Anifics is alive again.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's back. Anifics has returned.

I know the Anifics is dead thread mentions this, but it deserves it's own topic.

Rejoice and all. It's weird that this would happen to me twice in one evening. First this, then I discovered a link there that Delphi has been brought back from the dead as well.

There's a topic for Delphi, but in the interest of letting others be lazy, I'll put it here as well. The link implies Ranma fanfics, but it just started out life as that sort of forum. It's got sections for both Anime as well as nonanime fanfics.

At the moment there's still a bit of work being done, and it may or may not change from Beehive to PhpBB or maybe something else. Anyway, it's there again, and old members will need to create new accounts and all, but it's back up now and there for posting or IRC chat if you're so inclined.

For those who aren't familiar, both Delphi Anime fanfics and Anifics are good places to post stories and get comments. Both are smaller venues than, but still nice little communities for reading, posting, and getting comments.

I'm having a bitch of a time getting beehive to upgrade itself from an old 0.5 back up to the 0.9.1. I've already sunk about 5hours into it over the last two days and as much as I would love to get it up this weekend its not looking to likely. I can only spend some much time adjusting an 11MB sql file to make it parse through the converter script before I get the urge to kill something... with fire.

In all likely hood once I restore the old 2005 database it will be locked given it's age and I will look towards using SMF or phpBB instead of beehive.