Harry Potter Voldemort dead and buried.


Well-Known Member
Let's say that Voldemort died that Halloween night, having never learned of Hocruxes or any other immortality ritual. So fast forward 10 years later, where does that bring us? Harry's about to enter Hogwarts, but without the looming specter of Voldemort, there's very little to make the series something interesting. Or is there? After all, we've got Books 2, 3, 4 and 5 to carry us through, don't we?

An incompetent Ministry that is eager to gain influence and take care of Dumbledore...

Former Death Eaters that are still purist (Nott, Malfoy, Parkinson) and pulling off plots like discrediting Dumbledore, staging random attacks against Muggle-borns and Muggles like that in the World Cup...

An escaped Sirius Black who's out for vengance against Peter Pettigrew, whose life with the Weasley's is about to get overturned...

Fenrir Greyback and his werewolves are still a threat to the general wizarding world, and aren't really going anywhere...

The Triwizard Cup is still going to happen, and Harry could be entered as a plot to kill him off and leave the purists untouched...

Thoughts? Ideas?
A possible Goblin Rebellion...


Well-Known Member
Lucius would eventually step up to be the next dark lord if no one else showed up first.

Wizarding England is a breeding ground for dark lords.

Although a serial killer calling them self the Son of squib would be an intresting read.

House elf rebellion. :p


Well-Known Member
I've asked the same question before actually. I tried doing a fic search for it a few months back on this site but no one responded to it.
But is Dumbledore still saying that Voldemort might come back? That is to say, is it Harry Potter Canon-But-Voldie's-Dead, or Harry Potter Voldie-Ain't-Never-Coming-Back?


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't matter since he was only wwatching and not telling anyone who could influence anything.


Well-Known Member
Lucius Malfoy, the new Dark Lord?

Although without horcruxes, you're going to need something else entirely for year 2.