Warhammer 40K Fusions


Well-Known Member
Step right up and post your Warhammer 40K Fusions. They can be crack, serious or something in between

Katara: Dire Avenger (Fires their Shuriken Catapult, cutting down a bunch of troopers)

Katara: Dark Reaper (Hefts a launcher and fires, destroying a Leman Russ Tank)

Katara: Fire Dragons (Aims and fires their Fusion Gun, destroying a Bane blade)

Katara: Swooping Hawk (Dive bombs a cluster of Orks)

Katara: Long ago the four aspect houses lived in peace on our world. Then everything changed when the Fire Dragons attacked the other houses. Only an Autarch, master of all four aspects, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

100 years passed and my brother and I discovered a new Autarch, a former Swooping Hawk named Aang. While his skills as a Swooping Hawk are great, he has much to learn before he saves anyone.

However, I believe that Aang can save our world.

Autarch: The Last Swooping Hawk

That's right boys and girls I've fused Avatar with Warhammer 40K. Aang must find and recover his scattered war gear, and remember what he has forgotten about war after suffering a devastating psychic attack that forced him into stasis. And he must do it before the Exarch (Or Phoenix Lord :D ) of the Fire Dragons finds Sozin's Comet, an ancient artifact that will empower his troops to victory.

Just for clarification

Toph: Dark Reaper Exarch

Sokka: Storm Guardian

Tylee & Mai: Black Guardians

Sukki: Howling Banshee

I was originally going to make Katara a Warlock, but changed my mind at the last minute. If anyone takes this feel free to make whatever modifications you wish.

Full Metal Panic/Warhammer 40K

Mithril is just the codename for the war band of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Kalinin. He assigns his brightest young interragator, Sagara Sousuke to the task of protecting a powerful pskyer, Kaname Chidori, from cultists. In truth Mithril is using her as bait to lure the cultists out.

Sousuke: Former Imperial Storm Trooper, picked up by the Inquisitor during his investigation of a guard unit.

Yu Yu Kakusho/Warhammer 40K

Yusuke, recently promoted to Inquisitor by his mentor Genki, forms a new warband to hunt down the servants of chaos. A radical Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, he has made two Daemonhosts (Hei and Kurama) to aid him in his quest along with the powerful psyker Kazuma.

Edit: one more addition

Voice Over: Five fantastic battle armored Exarchsà

Chorus: Exarch Warriors!

VO: Together they face the forces of the Evil Dark Eldar..

Chorus: The powers in the war gear...!


VO: Calling on the soul stones of ancient Eldar warriors!

Chorus: The powers in the war gear...!

VO: All five have mastered super powered fighting skills and weapons that they wield against their dark brethren.


To arms!
To arms!

Chorus: Exarch Warriors!

VO: Eldar pushed to the limits!

Anubis: Quake with fear!

Chorus: Exarch Warriors!

VO: A struggle between good and evil with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance!

Exarch Warriors: TAAOOO CHIIIII!!!

Title: Exarch Warriors
or if you want to be closer to the original Anime
Yoroiden-Exarch Troopers

Ryo: Fire Dragon or Warp Spider
Sage: Striking Scorpion
Cye: Shinning Spear
Kento: Dark Reaper
Rowen: Dire Avenger

When they come together they form the Avatar of Khaine

The Ancient: Farseer
Lady Kayura: Harlequinn or Warlock

Anubis: Haemonculi
Cale: Grotesque
Dais: Mandrake
Sekhmet: Wych

Talpa: Archon


Well-Known Member
They really don't get enough love in the fluff. I mean as big a bunch of self important @$$holes as they are, they are not any worse than the Imperium. Heck on average they at least treat their own people better.
Ordo said:
They really don't get enough love in the fluff. I mean as big a bunch of self important @$$holes as they are, they are not any worse than the Imperium. Heck on average they at least treat their own people better.
That because A) they don't have enough people, so everyone has to be better then Space Marines in skill to make up, and B ) as self important a$$holes, they make a point of it to demonstrate their superiority over everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Commissar: "If the God-Emperor had wanted you to live, He would not have created me!"

Space Marine: "Techpriest is credit to team!"

Sister of Battle: "Mmf-MMFFF-Mf. MmF-Mmf-Mmmf!"

Vindicare: "Feelings? Look, mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes who think love can bloom on the battlefield. Professionals have standards."

Callidus: Gentlemen.



Well-Known Member
Aranfan said:
Commissar: "If the God-Emperor had wanted you to live, He would not have created me!"

Space Marine: "Techpriest is credit to team!"

Sister of Battle: "Mmf-MMFFF-Mf. MmF-Mmf-Mmmf!"

Vindicare: "Feelings? Look, mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes who think love can bloom on the battlefield. Professionals have standards."

Callidus: Gentlemen.

Dude that's awesome!

Hmmm, I wonder if anyones working on a conversion....