What would you like to see in a theoretical Persona 6 (no, the game hasn't been announced yet)?


Well-Known Member
I hope I put enough qualifiers in that thread title so people don't see just the 'Persona 6' part and think 'OMFG P6 HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED?!'

I fully expect Persona 6 will come, eventually, and hopefully sooner than later. Persona 5/Royal and the franchise as a whole just seem to print enough money that it's inevitable. So saying that, what would you like to see?

For me...

1. A new location, somewhere that's not Tokyo. Iwatodai was weird, and felt almost like Tokyo-lite in a way? Inaba was cool, but I can't imagine they would ever do something like that again after the much more ambitious Persona 5. I kind of like seeing real-life city environments put in video game form, in that it's a neat way to explore areas that I'll probably never visit. But it gets old when every other Japanese game takes place in Tokyo. One of Japan's other big cities like Kyoto or Osaka would be nice. Dark horse candidate for me would be Sapporo, with a heavy amount of winter stuff, and possible bit locations on Hokkaido.

2. A female protagonist. I would prefer they actually have both a male and female option, ala Persona 3 Portable, and then just split the Confidant romances (or, I guess, they could have bisexual protagonists with romance options on both genders for the inclusiveness).

3. College age protagonists. Arguably, most Persona users are high school age precisely because that's such a pivotal time for the formation of personalities and id, ego, and superego, in keeping with the general theme of the series. But I think a pretty good argument could be made for college-age people awakening their Persona due to a general lag in full mental actualisation, thanks to far more complicated modern day living.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I think what I want to see is confidents/links/etc taking a more direct role. We sort of had that in p5 with the confidents triggering satanael for the killshot, but I want confidents that find out what's going on and promptly decide to do more.

"Well I may not be able to use magic powers, but I'm not gonna just shrug, hope they win, dump my problems on them and maybe give them a trinket after they completely uplift my entire life."

Like, I wanna see Iwai show up during all the shit going down and start pellet machine gunning trash add mobs trying to reinforce yaldabaoth during the final battle, that kind of shit. Giving arcade-guy (I can never remember his damn name) a pair of pellet gun pistols that he starts using to snipe crazy ass bullshit. Sae showing up on a motorcycle running over them (mostly because I want to see Sae in a suit on a giant motocycle).

That sort of thing. Have the social links/confidents/whatever actually actively _contribute_ when shit is going down, in some way.

And I'm not even talking about just combat or whatever. A good example of what I'm talking about is the p3 policeman who doesn't even figure out what's going down but realizes Shit Is Going Down and promptly starts supplying weapons. And he's not even a goddamn social link.