Anti-Naruto-Yaoi inspired response


Well-Known Member
TenguPhule said:
I don't know why this popped into my head

"So you're actually Naruto. And he's really Sasuke."

Naruto 'Uchiha' nodded nervously. Something about the lack of anger and imminent violence in Sakura's voice was making him very, very nervous. She had never once hit him since his 'switch' and to be quite honest he'd come to enjoy her attentions even if it had been for a face that wasn't his own.

Okay, and seeing Sasuke discover 'Inner' Sakura's beserker punch had been hilarious too. It had done him a world of good and he'd finally started to take her seriously as a shinobi after witnessing her strength first hand (or fist first as it were).

But now she'd brought the two of them here into this deserted storage shed and dropped the bombshell on them. She finally knew and devil was going to have his due.

"Um, we can explain-"

"And here all this time I thought I was going crazy because I thought I was developing feelings for Naruto in spite of how I felt about Sasuke."

"-Huh?!" Both boys stared dumbly at her cheerful face.

Unfortunately this meant that they failed to keep track of where her hands were.

When dealing with a medical nin in training that is a very stupid thing to do.

*Jab* *Jab*

Naruto and Sasuke had just long enough to realize that there were empty syringes stuck in their respective arms before the contents that had been injected into them kicked in.

"Just relax boys, Anko-sama assured me there won't be any pemanent effects from the compounds."

As he stumbled to his knees, Sasuke 'Uzumaki' had only one terrified thought in his suddenly cloudy head. Anko-SAMA?!

There was a faint rustle of cloth as a kunoichi robe fell to the floor.

"Don't you see, now I have two Sasukes. One in body and the other in the body."

Naruto reflected that seeing Sakura naked and smiling in front of him had been one of his fondest wishes in recent years. But this hadn't been what he'd had in mind. He had always pictured it as just him and her. Not him, her and his body with Sasuke still in it.

"But Sakura, you, I, he, we can't!"

Her next words would go down in both boy's memories as the most frightening thing they would ever hear...until tomorrow.

"Don't worry. It's not gay as long as your balls don't touch."

That was truly horrifying, more so because I can see it happening in this fic. Bravo. Truly good work there.


Well-Known Member
Umm...the thread gets screwed up until after I post..