Beating GU Vol2


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share that I beat GU Vol2 recently. Would have done it a while ago, but the final boss took me six tries to beat!


Damn Recover Neighbors...

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member

Eh, volume two's final boss beat me once, but I just leveled up a bit and killed him easily the second time.

Sadly, G.U. has very little difficult in that way. Even One Sin and God Eater are pretty easy if you're the right level. Not even the ridiculous over-leveling, even just 3-4 levels often do the trick...

Good thing I don't really play it for the gameplay... ^^;;;


Well-Known Member
Meh, go beat up a doppleganger if you want a slightly more difficult challenge in the game.

Course beating up one in the last game makes it more incentive to do so.

What can I say? Somewhat rare item(s) that you'll only get if you beat them.

Course other than that, I'm in teh same boat as you guys are.

Mereo Flere

Well-Known Member
I beat the doppleganger without even using rengeki the first time in the second game.

I had to throw status effects on him like crazy, and died two times (and resurrected via the lucky animal) in the process, but I managed to do it.