Nasuverse windfalcon's Servants for Stories


Well-Known Member
Working on a crossover fic that involved a Grail War, but wanted to use unique (and non-anime) Servants. Worse comes to worse I can borrow from Fate/Extra and Fate/Apocrypha, but I'd rather come up with brand spaking new ones. Considering my knowledge of how Nasuverse works is not very good, I was hoping to tap into the Hivemind for some help with these as well as alternate suggestions.

At the same time, it might help others if they wanted to go with unique Servants and not resummon old ones... (Even though Iskander and Lancelot are seven kinds of awesome)

Rider: Jason of the Argonauts

The fabled Leader of Heros and King of Iolcus, Jason is a man driven by his Quest. With the same drive that she held to lead his crew to find the Golden Fleece and bring them safely home, she seeks the Grail in order to find one person and right the wrongs she dealt to her. And woe unto those who gets in her way. In life, Jason was indeed a Man, unlike Arturia of Camelot, but partially thanks to the curse laid upon her by Hera and Aphrodite for spurning Medea, Jason finds herself in a woman's body as punishment, in hopes that it would help Jason reflect upon his, now her, actions.

Strength C
Endurance C
Agility B
Mana A
Luck C


Riding: B
Classed as a Rider mostly due to her ship the Argo, Jason is mostly granted a bonus to this skill thanks to her Class.

Charisma: N/A
As the Captain of the Argo, Jason commanded the respect of the valiant Heroes who joined her on the famous quest, amongst them the great Herakles. Leading this powerful crew of Heroes to their goal and back cemented Jason as a great Leader in the eyes of the people.

Instinct: C
Upon engagement, the Servant is capable of optimizing her position by identifying and exploiting favorable developments. However, the skill cannot be activated except for defensive purposes. The Servant typically uses this ability to vaguely divine the intent of an opponent so as to determine whether engagement is an appropriate course of action, or if the opponent is an "enemy that must be fought."

Medea's Blessing: N/A
One of Jason's tasks to gain the Golden Fleece was to yolk the Khalkotauroi, a pair of fire-breathing bronze bulls. To protect Jason from the flames, Medea gifted her with a magical potion that protected her from their flames. Ever since then, no flame, be they Mortal, Supernatural or Divine, could ever harm Jason.

Noble Phantasms

Golden Fleece: The Gilded Shroud of the Gods
That which Jason strove so hard to obtain in order to reclaim her throne. The Golden Fleece is a defensive Noble Phantasm, allowing the one who wears it to heal from any wound and gain an EX level of Magic Resistance, placing the one it is effecting in a deep slumber.

Khalkotauroi: The Bronze Bulls of Hephaestus
By yolking the firebreathing bulls for King Aeetes, Jason claimed the Bulls as his own. As such, these normally wild creations of Hephaestus follow Jason's will, always appearing in pairs when Jason calls on them. Thanks to her immunity to fire, Jason may ride upon them with ease. Because they follow her will, Jason may utilize them for ambushes and hit and run tactics.

Argo: The Vessel of Heroes
The legendary ship upon which Jason and the Argonauts made their epic voyage. The Mast not only speaks but gives prophecies, and the vessel itself was built and blessed by the Gods. The ship as a Noble Phantasm is actually a Reality Marble, trapping Jason and her opponent on the deck of the Argo and allowing her to lead her crew in battle against the foe. While the crew itself are merely imprints of the legendary heroes that made up its number, the varied attackers and great numbers will usually be enough to fell any foe, though this does require Jason destroy the Golden Fleece. Only by throwing away that which she fought so hard for will she be able to call upon those she once called friends.

Caster: Archimedes of Syracuse

The Greatest Mathemetician of Antiquity, Archimedes created many siege machines and made multiple scientific and mathematical discoveries. Many of these were put to the test in the defense of his beloved Syracuse, where his innovations held off invading Roman forces. Before he could unleash his final invention, something he claimed would drive off all enemies of Syracuse, he was slain by a Roman Soldier despite orders otherwise, an act that likely saved the lives of the invading army. Summoned into the Grail War, Archimedes wishes to take his inventions and innovations to new heights thanks to the newfound technologies available to him, with the Grail War being the ideal stage to see if his creations can truly win a War worthy of his intelligence.

Strength E
Endurance E
Agility C
Mana A+
Luck A


Independent Action: B
The Servant seeks to further improve his creations, sometimes ignoring his Master completely if on a roll. This does not mean he is not loyal, merely driven in his tasks.

Item Creation: EX
Reknown for his Siege Weapons and Inventions, Archimedes creates weapons for war with the strength of D rank and lower Noble Phantasms. Essentially, they are more powerful than man made weapons save for those enhanced by Servants.

Territory Creation: B
Creates an area that is advantageous to oneself as a Magus. Enables the creation of a "Workshop" from which items created by the Servant may be built faster than if done in a mundane work area.

Noble Phantasms

Golden Crown: Diviner of Truth
One of Archimedes' accomplishments was finding out whether or not the Golden Crown of King Hiero II was made purely of gold without breaking the crown, in hopes of seeing whether or not the smith who made it mixed silver in to cut costs. He had done this through submerging the crown in water to discern the truth, which eventually came to light. This Crown reflects that famous experiment, blessed with both Clairvoyance and Revelation, it gifts the Servant with perfect awareness within his Territory, allowing him to know where anyone is within it at any given time, regardless if they are friend, foe, human, Servant, Visible or not.

Burning Mirrors: Sun's Fury
One of the most contested invention of Archimedes' repertoire, the Burning Mirrors is a Bounded Field, requiring sunlight for their use. False light only causes a blinding effect due to the high reflection power of the mirrors. If they reflect sunlight, they emit powerful beams of piercing light that burn all they touch, not unlike massive lasers.

(More to come)