Your thoughts on WC3 Hero's


Well-Known Member
basically put what you think of the the hero's from WC3 and if your a player of WOW put how you think of the portrayal of them in that game


Well-Known Member
The characters or the heroes themselves?


Human Heroes

Paladin -- Balanced, but can be a pain when a skilled player learns how to micro-manage him. Same deal with the Mountain King.

Sorcerer -- Rather weak, I think. The only saving grace it has is the summon, and even that is negated with the Spellbreakers from the expansion. It's ultimate should've been a normal ability, I think.

Fire Mage/Blood Elf whatever -- Weird to use, at least for me. While he's got good stopping/staying power with his ultimate and his main skill, Mana Suck should've gone to a hero who actually used more mana, like the Naga Seawitch.

Undead Heroes

Unbalanced as fuck. Each one has a nuke that can do around 200+ damage when fully upgraded; while, combined, their ultimates allow the race to AoE (TWICE with the expansion), Summon a Meat-shield, and summon TWELVE basically un-hurtable units in an instant.

Night Elf Heroes

Demon Hunter -- Disgusting. Probably one of the most powerful heroes in the game if used right. It can kill enemy casters, AoE around itself while in Melee, and then SUDDENLY TRANSFORM into a chaos-dealing badass with so much HP it'll make you cry.

Warden -- A powerhouse if used right. It can teleport around the battlefield instantaneously and kill enemy spell-casters if they're clumped together, or majorly start to hurt your hero with it's venom dagger thing. It's ultimate; wow, it's a walking Doom-guard with resurrection capabilities.

Female Archer -- Weak, useless. Aside form it's overpowered ultimate, its possibly one of the worst heroes in all of existence.

Druid-centaur person -- Solid support hero. What the human spellcaster should be.

Orc Heroes

Melee -- Good at what they do, though the Tauren Warchief always wins out over the Blademaster because it can solidly do more damage all across the board and REVIVE.

Magic -- Hard to decide, as both of them are exceptional support heroes. It's really a decision between their ultimates; in which case the Shadowhunter wins out because it makes you're units INVULNERABLE as long as it's alive and the ultimate is in effect.


Well-Known Member

I have to disagree with quite a bit of that.

Human -

The Archmage is actually nowhere near as bad as you make him out to be. His AOE can be fucking deadly to low-tier units if micromanaged correctly, his summons can be used to draw fire from creeps during early game in order to help him gain experience, and can also be used as scouts and good rush support, his mana aura can make a Rifleman/Casters combo nearly invincible, and his teleportation ultimate can help with surprise attacks on a 1 vs 1 game, and fucking dominate the map on team games.

Undead -

Alright, I have to agree here, though here's yet another uber tactic to add to the list - going Dreadlord with Vampiric Aura and Ghoul rushing. You have an army of extremely cheap, easily replaceable combat units who also double as lumberjacks, and with Vampiric Aura, they fucking regenerate every time they attack. If you manage things well, you could possibly flatten the enemy before the first eight minutes of the game have gone by.

Night Elf-

The PotM is nowhere near as bad as you make her look, at least not if you're rushing. Just get her aura that gives bonus damage to ranged attacks and spam Huntresses or Archers (depending on the enemy) from two Ancients of War, then rush. Cheap as hell tactic, but incredibly effective if you know how to micromanage and when to focus fire.


The Shadow Hunter... no. His ultimate is nowhere near that powerful, because it has limited range and doesn't make the caster invincible. All a smart enemy has to do is micro his units to reach him and attack. The only way for him to survive is to break the spell and run (major waste of mana), and if he's surrounded, he's dead meat.


And yeah, that's about it.


Well-Known Member
Ray said:

I have to disagree with quite a bit of that.

Human -

The Archmage is actually nowhere near as bad as you make him out to be. His AOE can be fucking deadly to low-tier units if micromanaged correctly, his summons can be used to draw fire from creeps during early game in order to help him gain experience, and can also be used as scouts and good rush support, his mana aura can make a Rifleman/Casters combo nearly invincible, and his teleportation ultimate can help with surprise attacks on a 1 vs 1 game, and fucking dominate the map on team games.

Undead -

Alright, I have to agree here, though here's yet another uber tactic to add to the list - going Dreadlord with Vampiric Aura and Ghoul rushing. You have an army of extremely cheap, easily replaceable combat units who also double as lumberjacks, and with Vampiric Aura, they fucking regenerate every time they attack. If you manage things well, you could possibly flatten the enemy before the first eight minutes of the game have gone by.

Night Elf-

The PotM is nowhere near as bad as you make her look, at least not if you're rushing. Just get her aura that gives bonus damage to ranged attacks and spam Huntresses or Archers (depending on the enemy) from two Ancients of War, then rush. Cheap as hell tactic, but incredibly effective if you know how to micromanage and when to focus fire.


The Shadow Hunter... no. His ultimate is nowhere near that powerful, because it has limited range and doesn't make the caster invincible. All a smart enemy has to do is micro his units to reach him and attack. The only way for him to survive is to break the spell and run (major waste of mana), and if he's surrounded, he's dead meat.


And yeah, that's about it.
I'll admit I'm a LITTLE bit biased when it comes to these heroes, but then again I've never quite seen anyone pull off a Rifleman/Caster combo effectively and I've never seen an Orc player who didn't know how to protect the thing that was making his units invincible. : /

It's really all about micromanaging, honestly.


Well-Known Member
aaaaaaaaaactually was referring to the characters themselves but this is good too


Well-Known Member
... Personally? I prefer the good ol' Panderan Brewmaster... nothing like Pandamonium to start your day off right! Shame they can't be a starting hero.. but them's the breaks!


Well-Known Member
honestly? if the pandaren made it as the new alliance race i would have swallowed my extreme hatred for both dwarves and gnomes to play as them


Well-Known Member
Dorfs and gnomes are sexy! >_< Especially gnomes. Get one a Crimson Red Hat and they pimpin'


Well-Known Member
The Human Paladin is... well, my all-time hero. Why? For those of you who played World of Warcraft, I WANT A BUBBLE LIKE THIS GUY.

45 seconds of total invulnerability with no attack penalties whatsoever!? Giev.

And in comparison to the DK... Ressurrection > Odd-zombie-thingie-stuffs of the DK.

And the Mountain King ... I love the fat little dwarf. Not only 'cause he's dead useful, but because the YO-HO-HO of him going Avatar is something that warms my tar-black heart at night.