Digimon Where Angels Fear To Tread


Deleted member 5249


At least Takato didn`t lose his sense of humor while locked up.


Well-Known Member
" And I know youÆll tell anyone, Tyrant.ö " I think you meant "And I know you won't tell anyone, Tyrant." Or something along those lines.

Nice to see Takato working some extra aggression out.


Well-Known Member
TakatoÆs skill with orthodox offensive magic was fairly pathetic, which was why he let Guile do it instead. Manifesting a Familiar required only two things; Power and Familiarity.

Takato supplied both.

He gave Guile just enough power to manifest for a few seconds while, at the same time, summoning ectoplasm to surround his left hand and forearm. He shaped it quickly turning everything from the elbow onwards into a large dragon head.

The head was black like volcanic rock and spiked with jagged, broken spines. Its teeth were like daggers polished and refined in intense heat. And its eyes glowed with literal inner fire.

Fire it was quick to let out.

It was a fairly simple technique; it converted magic directly to damage and could be infused with a variable amount of magic for a variable amount of damage. A basic combat spell.

Of course, even Takato was surprised when Guile flooded it was an amount of power that was anything but basic.

The torrent of fire the exploded from his hand was like a massively oversized fire hose. The recoil made it hard to aim, even when he quickly re-enforced his arm with magic.

But the results were good enough that he didnÆt complain.

Everything in a forty-five degree arc in front of him was bathed in flames for as far as the naked eye could see.

The dragon head melted into a clear liquid substance a moment later; ectoplasms form without magic animating it.

Takato had the whistle at the sight of the flames. While magic had created them, they acted like normal flames without anything animating them and quickly began to spread. He absently cast several spells to protect him from the heat and filter the air; these flames hadnÆt been enchanted not to affect him.

Luckily, if youÆre partnered with a Dragon, you learn how to deal with fires.

Or you burn to death.


Even so, no matter how much power had been put into that spell, Takato wasnÆt so optimistic as to believe that a Level 4 had died as easily as that.

Especially not with that thing he called a familiar.

Sure enough, a tremendous roar resounded over the burning of the flames. Through the bright light of the fires and the shrouding smoke, Takato thought he could just barely make out a shapeà

The source of his opponents name æTyrannosaurus.Æ

Among familiars, animal and nature spirits were some of the most common types. Though they are fairly weak, the way they gather power with age has been well documented, even put into legend in the forms of the Nekomata and Kitsune. Of course, most familiars gathered power with age, butà

The Iron Tyrant had been the one to take that to its natural conclusion.

HeÆd found a creature that was millions of years old and made it his familiar.

Of course, Takato thought as the creature lumbered into sight, it wasnÆt quite that simple in practice.

In order to summon a specific animal spirit, it was generally necessary to acquire that animalÆs remains. As organic material generally rots quickly, the only remains of Dinosaurs are in the form of fossils.

Even then, though, dinosaur fossils that are complete are hard to find. Tyrant hadnÆt been able to find a complete Tyrannosaurus skeleton, even with the resources of Hypnos.

So heÆd improvised.

The skeleton heÆd been able to find was missing its nose, jaw, parts of both arms, parts of its legs, parts of its tail, and most of its entire chest.

So Tyrannosaurus21 had simply replaced them using modern technology.

Takato wasnÆt sure what to feel as the creature came into sight, revealing colored wires, shining steel and reflective glass on magically-created, grey flesh.


Or maybeà


Fear was probably wiser, he decided. With its age, this creature was on par with a Holy Beast. Guile might have been a Divine Best due to his nature as a Dragon, but he was still only a child.

Could he win this fight?

Takato thought about that for a minute and came to a decision.

ôGuile, go on ahead. Up those stairs over there. DO me a favor and clear out the ones on the upper levels, okay?ö Takato requested. ôIÆll catch up in just a bit.ö


Well-Known Member
I know you said you would be using TAMNI as source... But the dragon arm? Really?