WoW/Anything/Everything Crossover idea


Well-Known Member
I've been toying with this idea for a while now, since I read a Danny Phantom fic that made me go "Huh, Danny would make one hell of a weird Paladin." No, it was not a crossover in and of itself, but the way he talked in it reminded me of Human pallies rping... anyway, that thought (and Voidseeker's Sunstrider Naruto, to a certain extent) led to a fully fleshed out scenario: Danny is approached by a man after a battle.

This man weaves a story of magic and demons and multiple worlds, and then to cap it all the man turns into a Blood Elf (so sue me, I'm a BE fan. Horde Pallies ftw!) He is a member of the New Kirin Tor (I thought this up before I found out that Dalaran was still around), a cross-faction group that has sent out expeditions to the other worlds of the multiverse in order to keep the Burning Legion from gaining ground. The expeditions were to observe, and if the sentients of the world had no chance of standing against the Legion, they were to offer gifted beings the chance to join.

Danny being Danny is ambivalent, but when the BE mentions that he can have a priest and pally stationed in Amity Park and explains that they have holy magics which can disable ghosts Danny leaps at the chance to become a paladin.

That's as far as the original idea went. Recently, though, I've been rereading some of my stories and I had the thought, "What if my New Kirin Tor happened to be around during some pivotal plot moments in other series?" That led me to define the expedition teams: a Mage, a Warlock, and one other. Which led me to this (badly written) Naruto-based snippet set in the Forest of Death during the rookie 9's chunin exam:

To set the stage, this occurs during the Sound team's attack, just after Sakura cut her hair and Zaku started blasting Zankuuha's at her. The Mage from the expedition group got separated for some reason and was sleeping nearby:

A rustling sound came from the bushes off to the right from where Team 10 was hiding, and the action ground to a halt.? As everyone stared, a blue... humanoid stepped out, grumbling.? One look at his disheveled robes and disgruntled expression told everyone he had been sleeping.? He took one look at the people frozen in shock at his appearance and ground out, "You know, some of us were trying to sleep!? For the Naaru's sake, stop all that unnecessary screaming!"

The genin stayed frozen as the strange man-alien-whatever slouched over to a tree and sat down against it, closing his eyes.

Zaku was the first to move, drawing a kunai and flinging it at the newcomer.? Too late his teammates moved into their own offense, as their new enemy flung up a hand and all three projectiles froze in midair.? There was no motion anywhere now, the genins' eyes were all fixated on the blue man as he stood up.
The Mage was tired.? And when the Mage was tired, he was grumpy.? And when the Mage was grumpy, annoying things tended to end up burnt to a crisp.

"Who threw those?" he growled, and he watched with mild satisfaction as the three with matching plate markers started shaking, and the fourth, pink-haired one scurried back several yards from them.? He glared at the three, and put his hands behind his back, the weapons they had thrown at him falling to the ground.

He began channeling the proper magic as he spoke his next words.? "You just became my new targets.? And my targets all end up..." he brought his hands out from behind his back, the fire crackling around them for all to see, "dead."? He flung his hands up like he was flipping over a table and a pillar of flame shot up beneath the three humans, killing them instantly.

"May you find mercy in the afterlife, fools."? He seemed to spit the words out, and when he sat down again, he said to the clearing at large, "Now will you all shut up?"? and closed his eyes.
I'm nowhere near a good enough writer to really do anything with this, but I hope it strikes someone's fancy....


Well-Known Member
First off: Who the flip is "Zaku"? Do you mean Haku?

Secondly: I would -LOVE- to see something like this implemented somehow. Maybe not neccesarily as WoW/Naruto crossover, but something of the like. Considering the Burning Legion can hope from world to world and spread their influence, why not have a unwilling member of Azeroth turn up in some random world?

Sounds like fun.


Well-Known Member
Zaku is one of the Sound genin in the chuunin exams. He's the one who can shoot air blasts (Zankuuha) out of his hands. Shino destroyed his arms in the 3rd Round Prelims.

And these guys aren't necessarily there unwillingly, they're dimension-hopping in order to build up defenses against the Legion in other worlds.

My idea was maybe a series of connected stories (oneshots or multichapters, who knows?) about different teams on different worlds. The Narutoverse, the Bleachverse, the Potterverse.... hell, anything's possible. But I'm not a good writer of fiction. Not at all.