Ahsoka Tano


Well-Known Member
Ahsoka Tano profile

So considering tha many of us have seen the trailers for the new Clone Wars series that's coming, I was wondering what you think about EU retconning that Anakin got a padawan.

Personally I can't wait to see what a dysfunctional Dynamic Duo those two will be, or who killed her in the end. My money's on the dark jedi Asajj Ventress or Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku himself.

Hopefully there'll be a lot of Jedi vs. Magnaguards scenes where the droid made to counter Jedi give them a hard run.


Well-Known Member
I've wondered about that as well, especially considering his test of knighthood occurred immediately before Episode 3 (Season 3 of the last series).

It is also possible that she'll follow the path of several other Jedi during the Clone Wars and simply quit the Order before leaving to locations unknown.


Well-Known Member
That could well be the case, SotF, but considering the Star Wars melodrama my bet is that she dies in the line of duty. But the possibilities are many.

One problem I can think of is all the EU book writers who now realize that suddenly Ani got himself a padawan through retcon. But one reverse retcon could be that the possible loss of Tano left Anakin so traumatized that he and Obi-Wan were reluctant to mention her.