Digimon Where Angels Fear To Tread


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It's Juri. Ruki's in the Magical City Tokyo has become in the wake of the grand reveal of magic and how to induce it artificially being famous. She'll show up later when Takato blows into town.


Archangel didnÆt need to look to see what they were doing; his magical senses were more than enough.

They were creating a new summon. Goblin was summoning more ectoplasm, shaping flesh, blood, and bone from it. This time it was bigger, though; much larger the goblin heÆd created last time. This one would probably tower over any normal person, Archangel guessed.

Lynx was binding the two familiars into it. He was also doing something to his Nekomata.

Elemental Transmutation?

Yes, he was changing the aspect of his familiar to Wind. TheyÆd probably realized to futility of using fire on a Dragon. But windàwas an interesting choice. Archangel would have expected water, which would have failed miserably because Fire Mages have had something like five thousand years to work past that particular weakness and he in particular had a number of ways to make anyone who tried regret it. He was a Water Mage as well, after all.

Still, it was a common choice to attempt to use it anywayà

Well, Lynx was also a fire user; he probably knew the tricks of the trade. But why did he choose wind?

Did they have a plan oràwas that their only choice?

Only one way to find out.

He opened his eyes and gazed calmly at the sight before him. A red skinned, silver haired Ogre with teeth that were like tusks roared at his attention. He hefted a large bone that he wielded as a club and Archangel noted that it was spiked with pieces of metal. He swung it even though he was a distance away and a miniature hurricane roared into existence.

ôFor someone that was transmuted from another Element, his skill with this one is pretty impressive.ö The Escaped Prisoner noted, letting himself be blown off his feet, though not before grabbing Gliepnir.

He made a small effort of will and spoke.

ôDragon Wings.ö He said as a smaller version of his partners appendages formed behind him. It was an exact replica, which was fitting since it was created with the same spell.

Archangel loved his partner, but sometimes it was troublesome having a Dragon as a familiar. Summoning was the biggest one; certain parts of a DragonÆs Phantasmal Body, the form in which they existed wherever they came from, were nearly separate beings when it came to summoning purposes. A DragonÆs Wings, Teeth, Scales, Claws, Shadow, Breath, and Blood were like metaphysical weapons and organs at the same time. You could summon a DragonÆs Form without them, of course, for like weapons they could be æremoved,Æ though that wasnÆt a good word for it. Even if Archangel summoned just Guile, he would still have wings, teeth, scales, claws, and blood as those were parts of his body. In addition, heÆd be able to breathe fire by virtue of being a Dragon and heÆd have a shadow due to the interactions between matter and light.

However, they would not by a DragonÆs Wings, Teeth, Scales, Claws, Shadow, Breath, or Blood; those things were basically metaphysical concepts and phenomena. Myth and legend and fantasy given a form that wasnÆt physical but still existed. Just as sometimes incredible or legendary events can gather metaphysical power and become something else, such as with his artifact sword Gram, so too did they gather within Dragons.

And on one hand, when you not only summoned a Dragon but also put all the æpiecesÆ together, you got something much more impressive then a giant, flying lizard.

But on the other, doing all that summoning took forever, since they needed to be summoned separately. Archangel had been forced to rely on the DragonÆs Gate to summon Guile in a reasonable timeframe, which had been fairly troublesome as it was a forbidden spell held under lock and key.

Wings of this size shouldnÆt have allowed him to fly; his body was much too large and heavy for that.

But they would, Archangel knew.

And so it was that with a single flap of his new wings, he tore through the sudden gust and found himself above it all.


Well-Known Member
So Index or no Index type person?

Edit:Gallantmon is a Guardian Deity of the Net. I once saw it translated as Saint of the Net. Is Takato a Saint?

I accidently posted that in Daneel's thread, but still valid question.


Well-Known Member

First off, I agree with your statement good sir. It really has so much more... emotion in it than its counterpart.

And I've always been a fan of this guy myself.

Though this one looks a but more like the baby picture you posted.

*thumbs up* Keep up the good work ya?


Well-Known Member
wingthesword said:
So Index or no Index type person?

Edit:Gallantmon is a Guardian Deity of the Net. I once saw it translated as Saint of the Net. Is Takato a Saint?

I accidently posted that in Daneel's thread, but still valid question.
There is an Index like person, sorta. His name is Archangel.

And no, he's not a Saint, he's actually an Archangel.

Jans: Not sure what you're saying.


Well-Known Member
<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>This</a>, <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalistic_angelic_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>ths</a>, <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_angelic_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>this</a>, and <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_view_of_angels#Angel_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>this</a>.

In Most of these Gabriel and Michael are pretty low on the totem poll except for the Islam one.


Well-Known Member
wingthesword said:
<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>This</a>, <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalistic_angelic_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>ths</a>, <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_angelic_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>this</a>, and <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_view_of_angels#Angel_hierarchy' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>this</a>.

In Most of these Gabriel and Michael are pretty low on the totem poll except for the Islam one.
I just realized that there's (almost) a Digimon for each angel Hierarchy (for the Christian one at least):

Seraphim - Seraphimon
Cherubim - Cherubimon
Ophanim - Ophanimon

Dominions - Dominimon
Virtues - ClavisAngemon
Powers - SlashAngemon

Principalities - ???
Archangels - HolyAngemon
Angels - Angemon & Angewomon

Deleted member 5249

Angewomon got upgraded to archangel because of her wing count.

D'Arcmon would be the closest to Angemon's counterpart.


Well-Known Member
where would dukemon crimson mode be with his 10 (or 12) wings?


Well-Known Member
Flamewolf said:
the 2 wings on his head may count
Those are pieces of his helmet's crown.

They have to be wings attached directly to his body to count.

I was gonna say fleshy wings but, well, Ofanimon.

Also, those are dragon wings, presumably, only angel wings would count.


Well-Known Member

It's important to remember that since the Bible first came into existence and Michael and Gabriel were first introduced (And they were the only ons named in the entire Bible, by the way), they have been shown in thousands of different ways, as have all angels.

Michael has been listed as Prince of the angels, Prince of the Archangels, prince of the Seraphim, Prince of Heaven, rince in general, and, like, a thousand other positions, all of them of great power.

Gabriel has been listed as the Holy Spirit, the left hand of God, the one who presides over all that is powerful, and the ruler of the Seraphim, Cherubim, and paradise, among many others.

In addition, the term Archangel itself has been used in many ways, often just to refer to a position of power rather then a state of being (The Seven Archangels, the Ten Archangels, etc.). Many times, there are only two ranks at all; angel and Archangel.

Regardless, Archangel has been both more and less powerful then every rank except angel, which it's always more powerful then. Michael in particular has been recorded to fight Lucifer and win, twice. He's also been shown as a Saint, as Adam the first man, and in most Christian Religions he is one of, if not the, most powerful of the angels.

Which is to say that, like, four thousand years have passed since the Bible was written and it has grown enormously in that time, so it's not that simple.


Well-Known Member
Archangel as in rank and not species.

Got it.


Well-Known Member
Lucemon said:
What would I count as?
The Lightbringer.
The Morning Star.
The Original Sin, Merodach.(I think.)


Well-Known Member
Lucifer's generally considered the most powerful angel (after Michael, I guess, since they fought and Mike won). He's been noted as everything from Seraph to Archangel, though.


He looked down upon the action below to find that nothing had really changed.

Guile had weathered the wind without showing any sign of noticing; Archangel had seen him fly through winds moving faster than the speed of sound in one particular incident involving a Cult in Britain and how it mysteriously got burnt to ashes.

But that wasnÆt the point of the attack and Archangel knew it.

As a result of the high powered winds, dust and small objects like rocks were down into the air, hindering visibility. It made sense from a tactical stand point; even if it was just a little, if the Ogre had a good sense of hearing, it could work.

Honestly, Guile relied on his nose as much as his eyes, so it could still work. Hm. That was problematic.

Well, he wasnÆt worried they would actually hurt the Dragon, but if it was him, heÆd use this chance to make preparations.

Archangel contemplated that for a moment, closing his eyes. He came to a decision quickly and nodded to himself.

Caution was the best choice for now; he was so close, he couldnÆt screw up now.

ôKeter û Zero Unit.ö He said, opening his eyes. His circular pupils were gone, replaced by a large upside-down triangle with three smaller triangles around it; one on each side of the larger triangle.

He silently observed the situation before closing his eyes again. They had returned to normal by the time heÆd opened them.

There was nothing to worry about.

The Ogre leapt from the dust, runes glowing across his flesh. Enhancement spells, Takato knew, that increased his speed by thirty percent, his strength by twenty percent, and his toughness by forty percent.

A good choice; more than anything, if they couldnÆt break through GuileÆs scales, or if they died before they could, then nothing else mattered.


It should be expected, right? In a battle between two magicianÆs familiars, when one magician enhances their familiarà

So will the other.

The Ogre had chosen his moment carefully, using GuileÆs massive size against him and attacking from a blind spot. He used the same wind technique that had created a miniature storm to hurl himself like a rocket. He lifted his club, swung with all his force, and-

Causality split along two separate paths.

In one path, Guile chose to forgo defense completely, instead trading a blow for a blow. He swung his head around just in time, mouth open to reduce his enemy to ashes in a burst of heat. But at the same time, the Ogre swung his club like a hammer directly at the DragonÆs Eye.

But in another path, Guile chose to defend, dodging at a order of a warning only he could hear, causing the OgreÆs club to pass through nothing but air.

And in an instant, the split paths merged together seamlessly. Oddly, the Universe seemed not to mind.

The Ogre on the other handà

Well, it didnÆt really matter what the Ogre thought. He was ashes a moment later, after all.

Guile spread his wings and flapped them once and a gale that made the OgreÆs attack seem like a gentle breeze blew away the dust cloud û and the two magiciansÆ with it.

Archangel began to descend, coming to the ground by the pair. They were injured, but they seemed to have some minor defenses against wind attacks; a good idea, he felt. If you know youÆll be throwing around large amount of some kind of attack, itÆs always a good idea to have some way to defend against it, if not make yourself outright immune.

ôReady to give up?ö He asked.


Well-Known Member
NeverwhereCM said:
Wow. That's kinda broken, isn't it?
Look at the top line of text in the first post again.


Well-Known Member
NeverwhereCM said:
Wow. That's kinda broken, isn't it?
You kidding? When I was hammering out the powers of the individual characters, I did it by pulling up a list of the powers of the various Touhou characters. This is nothing.

Also, it's important to note that I made it sound as broken as possible, but it actually isn't. It's basically as if Guile split in two and then merged back together. At it's most basic level, it's a spell that allows it's target to both Block and Attack at the same time, even if that shouldn't be possible due to time constraints. If, say, Ogre had the power to bypass Guile defense, he would still get hit; he'd just get hit while counter-attacking.

It's Takato's way of dealing with surprise attacks and really fast opponents, nothing more. Takato likes to be flashy, though, which is why he doesn't just give Guile a body with two heads.