120 Guns


Well-Known Member
"Ambassador Delenn, I have heard much of you and of the Minbari. In the spirit if interstellar amity, my vessel would like to offer the traditional gesture of greeting to an eminent person."

"Delenn, we are being illuminated by their fire control. They have a perfect lock."

"Merely part of of the ceremony, I assure you."

"Is the rumbling I can hear from your command deck also part of the ceremony?"

"A prelude to it. That's the sound of every cannon on my ship loading at once."

"May I ask the nature of this... demonstration?"

"Why spoil the surprise?"

"Delenn, they are opening their gun ports. There are quite a lot of them."

"Thank you. It's always nice to know that my ship is being admired. Excuse me a moment - gunner, fire all weapons."

"Return f-"

"No, wait... they are firing at... empty space?"

"I hope that you enjoyed your one hundred and twenty gun salute. Perhaps it will also give you an insight into what it feels like to have a very large ship sending engimatic and vaguely threatening transmissions in your direction while it plays with its weapons."

"This is how you show respect?"

"If you really respect someone, teach them something. Maybe you'll be teaching me something one day. If so, please remember which direction I fired."

"...I'm not sure if I desire more that you never meet a Vorlon or that I am there to watch when you do."
Ah, I've seen this on Spacebattles.com. Nice that you share your 5 minutes of snarkiness even wider.

Was that meant to be Sinclairs greeting for Delenn on her arrival at B5 or did you have another human in mind?


Well-Known Member
No particular person, although they'd have to be feeling fairly ballsy to do that to Delenn.