Kurosaki had a choice in the matter," Uryu retorted.

"He got involved with trying to help her. No more, no less," Chad remarked.

With that Tatsuki stewed again, knowing how Ichigo was.

"Honestly Arisawa-san," Uryu continued. "How could you let your anger override your
thinking? Especially since you seemed to believe Kurosaki's tale."

"Please stop fighting," Orihime pleaded again, and all three of them turned to her. Seeing
everyone look at her she looked away, suddenly not wanting to be looked at.
"Kurosaki-kun helped her, and what happened...can't be changed," she finished, sagging

Tatsuki groaned, "So you're just gonna give up like that Orihime?"

Orihime looked back up to find Tatsuki staring at her with a bit of sympathy and
expectation. "I... I...," she started and then sagged again. "I don't know," she finally
said, her voice quiet. "Kurosaki-kun never made a decision, it just happened. She...she
reacted she said, and it shows Kurosaki-kun was the best one for her..."

"So you believe her crock too?" Tatsuki asked as she raked a hand through her hair
irritably. Uryu coughed into his hand at that and Tatsuki growled. "Ok fine," she muttered.
"So even if there's a sliver of truth to the tale, are you just gonna let Ichigo go without at
least telling him how you feel?"

"I... I don't know what to do, Tatsuki-chan. Whatever happens they'll be together. She's
connected with him."

"Y'know," Tatsuki began. "I love ya Orihime, but it's that... that indecisiveness that can
really get on my nerves every now and again." She sighed, "And if her story is true...
just what would you do if that girl doesn't happen to win?"

"Tatsuki-chan," Orihime gasped, aghast once more at being reminded of that little quirk.

"I don't want the little interloper to die or anything," Tatsuki quickly added. "I'm just
saying... if she's telling the truth it's a possible outcome."

"It''s so unfair..."

"Huh?," Tatsuki blinked.

"To be sent out and find the one for you to love, and only to have a slim chance to win.
And even if you do, all the other ones who'll leave people behind..."

Tatsuki sighed, "Dammit Ichigo... what a fine mess you got us all involved with again."

"You think so too, eh?"

The group blinked at the new voice. "Rukia-chan?" Orihime asked.

"Hello," Rukia casually waved to the group as she approached. Giving a wry smirk
towards Ishida, "Quincy."

"Shinigami," he calmly replied.

"Rukia-chan!," Orihime greeted, and Tatsuki and Chad nodded at her.

"Hi Orihime," Rukia greeted back. "Everything go ok with Ichigo?"

"If 'ok' is the word, then yeah," Tatsuki mumbled out.

"Good, good. Did he say anything about problems or whatnot?," she queried.

"Yeah," Tatsuki sighed. "Although I'm still the only one taking it with a grain of salt it
seems. Wait," Tatsuki then said, her eyes scrunching up. "How did you know?"

Rukia sighed, the motion getting everyone's attention. "Well..."


One conveniently skipped explanation later...

"You gotta be shittin' me..." Tatsuki muttered.

"I see no reason Rukia would have to lie to us," Uryu commented. "So can you accept
that Uzume was telling us the truth now?"

Tatsuki clenched her fists. "Dammit all... And he has to be in a place where we all can't
get to him in any sort of time."

Uryu nodded in agreement, "Orihime and I will be attending college in Chiyoda, so we'll
be the closest ones to his area if he needs help."

Tatsuki raised an incredulous eyebrow at him. "Wait, you're not rooming there last I
heard, as you were crazy enough to commute the whole way from here to there."

"And I still will," Uryu stated. "However at least with someone competent here I won't be
needed as much," he said, eying Rukia.

"Don't remind me," Rukia growled. "At the rate that old clown's going, he's going to need
remedial classes for his remedial classes."

"Is he really that bad?" Orihime asked.

"I really.... REALLY don't want to talk about it Orihime," Rukia muttered. "So... can you
all tell me about this mystery girl that Ichigo met?"

"She has a form a strength and energy, similar to ours but with different feel to it, almost
alien...," Uryu supplied in contemplation.

"Maybe not quite on par with us, but powerful in her own right," Chad also mentioned.

"Clingy, tits like like lieutenant whatshername," Tatsuki said.

"Tatsuki-chan!," Orihime chided and turned to Rukia. "She's nice... and... she's in love
with Kurosaki-kun," she said, her face downing again at the reminder.

"In love with him?" Rukia gasped. "I thought they were rather close..." she muttered.
"But to think they were that close..."

"She," Tatsuki emphasized, "might be in love with him, with that connection thingy of
hers. The important *thing*," she emphasized looking pointedly at Orihime, "Is what he
is feeling."

"Ichigo... in love? But... that's not.. is it?" Rukia mumbled.

Tatsuki sighed and turned back to Uryu, remembering what he mentioned a moment ago.
"You realize, you *will* be pulling double duty?" she asked, her arms crossing.

"Excuse me?"

Tatsuki's eyes flickered to Orihime.

"What?" she said.

"Ah," Uryu then said in understanding.

"What?" Orihime repeated.

"Though a part of me is appalled that you thought I wouldn't have already taken that into
account," he said.

"Yeah well," Tatsuki muttered. "It's not like I won't be able to commute as much as
you will."

"What are you two talking about?" Orihime insisted.

"Nothing," Tatsuki sighed as she grabbed Orihime's arm. "Still... this is still hard to
swallow, even with Rukia's word kinda verifying things."

"All it means is that we can't let these corporate goons in on what we all are capable of,"
Uryu responded. "We still have that as an ace just in case."

"Heh, no doubt about that," Tatsuki smirked, smacking a hand into a palm in front of her.

"So when are we going to tell Kurosaki-kun about this?" Orihime asked.

"Whenever I get a sec," Tatsuki answered. "If those goons are as clueless as Rukia left
them, we don't have much to worry about right now."

"If they show up again, we can probably keep them occupied long enough to keep Ichigo
from worrying about it," Chad mentioned.

Tatsuki rolled her eyes. "Yep. You just know how he'll react if he finds out."

"Ok," Orihime nodded. "Then then there's just one more matter to take care of." Orihime
turned to Tatsuki, "You need to apologize to Uzume-chan."

"For what?" Tatsuki asked.

"You know what Tatsuki-chan," Orihime frowned.

She sighed in response, "Fine... on one condition," she said holding out a hand and a
finger up.

"And that is?"

"You tell Ichigo about what you feel."

"T-T-T-Tatsuki-chan?!" Orihime blushed.

"Don't let that girl win without a fight!," she shouted after Orihime's sputtering.

"I still fail to see how this will properly make up for you being kind of a jerk to that girl,"
Uryu muttered.

"If I have to make growing pains so will she," Tatsuki muttered, motioning to the still
blushing Orihime.


Tatsuki blinked and looked at Orihime, "Huh?"

"I said fine," Orihime repeated. "I'll... I'll tell Kurosaki-kun how I feel about him." She
gave a soft glare at Tatsuki, "So you be sure to apologize to Uzume-chan as soon as you

Tatsuki smirked back at her. "You're on."

"Well now that that's all settled," Uryu sighed. "Shall we be going?"

"Yeah, don't want to keep dad waiting," Tatsuki grimaced.

"Oh don't be like that Tatsuki-chan!," Orihime chirped. "Your dad's a fun guy!"

"You say that because you don't live with him." Tatsuki retorted. "Then again you two
do get along like you're his kid," she mumbled.

Chad nodded in agreement, remembering his own encounter with the Arisawa head
before he looked down at his watch. "I gotta go or I'll be late."

"Well don't let us keep you Chad," Tatsuki replied as she waived at the towering figure.
"See ya."

The young man nodded as he turned and walked away, leaving Uryu and just the girls.
"I trust you all can make it to Arisawa-san's place?"

"Yeah yeah," Tatsuki waved. "Just go ahead and get ready for tomorrow."

"You as well," Uryu smirked. "I can't particularly wait for your apology speech to
Uzume-san tomorrow."

"We'll see," Tatsuki said, looking over her shoulder at Orihime. She smirked. "Hell I'll
say I look forward to it if it all goes down to plan."

"Well... the best laid plans and all that...," Uryu trailed off.

"What was that?" Tatsuki asked.

"We'll see," Uryu replied. "Well then, if you all will excuse me," and with that, the
Quincy made his exit turning left at the corner, leaving a trio of girls on the sidewalk,
although only two of them could be seen with the naked eye.

Tatsuki sighed as she watched Uryu's retreating figure. "Well, shall we get this over
with?" she asked Orihime.

"Yea," Orihime confirmed, smiling a bit and moving alongside Tatsuki.

Bidding the two goodbye Rukia turned to the fading Quincy and shunpo'd next to him.

"Looks like I get a head start tonight," she quipped to him.

"See if you can keep up shinigami," Uryu smirked. "I don't intend to lose to any of you
again, you know."

She smiled back at him. "We'll see," she said before disappearing. Seeing her speed
off Uryu brought a hand to his face and pushed his glasses back into place. Taking a
quick look around and finding and sensing no one he himself disappeared using

High above Rukia felt Uryu's spiritual pressure flicker off as he moved towards his home
and as she turned her gaze to the city her thoughts resettled on what she had heard and
seen. Ichigo warranting enough problems to be tailed and spied upon. A girl who the
others say is in love with him, and from what she remembered from the other night might
hold more of a chance at being reciprocated.

She shook her head. "Ichigo... in love?," she murmured softly before snorting.

When the hell did things get so complicated?

Later on...


With that, the Kurosaki patriarch- still clad in a robe, his children and Uzume pulled apart
their chopsticks and began to eat.

With the commotion of Ichigo's friends being over, him bringing Uzume over and the bustle
that followed in their wake, there hadn't been enough time to get to the planned meal that
Yuzu had thought, though truth be told; Yuzu had simply lost a lot of the motivation to get
started as she watched much of the byplay earlier.

Several minutes had passed, each lost in their bowl and the sounds of clicking, slurping
and drinking filled the kitchen.

"So, Uzume-chan," Isshin began after swallowing his portion. "How is it that you met
my boy?"

Uzume paused in her picking up her noodles and looked at Isshin before blushing. "He
helped me when I was being attacked."

"Attacked?," Isshin gasped, his mouth low.

Ichigo chewed slowly, giving his father a level stare. 'Don't ham it up, old goat,' his eyes

Completely ignoring Ichigo, Isshin pressed on. "Was it a mugging? Or was it...
something worse?," he asked, concern entering his voice.

Uzume turned away slightly. "It would have been worse," she said softly, the thought of
being knocked out of the game as she met her ashikabi troubling her.

Isshin though took it another way. "My god," he whispered. "Well, boy it's a good thing
you remembered all I taught you about women isn't it?"

Ichigo slurped at the bowl he had brought to his face. He lowered it slightly, allowing his
eyes to lock onto his fathers and tipped it forward so the soup wouldn't drip out as he
kept it near his mouth. "What things, dad?"

"The important things of course!" he grinned at his son. "To always be a gentleman, that
they're always right even when they're wrong, to protect them from danger at all times.
You know, things a man needs to know!"

Ichigo stared at his father for a moment before turning away and tipping the bowl back to
his mouth to slurp at the rest of its contents.

He turned back to Uzume and smiled, "So Uzume-chan, what happened after my
dependable son saved you?" He wagged his eyebrows suggestively, "Did he propose
to you?"

Uzume blushed and sighed. "I rewarded him with a kiss." Yuzu began to choke a bit as
bits of the noodle soup spit forward and down her chin. Karin without taking her eyes
off her food started to pat her on the back with her free hand.

"OH!" Isshin chirped. "Yes, that how these kind of relationships usually start." He
nodded to himself, "And? Was that when you two stared to date?" He sighed, "Or did
something else get in your way?"

Uzume laughed, "Well I suppose you could say that was when we started going out.
We went on a date the next week."

"Hoh," Karin said. "We all thought Ichigo was checking out apartments on those
weekends." With that Yuzu made another connection and gasped, choking again as the
noodles weren't completely down her throat. She coughed as Karin once more reached
over to rub her back.

"That's 'cause I was," Ichigo interjected.

"Really, Ichi-nii," Karin drawled, taking another sip of the soup as Yuzu calmed down.
"Every week you were gone for more than a day, so forgive me if it sounds a bit suspicious."

"Oh he really did go apartment hunting on the weekends," Uzume spoke up in defense
of her ashikabi. "He just always seemed to make time to visit me and stay the night at
my place."

Yuzu's eyes bulged out of her head and she almost did a spit take at this bit of news.

Ichigo himself almost chocked on what was left of his broth at his Sekirei's words,
"U-U-UZUME!!" he cried out as his face flushed crimson red.

"Well, it's true." She muttered as she was blushing herself in response.

"My, so you two kids have already slept together?" Isshin asked as he looked at the
blushing pair in surprise.

"In.. in a matter of speaking," Ichigo muttered.

At his words, Yuzu turned pale white and passed out in her chair. Karin didn't fare much
better as her own eyes bulged out of her head and stared in stunned silence at her elder
brother. Isshin simply rose an eyebrow as he looked at the couple sitting before him,
"My, my, my, I knew the young people moved faster than I did in my day... but on the
first night..?"

Ichigo let out an irritated groan, "First off get your minds out of the gutter. All of you."
Glaring around the table to emphasize his words. "I slept in a vacant room, Uzume just
snuck in there that night."

"Oh... so you were awake?" Uzume asked.

"You woke me," Ichigo returned.

"And you still did nothing to her?" Isshin asked.

"Of course not," Ichigo snorted. "I barely knew her at the time. Besides, her landlady
frowns on that sort of thing."

Yuzu's color returned as she returned to the land of the living. Isshin, meanwhile, shook
his head sadly. "Oh, my son... there is no need to use others as excuses for your own

"Yeah, whatever." Ichigo flatly responded.

Isshin sighed and turned to Uzume, "I must apologize Uzume-chan." Uzume blinked in
confusion as he continued, "My boy's a good one, but he does tend to test the patience
of people. As his father, I feel I should apologize for any headaches he's given."

Ichigo gave his father a glare while Uzume simply giggled at Isshin's words. "There's no
need for that. Besides," She paused, and Ichigo blinked as Uzume grasped his hand
under the table. He turned to her, and their eyes locked, the swell of emotion in her gaze
held his own on her. "I think he's worth it."

Yuzu's shock gave way to rage, and she angrily glared at Uzume as if she could
command a myriad of daggers to spontaneously stab the clearly evil woman who had her
Ichi-nii enslaved. Isshin simply chuckled at the pair. "Well now I never thought I would
say this so soon... but you have gone and found a woman too good for you Ichigo."

Ichigo broke his gaze with Uzume to glare at his father. He opened his mouth to retort,
but closed it quickly as he realized that he had noting to really respond to that. Isshin
laughed once more as he rose from his seat, "Look, even Ichigo is speechless at your
devotion!" He patted Uzume on the shoulder, and smiled warmly at the Sekirei as she
looked up to him, "This clearly is a mandate from heaven that I cannot ignore."

"What." Ichigo and Karin responded together. Unseen by all, Yuzu's glare only intensified.

Isshin nodded, "Yes, this girl was sent by the heavens themselves to you Ichigo. And as
such, it is my duty as the head of the Kurosaki clan to recognize such an event as humbly
as I can." Ichigo was rubbing his face irritably as his father continued, "Yes, such a
magnanimous event can only be overseen by a man as humble as I. To welcome
Uzume-chan as our fourth Kurosaki daughter!"

"Daughter?" Uzume blinked before a smile slowly began to blossom upon her face,
"Does... does that mean...?"

"Of course," Isshin continued. "Given the nature of your relationship with my son, I can't
really consider you an adopted daughter." He then gave her a thumbs up in approval, "So
I suppose I'll just have to consider you a daughter-in-law instead!"

Yuzu's hand clenched into a fist, snapping her chopsticks into pieces at her father's
deceleration. "W-W-W-W-W-W-What did he say?" she quietly screeched in shock.

"Oh boy," Karin groaned. "Here we go..."

Uzume blinked, her eyes watering at Isshin's deceleration. "I.. I don't..."

Before she could finish, Isshin released his grip from her shoulder and made a quick dash
to Masaki's poster, "MASAKI!!!" he cried as he hugged the wall. "MASAKI!! THE FOURTH

Uzume turned to Ichigo, tears beginning to fall. Ichigo looked from his father to her,
everything happening as if he were watching a train wreck he couldn't stop but couldn't
help but look.


Ichigo jumped slightly as Isshin now stood between him and Uzume, kneeling in front of
the sekirei. 'When did he..?' he thought.

"There's no need for those tears," he began as he clasped her hands together. "Accepting
you as the chosen one for my terminally shy son is the mandate of the gods. I was simply
doing their bidding. Now then," he smiled at the girl who was sniffing softly. "Can I ask
you do do me a favor?"

She nodded and Isshin's grip tighten slightly, "From now on can you call me papa?"

"Pa....papa?, she breathed, her eyes shining brighter. "Papa!," she cried, moving forward
to hug the older man.

."...." Went Ichigo.

."...." Went Yuzu and Karin.

After a moment Uzume released Isshin and turned to Ichigo. "I really, really like him!,"
she proclaimed.

"...What?" Ichigo responded. "What do you mean you like him?"

"How can you not?," she asked, surprised. Turning back to Isshin, she grasped his
hands. "Papa, I promise you. I'll never leave him!"

"Oh... oh Uzume-chan!" Isshin cried as twin streams of tears flowed down his face.
"You bring your papa such unbridled joy!!"

"What the hell is going on here?" Karin muttered.

"A witch... she's a witch!" Yuzu muttered.

"Okay," Ichigo nodded as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "So this is what hell's like."

And thus, the Kurosaki clan grew one member larger.


Meanwhile... somewhere in the capital...

The moon hung brightly over a ward within the darkened capital of Teito, her pristine
white light bathing this city in a luminescent glow. It was dimmed only by the countless
street lights and ever-running businesses that served to add the district's growing
reputation as a crown jewel of innovation not just to Japan, but the world at large. With a
contented sigh, many of the citizens of this growing ward of Tokyo hustled and bustled
throughout her streets, for some as their daily grind in life was coming to a close for this
day. For other, seedier characters, their night was just beginning.

So concerned with their own routines and grinds, many would be forgiven for missing a
ghostly apparition briefly appearing on the moon's silvery surface. As quick as the
apparition appeared it faded, leaving the people below all in the proverbial dark. The
apparition glided silently atop the roofs of the city's tallest buildings, not an apparition, but
seemingly something out of a dark comic book. The figure was decked in black from the
mask that partially covered his mouth and nose, to the long black trench coat and matching
gloves. The only thing that could be made out on the person as he leaped from rooftop to
rooftop effortlessly was his silver locks, darker than the moon's own surface.

As if he was a child of the moon himself.

He paused as he landed atop another building, his eyes narrowing slightly as he felt a
presence behind him. Thought ran lightning quick through his mind as the hairs on the
back of his neck stood on end, and the night breeze carried the faint scent of perfume to
his nose. Turning, he sighed audibly as he faced his stalker.

"Found you, Homura," The woman before him smirked her arms crossed as pride radiated
from her very essence. Her long blond hair fluttered in the breeze as her cool blue eyes
locked onto his steely gray orbs. She wore a large black overcoat that flared out like an
ankle length dress, wrapped at the chest but no chest covering. And underneath the coat
she wore a dress that was a white one piece ending high at the thigh. Beige thigh high
boots that were held by a thigh belt tied just a bit below where her skirt ends completed
her outfit.

Homura sighed again as something else fluttered besides the blond woman's hair in the
breeze, "Tsukiumi, did you want me to help you find your Ashikabi or flash me your

Tsukiumi's face flushed in anger and she clenched her fists until her knuckles were
turning white, "How dare you Homura?" she yelled before unclenching a fist and pointing
at the mystery man. "I came to finally settle the score with you!"

"Ah this again," Homura groaned. "How many times do I have to explain it to you? You
really need to stop playing these games of who's stronger and find yourself an Ashikabi."

"And allow some filthy monkey to defile me?" she growled. A ball of water formed around
Tsukiumi's clenched fist, "Never! I'll never let some low grade human defile me just for a
minuscule boost in strength! I'll defeat you, and then I'll win this game without an Ashikabi
and prove I'm the strongest!"

"Y'know" Homura began as he coolly eyed the blond. "It's having an attitude like that is
gonna prevent you from realizing your true potential."

"I don't need to be lectured by another unwinged Sekirei like you, Sekirei Guardian!," she
cried as she extended her fist at Homura. "Mizu Iwai!!!!"

At her cry the ball of water turned into a stream of water, rocketing towards her opponent
at a blazing speed. Homura all but rolled his eyes as a fireball formed in his hand and he
pointed it towards Tsukiumi's attack. "Sorry, kid," Homura whispered. "But I don't have
time to play with you today."

Tsukiumi paused as the air grew warm as the gathering power heated it, and her skin
began to prickle as the sheer intensity of the fireball's growing power could be felt even
at her distance. Her heart slammed a jack-hammer beat against her chest with a
combination of excitement, fear, and joy only a warrior could understand. She braced
herself as Homura finally launched the full-powered blast of fire at her attack. With the
two attacks colliding they canceled one another out, and an explosion of smoke and
humidity met where the attacks collided. Her senses were sharpened to a razor's edge
as she charged into the smoke cloud, a blade of water forming around her arm up to her

"I have you now!" she cried as she slashed downward. "Take this!," she cried only to gasp
slightly as she slashed at nothing but steam and air. She growled and looked wildly around
her as the smoke surrounded her, "Damn you Homura!! Show yourself you coward!"

"Yeah, I'm going with no." Homura's voice rang throughout her ears. Tsukiumi ground
her teeth as he continued, "Now stop playing around and find yourself an Ashikabi
already, ok? I got more important things to do."

"Damn you Homura!!" Tsukiumi cried out as the smoke cleared and she was left standing
alone on the rooftop, "I will defeat you one day! And I swear... I swear if I ever find my
Ashikabi... I will kill him with my own two hands!!"



Well-Known Member
Kurosaki Yuzu: overly jealous little sister with a brother complex. Wow. :blink: :blink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: