A challenge or not a challenge that is


Well-Known Member
Let's say you look at every manga/anime/cartoon/show/serie/move there are. Each seperate branch has its own elite that could demolish each other. but If you were to take them, and put them into an elite organisation, who would you take for what.
The characters can be tweaked a little, so they aren't copies of canon.

For example:
Saotome Ranma is a damn good martial artist. So he could be the guy you would go to if you wish to learn self defense.
But then again
Son Goku is so powerful he could demolish a whole galaxy without breaking a sweat, so what would his job be?
Then we have
Brief Bulma, she is a damn good scientist, so would you chose her, or rather Washu?

There are no limits with this except for These:
one: there are to be a maximum of three members per branch. for example, three characters for hand to hand combat (aka martial arts)

Two: if you wish to go for as many 'branches' as possible, try and keep the total number down as low as possible. I'm hesitant to put up a number, but lets say, no more then twenty. (though it can be more, after all there are many branches in magic after all)

Asid from these two rules, there are no limits.

Oh, and one guy can't do everything. The point of this is to make this as varied as possible.

I dare you to answer this challenge