BtVS/pokegirl cross

I know of at least one BtVS/pokegirl cross right here in TFF. But it has almost no Xander. You might be thinking, why does that matter?

Well, based on some of the more prevalent fanon ideas of Post season 7;

A) Xander spends time in Africa (why Africa by the way? Wouldn't China have a huge number more slayers?) looking for newly called slayers and either training them or helping them get a handle on their new powers and responsibilities.

B) Has gained at least a modicum of fighting skill, either from basic training for new slayers or sought out the training to help with said training. (Generally this is either skill with an axe or guns)

C) The loss of Xander's eye to Caleb has either given him some mystical power having to do with his remaining eye, or has forced him to adapt and use the remaining eye to see more than he did before (imagine things like reading body language and the subtle clues that come from that).

D) Canon Anya calls him a "viking in the sack". Who knows how much actual experience she has, but I would wager on the side that says a lot.

E) Xander doesn't seem to have any kind of romantic entanglements at this point in the series. Anya is dead and fanon usually paints him as being kinda cynical and slightly jaded by this point.

Thats the beginning of the Buffy side of things. Now the pokegirl side.

A) Generally, most characters that get crossed into the pokegirl world have superhuman abilities to start with (most notably Ranma, Naruto, and Buffy; there could be more). Xander has almost no such traits, just like the majority of other trainers.

1) You could easily give him some special abilities and still not over-power him. My idea was that his remaining eye lets him see subtle clues that a girl may be about to undergo threshold (seemingly normal human girl turns into a pokegirl). Threshold itself seems to be a fairly neglected part of every pokegirl story I've seen.

2) All those other crossover characters tend to be overpowered and that in turn seems to make the pokegirls themselves overpowered (to the point you need a Legendary to turn up for them to lose).

B) How would you describe a pokegirl? To me, they seem to exotic/beautiful girls with incredible speed, strength, and very odd abilities. Personally, that sounds almost like a mix of a slayer and female demon. I'm not saying that is what they are either. The beginning of pokegirls seems to be fairly well documented within that universe, But it could be thats how Xander sees them as a way to help him get a handle on the situation.

Now you mix them.

A) Xander is now able to help new pokegirls better understand their new strength and strange (sometimes very strange) abilities.

B) Because standard Xander has no battle applicable superhuman skills he would probably train a pokegirl to fight smarter using little tricks and traps or their opponents strengths against them (I can see Xander having learned Aikido at some point because everything has joints and seems to be stronger than him).

C) Canon Anya called Xander a "viking in the sack". It is still a pokegirl story.

D) Xander already has spent massive amounts of time dealing with women stronger and faster than him. Demons have given him experience with strange and oft times dangerous powers and skills. That seems to be almost exactly what pokegirls are.

So, I'd probably write it myself but I really don't think I have the skills to. My info about source material could be way off and I have to reasonable plot device to get him there other than the standard bad demon portal/messed up Willow spell/ancient artifact.

Gimme some feedback and let me know if it seems to fit or not.


PS - I have no idea if pokegirl story ideas are supposed to automatically be in the lemon section or not. Based on the subject itself I would think so but I haven't mentioned anything in the post that would require it. Please tell me if I need to move it.


Well-Known Member
cameron8161 said:
So, I'd probably write it myself but I really don't think I have the skills to. My info about source material could be way off and I have to reasonable plot device to get him there other than the standard bad demon portal/messed up Willow spell/ancient artifact.
You can easily use an even originating in the PG world pulling Xander over. There is enough precedent of trans-dimensional technology/magic being employed and messing up. Willow and the Buffyverse demons could be wholly innocent this time. The hellmouth is a weak spot in the dimensional fabric, portals have a higher chance of opening here than the rest of the world.

Also, if you want to involve the rest of the Buffyverse characters and give them a chance to catch up on where Xander is you could always have him exchanged for a PG world character or pokegirl.


Well-Known Member
over at TTH there's a s5 BtVS/Pokegirl cross up. hasn't been updated in awhile thought. think the premiss is one of Maggie's experiments goes a might askew and either hurls the scoobs to pokegirl world or seporates and strands em there or something. Buffy's the primary focus of the story but Xan's out there to starting his own harem.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't that one turn ever BtVS female into a pokegirl?


Well-Known Member
feynstrom said:
Doesn't that one turn ever BtVS female into a pokegirl?
Buffy's and Dawn are both still humanish.

The make people into pokegirls technology has got buckleys chance in hell of affecting the Key with Dawn and the pokegirl transformation is still fighting a losing battle against Buffy's Slayer essence plus all the mojo Tara pumped into her.

Tara, Willow, Anya and Joyce got the full pokegirl treatment, while Xander just got a few blood gifts.