And The Curtain Falls

I wasn't sure how to do this, but I figured this would be the best place. *Deep breath*

I'm quitting fanfiction. Period.

Before anyone calls me on this, I will say that there is a very good reason: Real Life has been beating me bloody.

Correction: Real life has been beating me bloody because I'm into fanfiction.

I'm a first year in college, and I've been into fics since I was a junior in high school. However, while in high school I had my father to lean on me and regulate me--not so here. Naturally, considering how brilliant I am, once that regulating influence was gone, everything went downhill as I just went nuts, fanfiction-wise.

So now I'm looking at possible failing grades in three of my four classes, and all I can do is sit at the computer and read/write fics. :headbanger: As clueless as I can be, I can read the writing on the wall. Ever since I joined here, and ever since I started writing fics, my effort level at school dropped to nonexistant levels.

I can't keep doing this. I can't keep tearing up my family as they try to figure out what the fuck I'm doing, and how to help me. I know some of you guys here are college students as well, and have found a balance, but I know that I can't multi-task like that. So one of the two has to go, and I have no intention of sacrificing my future for fics like the ones here (no matter how tempting that may be :rolleyes: ). So the fics have to be thrown in the trash.

I'm sorry for all those that are fans of my works (not sure how many there are :unsure!: ), as I know how much this must suck for you. I am going to post plot summaries for the works I have (ICARUS, Endgame, KR, T&L) later today, so that you guys at the least aren't in the dark about what I had planned.

*sigh* I gotta say, my time here has always been fun. This is definitely one of the best places out there, and I'm gonna miss it, as well as the resident lunatics that frequent it :p . Hell, I might even stop by again some day. (Though I severely doubt that.) :huh.: We'll see.

Good luck to you all, ladies, gentlemen, and lurkers.

"May the wind always be at your back, and may God hold you in the palm of your hand."


*exits, and re-enters the stage of life, praying to be able to rescue something from the ashes*


Well-Known Member
Heh. So I'm not the only one, am I...

Where you sacrificed your grades to FanFiction, I sacrificed two years worth of education to World of Warcraft.

Eight hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year.

I wish you the best of luck, because you will need it in order to avoid a relapse.

And I say "Thank You" for coming up with the ideas you did come up with. You brought genuine joy to others through what you wrote - consider this a genuine plus when you think back of the times when you were active here.

I bid thee farewell, and ask for Lady Luck to smile upon you.

edit:(and it's a damn fine move of you to publish your plot outlines for your stories)


Well-Known Member
Indeed, the power of the computer can be an addicting experience. Well it's understandable why you would want to do this, so ja ne!


Well-Known Member
Well, best of luck. And if you do ever get everything balanced out, don't be a stranger.


Well-Known Member
Too bad. I really looked forward to another update of "Kunoichi Returned". Ah, but what can you do? Real Life's definitely more important.

So, I wish you the best of luck, as well. :mmm:

- Kelenas
RD: Good luck, man. That's all I can say.


Well-Known Member
Aw, fuck.

Been there ... no, really, I'm not kidding. Didn't make the choice to hang it up, though, so I salute your determination at least. I think I'm just weak. I've managed to squeak from 'failing undergrad' to 'failing post-grad' somehow around a year ago, and still manage to hang in there ...

... of course, me and Real Life have basically been saying 'fuck you' to oneanother since before high school for a variety of reasons that you don't want to hear me rant about here, and my attitude's been 'hell, it's just college, it's not like they teach much stuff that's actually worthwhile', and ... well, let's just say that you've got one over me in that you're actually making an effort.

I salute you, though I won't stop myself from saying this much ...

... you _will_ be back.

You can take the storyteller from his tales, but you can never take the tales from the storyteller.

So go forth and fornicate, clear your head and meditate, do whatever ... but somewhen in future time, you'll remember this one rhyme, when your fingers twitch and twine, and you'll hear the voices chime: create, create, create!



avis de rapina

Well-Known Member
You shall be missed.

I hope to hear from you again in a couple of semesters. Hopefully by then you will have found the balance you need to come back to this world we all love.

Until then, allow me to send you off in a manner most fitting for one of our kind:




Well-Known Member
Studying gives you knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Power corrupts.
Corruption is a crime.
Crime does not pay.

Go study. Be evil and poor... :p


Well-Known Member
Go forth and learn. Just remember, we will still be here when you get lonely and bored.

So have fun, and come back soon. We all know you will. Just make sure to do your work first...


Well-Known Member
good luck in getting your educational life back in order

may the power protect you


Well-Known Member
It's all about having the right priorities, and you my friend have the right priorities.


Best of luck to you in getting back on track. Personally, I've discovered fanfiction is kind of like a slow acting drug that takes time, effort, and attention away from other important things in your life. Its enjoyable, but without a regulating force it tends to get out of control.

So go forth and regain that control. I hope you don't leave forever, because I've enjoyed your work, but your mental health is far more important.

Its okay to partake occasionally in your addiction as long as you have a friend/family member with a 2X4 behind you to knock you unconscious if you get out of control.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Wynk said:
Best of luck to you in getting back on track. Personally, I've discovered fanfiction is kind of like a slow acting drug that takes time, effort, and attention away from other important things in your life. Its enjoyable, but without a regulating force it tends to get out of control.

So go forth and regain that control. I hope you don't leave forever, because I've enjoyed your work, but your mental health is far more important.

Its okay to partake occasionally in your addiction as long as you have a friend/family member with a 2X4 behind you to knock you unconscious if you get out of control.
Its okay to partake occasionally in your addiction as long as you have a friend/family member with a 2X4 behind you to knock you unconscious if you get out of control.

It is all a matter of willpower.

In this case, he knows it is time to back off.
Thanks for the support, guys. It means a lot, it really does.

And Griever? You're preaching to the effin' choir, man. I know I'm gonna be back. I'd love to think that I could drop it all at a whim. However, I know I will relapse. Unfortunately.

However, my goal is instead to get away long enough to get my priorities in order (you know, college over anything else). Besides, if I manage to avoid flunking out, I'll be an First Year Resident Assistant, and will have next to no time to myself. So I need to cut these habits out now before the screw me over even more. :sisi:

But seriously, thanks for the support.

And on to the fics:

ICARUS is here.

Kunoichi Returned is here.

Now I was originally planning to post my plans for Endgame and Thunder and Lightning, but thinking about it more (and admitting that I'd be back...eventually), I realized that I really didn't want to.

What I want to do is finish them properly.

True, it could be classified as weakness. It could be a sign of an imminent relapse, less than two days after I swore it off. But the way I see it is this: Endgame is like my first-born child. I mean, seriously, I love it. I love /writing/ it. Just stating what I had planned is nowhere near the kind of respect it deserves.

So once I've got everything under control, I'll finish the second chapter and figure things out from there. If I still want to pound more chapters out, then I will. If not... :huh.:

As for Thunder and Lightning; if Endgame is my first-born, T&L is my favored nephew. Besides, there's NO alternate pairings in Bleach fics, and I feel obligated to fix that. :sisi:

But seriously, thanks for the support. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll see all you in a couple months. (though I suspect I will wind up lurking here just for Fosfor's fics :rolleyes: ) And thank you once again. Your support just reinforces how lucky I am to have found this board, difficulties nonwithstanding.

Thank you all once again.


Well-Known Member
You have a valid reason so I guess I'll just let my anger die out.


Well-Known Member
Actually, depending on your plans, you could spend at least some of the summer writing, provided you don't have classes for the summer.

I know how distracting fanfiction can be, but you have to be strong and limit yourself, I know I can't unless I really try.

Anyway, just do it when you have lapses in work and school, it isn't about being so weak that you come right back to it, just that you learn to manage your time so that you can do both.

However, your time is your own, do what you will with it. If you continue to write than I shall be patient and wait for updates, what difference will a month or two make.


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
The greatest motivator I have been able to find is that I allow myself the fun activity only AFTER I have completed my other tasks. For me looking forward to something gave me the strength to finish stuff quickly.

For some that may not work though. Those people would associate the activity with the hard work and lose interest in the activity. If you're one of those, then ignore what I just said. :p

Good luck in your education. Please value it, because as corny as it sounds, it is true that it will help make your entire life better in the future if you complete is successfully. The educated are valued, and decent education is required for almost everything short of, "Go fill that pothole in highway 35, Ed" or, "Would you like fries with that?"

Ironically, a lot of us will still be here when you're done. I'm not sure what that says for us, but...


Well-Known Member
ThreadWeaver said:
Good luck in your education.? Please value it, because as corny as it sounds, it is true that it will help make your entire life better in the future if you complete is successfully.? The educated are valued, and decent education is required for almost everything short of, "Go fill that pothole in highway 35, Ed" or, "Would you like fries with that?"

Ironically, a lot of us will still be here when you're done.? I'm not sure what that says for us, but...
I'll take I94 for highway or interstate, but thats off topic.

See ya later Dragoon, never talked to you but I always found your fics to be enjoyable reads. And good luck in life outside, you'll need it... we all do.
*Dragoon staggers in, looking exhausted.*

Huzzah! I have survived to see another lovely day in college! Huzzah!

That's right, ladies and gent's, I'm back. :eek: RL gave me a decent thrashing, but I managed to survive.

Now, for the news I know you're interested in. :p

The second chapter of Endgame is almost completed-as in I've got one more scene to go.

Thunder and Lightning isn't as lucky. Haven't really gotten anywhere with it, sadly. :blue:

Now for the bad news. I have my fics on my jump-drive...which I accidentally left at home when I left to go back to college for May Term (month-long one class semester). Oops. :rolleyes: So no updates for a while on those.

HOWEVER! I have wound up starting another Evangelion fic-this one taking heavy inspiration from the movies Westworld and The Matrix. :huh: Where the hell I get these ideas, I'll never know. Once I've got something decent I'll stick it up in the EVA section.

Yeah, that's about it for now.


Well-Known Member
HUZZAH! Revanant is back!

:mmm: *Breaks out the party streamers and noise makers* :mmm:


Well-Known Member
*Gets the bottle rockets and various fireworks ready*


Well-Known Member

RD, that's not 'quitting'.

That's 'I need a bit to sort shit out'.

Hell, that's still a better update situation than what's going on with Warpwizard these days.

Glad to see you're back, though. Don't fucking scare us like that again, yes?



When I wrote that I was planning a permanent quit. It was definitely one of my darker hours.

Then you had to throw that blasted rhyme at me, that got me thinking: 'will I really be able to give this up?'

Answer: Hell No.

But sorry for the scare.

Damn does it feel good to be back. B)