You Have the Power of Heart!

Let's just say I've been forced into watching one too many Captain Planet reruns that have gotten me thinking. Say you were given the power of Heart, either Mawti gives it to you because he's going off on vacation for a while, you club the kid in the back of the head to get the ring, or it's blown off course when it's supposed to go down to Mawti and you catch it. What now?

Me, I'd make Linka and Gi make out and generally fuck with people. Sure, it's said to be a lameass power but really-It gives you power over people's hearts (aka emotions) and makes you empathic. That's a pretty badass power if you know how to use it. Hell, he could have solved all their problems by changing the hearts of the idiot villains they had to face every week.

"I know you feel like you need to pollute in order to make money, but seriously, this is a far better way to use your resources. I mean, you've got a freaking shrink ray. Patent that sucker, sell it and you will be rich without having to tear up the rainforest or other crap like that."

It's like, Jedi Mind Trick ring. Now that's a productive way to help the planet.

But then, I (like everyone else on this forum) am far, far smarter than the writers of Captain Planet and the creator Ted Turner. And are less interested in stupid agendas and more interested in interesting storytelling.

But let's have some fun. What would you do with the power of Heart?


Well-Known Member
I make Sea Sheppard less hilariously incompetant. Hey, if I'm getting drafted into the Planeteers, I might as well help my 'allies'.


Well-Known Member
Build a harem? :p

But yeah, from what I remember of the series (which is very little; I watched maybe three episodes when I was little), the villains don't seem to be very creative or actually... well... smart.

Also, find a way of making money "legitimately"; psychiatry or the like. Gots to pays the bills, right?


Well-Known Member
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? MUahahahahaha!

Now I just need a couple of nickel plated .45 cals.

Find those chicks from "Without a Paddle" And force the villains to hang out with them for a few hours.

Problems solved. BEHOLD THE POWER OF PUS-*deleted*

That said, I'd get a hold of the world leaders and get them to solve their differences with a few gentle nudges here and there. Then convince a few entrepreneurs with capital that a giant solar power plant in the desert somewhere will eventually allow them to sell power crazily cheap and take over the entire world's power needs. And hey, environmentally friendly. Call me if any assholes try to stop you.
Scygnus Darkhawk said:
Find those chicks from "Without a Paddle" And force the villains to hang out with them for a few hours.

Problems solved. BEHOLD THE POWER OF PUS-*deleted*

That said, I'd get a hold of the world leaders and get them to solve their differences with a few gentle nudges here and there. Then convince a few entrepreneurs with capital that a giant solar power plant in the desert somewhere will eventually allow them to sell power crazily cheap and take over the entire world's power needs. And hey, environmentally friendly. Call me if any assholes try to stop you.
But what if that leads to a Gundam 00 type situation? Giant solar-power collecting space elevators that cause three superpowers to be formed, which battle with giant mecha for the fate of the world? And more meddling teenagers are given super-powerful Gundam mecha by a rogue organization seeking to end armed conflict?

... Well... Hey. There's an unlikely crossover that seems like it could almost work. Weird...

One of my major pet peeves is how utterly superfluous Captain Wisecrack-I mean Planet-is. If you really put your mind to it, you can do anything with any of the five rings. With Heart you can influence people's minds to do your bidding and make things better. With Earth, well c'mon, you have control over the powers of the Earth. Kwame could be like a mix of Toph and Magneto if he put his mind to it. Wheeler could pull an Azula, as fire and lightening are essentially both plasmas. Gi has control of water-What makes up 70 percent of the human body again? And Linka-Well, we've seen how powerful Aang can be. Little miss Soviet Hottie could pull off stuff like that or things like air blades.

What can Captain Planet do? He can fly, has super strength... And can be felled by oil. Hitler dropped him with a glance. Toxic sludge seems as abundant as kryptonite to stop him, and it's always up to the Planeteers to bail his ass out.

No wonder Gaia picked a bunch of bland, idiot teenagers to "defend the Earth". People with real brains would figure out how to save the Earth in a much shorter amount of time and might become superheroes, working for the public good and not just to prevent global warming from baby seals being slaughtered. That, or Guinan is just a lazy ass and bored, bored sadist who likes giving incredible power to a bunch of dunces and laughing her ass off as they always have to call on Captain Planet.

She was voiced by Whoopi Goldberg, after all...


Well-Known Member
why go with gaia weak rings i would go with zarns fist of conquest. the power of the rings x100


Well-Known Member
With The Power of Heart?

I agree with most of the angles it could be used, abused, ect. Go to HollyWood California and set yourself up, Lots of Wierd Movie Stars and Actors, Producers, Lawyers, Backers, Gangsters? 'Cure' them.. (*cough* Manipulate?) them for your Favorite Causes. (Disney? Lucas? Arnold the Gov?)

Worse comes to worse, get one to marry you and have them 'love' you enough so no pre-nup agreements, they find love with someone else and divorce you with a generous severance?

Find some poor unsung Genius with no confidence but a cool idea or product, front them some cash for a percentage because they trust you, become the next Bill Gates?

Side note: What is Bill Gates doing now, Retired and OHMFG Rich?

Side note2: When the Villians did Capt Pollution, The Power of Hate would be a very powerful tool. Star Wars/ Darkside thing aside.


Well-Known Member
The first thing I would do is use the power of heart to manipulative the other four ring bearers to hand over their rings to me I could have all five of them. It would bring new meaning to the phrase 'the power is yours!'
Franchise said:
The first thing I would do is use the power of heart to manipulative the other four ring bearers to hand over their rings to me I could have all five of them. It would bring new meaning to the phrase 'the power is yours!'
One ring to rule them all...


Well-Known Member
It'd be like you were half of a lmae Mandarin rip off.


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Franchise said:
The first thing I would do is use the power of heart to manipulative the other four ring bearers to hand over their rings to me I could have all five of them. It would bring new meaning to the phrase 'the power is yours!'
One ring to rule them all...
Epic Crossover in the making.

As for the second...Ehh...

It'd be like you were a lame mandalorian rip off?


Random phantom.
Mandarin. Iron Man enemy. I think he uses magical rings that equal mental powers.

I don't know.

(Also, I can't help but feel doing those things would equal losing your power.)
H-Man said:
Mandarin. Iron Man enemy. I think he uses magical rings that equal mental powers.

I don't know.

(Also, I can't help but feel doing those things would equal losing your power.)
Meh... Gaia wouldn't care. She gave five magic rings to five dimwits and lets them run around the globe for her own amusement. The old "The power is YOURS" thing must get tiresome, so I'd provide her with something new.