Blood That Flows


Well-Known Member
“So, anyone got a plan?” Einhart asked, wondering when the enemy was going to make their move.

“We could always run back to the car and drive North.” Nove muttered, “I can slap the bracer on and get us going at max speed in a few seconds.” Her eyes widened as several dozen arrows were launched at them. “Watch it!”

Einhart and Vivio threw their hands up and the arrows bounced harmlessly off the barriers protecting the group. “Great,” Vivio groused, “we can't hurt them, but they can hurt us?”

“Perhaps that barrier only blocks magic?” Ixpellia suggested as she snapped her wrist straight, a long, thin blade appearing in it before she threw it straight at the Duchess. The group watched with interest as the Duchess snapped her fan up to parry the blade to the side. “It seems that is the case.”

“Great, so we just rush in and deal with those soldiers and try to fight the attacks from the tanks. Simple,” Nove tapped her feet on the ground, “well, I guess I'm okay with that.”

Nila unsheathed her sword and nodded. “Indeed, standing here would not suit me well.”

“What should I do?” Pokota groused at them. “I might have the Sword of Light, but I'm not a close range fighter.”

“Fire more Dragon Slaves.” Jail spoke up, “before you dismiss the idea, think of it this way, there has to be an upper limit to how much magic those things can absorb and hold. A Dragon Slave barrage might over-load it.”

Nila nodded and looked at Pokota. “You do that, we shall deal with them.”

“Arashi, Ixy,” Vivio spoke up without looking at them.

“It's Ixpellia.”

“Listen, just stay to the back, okay, it might be better to stay here, neither of you are close range fighters.”

Ixpellia shook her head. “No, I can be more useful...” She trailed off as the soldiers started running forward while the tanks moved in time with them. “Then again, it seems that we do not have a choice.”

“Staying behind the barrier while running forward?” Nove grimaced, their opponent sure wasn't an idiot, by limiting them of the option to use magic, she effectively cut their fighting ability dramatically.

“Well then...” Lyos started walking forward, “might as well fight them up close and personal.”

As she watched the group move forward, the Duchess smirked as she patted down her battle dress. “Like lambs to the slaughter.” She muttered, flicking a reddish lock of hair out of her eyes. Tilting her head, she realized that, yes, her opponents had a lot of redheads, two females and two young children. “Lots of redheads,” she muttered, wondering why she thought of that.

“Ma'am!” She turned to see her captain saluting her. “We're almost in position.”

She nodded at him. “As soon as you drop the barrier, make sure to have the magic troops fire at those two stragglers back there.” She pointed at Arashi and Pokota. “I would rather not leave anything to chance.” Turning back to the action, she slowly walked forward and batted away a stray throwing sword that the small redhead threw at her. 'Interesting, using throwing blades to make up for the lack of mass.' It was a good strategy, she had to admit, but the Duchess knew it was pointless, the armor she was wearing made that strategy worthless, and her fan was specially designed to be able to deflect projectiles, including those swords.

Uno frowned as she looked around as best she could. Something wasn't right, the tanks were loosely surrounding them, limiting the amount of soldiers that could fight them, and top of that it seemed like the soldiers weren't trying to attack with all their might. “Wait a second, this is...”

“A trap!” Jail realized the same thing as the ground suddenly started glowing brightly.

“What the..?” Einhart gasped, before screaming as she felt pain suddenly wrack her body, forcing her to her knees for a moment before she fell forward, groaning pathetically while her Adult Mode was forcibly canceled.

She wasn't alone as Vivio suffered the same problems when she was reverted to her child form. Ixpellia, Nila, Lyos and Nove all fell to the ground as the circle continued to glow.

The Duchess chuckled as she walked forward, not even paying attention to the magic troops as they quickly caught the other redhead by surprise, knocking him out with a few electrical spells. “Unlike Duclis and that assassin, I don't rush into situations without having a plan ahead of time.” She snapped her fingers as she turned. “Secure the bodies, the weapons and throw the prisoners into the loading truck!”

“Ma'am!” The soldiers moved quickly as a large black vehicle drove up. After securing the prisoners, they were thrown into the truck as their weapons were moved into another vehicle.

Not far to the North, Pokota peeked out from behind a tree, trembling. He had gotten lucky to avoid getting caught, but... “Dammit!” He hissed and took off into the air. Even if he couldn't do much right now, it would be better if he wasn't captured. He could figure out what to do as they traveled. “Please, everyone, be okay.”

Walking to her personal coach, the Duchess smiled as she sat on the plush seats. “Let us return, post haste. I would rather not spend another minute out here.” The driver nodded and closed the door before going to the front and driving off. “Yes... After I get them back, I wonder how I shall demonstrate their folly to the public?” Maybe she would give them to that Mazoku, Gram? He seemed interested in them after all.


Well-Known Member
Groaning as she woke up, Nove tried to sit up but found her movement impeded. “What the..?”

“Your arms are bound in shackles to your ankles.” Nila said from behind her, “I suspect that my arms and legs, based on how they feel, are similarly bound.” There was a rustling and clinking noise as Nove tried to force herself to roll over. “Before you ask, it seems that we are further bolted down to the floor.”

“Joy...” Nove sighed as she tensed her muscles. “Tell me something, can you access your magic?”

“No. The walls glow when I try, so I suspect some sort of massive draining or nullification spell is in place.”

“Do you have your weapon?”

“No. It seems that we were stripped of our weapons before being tied up. I also have not seen the cat, rabbit or your gem with the two silly people in it.” Nila grunted softly. “As much as I hate to say it, it seems that we were heavily out-maneuvered in this instance.”

“Yeah, seems that way.” Nove sighed as she shifted to try and sit up. “Urgh, they really didn't mess around, did they?” Grimacing, she could feel that her wrists weren't even able to move. “This is going to take awhile.”


“So this is the gem that the short redhead had, hmm?” The Duchess frowned as she looked at it. While she could admire the craftsmanship in the design and the color was rather pretty, even if it was a little pale. “Still, fairly unusual to wear into battle.”

“Only someone that has no idea about this stuff would say that.” A female voice spoke up and the Duchess nearly dropped the gem in the car in shock as a translucent woman with long hair appeared in front of her looking annoyed. “I have to admit, for a backwards barbarian culture, your technology is far more advanced than I would have given you credit for. Even I never found out much about this world and all indications were that the technology was at least a thousand years, if not more, behind what I'm used to seeing.”

The Duchess narrowed her eyes at the woman. “And, pray tell, who are you?”

The woman suddenly grinned. “Why, I am Uno, the ghost of Holidays past, here to show you what you used to be before your selfish ways changed you.”

“You would have to try harder, perhaps a past life, for this life was not one with any meaning, nor do I care to remember my past with that detestable woman who gave birth to me.” The Duchess narrowed her eyes. “It is better that Marquess Giocanda remain dead and buried for the rest of time.”

“Hmph, so you inherited your wealth then?” Uno raised an eyebrow at her. “Quite pathetic, if you ask me. Being able to hold a station in life due to the influence of your parents rather than your own merits, having everything handed to you and then leaving you free to do what you wish while leaving nothing in your wake for those to follow you.”

“Who says that I didn't work hard?” The Duchess grit her teeth. “A Marquess is far lower in station than a Duchess is!”

“I'm not saying that you didn't work hard, but you started off much better than someone who was at a lower station in life than you, financially.” Uno crossed her arms under her breasts. “If you had been born poor, you would not be in the station you're at, one could say that you're just a lucky person and you don't truly deserve your wealth. Considering that you were able to amass this army, I suspect that you got your money the old fashioned way, selling weapons, probably those tanks, to other countries.”

“Hmph, I do admit...” She trailed off and looked outside at the tanks. “Selling these things to smaller countries is a great way to drive in profit.”

“As I thought, a death merchant.” Uno stared as the Duchess lifted her up to glare at her. “Have I hit a nerve? Perhaps you'll act like a spoiled brat and throw me out the window? Or maybe you'll try to smash me? Or maybe you'll tell me your name so I can taunt you more personally?”

“I prefer not to give my name out to those who do not need to know it.” She closed her eyes and looked away. “As for a death merchant, not really. I may sell these weapons, but only to countries that can barely afford to defend themselves from outside threats.” Leaning back into her seat, she leaned to the side so that she could rest her head on her knuckles while her elbow pressed into the cushioned seats. “Tell me, Uno, if that is your real name, do you have any idea what it would be like if the country of Seiryunn decided that being the White magic capital of the world wasn't enough and decided to, instead of defending and being peaceful, attack other countries?” Uno raised her eyebrow, waiting for the Duchess to continue. “It would not be pretty, they have the strongest standing army and magic users in the world, what chance do smaller nations have?”

“Fear is a good motivator.” Uno nodded and scratched her chin. “Tell me something, about these magic tanks, how did you get the design for them?”

“The late Marquess apparently stole them from some kingdom that disappeared years ago, Tafo...” She waved her hands as if it wasn't important. “However, I took the basic design and improved upon it, combining the properties of the Zannafar Armors and null magic fields that exist in the world to create a superior defense.”

“I see...” Uno trailed off, wondering about that.


“Hey, Nila...” Nove asked as she wiggled her arms slightly. “How old are you, anyway?”

“Hmm?” The Sorceress blinked and thought about it. “Well, I was four, maybe five years old when my master found me in the slums of a large city, I was unable to talk when we first met, that was.... Somewhere around fourteen and fifteen years ago, why?”

“So, you're somewhere between eighteen and twenty, okay.” Nove grit her teeth as she started to put pressure on the shackles with all her might.

“Does it matter?” Nila frowned as she heard a groaning sound. “What is...” Her eyes widened as Nove let out a yell and her bonds snapped clean off her wrists.

“How the hell did you do that?” Lyos spoke up, shock evident in his voice. “I wake up to you two talking about ages and then you just bust out of that?”

Nove rubbed her wrists and looked at Lyos, who stared at her eyes. For some reason they seemed slightly brighter than usual. “I'm not exactly normal. Though if I was any of my other sisters I wouldn't have had this trouble.' Pushing herself to her feet, Nove looked down at the shackles before grunting and trying to kick forward. “WAGH!” She yelped as she fell to her rear. “Oww!”

“She breaks out of chains with her bare hands despite not having any sort of leverage and in a position that would throw my shoulder out of joint and falling her butt hurts?” Lyos chuckled at the glare Nove was giving him. “You have to admit, it's kind of funny.”

“Har, har.” Nove rubbed her butt before bending over and punching the shackles, cracking it. “Yeesh, oww.” She grumbled as she stood up and kicked forward, this time shattering the shackles off of her ankles. “Gods, that's better.”

“How did you do that?”

Nove rolled her eyes at Nila's question and walked over to her. “I'm not exactly normal, though I think any of my sisters could have gotten out of that a lot easier than I did. Hold still.” Nila nodded as Nove raised her foot up and stomped down hard on the shackles around her ankles and wrists a few times. “Say, Nila, I need to know, when did these kinds of vehicles become popular?”

“Hmm...” The Sorceress thought about it while Nove broke her shackles off. “I would have to say around five years ago.” She nodded as Nove helped her to her feet. “They were around before hand, but... What?” She looked at Nove in confusion as the redhead stared at her in shock.

“Um, nothing.” Nove shook her head. For a moment she thought she saw something that had to have been impossible. “Anyway, five years, just who made these?”

Nila's visible eye widened and she shook her head. “Ah, I apologize, Nove, but I am afraid I cannot tell you that.”

“I didn't ask how they were made, I was asking who made them.”

Nila sighed and shook her head. “Even if I could tell you who made these, it would likely be a secret on how they were made.”

Nove sighed and hung her head, shaking it, “fine, but that wasn't what I asked.”

“I truly am sorry, but like I said, I cannot tell you.”

“Fine, let's just get the rest of them out of their shackles.” Nove sighed again as Nila nodded.


Vivio rubbed her wrist as the group sat in a circle and tried to plan a way to escape. “Why not kick the door down?”

Nove shook her head. “Already tried, I nearly broke my foot in ten places.”

“And none of us can use magic?” Einhart sighed as the others shook their heads. “And none of us have our devices or weapons?” Not that she needed Asteon to achieve her adult mode after all, he just made it easier to regulate her magic for longer periods.

“Well...” Ixpellia spoke up, getting everyone to look at her. “Not all of the weapons.” She smiled at the confused looks she was getting before snapping her wrist forward and several blades landing between everyone.

“Where did you hide those?” Arashi looked at her in confusion. If he knew how to do that, he could hide cake from his sister and eat it in his room when she wasn't looking.

Ixpellia looked away, a soft blush on her face. “A lady must have her secrets.”

Nila picked up a couple of blades and nodded, these would work well enough until she got her sword back.

“Not Banisher, but I can probably make do.” Lyos grabbed a few himself.

“Just a question,” Vivio raised her hand, “what's to stop them from taking us out the same way again?”

“I shall deal with that.” Nila answered the blonde. “But we still need to get out of here and retrieve our weapons.”

“My guess, they're probably together,” Lyos stood up, “if I can get out, I can call Banisher to me in an instant and I'll know where they are.”

“Still, we gotta get out of here.” Nove sighed as she grabbed the remaining few that Ixpellia, Nila and Lyos didn't take. “I'm up for suggestions.”

“I have a question though,” Nove nodded to Nila, “can you use those swords?”

“Yeah, not as good as you can, but I'll be fine.” Her I.S. would make sure of that, as much as she hated to rely on her abilities as a Combat Cyborg, being able to naturally use any equipment as best she could was a great advantage, especially when it came to stuff that she wasn't used to using.

There was a loud banging noise and everyone turned to Arashi. “Hey, GUARD!”

Nove winced at the noise, that was needlessly loud. “Arashi, I don't think...”

“WHAT?” A slot opened up, revealing some eyes and Ixpellia, Nove, Lyos and Nila quickly used their bodies to shield the blades from the guard's eyesight.

“Are we there yet?”

“What? No!”

“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”

“Noooo.” The guard groaned in exasperation, what kind of nutjob was this kid?

“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”

“No and... Wait, how come... DAMMIT! Stop the truck!” The slot closed and Arashi turned back to grin at everyone who stared at him stupidly.

“THAT was your master plan?!” Vivio didn't know if she should start laughing or strangle him.

“It worked, didn't it?” Arashi laughed as the truck stopped. “Um, maybe...”

Nove nodded and jumped above the door as she heard people moving to the back. “Get ready to escape.” She only hoped that this worked. When the doors opened, Nove swung down, her feet first as she drove herself into the first guard, knocking him into two others. “NOW!”

“Don't have to tell me twice!” Lyos yelled as he ran out and snapped his fingers, a dense fog picking up in the area. Looking at Nila, they both nodded, this wasn't going to be easy.

Then again, stuff like this, it never was.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, usually nothing good come along with the fog.

The Uno and Duchess conversation was a nice piece though - no matter how nice Seyruun can be, other nations should have a pair of knives to protect themselves. The Alfred's ambitions was pretty clear indication that one coup could turn Seyruun in a major threat to its neighbors.


Well-Known Member
“What's to stop them from doing the same thing they did last time?” Vivio asked as she slid under one of the guard to avoid his grab. “I mean, none of us have...”

“Leave it to me.” Lyos nodded to Nila, who merely raised her hands and stepped back. “I couldn't do this last time.”

Before anyone could ask what he meant, a stream of water erupted from the air in front of Lyos, slamming into a few guards and driving them into one of the tanks.




“Did you just...” Nove stared as she realized what Lyos did. “Scalding water?”

“Yep, by the way, look at those tanks.” Lyos smirked as Nove did and stared at his handiwork. “Before you ask, the anti-magic barrier that could tank a Dragon Slave kept me from doing this before, I was going to when we got onto the other side, but...”

“I see your point.” Nove could only stare as steam erupted from all the tanks, which popped open and the soldiers inside gasped as they got out of the tanks, panting about not being able to breathe.

Closing his eyes, Lyos held up a hand and shards of ice in the shape of a spear-tip lanced out in rapid succession, tearing into soldiers where they weren't protected, as well as tearing up the landscape around them.

“Woah...” Einhart and Vivio could only stare in awe at the destruction of the soldiers. The whole slaughter, neither of them could think of it as anything less, lasted only a few seconds. Really, it was like watching an avalanche of sharp, icy, pointy things crushing everything that tried to move.

“Now then...” Lyos smiled as he held out his hand. “Banisher, where are you?” A loud bang came from a truck not far from them. “I bet our stuff's over there.”



The Duchess was irritated, first this annoying woman who seemed content to keep aggravating her to no end, then her ride seemed to hit some sort of bump that threw her out of her seat and now someone was bothering her for no reason. “What?”

“It's the prisoners, they, ARRRRGH!”

“Escaped, I assume.” Uno's grin was almost ear to ear at that point.

“I figured that my guards were incompetent, but how the hell did they escape from those restraints?” The Duchess narrowed her eyes as she opened the door and stepped outside to take a look around. “...Figures, if I'm not ordering them, they get routed with ease.” She sighed and pressed a button under the door jam, causing a hidden latch to slide down.

“...You hid a sword in your door?” Uno stared, the thing was long and thin, but she wouldn't classify it as a rapier, but more of a long sword. The hilt was in a spiral pattern, the pommel was rounded to a point and the guard reminded her of horns for some reason. But what really bothered her was the fact that the sword was blood-red.

“Shahal, shall we go?” The Duchess slid Uno into her pocket and pulled out her fan from where it fell on the floor. “Now then...”

“If you try to fight them, you'll die without support.”

The Duchess didn't even bother turning as she heard that familiar male voice. “Duclis, I assume that Zuuma is with you as well?”

“Yes, but, how did you hide a sword that long in your door?” The sword was longer than the door was wide after all.

“A wizard did it.” The Duchess smirked softly at that before turning to face him and pointing Shahal at him. “So, what are you here for?”

“As it stands, you'll be unlikely to defeat them.” Duclis walked around her, keeping the sword away from him. “So tell me, are you against our help? You had an army helping you this time.”

“Worthless good for nothings,” she huffed and lowered her sword before turning and walking to the battlefield. “Very well, if you two can help out, then so be it, but even with three of us, we are out-numbered by a factor of more than two to one.”

“Might it help if I were to help?” Nila turned sharply to see what looked like a young man with slicked back hair, a black body suit and only half a face. “My name is Vizea, I have been waiting for a rematch with these fools.” His only visible eye narrowed as he remembered his defeat last time.

“Very well...” The Duchess nodded as she continued her walk. “Don't misunderstand, Mazoku, I shall slaughter you if you betray me.”

“I only wish for revenge on them, nothing more, I care for you as much as you care for a bug.” His half face smirked at the irritation he felt from the Duchess. “If I shall get what I want, you shall not see me after this.”

“Very well.”

Standing on the roof of the car, Zuuma narrowed his eyes and jumped towards the fog. 'Time to pay, sorceress.'


“Okay, good news, bad news...” Nove sighed as she stepped out of the truck. “Good news is, we have our weapons and devices back, bad news, I don't.”

“Worse news,” Einhart pointed as four figures came through the fog, “we have company.”

“I figured as much.” Ixpellia sighed as she held the Blessed Blade in her right hand and one of her throwing blades in her left. She narrowed her eyes at the Duchess. “I see, I shall deal with her.”

“Alone?!” Arashi couldn't believe she'd risk fighting some of these guys alone.

Ixpellia turned her head and smiled at him. “I am a King, after all, why would I battle without a knight to back me up?”

“Duclis...” Lyos grimaced as ice formed around his sword. Without Pokota or the Sword of Light, this would be a lot harder than he would like it to be. “And a Mazoku.” Considering that this one barely passed as human, it was safe to assume this one wasn't too powerful.

“If you think for one second that you'll be able to focus on him when you have me,” Duclis smirked as he stepped forward, “and you can't take that chance.”

“Leave that one to us.” Einhart said as she and Vivio stepped forward in their adult modes.

“Are you sure?” Lyos asked as he turned his head slightly. “Mazoku can be tough.”

“Don't worry,” Vivio winked and grinned, “Einhart and I have been using Chris and Teo to do holographic training when we weren't fighting. We've done plenty of simulators, we'll be okay.”

“Wait...” Arashi gaped at her. “Didn't sis say that doing that was incredibly stupid and risky and should never be done because it could cripple you if you weren't careful?”

Vivio crossed her arms under her breasts and huffed. “I'm not an idiot! We didn't ask our devices to compress our Linker Cores all the time, so, nyah!”

Einhart just palmed her face and sighed, did those two really need to act like that now?

“Sorceress...” Zuuma walked forward, darkness seemingly surrounding him. “You will die, if not today then soon, but you shall pass by my hand!”

“Nove,” Lyos narrowed his eyes at Duclis, “as good as I am, I'd rather have help with this guy, my magic's completely useless against him.”

“Heh, fine.” Nove smirked as she hopped on her feet and took a boxing stance, “I might not have Jet Edge, but I can still fight this guy.”

“Are you done chattering?” The Duchess fanned herself lightly. “If so, kill them.”

“With pleasure!” Duclis grinned as two blades formed in his hands and he lunged at Lyos. “This time, Knight of the Aqua Lord, you will die!”

“We'll see!”


Well-Known Member

this is gonna be a very crazy and bloody reunion in the next upcoming chapters...

I just can feel it in my bones....

And Gram's is making Carona a Mazoku?

holy $#!+!!!! I hope she don't go as far as Alicia~

Levi: AHEM! *Glares at me that promises eternal suffering.*

er.... Levi ends up...


Well-Known Member
Vizea grinned as the two teenaged girls jumped away from the group, leading him out behind a few of the magic tanks. “Tis almost a shame that you two have to face me.”

“Oh?” Einhart raised an eyebrow as an errant breeze caused her skirt to flutter in the wind. “Why is that?”

“Because,” the half-faced Mazoku slowly spread his arms apart in response, “by the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging for me to kill you.”

Vivio looked at Einhart and giggled at the response. “That was so cliché that I think it should be outlawed for bad guys to say it.”

“Fine, let's see you keep that attitude up for long.” Several spear-like projections were launched from his face, forcing the girls to leap away as the attack shredded the ground they were on a moment before.

“Sonic Shooter!” Three multi-colored orbs formed in front of Vivio's fists before she punched forward, launching them at Vizea.

“Kuhadan!” Einhart yelled from behind as she snapped her arm to the side, a swirling ball of magical air rushing at the Mazoku who just chuckled as tentacles erupted from his face, slapping aside both attacks with ease. “Ewww...” Einhart grimaced, those things looked like skeleton vines or something.

“Do you think that such weak attacks could do anything to me?” Vizea's tentacles retreated into his face as he turned towards Einhart and fired dozens upon dozens of flesh-colored spears from his face. “You fool! Just lay down and die!”

Einhart flipped and jumped away, huffing lightly as a few of the spears went right between her legs, causing her skirt to flutter wildly. “No thanks.”

“Got you!” Vizea turned to see Vivio's hands on fire as she punched towards his face. “Flame... SHOOOT!”

Vivio smiled as she saw the explosion engulf Vizea's head, but before she could even think about cheering, tentacles wrapped around her arms and upper body as the smoke cleared to reveal Vizea unharmed. “Was that supposed to hurt?” The Mazoku asked rhetorically before he leaned back and started spinning his body into wild circles, contorting his frame in ways that no human could possibly hope to do.

“Vivio!” Einhart yelped as she saw her friend screaming while being spun around in mid-air. “Watch...” Her eyes widened as the tentacles let go and launched Vivio straight into Einhart, who held up her arms to try and catch Vivio with a barrier, but winced as Vivio's speeds were far greater than she thought they were as Vivio slammed into her stomach before her shield was up, sending the two of them crashing into ground painfully.

“Now die!” Vizea yelled as he launched hundreds of spears at the two of them. “Yes!” He could feel the shock and fear coming from the two of them, he could feel the hopelessness that would soon follow, he could...

Stare in utter shock as a ball of energy the size of a bear was launched back at him. “What the hell?!” He yelled as he dodged to the side and watched it fly into the air past him harmlessly.

“Shoot, I had hoped that would hit him.” Einhart frowned as she dusted her skirt off. “That almost worked.”

“Except my butt hurts from that landing.” Vivio winced as she rubbed her rear end. “I need to work on that.”

“If you two are quite finished...” Vizea growled as he dropped to the ground and stalked towards them, “I think it's time I put an end to this.”

The two girls looked at each other and a small grin came to their faces. “Sure.” Vivio smiled at him.

“You are dreadfully boring.” Einhart faked a yawn. Normally she was far nicer than this in a fight, however, she could say that being on this world where everything seemed to want to kill you, or, heaven forbid, marry you when you weren't even the same species, not to mention seeing your friends get killed or kidnapped in front of you tended to change a personality at times.

Screaming in rage, the Mazoku launched more spears at the two, who jumped over them and zig-zagged towards him before running around him in two large circles, Einhart running clockwise while Vivio ran counter-clockwise. “What?!” Vizea gaped as the two started running so fast that they were blurring, even to his eyesight. “How?”

“Do you really think...” Vivio began as she ran around him.

“That we would not prepare for your kind in some way?” Einhart finished as she balled her hands into fists and making a sharp turn to strike Vizea in the stomach area with her left fist, her right fist slammed into his chest, her left fist smashed into his jaw, knocking him off balance as she adjusted her stance while wind seemed to spiral around her fist.

“I...Impossible...” Vizea's eyes were wide, it felt like she was striking him on the Astral plane, but how?

“HAOH! DAN! KU! KEN!” Einhart yelled as she struck Vizea with all her might, sending him flying. “Vivio, now!”

“Divine...” Vivio rushed after Vizea as she charged up a pink sphere in her hands. “BUSTER!”

The Mazoku screamed as he was blasted by the energy, sending him flying through the air and into a tree, which promptly exploded.

Vivio panted as she tried to get her breath back. “I'm glad... That worked...” Wincing, she put her hands on her rear end and rubbed it. “Oww, that still hurts.”

“Really?” Einhart looked at where Vivio was rubbing. “You didn't land that hard, did you?”

“Just a little and... EEEK!” Vivio ducked as several spears nearly bisected her face.

“How the hell can you hit me with your fists?!” Vizea screamed as he came after them. Well, the two of them were sure it was the same Mazoku, except that this time it looked like a giant ball of eyes and tentacles with a giant mouth in the middle.

“We need more practice mixing Astral magic with our attacks.” Vivio muttered, getting a nod from Einhart before they jumped away from it. “I've got an idea, but I need you to hold him off for a few seconds.”

“Sure!” Einhart nodded as she landed and leaned out of the way from a tentacle. “Give me the easy job, no problem!”

Vivio took a deep breath as she jumped back and concentrated. Vivio had thought that her Divine Buster would have killed this Mazoku, seeing as the attack was Holy in nature to begin with, but apparently it didn't work and she really had no idea why.

If Vivio had known that it was Raising Heart that made the Divine Buster and Divine Shooter that made those attacks Holy attribute, well, it would have kept her from using the attack in the first place.

Einhart ducked as a gout of flame passed over her head and grimaced. Flaming hair was never fun to deal with, thankfully she never had to deal with it, but she had seen others who did and the smell was unbearable. “Elmekia Lance!” She thrust her palm forward, a yellow arrow-like projectile launched into the Mazoku, causing Vizea to scream in pain. “Vivio, please hurry!” She yelled and jumped away as the eyes suddenly all lit up and started firing laser beams at her.

Vivio closed her eyes and concentrated, she only hoped that the spell Pokota mentioned to her would work on this creature. She wouldn't have much choice but to try that nuke spell if this failed.

“You, who sleep in the depth of the earth,
You who has a soul of ice,
with your blue power,
on those who stand in our way,
you and I together will give ruin and our revenge.
Dynast Brass!”

A pentagram formed under Vizea as lightning crashed down onto the giant orb from multiple angles, causing the Mazoku to scream in pain before his body was vaporized.

“Think that did it?” Einhart asked as Vivio sighed and wiped her forehead.

“Maybe, I think mama mentioning something about Mazoku only fighting other Mazoku from the Astral plane.”

Einhart scratched her head in confusion. “But wouldn't that give them an advantage over us?” Vivio shrugged, she didn't know the specifics herself, but she wasn't going to complain about it. “What would you have done if it didn't work?”

“I would have used a Dragon Slave.” Vivio giggled as Einhart paled at the thought. “Yeah, I didn't want to do it either.”

“I swear, your ability to basically copy magic spells is unfair.” The silver-haired girl grumbled as memories of Olivie from her ancestor popped into her head. The previous Saint Kaiser had a very similar ability from what little fragments she could get.

“Ah!” Vivio's eyes went wide and blank at that, “but I have to work hard, just because I can copy a spell doesn't mean I can do it if I don't understand it, you know?” She rubbed the back of her head and giggled while Einhart sighed and nodded.

At least that made sense.


I'll have the next part soon, I was going to make this a double sized post, but then I decided to not. *Shrug* I can be random!


Well-Known Member
Dynast Brass, huh?

You know, when I saw it, I thought, "Wait a minute, isn't he outright dead in this story?" Then I remembered Sherra inherited his power and took the Dynast name.

Still, I doubt Sherra would be exactly the same as her former master.


Well-Known Member
Nanya said:
“Ah!” Vivio's eyes went wide and blank at that, “but I have to work hard, just because I can copy a spell doesn't mean I can do it if I don't understand it, you know?” She rubbed the back of her head and giggled while Einhart sighed and nodded.

At least that made sense.
Take that! Sasu-gay!!!!


Firing a Divine buster without bracing for the recoil makes landing a lot more harder than normal... and landing on your butt will not make it easier.

And Einhart... be glad Vivio didn't have to go for the local Nuke(Dragon Slave). XD


Well-Known Member
A bit of a long one.

There will be notes at the end.


Arashi frowned as he walked behind Ixpellia. “So how are we going to fight her?” That red sword in the older woman's right hand seemed to glow ominously in his eyes.

“I shall deal with her.” The girl smiled when Arashi fell over at hearing that.

“What?! But, Ixy, she's...”

“It's Ixpellia.” She turned to look at him and walked up to him as he stood up. “And I may wish to deal with her one-on-one and I request that you do not interfere unless I am about to be defeated.”


Ixpellia sighed and grabbed his head and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Just stay here and allow me to deal with her.” She giggled as he nodded dumbly, unable to do anything but stare ahead blankly.

“Are you quite finished?” The Duchess narrowed her eyes as Ixpellia walked forward. “Do not think that because you are young I shall show you mercy.”

“Of course not. And I hope that you do not mind if I show someone who is lower than my station no mercy either.” Ixpellia merely raised an eyebrow as the Duchess narrowed her eyes.

“A commoner, telling me that she's of higher station than myself?” The Duchess swung Shahal to the side, the blade pointed downwards while she held her fan in her left hand.

“You are nothing more than a petty noble who has a small territory to herself.” Ixpellia pointed the Blessed Blade at her opponent. “Despite whatever title you managed to obtain in life, you must know that you stand before Ixpellia, Galea's Dark King of the Underworld.”

“A King?” The Duchess raised an eyebrow. “A girl as the King?” A small grin came to her face, “how... Amusing?”

“Quite,” Ixpellia nodded, “for it was custom in the ancient lands from which I hail to name the leader, regardless of gender, as King, until they wed, at which point they would receive the proper title befitting their gender. But enough talk.”

“Yes,” The Duchess nodded as Ixpellia lowered her sword and gripped it with both hands in a more traditional stance, “have at you.” She stepped forward and thrust Shahal at Ixpellia's face, the smaller girl leaned to the side while using the Blessed Blade to parry the blade away from her. “Hmph.” The Duchess pulled her arm back and swung at Ixpellia, who ducked the strike and threw one of her thin swords at the Duchess, who snapped her fan open to block the attack.

Ixpellia hopped back and ducked low, before jumping forward and slamming the Blessed Blade downward at the Duchess, who raised Shahal horizontal to her face to block the attack. “Fool, you're off the ground.”

“But I am not defenseless.” Ixpellia kicked off of the Duchess's arm to get away before she could counter-attack. “I do admit, I am not much of a fighter.”

“Too bad,” a new, feminine voice, spoke up, surprising Ixpellia, “I was hoping to get more of a challenge out of you before I killed you.”

“...Your sword can speak?” Ixpellia didn't like the sound of that voice either, it sounded totally unhinged to her.

“Shahal is, after all, a Lesser Demon.” The Duchess pointed the sword at Ixpellia, who stepped back as the sword glowed red.

“I'm not a Lesser Demon! I'm a Mazoku that was created this way!” The sword sounded indignant that they would think it was weaker than what it was.

“Well, there you go.” The Duchess gave a small smirk before running forward and stabbing at Ixpellia's face, who, again, parried the sword, or so she thought as her face, arms and torso were suddenly lacerated as if she had been struck in several places at once.

Ixpellia let out a grunt of pain as she was sent flying and crashed onto her back with blood flowing from her wounds. “Oww...” She hissed, feeling like her body was on fire as she forced herself to her feet. “That hurt.”

“Good.” The Duchess raised her sword up before swinging down as though she was cutting through something when the air seemed to distort in front of her.

“What the...”

“Ixy!” Arashi yelled as a similar distortion formed in front of Ixpellia just a moment before the Duchess stabbed forward, the tip of the blade suddenly appeared from the distortion in front of Ixpellia.

To the redhead, time itself seemed to slow down as the blade got closer and closer to her face in an attempt to punch a new hole in her skull when everything went black and she found herself a dozen feet to the right of where she had been previous.

Panting hard, Ixpellia turned to see Arashi smiling while holding her around the waist. “Did you just...” For some odd reason, she could have sworn his hair wasn't red, but rather blond, but that was only for a moment.

“It's been awhile since I've had to do that.”

“Thank you.” Ixpellia stood up and grimaced as her body burned from the previous cuts. “But I must ask, why did you not do that in any of our other conflicts?”

“Everyone seemed to have everything under control.” Arashi protested, “plus I can only do that to places that I can see.”

“I see.” That meant the technique wasn't too useful for fighting someone like Zuuma, who liked to obscure vision, nor was it good for long distances.

Sighing, the Duchess pulled her sword back as the distortion faded. “I really hate these fools who just,” Shahal glowed red before she swung out at Ixpellia and Arashi, both of whom disappeared in a black flash as the ground they were standing on a moment ago was destroyed, “keep interfering!”

The next thing the Duchess knew, the sky itself was glowing a soft purple. Looking up, she gulped as she saw dozens upon dozens of those thing blades seemingly hover in the air above her.

“Fall. Blades of Fury.” Ixpellia dropped her hand from behind the Duchess and watched as the swords shot out at high speeds.

The Duchess frowned as Shahal laughed and glowed for a brief moment before she started slashing and hacking at the swords as they fell.

“How is she doing that?!” Arashi gaped, there was no way in hell she should be that fast! Well, maybe Fate was, but she was an exception, those blades were being shot out as fast as bullets for crying out loud! He couldn't even follow them.

“Likely that blade's abilities.” Ixpellia took a deep breath as the blade on her sword started to glow silver. After all, the blade had already shown an ability to strike from multiple angles, shoot energy waves and even distort space and time, so why not be able to strike quickly to block attacks? “Still, those are Holy blades, that Mazoku might be weakened if the attacks hit the blade at all.”

“Yeah, but I'm not going to try and run up there and hit her with that Ragna Blade, and I don't know if any of the other spells I could use would work.”

“True, however, I have something that may work.” Ixpellia brought the Blessed Blade up as the energy from it caused the wind to pick up and send dust flying everywhere.

“I hope it works.”

“Ignorant little pests.” The Duchess turned around as the remains of Ixpellia's other swords fell around her and littered the ground at her feet and narrowed her eyes at Ixpellia's sword. “Shahal,” her sword glowed red as she rotated her wrist in a sideways eight pattern a couple of times, “foolish girl, if you had not opposed me, you may have lived long enough to see yourself wed.”

“Perhaps, but I ended up being the reason that my betrothed was slain after all.” Ixpellia held the sword high above her head. “Now! Blessed... BLADE!” Swinging down with all her might, a silver-white beam lanced out and raced towards the Duchess, cracking the ground under it.

“Die!” Shahal screamed in joy as the Duchess swung it down, a red wave of energy much larger than even the Blessed Blade could produce was sent forward and crashed into the attack that Ixpellia had launched at them. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You will die to my cursed power! There's not a sword in the world that can match my power!”

The Duchess gave a small smile as the two attacks collided, at worst they would cancel each other out and she could easily pick the two children apart.

Her smile died a painful death as the red energy wave suddenly shattered and Ixpellia's attack continued on without a hint of slowing down. “Damn.” She cursed and swung her sword forward to clash against the energy directly. “You had one job, Shahal, if I survive this, I will find a better sword.”

“Don't blame me!”

Arashi stared and looked at Ixpellia, who was also in shock. “How did you do that?”

“I... Have no clue. Those television shows that I was introduced to showed the exact opposite in all of them, the bigger attack should always win, right?”

Arashi nodded, wondering what happened.

Neither of them could be blamed for not knowing the specifics of the Blessed Blade. While they both knew it could absorb Miasma expelled by Mazoku and Lesser Demons, they had no clue that the true ability of the Blessed Blade was to purify that Miasma. While not as potent as the Holy tree Flagoon, the Blessed Blade was a weapon capable to draining a Mazoku of their power and purifying it completely.

And while it couldn't handle the Miasma of more potent Mazoku, such as the late Hellmaster Phibrizzo, an attack from Shahal was not at a level that the sword could not handle.

“Dammit!” Shahal cried out as the blade and handle suddenly started to crack and chip. “Completely impossible! Beaten by a little girl?!”

The Duchess stared in shock as the Mazoku known as Shahal disintegrated in hands. Before she could do anything else, however, the wave of pure energy was crashing down on her like a jokulhaups, sending her flying into a magic tank behind her with enough force that her body became embedded into the machine as the energy finally subsided.

“Woah!” Arashi gaped, that was rather impressive, sure he had seen his family do larger blasts, but that was because all of the magic users in the family were good at doing that. Other than Hayate and Reinforce Eins, he didn't know too many people outside of his family who were good at blowing stuff up like that.

“I do believe that is...” Ixpellia trailed off and gaped as the Duchess, despite just being blasted into a magic tank, peeled herself off of the side of it and fell to the ground, “impossible! Such an attack should leave her unconscious at least.” At least she wasn't armed anymore.

The Duchess was hunched over, panting and looking forward as she stood there for several moments. “You...” She hissed and took a step forward.

A loud tearing noise was heard and Arashi and Ixpellia both stared as the Duchess's outfit fell apart, leaving her in just a pair of white underwear and... “Armor?!” Ixpellia and Arashi both said at the same time, though Arashi quickly looked away, blushing at the state of the other woman's near nudity.

The armor that the Duchess was wearing didn't cover her arms, but it was covering her torso completely, being in the style of a sleeveless tank top.

Grinning painfully, the Duchess took one more step forward before her knees buckled and she fell face-first into the dirt.

“It's really over now.” Ixpellia sighed and relaxed as she finally allowed herself to lower her stance.

“So, now what?” Arashi turned to look at Ixpellia, who smiled at him.

“I am going to get answers, but first, Arashi,” she put a hand on his shoulder and shook softly, “I am having trouble walking, I think that the adrenaline is wearing off now, can you please be a gallant knight and escort me over to her?”

“Ah, sure...” He helped Ixpellia sheath the Blessed Blade before putting her right arm over his shoulders and walked her over to the fallen Duchess.

“You never did answer why you did not use your warping powers in our earliest conflicts.”

Arashi winced at the look she was giving him. “I didn't see Corona disappear, if I had, I could have done something maybe. And Rio...” He looked down as he stopped walking for a moment. “I was so surprised. I never saw anyone do that before. Even your zombies didn't do something like that to people.” And those things could make cannons and swords out of their arms for crying out loud!

Ixpellia gave him a flat stare. “Please do not remind me about the Mariages, I do not like to think that I would one day fall to sleep again and never awaken.”

“So you won...” The two looked down as the Duchess spoke up. She had rolled onto her back and was looking right up at them. “Go on, use one of those blades of yours, end my life.”

“Tell me,” Ixpellia looked at her as Arashi helped her to a kneeling position, “why did you attack us? Why did you send your men to attack us constantly?”

“If you mean Zuuma and Duclis,” the Duchess panted and grimaced, “we were warned that your group was coming to destroy everything.” A pained chuckle escaped her lips as she closed her eyes. “That jerk, I should have demanded that he joined us. But he was right, if I had known you were so strong, I would have killed you all instead of trying to bring you back for a public execution.”

“Wait, who warned you?” Arashi spoke up, confusion in his voice, “ever since we got to this world we've been attacked left and right. We lost two of our friends and we might be dead if it wasn't for Lyos and Pokota saving us. All we want is to find Corona and get home.”

“What?” The Duchess opened her eyes to look at the two in confusion. “But Gram said that you would destroy everything that I had worked hard to create.”

“...Gram? He wouldn't happen to be a Mazoku would he?” Arashi stared, dumbfounded, “and you believed him?! Mom told me that Mazoku aren't to be trusted, they'll betray you in an instant.”

“I guess I didn't care, in the end, my life never held any meaning.”

“Oh, dammit, will someone get me out of here so I can yell at her properly?!” A female voice spoke up and Arashi stood up and walked over to where the voice was coming from. “Thank you,” Uno nodded as Arashi picked her up. “Now then!” She turned to look at the Duchess as Arashi walked her over to the downed noble. “Nice underwear,” Uno narrowed her eyes at the Duchess, “I don't care what you think about your life, but I know for a fact that no one in this group would have destroyed your little toys if you hadn't come here to cause problems in the first place.”

“Perhaps... So what happens now?”

“Um, what's with your armor anyway?” Ixpellia frowned as she looked at it.

“Modified Zannafar Armor. Unlike what Duclis wears, this doesn't block all magic and weapons, but it weakens the effect on me. Unlike what that idiot is wearing, this cannot consume me and turn me into a Zannafar.”

“Wait, that armor does what?!” Arashi, Uno and Ixpellia yelled at the same time.

“Yes, that fool has worn it for awhile now. If all the research I've done into the Zannafar armor is true, then he will, any time now, be consumed by the armor and turned into a Zannafar.”

“Should we cancel our vacation plans then?” Jail spoke up, getting smacked in the face by Uno for his remark.

“Let's go.” Ixpellia said after a few moments as she stood up. “Even if it would be too late to stop his transformation, we must try something.”

“What about her?” Uno looked at the Duchess.

Ixpellia turned and unsheathed her sword and pointed it at the Duchess. “Very well, I shall deal with her.”

“I knew you would.” The Duchess closed her eyes as she waited for the sword to come down.

“Don't! IXY!”

The next thing Arashi knew, the Blessed Blade's tip was in the ground right next to the Duchess.

“Due to the fact that you were misinformed about our intentions, I shall allow you to live for another day, but know this, woman,” Ixpellia leaned in as the Duchess opened her eyes, “as you have declared your life to have no meaning, then I shall give it meaning.”


Ixpellia smiled, it was not a nice smile, it was a smile that would have sent shivers down Jail's spine if he still had one, “from this day forth, you are mine. I am now your King and your ruler, and as such, you will listen to this command.”

The Duchess nodded slowly.

“From this day forward, you will dismantle the rest of your tanks, the armor and your army, and should you ever raise another army at all, know that I will return to make an example of you.”

“Very well... My King.”

Ixpellia stood up and pulled the Blessed Blade out of the ground. “When you recover, return to your mansion and do as I have instructed. When you are done with that, you are to rule over your subjects in a manner that befits a noble, to treat them all with fairness and justice. You may do what you wish otherwise, but if you abuse your position...”

“Do not worry, I have no intention of betraying you.”

Ixpellia nodded as she walked away, Arashi following right behind her.

“That was...” Arashi whispered in awe.

Ixpellia turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “Surely you did not think that my title of King was just for show.” She giggled as he blushed hard.

“By the way, when you said that she was yours, just what did you mean by that?” Jail popped up, wondering just what she meant by that.

“I meant it, she is mine to do with as I see fit.”

“That has some rather... Intimate implications.” Uno deadpanned and twitched as Ixpellia nodded.

“I know.”

Uno looked at Arashi and smirked at him. “You better be careful, she's going to be more than a handful for you.” Arashi just looked at the hologram in confusion as Uno laughed.


As for Shahal, it's based off the sword with the same name from the game "Evil Zone" on the PS1. In the game, it's revealed that the sword is actually Satan himself and everything that Shahal could do here was done in the game, though, toned down slightly. After all, Shahal in the game fought against a couple of Goddesses and didn't even crack, plus it could take over the host body as it was shown at the end of the story mode it ended up possessing a child when the person holding it (Lie IIRC was his name) was no longer useful.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's nice that Ixy obtained a new vassal. But doesn't she just turn Duchess lands into easy targer for all neighbors: without her army all nearby lords could adopt a thought that they need Duchess' lands more?


Well-Known Member
“Die!” Duclis yelled as he threw his hands out and dozens upon dozens of red arrows were launched at Lyos and Nove. While Nove jumped out of the way, Lyos swung his sword forward, causing geysers, that quickly froze, to erupt from the ground. Duclis growled and looked up in time to catch Nove's foot slamming across his eyes. Leaning back, the beastman grunted before creating a blade in his right hand and stabbing upwards at Nove, who bent in mid-air and flipped away from him.

Nove landed in a crouch and watched as Lyos jumped up into the air, his sword was covered in thick ice as he brought the blade down. When Duclis blocked his sword with two energy blades, Nove ran around the beastman and struck at the back of his knees, getting a yell of surprise from him as his knees buckled and he was driven onto his back. “Got'cha.” Nove cheered as she rolled out of the way.

Duclis grunted as the weight of the weapon slammed him into the ground hard enough to leave an impression on the ground. Even so, he wasn't even bloodied by the attack. He yelled in pain as Lyos slammed Banisher onto him a second and a third time, driving him further into the rock. “Enough of this.” He growled as Lyos raised his sword up again and pointed his hand at the Knight of the Aqua Lord.

“GAH!” Lyos yelled as a red beam shot upwards and sent him flying off of Duclis. Grunting as he landed, he lost his grip on Banisher, which slid and clattered away from him.

Pushing himself out of the small crater and onto his knees, Duclis looked up, only to find both of Nove's feet slamming into his face and nose with a loud cracking sound, sending him bouncing away from her and through a tree. Duclis twitched as he got up and glared as Nove ran to Lyos. Forming a red arrow in his hand, Duclis threw it right at Nove and grinned as he saw his attack pierce Nove's right knee.

Nove let out a scream of agony as she collapsed to the ground and slid a few feet. Grabbing her knee, her body spasmed almost violently and she had to let it go as even the slightest movement of her knee was too much to handle.

Chuckling as he walked towards them, Duclis grabbed Nove by her right leg and ignored her screaming. “Now then...” A vicious grin came to his face as he turned and raised Nove over his head and slammed her, chest and face first, into the ground so hard that he heard some cracking from her body. “Did that hurt?”

“DUCLIS!” Lyos yelled, causing the beastman to turn just in time to see a giant fist of solid ice slam into his face so hard that he let go of Nove while flying several feet away. “YOU!” Lyos reared his right fist back before punching forward, a Tsunami of water and ice formed in front of him, swirling through the air and slamming into Duclis and then into the ground as the angry torrent of water tried to bury him permanently.

After a few minutes, Lyos panted before running up to Nove and rolling her onto her back. “Oh gods,” Lyos's eyes were wide as he looked at Nove. Her face was a total mess, blood and dirt everywhere.

“I bet...” Nove let out a yelp of pain as he came close to her right knee, “it's not as bad as it looks.”

“Nove, I...”

Before Lyos could say anything more, a red beam shot out of the water, causing it to shatter and splash to the ground harmlessly. The ground shook as Duclis punched a hand out of the ground and pulled himself up and out of the hole he was in.

“Damn you!” Duclis hissed as he got out of the hole he was in. Other than looking dirty, there wasn't a scratch on the beastman.

“...Okay, this is a bit annoying.” Lyos held his right hand out and Banisher returned to him as Duclis freed himself from the hole completely.

“Gi...Give 'em a good one for me.” Nove hissed in pain. If her knee wasn't screwed up, she'd still fight, even without Jet Edge.

Lyos nodded and ran towards Duclis, who had a red orb of energy in front of him. “Duclis! This is the end.”

“For you.” Duclis clapped his hands around the orb, which snapped into an incredibly long energy sword, which he swung at Lyos.

Ducking the energy attack, Lyos ran in close to the beastman, “you missed.”

“Did I?”

Lyos had less than a split second for that to sink in before a red beam struck him in the right shoulder. His eyes widened and he screamed loudly before Duclis drove a knee into his stomach, sending him flying away.

Chuckling to himself, Duclis picked up Banisher, which Lyos had dropped, and sneered before throwing it to the side. “If you had the Sword of Light, you might have been able to kill me by now.”

Lyos gripped his shoulder and hissed in pain. He couldn't remember the last time he hurt this much. He could usually heal any damage to his body due to his control over water and water-like substances, but this... “Dammit.” He hissed as Duclis walked over to him slowly.

“Poor Knight of the Aqua Lord.” Duclis narrowed his eyes at the fallen knight, “I think I'll kill the girl first, so you can watch her die before I kill you.”

“Duclis, you, GAH!” Lyos screamed as Duclis stomped on his knee hard.

“Fool, you will die...'

Lyos grit his teeth and glard at the beastman. “I swear I'll...”

“You'll what?”


“What?” Duclis looked up only to find a large fireball exploding against his face. Taking a step back, he shook his head to clear his vision. “What was...”

“Light come forth!” Lyos yelled as he pushed himself up and slashed upwards.

Duclis's eyes widened as the replica of the Sword of Light cut through his armor and into his insides. “N...No...”

“Just... Die already!”

That was the last thing Duclis heard as the sword separated his head from his shoulders.

Lyos panted heavily as Duclis's body fell backwards, unmoving. Groaning, he fell backwards and grimaced in pain, both from his knee and shoulder. “Thanks, Pokota.”

The rabbit nodded as he landed next to Lyos. “Sorry it took so long to catch up.”

Lyos waved him off with his left hand and grimaced. He and Nove were going to need help if they were going to get anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Duclis wearing the read deal Zanaffar armor? I that case I was expecting Nove going back to basics, hitting him in full cyborg mode as it uses no magic.


Well-Known Member
Filraen said:
Wasn't Duclis wearing the read deal Zanaffar armor? I that case I was expecting Nove going back to basics, hitting him in full cyborg mode as it uses no magic.
Yeah, he was, but that thing still nullifies physical damage.

I am not kidding, other than a Ragna Blade (or heaven forbid a Giga Slave) there's not one spell in Slayers that can hurt someone in the Zannafar Armor. Maybe high level Mazoku can get through it, dunno, it's never brought up.

Though, considering the Sword of Light can cut through a Zannafar, it's seems likely that Lords can beat it (and Xellos, likely can as well).

Granted, momentum and dirt can still cause problems, you need to breathe, see and gravity still affects you.

Just an FYI about the Zennefa Armor (the more powerful and perfected Zannafar armor), Lina used it, in canon, to trap Grausherra Dynast to the physical plane then cut him with the Ragna Blade. Didn't kill him, but weakened him tremendously, he's stuck in the Astral Plane for a few... Well, dunno how long.

Point is, that stuff's pretty freaking broken.


Well-Known Member
So, between getting sick, some new games and my muse unwilling to cooperate, this next part has taken me a bit longer to get out than I would have liked.

Hope you all enjoy it though.


“Hey! There's...” Arashi blinked as he and Ixpellia came across the scene. “Oh, I guess he didn't turn into a Zannafar then.”

“Lucky us.” Lyos grumbled as he sat up and worked on healing his injuries. “Damn anti-magical energy sword thing.” He wasn't sure what to call the Zannafar armor's powers, but he knew it was a pain in the ass. “Where's the others?”

“Hi!” Vivio waved as she and Einhart found the others. “We... NOVE?!”

Nove groaned as she looked at Vivio with narrowed eyes. “Let's see how good you look when you get your face smashed in.” She was mildly amused when Vivio grimace at her telepathic message. ”You learned healing magic, right?”

“Oh!” Vivio's eyes widened and she ran over to Nove and started casting healing spells on her.

“I'm going to need to learn how to do this.” Einhart couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched the damage to Nove's visibly disappear in front of her eyes. “When did you learn that?”

“From watching papa when he was helping someone who got badly injured in training one day.” Vivio explained as Nove motioned towards her knee.

“Where's Nila?” Lyos asked as he tried to get to his feet and sighed. “Vivio, when you're done there, can you work on my knee, please?”


“I am right here.” Nila said as she walked up to the group, seemingly unharmed. “I apologize for not arriving sooner.”

“So, Zuuma, is he..?” Lyos asked as he looked at her and frowned as she shook her head. “What happened?”

“Right after you were out of sight, a Mazoku that had feline features appeared and said that her master requested an audience with him.” Nila wasn't sure if she should have been insulted by the fact that Zuuma left or not. “I could not be sure that it was not a trick, however.”

“Right, I got it.” Lyos couldn't blame her for being cautious. “Anything else?”

Nila shrugged and looked at the others. “Not to my knowledge, but I assume that everything else has been handled?”

“Indeed,” Ixpellia spoke up as she walked over to Nove and dropped Jet Edge onto the redhead's chest. “The Duchess shall not be a problem anymore.”

“We got rid of that Mazoku that had been bothering us.” Einhart looked at Duclis's body and grimaced, “and you can see...”

“If that's the case then,” Pokota spoke up from on top of Arashi's head, “how about we get going to Taforashia already?”

Lyos nodded, he had to admit, the rabbit had been rather patient with all of these delays, not that he had a choice in the matter. “Sure, but let's get to a town.” He held up his hand as Pokota started to protest. “I know what you want, but I need to send a message to Seiryuun, okay? Even if we break the seal, they're still suffering from that plague.”

Pokota nodded, even if it didn't make it any easier to just sit and wait, at least his journey was almost over.

“Man, this is going to be a heck of a story to tell mom, dad and sis, huh?” Arashi tapped his chin and sighed. “What are we going to do about Corona though?”

“We'll find her.” Nove said as she got to her feet and winced, it felt like her knee was still a bit screwed up, but at least she could walk on it. “I'm pretty sure that we could get some of the Riot Force to look for her if we can't find her again.”

Nove just hoped that Corona was still on this world, if she got taken to another universe there would be no way to find her again.


Back in the Blue Universe...

Frowning as she walked into what used to be the hangar of Stella's ship, Cypha narrowed her visible eye as she saw Levi in the room with those giant mechanical monstrosities. “I do have to ask, how are you able to fit this lab in here?” It was far too large to fit on the ship normally.

Laughing softly, Levi turned, her blue hair swaying behind her as she gave Cypha a toothy grin. “Spatial manipulation, Cypha. So, what brings you here? Have you, Arnage and Stella decided to join the rest of the family and give yourselves Immortality?”

Crossing her arms under her rather impressive bust, Cypha snorted, “no thanks, I was merely coming down here to tell you that we've arrived at the planet you wanted to reach.” She looked to her left and her eye widened at what she saw. “What the hell?”

“Ah, this...” Levi grinned as she walked over to her newest project. “Do you like it? I'm currently working on making new, upgraded models of the Megahs, but the old power supplies probably couldn't handle the strain.” It was such a shame, but those Unison Devices did have some limits, after all, and it had been... A rather long time since they were hooked up to the Megahs as well. “So, I've had to make sure that I got some new ones.” She sighed and shook her head. “Sadly, the information I got on how to make them wasn't completely accurate, it seems, or some of the data I got from her was corrupted.”

Cypha wasn't innocent by any stretch of the imagination, she had killed so many people that she no longer felt guilty about it, but even she found herself disturbed by Levi's grin as the blue-haired creature started breathing hard. “It seems that you've succeeded.”

“Beyond my wildest dreams.” Levi put a hand on her forehead and started laughing. “The process is slow as hell, but, ha ha ha, I've done it! I can create an army of these... Gigahs now.”

“I see, well, if that will be all, I'm leaving.” Cypha turned to leave, the longer she was with this thing the more she wanted to try and hurt it.

“What's the matter, Cypha?” Levi stopped laughing, even though she was still grinning at the blonde, “I thought you'd be immune to this, considering how many you've killed.”

Cypha turned her head back to glare at Levi. “Even if I'm a ruthless killer, at least I won't become a servant to a creature like you.”

Levi raised an eyebrow, sure, she wasn't human, but she hadn't really broadcast that to the Huckubein at all. “And just how did...”

“I have my ways.” With that, Cypha left the Mazoku behind. She knew just how strong Levi was.

She also knew how completely powerless she was to kill that thing.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit!

she done it...

Levi done it.....

And Nanya have made her so unlikable that we want her to die via karma.....

and When ans Where the bloody reunion will occur and where's Rio!?

the suspense and cliffies are absolutely killing me.... ARGH!!!!!!!

*plays SRW: OG infinite battles, trying to unlock SRX.*


Well-Known Member
bhl88 said:
It's official: Levi is worse than Cypha
And Only Troll-zama is worse than Levi.....

but man... I pity those poor souls end up in Levi's cluches...

*cue all of them are girls.*

Me: Er.... IS Levi a Lesbian?

Odin: I dunno... But if she is... then we now know where Fate got that part of her personality... even she's a Bi-sexual....


Well-Known Member
lol where is this troll?

And yes, somehow, Erio didn't end up with Levi. Oh yeah, the boys are just research material...


Well-Known Member
A couple days later...

“We're finally here.” Pokota said as the group walked through the mists, revealing the forgotten kingdom of Taforashia in all it's decay.

“Wow, you guys lived in trees?” Vivio asked as she looked at the large trees in front of them.

“Of course not.” Pokota flew over the water in front of them as the others walked to a small wooden bridge off to the side. “But the trees do provide lots of life for the area.”

“Only if there's sunlight.” Nove replied as she crossed the bridge.

“How's your knee?” Lyos asked as he followed her. He had seen lots of advances in medical technology in his life, but seeing something that looked and acted like a splint for the knee was pretty neat in his mind.

“A bit stiff, but I'm fine.” Nove would have to see a specialist when she got back, parts of her cybernetics weren't responding properly, even if it had been healed right.

Vivio and Arashi ran ahead, both of them laughing softly at something that was funny to only them.

Einhart put a hand over her mouth as she yawned. “So,” she looked around at the mists in concern, “what happens now?”

“Well, we hope that the blade I got from the old man works, otherwise...” Lyos shrugged, “we get the rest of you to Seiryuun while Pokota and I continue to look for a fix to this problem.”

“Speaking of which, did you perchance lose it?” Ixpellia looked at Lyos. “We have had a long run of fights since we met you after all.”

Lyos held up a hand before quickly rotating his wrist, causing the blade to appear. He chuckled at the dumbfounded looks he was getting. “Gotta keep things like this protected somehow, right?”

“Come on! Come on!” Pokota yelled, fidgeting nervously.

“Coming, your majesty.” Lyos rolled his eyes, though he supposed he couldn't blame Pokota, if this worked, then he would finally have his people back.

As they crossed the bridge, Nila stopped and looked around, frowning to herself. “I don't like this.” It felt like someone was watching her, and seeing as she hadn't seen Zuuma since the last showdown, she was understandably on edge.

Doubly so since the terrain was both clouded in mists and had lots of natural cover.


“Alright, so...” Lyos began before sighing as Vivio, Einhart, Arashi and even Ixpellia were looking around in awe of what they saw. “Can you four please step back so I can work?”

“Sorry.” They muttered and ran to the side where Nove, Pokota and Nila were standing.

“Right, now...” Lyos trailed off as he looked at the dagger before turning to the others. “Does anyone know how this thing is supposed to work?” He winced when they fell over to his question. It wasn't like this thing had an instruction... Lyos's thoughts trailed off as the blade started to glow brightly. “Well, that answers that.” He muttered as he let the blade go and took a step back while it hovered in mid-air, bathing the room with blue light.

Everyone had to look away as the light got painfully bright and wind started to blow from the blade.

“Dammit, if that thing's possessed by some sort of perverted demon, I'm not sticking around to help you fight it!” Nove yelled over the roaring winds. She knew enough about porn to know what would happen if she did stick around.

After nearly a minute, the light and winds died down as a shattering sound was heard.

Pokota stared in horror as the blade fell to the ground in pieces. “No...” After all that, it was for nothing? “Why? Why did...”

“Hey! Look!” Vivio yelled as she pointed at the blue tubes.

Pokota looked up and his eyes widened in happiness as he saw the tubes opening up and revealing the people within. “We did it! We did it!”

“But why were they in there in the first place?” Nove asked as the people suddenly started coughing and groaning in pain.

“Durum plague.” Lyos said as he walked towards the door. “I've already sent a message to Seiryuun, they should be here very soon.” He stopped at the door and looked back at Nila. “You help them out, I'll get the beds set up.” She nodded and went to work.

“But when?” Nove asked as she followed him.

“When you were getting your knee looked at.” Lyos answered.


A couple of hours later Arashi found himself, Vivio and Ixpellia sitting under a tree and looking around the kingdom of Taforashia as the mists seemed to clear up. “It's like a spell or something, huh?”

“Yeah.” Vivio nodded as she sat next to him. The people of Seiryuun were pretty quick with helping everyone who had been affected by the Durum plague. It was rather amazing, according to the healers, everyone who had been affected would make a full recovery in a couple of days at the most. “Still, how did they get it?”

“Plagues move in mysterious ways.” Ixpellia said from the other side of Arashi. She closed her eyes and leaned against the boy before sighing. “I am just glad that we were able to help all these people.”

“Yeah, and those guards said they'd give us a free ride back to Seiryuun with them when they leave.” Vivio wouldn't mind that. “But didn't they say something about...”

“What the heck?!” Arashi suddenly stood up, causing Ixpellia to fall off of his shoulder.

“Arashi?” Vivio and Ixpellia asked at the same time, looking at him in worry as he suddenly looked very, very pale.

“L...Look!” Arashi pointed a finger in the distance.

Turning their heads, neither Vivio nor Ixpellia could see what he was talking about for a moment. After all, all they saw was trees, roads, a mountain range in the distance, birds flying, a moving mountain, water and... “Wait...” Vivio muttered as her thoughts came to a complete stop.

“Since when can a mountain move?!” Arashi yelled as he saw it getting closer by the moment. ”NOVE! GET OUT HERE! THERE'S SOMETHING HERE!”

A minute later, Einhart, Nove, Lyos, Nila and Pokota were next to the tree and gaping at what they saw.

“What the hell?” Lyos asked, this was odd, even for him, and he had seen furniture try to eat people before.

Nove, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes as she turned on her cybernetically enhanced eye-sight to zoom in on what she was seeing. Scrolling up the mountain's leg, she saw a wolf-like creature, a three-headed Hydra-like creature, a winged giant, a small, black stone creature and, at the center of the mountain's chest area, sitting on what seemed to be a throne of stone, she saw something that made her gasp in shock. “It... Can't be... Corona?!”

Nove stepped back and trembled as she saw Corona suddenly grin savagely and say something that she couldn't hear from how far away she was.

“Found you.” Corona said while grinning, “Jörmungandr, advance, it's time to end this.”


Well-Known Member

The bloody reunion have come.....

and you hanged up on us...


and someone give Corona a "Bright Slap" after this mess...


Well-Known Member
”We could have been here sooner if you didn't get lost.”

Corona sighed and leaned to the side, using her hand to hold up her head as she rested her elbow on the chair she was sitting on. “I told you, it's not like I knew exactly where they were.”

”You could have taken that left turn at Allenburky.”

Corona rapped her fingers on the chair and sighed, Zanny was right, of course, but if they had taken that left turn, why, they might have missed their targets. “Well, we're here now.”

As Jörmungandr got closer, Corona had an idea. “Zanny, before we attack, how about we have some fun with them first?” The Demon Beast snorted as Corona stood up while a black and purple circle formed under her feet. “Arise, golems of stone and wood, crush my enemies!”

”You do realize that won't defeat them if they're as good as you think they are.”

“I know.” Corona nodded, “but it will still serve them right.” She then frowned as something came to her, “then again, why should I only make a few of them?” Both Zannafars looked at her as she raised her arms wide and upwards, “the entire area is my plaything! Golems! Attack! Destroy everything!”

The wolf Zannafar grinned, sure, it would be less fun for him, but, hey, he couldn't complain, if he got to eat afterwords. And besides, if the golems failed, he could swoop down there and finish them off himself.


Nove, in her Barrier Jacket, grimaced as she saw the ground, buildings and even some of the trees start bursting out and coming to life. “Great, she can mass-summon Golems now.”

“What is going on here?!” She turned to see a young man running up and looking pale. “Suddenly golems were bursting out of the streets and attacking and... WHAT IS THAT?!”

“Never mind!” Lyos snapped at him. “Get the civilians away from here! Hurry!”

“We'll help.” Nila nodded to Vivio and Einhart.

“Right.” Both girls in their adult modes nodded at the same time and ran after Nila towards the city.

“So...” Arashi looked at the golems as they seemed to grow out of the ground. “This seems familiar somehow.”

“My Mariages, mayhaps?” Ixpellia frowned, this was probably the only time in her life that she almost wished she could have the Mariage return. After all, if Corona could make the very ground into a golem, she wouldn't mind having a zombie army to face them. “Bah, even if it would make it easier, I do not wish to have that ever again.”

“Can you make it rain swords again?” Pokota looked at her. He could probably destroy the thing with a Dragon Slave, but the resulting damage... No, it was too much, right now at least. “Dammit, why does everything have to be so hard?”

“Pokota,” Lyos stepped forward and narrowed his eyes at the golems, thankfully they were rather blocky in appearance, which probably meant that they were rather fragile, at least he hoped they were, “go, help your people get out of here.” He smirked at the rabbit. “Besides, it would suck if you came this far and failed to get back the one thing you lost.”

“Fine! Just don't let them do too much damage.” Pokota flew off, leaving Lyos with Arashi, Nove and Ixpellia.

“Well...” Lyos unsheathed Banisher from his back, “this looks like a good day to die.”

“I'd rather not.” Nove muttered and winced as her knee refused to bend completely. “Great...”

“We might be able to fix it,” Uno spoke up as she looked up at Nove, “but it'll take some time, there's a lot of safeguards on this thing to prevent this sort of thing.”

“Do what you can.”

Lyos raised an eyebrow as Arashi held up the Ragna Blade in his hands. “I didn't even hear you cast that.”

“Well, it's not like I need to shout out everything I do,” he shrugged, “besides, it's the power of the Lady, she can hear you even if you whisper.” It wasn't often his mother talked about the Lord of Nightmares, but whenever she did, Lina always called her 'the Lady' and said that Chaos magic came from her.

“Yeah, well...” Lyos pointed Banisher forward and several streams of water launched at the golems, tearing through them, “let's go.”

“Right!” The others nodded as they moved towards the group.


“Digger bolt!” Nila called out as her left index finger, which was pointing at the ground, started to crackle with power before she snapped it up and forward, sending a large bolt of lightning through the streets, smashing through the golems like they were wet tissue paper. It wasn't too hard, according to her master, she had a pretty high destructive potential that was fairly uncommon.

Unlike some people who had it, Nila didn't relish in the thought of doing wanton destruction to entire landscapes because she could. That didn't mean it wasn't fun at times, however.

Vivio let out a yell as she shoulder rammed a golem, sending it into another group. “I don't get it, I thought they'd be better.”

Einhart kicked off another golem's head, grabbed its shoulders, flipped over it and threw it into another group. “The strength of any artificial creation is in the materials.”

Nodding, Vivio pulled a fist back as a pink sphere formed in front of her. “Divine... BUSTER!” She yelled as she punched forward, a narrow pink beam bisecting several of the creatures with ease.

Nila held up her left hand and snapped her finger, causing a sudden wind storm to pick up, which sent the golems flying into multiple directions. She wasn't sure if Einhart was right and that the materials used were utter garbage for the golems, or if it was because there was so many. Nothing lasted forever, even creatures of pure magic had their limits, and something like this had to be pushing that girl to her limits.

Something caught her attention and she frowned to herself. “Einhart, Vivio, can you two deal with this?”

“Yeah, but what...” Vivio started before staring as Nila suddenly flew off, leaving them alone. “I don't like this.”

“Stop complaining and get back to kicking butt.” Einhart replied as she kicked upwards, bisecting a golem completely. A part of her mind was grateful that no one was in front of her commenting on her underwear again.


Nila raced down the streets and snapped her hands out wide. “Wind Brid.” She whispered as nearly invisible arrows of air shot forward, slashing through a few of the golems that had been chasing a young mother and her child. “You're safe now.” She sighed as she landed near them. “Come on, what are you doing out here?”

“I'm sorry, my child ran off before this all happened and I had to...” The mother sobbed and Nila nodded, understanding.

“Very well, but we should get out of here and join the others.” When the mother's eyes widened, Nila spun around and held a hand up, several small fireballs lancing out, destroying the golems in front of her. “Even if she can make a lot, it seems that she is mostly limited to areas she can see.”

“Leaving so soon?” A feminine voice seemed to purr before Nila let out a scream as blood erupted from her back. Grimacing in pain, Nila fell to her knees and gasped from the sudden shock to her body. “Really, I don't know what you expected.” That female voice giggled as a figure materialized in front of her, licking blood off of her fingers. “After all, we wouldn't want you to leave unsatisfied.” The creature purred in delight.

“You're... That cat thing...” Nila's eyes widened before she dropped to the ground and rolled away as a body crashed into where she was a moment ago. “Zuuma.” She growled as she got to her feet and tried to ignore the burning, bleeding sensation coming from her back.

“This time I'll end it, Sorceress.” He growled at her as he flexed his fingers.

“Well... This sucks.” Nila muttered as she prepared to face two opponents.


“Guh!” Nove grimaced as she kicked away another golem. They weren't that durable, thankfully, but her knee was giving her problems. “Have you fixed it yet?”

“You do realize that these devices might be Intelligent Devices, but there's a lot of safeguards to preventing your device from doing what you want us to do.” Uno rolled her eyes as Nove threw a golem into three others. “Besides, we have other problems.”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Nove muttered as several trees started moving towards them.

“Let me see if I can clear a path...” Ixpellia's sword suddenly lit up before she swung outwards. “Blessed Blade, strike them down!”


Corona narrowed her eyes as she looked down below. Making golems like this was easy, but the amount was rather difficult. Still, she didn't care too much, as annoying as it was, it would tire them out. Plus it had an extra benefit, but that wasn't here or now. “Zanny, Zilla, Balmung, Zenna...” She grinned as all four looked at her. Jörmungandr stopped a few meters from where the fighting was happening. “Crush them.”

”YES!” Zanny yelled as it turned and raced down the leg of Jörmungandr. Behind it, both Zilla and Zenna floated into the air while Balmung looked at Corona for a moment before turning, extending its wings and taking off like a shot through the air.

“Um, guys!” Arashi stared as he saw the four heading for them. “We've got company.”

Lyos snapped his arm out, sending a wave of water that shattered several stone golems into pieces and knocking the wood golems back with ease. “What the hell?”

As Balmung flew downwards, black energy started to spin around its right fist rapidly, a moment later, the golem launched its fist downwards.

“DODGE!” Lyos screamed as he jumped away from the blast zone, not that it helped, as the fist smashing into the ground caused an eruption of pure Black magic to spiral outwards in all directions, adding to the destruction by the attack.

Zanny growled as he got to the ground and ran forward, right at Nove, who jumped over his lunge. Turning to look at her, he grinned as she shot energy blasts at her. ”That won't work on me, girl. Now stand still so I can add your knowledge to my own.”

“How about no?!” Nove yelled as she activated her Airliner and rushed through the air for a moment before driving down and slamming her feet into the Zannafar's head. She stared in shock as the beast didn't even seem to be phased. “No... No way...”


That was the only warning that Nove got as the beast opened its mouth and fired a powerful energy blast at her. Her eyes were wide as the blast came up and engulfed her body.

“NOVE!” Arashi yelled in shock and fear. That couldn't be, she couldn't be...

“FUUUUUUCCK!” Nove's voice was heard screaming as she seemingly flew away from the Zannafar. Hitting the ground with a loud thump, the girl couldn't help but scream in agony. Even if she had managed to twist out of the way at the last second, it was still strong enough to nearly blow left her arm completely away. Heck, her flesh and muscles were vaporized completely by that attack and even her remaining cybernetics were barely able to keep her hand attached to what remained of her arm.

“Arashi, look out!” Ixpellia jumped in front of the redheaded boy as Zilla's three heads started shooting lightning at the two of them.

“What are you doing?!” Arashi yelled as he saw Ixpellia holding up her sword. Quickly wrapping his arms around her, the two disappeared in a black flash as lightning crashed down on where they were a moment ago.

Reappearing a few feet away, Arashi let go of Ixpellia. “Are you stupid?! Even if the handle is rubber, that lightning will fry you if it hits the blade!” That was one thing that his father had drilled into him about the properties of metal and electricity.

After all, it was hard to forget that lesson when one of Shiro's old foes had used electrified wire to try and kill him.

Lyos shook his head as the golem landed and retrieved its arm. He had to admit, the sleek, black look, the wings and the black flames that were surrounding the body... It was rather intimidating.

It didn't hurt that the golem was bigger than he was and had a fairly solid looking build. When he heard Nove scream, he looked away for one second, the next thing he knew, the golem's fist was slamming into his chest and sending him crashing into the hill behind him. “GAH!” He cried out as he felt several ribs break at the same time. He looked at the golem and grunted as the fist that had slammed into him had retreated back to the golem. “Being able to fire your fists, huh?” He had to admit, that was rather interesting.

Still... “We're in trouble.” Between the golem in front of him, the two Zannafar, the giant that stood next to the mountain-sized golem, Lyos wasn't sure if they could get out of this situation as it was.


Well-Known Member
Epic FUBAR battle nanya....

just EPIC FUBAR.....

we need a Tactical Rio to stop Corona.... BADLY NEEDED her to do a dynamic entry.