Artists at the Ready!


Well-Known Member
Uuuuuh... Hello.
This is my first thread here, and I was just surfing Deviant-art, when I came across Artists at the Ready... It's not set to go until this summer, but I kinda wanted to hear what people thought of it...

It's an OC tournament, with the actual artists showing up... as the competitors. They have the ability to summon their own OC's to fight for them. Yeeeaaaaah, it sounds weird, but it's kinda neat.

Here's a link to the organization page.
Artists at the Ready!

The way I look at it, it could be very amusing, or completely... well, it might not work out all that well.

There's no real plot behind it yet, but it has a while to come up with one, so I'm not sure how things are gonna go on that front, but ... yeah... I was wondering what people here thought of it?

Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
This thread from the General section may interest you.

I hope that's relevant. I can't tell at 3 AM. Stupid daylight savings time ...

EDIT: Also, user bluepencil may be interested in this. Maybe? :huh.: