Harry Potter What if the Scar wasn't the only side effect?


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Alright this is based loosely off a thought after reading a few HP/Naruto fics out there. Almost all fo the ones I care for have Harry growing up as Naruto's cousin, or Sasukes cousin.

So I thought why not choose a different family just for kicks. Then I thought.. why not the Hyuuga's?

Which leads to a mental scene, of HAgrid handing over Harryt o DUmbledore. Except Albus notes that HArry no longer has any pupils, just a big green Iris. Yet the baby's eyes are obviously able to see.

Thus Dumbledore is forced to take Harry to a specilist first, and the only specilist he can think of with similar eyes is on the hidden ninja contient wherever that is.

Cue Dumbledore arranging a visit to the Hyuuga's, who quickly recognize that young Harry now has the Byakugen.... and pretty much force Dumbledore to let them rais ehim, lest their bloodline falls out of Hyuuga control. Of course Dumbledore is able ot arrange Harry is considered a Mainline member at least...

Now as to why Harry has the Byakugen... well I could go with a generic unexplained sideffect of the AK curse rebounding like his scar.

ALTERNATIVLY it could be that Lily and Petunia's mother/grandmother always wore sunglasses and had a really odd tattoo. Yes that individual was a Hyuuga who went to england to get married. As part of being allowed to go, she had to submit to a seal that would seal off the byakugen from her descedents. Except Voldermort's AK pretty much shattered this seal from HArry, awakening his dormant bloodline (This should not be immediatly apparant, but perhaps through some research a few months/years after Harry joins the compound.) Perhaps something to do with the seal affecting till death or whatnot.

Of course being raised as Hyuuga isn't going ot be all sunshine and roses, aside from ebing trained to be formal and stuff. Not only will Harry be considered a outsider, but also both BRanch and Main family will shun him because his iris's are bright emerald green, not the pale white of all the other Hyuuga's.

On the other hand Harry will be trained in the Byakugen and the Hyuuga Taijutsu style, albeit not as heavily as say Neji. Plus since he's shunned, he may have more chances to elarn other Jutsu's then more 'respected' members of the Hyuuga clan can.

Might be interesting to have Harry evolve a Big Brother/little Sister relationship with Hinata, who is in a similar boat concerning hwo the other Hyuuga's treat her. WOnder what a supportive big brother would do to HInata's charcter. OF course if this is true, than Harry moves to Konoha prior to the Kyuubi attack.

That might also define Harry's relationship with Naruto, as his LIttle Sisters crush. On the one hand it would make HInata happy, on the other hand that little brat isn't good enough for his little sister (For that matter NO ONE is, but thats another story)... And heaven help him should he hurt Hinata's feelings. So Harry might make friends with the Younger Naruto, if only to ensure he's appropiate for Hinata.

ON a side note, should Harry meet and be slightly corrupted by Jiraya? that way we could have a scene where Harry is ebing convinced to go to Hogwarts and
Jiraya mentions

"Look at it this way, hot nubile teen girls.... none of whom know exactly how your eyes WORK..."

Dumbledore: "Ummm.... Harry, your nose is bleeding..."*


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For some reasons making Naruto-verse a kind of "hidden ninja continent" or whatever always makes me wince. And Wizards knowing/having relations with shinobi... Ugh.

If they did, once Voldie started to raise his head somebody would pay a few shinobi to go Katon on his stupid ass. HP wizards would be so goddamn outclassed by Naruto-world shinobi it isn't even funny. And no, killing curse or anythng they can do doesn't come close. Ninjutsu aside, there is genjutsu, that no wizard would have any kind of defense against (MAYBE, and that's a big maybe, an occlumens might, and those are rare as hell, as shown in HP). And all nins, not only those that are such taijutsu freaks like Gai, use chakra to make themselves stronger, faster and more resilient that your run of the mil wizard. Let loose a genin level nin like, say, Lee against a bunch of wizards with orders to kill? You get a wizard puree. And that's before Lee so much as opens first celestial gate.

I once tried writting a fic with basic premise of ApparationAccident!Harry going to Narutoverse, spending several years as a shinobi and then going back to HP verse due to the accident during a summoning gone bad. I even wrote a chapter or two until I realised that Ninja!Harry(Without any super-special talent, accidental bloodline or anything of the sort - just good old fashioned training and ANBU level skill) can OWN nearly anything he comes across without having too much trouble. In Wizard terms he was a one man army. Death Eaters folded like houses of cards and Voldie wasn't much better.

Besides, Hyuuga control their clan and Byakugan with an iron fist. They'd NEVER let even a branch house member branded with Caged Bird seal out of their sight. And they would be idiots if they did. So in my opinio any idea like that fails. Granted, anything can be done, but some things just shouldn't. Though Lotus is my personal guilty pleasure since I have so much FUN writting that shit I really don't care.


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I don't mind HP/N fics as long as once a character goes to the other realm... THEY NEVER GO BACK.


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SmileOfTheKill said:
I don't mind HP/N fics as long as once a character goes to the other realm... THEY NEVER GO BACK.
I don't mind crossovers at all, interlinking two worlds is something very hard to do but well worth it when it is done right.


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
SmileOfTheKill said:
I don't mind HP/N fics as long as once a character goes to the other realm... THEY NEVER GO BACK.
I don't mind crossovers at all, interlinking two worlds is something very hard to do but well worth it when it is done right.
No it isn't.

No matter how you look at it, some things are NOT compatibile. Harry going to Narutoverse? Okay. Take most of his magic first. Break his wand or something. Otherwise it WILL be boring. Because trying to "match" magic with Narutoverse jutsu is an automatic fail for one. Or both. Trying to meld the worlds? Too many holes. Plot or otherwise. No. Just no.

Though I admit to being biased, since almost ALL HP/Naruto fanfics I've red are total, utter and undeniable CRAP. Without exceptions. And I, in pique of stupidity sprinkled with madness and hope, dared to read most of them.

It left me with loathing for HP/Naruto crosses save one example - a gem of a fnafic called Harry Potter and Ninja Reality, which has jutsu-experimenting Orochimaru (still during his yars as non-traitor Konoha nin) finds his way to Diagon Alley just after Harry goes to Dursleys. It shows magic/jutsu interaction that makes SENSE - which means Jutsu basically OWNS magic due to the too many factors to name ad has out favourite genocidal maniac take Harry from the Dursleys for LOGICAL reasons.

That's it. ONE fanfic. ONE. Amongst god knows how much CRAP.



I rant again. Damn.

Exams lower my stress treshhold something fierce.

Anyway... Yeah.

Though I admit to being tempted to write a decent HP/Naruto cross. Thoguh I'm tad busy with wirting Fate Breaker, Warborn and having )(&*(&! writer's block on White Serpent, so Lotus will have to suffice.
Hey, rant away. I know I'm enjoying it. :p

Although have you heard of "Over the Hills and Far Away"? It's where Orochimaru actually is Harry's maternal grandfather, and he comes to collect him post-HBP, but long before the Narutoverse actually starts. There are some stretches, but its actually pretty enjoyable. :huh.:

As for the idea, interesting but it'd be damn hard to pull off.


Well-Known Member
Revanant Dragoon said:
Although have you heard of "Over the Hills and Far Away"? It's where Orochimaru actually is Harry's maternal grandfather, and he comes to collect him post-HBP, but long before the Narutoverse actually starts. There are some stretches, but its actually pretty enjoyable. :huh.:
Not to me it isn't. There are stretches and there are STRETCHES. I kind of gave up on it after one stretch too many just left me pissed at lack of logic behind it and deliberate blindness to several important factors. Like common sense.


Well-Known Member
There was a really good fan fic that I read in FF.net about this crossover that doesn't suck...
Let me find it first though...


Well-Known Member
Revanant Dragoon said:
Although have you heard of "Over the Hills and Far Away"? It's where Orochimaru actually is Harry's maternal grandfather, and he comes to collect him post-HBP, but long before the Narutoverse actually starts.
Linky, please ?


Well-Known Member
Revanant Dragoon said:
As requested. But, looking back at it, I gotta agree with Fosfor. There are some points that just...bug me.
What can I say... :huh.:


Goddamit I'm getting even more tempted to write another chapter of Lotus and I REALLY should be studying for tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
My idea on how all this could go:

A Hyuuga that has been passed up for head and been sealed leaves the village (faking his death in the process). He knows that his coverup wont last, and he wants to live, so he goes to a portal known to be guarded by the Kyuubi (the bridge that happens to lead to the HP dimension...call it stonehenge if ya want). He manages to trick it into letting him pass. He marries into Harries ancestry (could be Potter or Evans side).

In Konoha, it takes a long time for the deception to be discovered (possibly they knew he wasn't dead, but didn't know where he went until they uncover some of his notes or something.). A team of Hyuuga go after the one who fled, but wind up pissing off the demon gaurding the portal, eventually causing said demon to attack them.

A few get killed, a few hide, and one flees. The Kyuubi chases the one who ran all the way back to Konoha, while the others slip through while the nine-tails is distracted.

They cross to the other dimension, but find themselves in an alien world. After some time of searching (1 year, if you want Harry to be Naruto's age, 5 if Harry is with the Konohamaru/Hanabi group) they find Harry and the Potter family (this is pre-halloween). They wind up arguing with Dumbledore and the Potters about their bloodline being out of their control. The Potters get killed, and Dumbledore lets the Hyuuga take Harry on the condition they let him return for his wizarding education and choose where he wants to live after that(they can protect him pretty damn well, afterall). The Hyuuga accept, planning to raise him as a loyal Hyuuga who would never want to leave.

When they return to the portal, a new demon is gaurding it. Dumbledore negotiates a deal with the demon. In exchange for some really valuable artifact, the demon will let the Hyuuga go back to their world, and allow Harry and his fiancee/wife safe passage back and forth.

Limit the passage back and forth to something like this: any group that goes has to be accompanied by Harry, and Harry can only cross until he is 18 or 20 years old

I personally think Harry/Hanabi would make a great matchup if they were of similar ages... By the time Harry and Hanabi are eleven, Hinata could already be designated the clan heir. When it's discovered that Hanabi has the potential to be a witch, Hiashi decides to take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen his clan. He engages Harry to Hanabi so she can get through, and sends them both off to Hogwarts. Romantic Hijinks ensue, of course.

The Hyuuga only really have short range attacks, and a shield that prevents them from coming close to their opponent would prevent the use of their taijutsu. It's up to the author if Kaiten would deflect spells. This would make it easy to keep them from being overpowered. The Hyuuga pride/dogma/prejudice would prevent them from learning any other jutsu, at least at first.


Well-Known Member
Over the Hills and Far Away failed the moment that it was established that Harry, without any training, had Chuunin level speed.
Was it chuunin? I know he got wicked fast all of a sudden, but I think that it was closer to genin.


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"Your speed is currently lower-Chunnin to middle-Chunnin level, but you have the potential to be ANBU-level, perhaps even Sannin-level."


Well-Known Member
Flip Flop and Fly is much better, but once again the author has totally unrealistic expectations of comparisons of power. He has Itach, who is a civilian, hit two seperate high level shinobi with a taser. I'm not sure wheter or not the part with Itachi learning henge in one day is actually credible. He is Itachi after all.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Over the Hills and Far Away failed the moment that it was established that Harry, without any training, had Chuunin level speed.
It is mentioned later that the reason behind it in the Snake Sanin doing some light experamenting on Harry. He didn't just become fast because the writer decided so, he had his training augmented because Orochimaru manted Harry up to a reasonable level quickly. Seeing as he plans on useing Harry in the same manner that he plans to use sasuke in the manga and anime it isn't unbeleiveable that he would do something like that.

That is one of the few N/HP fic that doesn't suck.
I like it in fact...
I have to put my musscle behind this as well, and the best part is that the two systems of world altering effects are kept entirely seperate. Harry has a reason that he he can keep up that goes beyond normal OMFG M4G1C LOL!!! Harry also lacks the coils and energy to proform ninjutsu and genjutsu. The only "strength" his magic has is that because it's diffrent people aren't sure how to react to it. IE a genjutsu counter might not work on a magic illusion and viceversa. As it is the only thing that Harry actualy does with magic that I can think of off the top of my head is that Harry used his magic and his few healing spells combined with some sort of stabilizing field to save Haku's life on the bridge near the start of the story, and even that wasn't a *pop* all better sot of thing.
zeebee1 said:
"Your speed is currently lower-Chunnin to middle-Chunnin level, but you have the potential to be ANBU-level, perhaps even Sannin-level."
:blink: :blink: :blink:

DAMN is that retarded. Chuunin-level reaction time I could see, but...just flat out speed? WTF?

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Apparently sitting on a broom builds leg muscles.
Not so much sitting, as holding on during maneuvers and acceleration. Arm muscles, too.


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
zeebee1 said:
Apparently sitting on a broom builds leg muscles.
Not so much sitting, as holding on during maneuvers and acceleration. Arm muscles, too.
Sorry, but no.

Ever ridden a motorbike? And I mean the fast ones, like Kawasaki ninja or ther such monsters who have over 200 km/h of speed and acceleration up the wazoo.

More than ANY broom in HP, I guarantee you.

Any strength/muscles/whatever you get from that? Neglible at best.

Saying that riding HP-verse brooms builds up physical strength would by like saying driving F1 bolid equals a serious, regular arm workout at a gym..

There is a reason F1 and Superbike drivers have a strict excersise regimen enforced with proper diet.


Well-Known Member
Waruiko said:
That is one of the few N/HP fic that doesn't suck.
I like it in fact...
I have to put my musscle behind this as well, and the best part is that the two systems of world altering effects are kept entirely seperate. Harry has a reason that he he can keep up that goes beyond normal OMFG M4G1C LOL!!! Harry also lacks the coils and energy to proform ninjutsu and genjutsu. The only "strength" his magic has is that because it's diffrent people aren't sure how to react to it. IE a genjutsu counter might not work on a magic illusion and viceversa. As it is the only thing that Harry actualy does with magic that I can think of off the top of my head is that Harry used his magic and his few healing spells combined with some sort of stabilizing field to save Haku's life on the bridge near the start of the story, and even that wasn't a *pop* all better sot of thing.
I remeber reading in a couple of fics that most genjutsus work by attaching their chakra `framework` to the victims chakra points which is why a kai will work to get rid of them since it pushes your chakra outward. If this is true would that mean that "Stranded" Harry is immune to some of the low to mid level genjutsu?