A (Really Bad) Disclosure, in SG1 S2E1

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Some time during season one, Apophis captures someone from an SG team (not SG1, one of the others), and interrogates him about Earth's religions, and the cities of its gods. When he arrives in Earth orbit in the season two opener, his ships bombard Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina, and Kyoto, those being the cities that the man he interrogated knew were important to various religions. He then goes on to announce his mastery over Earth, declaring the gods of the destroyed (mostly just quite badly damaged, but he's not a civil engineer) cities to be lesser beings, incapable of facing him.

SG1 and Bra'tac manage to destroy one Ha'tak, and force the other to crash in *rolls dice* New Zealand, where its captured by the RNZAF (their base was closest). Klorel is loose in New Zealand (he leaves Skaara alive as a distraction when swapping hosts, and might use animals before biocontainment can be set up, as soldiers leaving could be suspicious), but Apophis escapes in a Tel'tak.

The Ha'tak is sufficiently damaged, by both the team's actions, and the crash, that the shields aren't going up any time soon, and most of the people (though obviously not all) on board are dead.

Luckily for SG1 and Bra'tac, their character shields were still up, so they're alive, and not permanently injured.