Cartoon Fanfic Searches


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm putting this up for a two fold reason. Firstly, this type of topic is useful, helps people find fanfics.

And secondly... I need help tracking down an... interesting fanfic. Transformers, although it focuses on G1, basicly, it's your basic "Fan gets sucked into world" fanfic... but I remember it being different, with most or all of the first chapter devoted to exploring the character of the human, a Starscream toy (which she repainted from another toy, Sunstorm I think) coming to life, along with another, and she's pretty much unable to do anything when she first enters the world... and thats about where it got up to.

I'm looking for this because it was different from the standard trash that plot usually generates, and I remember enjoying it quite a bit... can anyone help me on my obscure


Immortal Capo
I didn't know whether to post this in the <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Avatar Fanfiction recomendations</a> or here seeing as it's a about Avatar fics. In the end, it seemed to fit here better.

I'm wondering if anyone has read any Aang-centric stories after the final episode and later on into his lifetime. Hopefully in which he is more experienced and wise, however it's not a requirement.

I don't mind the pairing much but would prefer very little slash, if any, and none pertaining to Aang himself.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for the Ed, Edd, and Eddy oneshot that has the Eds get back at Jimmy using cameras installed in the neighborhood. I think it's on this forum but I cannot find it.


Well-Known Member
Here it is.

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a>

The cartoon section automatically sets things to only go back a month. If you manually set it for a longer period of time you can find things like this. Though you have to use the function every time.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to find a fic I remember reading years ago. Known information as follows.

Batman Beyond fic, no overt crossovers to my memory.
Multichaptered and quite long.
Involved (among many other things) an OC girl who was the daughter of either Bruce, Selina or both.
Said OC as well as Max wind up joining Terry in patrolling the city at night, neither accepts being called robin or taking a sidekick roll.
At some point there is a revelation that the OC that is interacting with the rest of the cast is in fact an android/imposter. This comes about during the build up to a wedding.

I don't remember the story being particularly good or particularly bad, just felt a sudden urge to read it again and have been utterly unable to find anything resembling it.

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
Ina_meishou said:
I'm trying to find a fic I remember reading years ago. Known information as follows.

Batman Beyond fic, no overt crossovers to my memory.
Multichaptered and quite long.
Involved (among many other things) an OC girl who was the daughter of either Bruce, Selina or both.
Said OC as well as Max wind up joining Terry in patrolling the city at night, neither accepts being called robin or taking a sidekick roll.
At some point there is a revelation that the OC that is interacting with the rest of the cast is in fact an android/imposter. This comes about during the build up to a wedding.

I don't remember the story being particularly good or particularly bad, just felt a sudden urge to read it again and have been utterly unable to find anything resembling it.
The OC was definitely not named Helena right? I ask because the only fics like that I can remember that had buildup like that had Helena as Bruce/Selina's daughter. Not sure about the android thing though.


Well-Known Member
Emerald Oracle said:
Ina_meishou said:
I'm trying to find a fic I remember reading years ago. Known information as follows.

Batman Beyond fic, no overt crossovers to my memory.
Multichaptered and quite long.
Involved (among many other things) an OC girl who was the daughter of either Bruce, Selina or both.
Said OC as well as Max wind up joining Terry in patrolling the city at night, neither accepts being called robin or taking a sidekick roll.
At some point there is a revelation that the OC that is interacting with the rest of the cast is in fact an android/imposter. This comes about during the build up to a wedding.

I don't remember the story being particularly good or particularly bad, just felt a sudden urge to read it again and have been utterly unable to find anything resembling it.
The OC was definitely not named Helena right? I ask because the only fics like that I can remember that had buildup like that had Helena as Bruce/Selina's daughter. Not sure about the android thing though.
I honestly don't remember the name.
Does anyone know of a good Avatar fic that has Azula as the Avatar? I've read one about Zuko already and it's pretty good but I was just wondering ... I thought that would have a far more interesting dynamic if done properly.

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
Anybody got any good Kim Possible fics? For some reason I've been on a kick of such the last day or two. I haven't read much in that fandom so any age is acceptable.


Well-Known Member
One question before I unload my list; do you have any problems with Kigo?

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
Its not my preference, but that's more cause I prefer gen stuff in general. As long as no bashing is involved I'll give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... not sure how much gen stuff I have, but I'll see what I can dig up. As for the bashing... other than a few which hit Dr. Director, I don't think I have any with bashing, but I may just not have noticed.

The most gen one I have is actually a crossover. It's So Not the Dattebayo by DragonMasterFlex, and it has Naruto as a somewhat unaware ninja replacing Ron, who is still there and is a part of the story, though only occasionally. It's quite good, but it hasn't updated since 2011. The author is still around, having added a couple stories to his favorite list that were published a couple days ago, so I'm still hoping for more updates.

Might as well post the other decent crossover I found. Take The Green And Go is a Ranma crossover by Usagi Hasano. It hasn't updated in years, and the writing can occasionally be... messy, but it's an entertaining read.

LJ58 has quite a few good stories. I recommend out of them The Possible Factor, and Bad Girls.

Second favorite: Most Wanted. This one is a bit more gen than the others, though the ending is a bit ambiguous. Basically, its a what if story where Kim has grown up and come to the realization that the law isn't always right. She's started her own guerilla war against a dictator sponsored by the American Government, and, well, I'll let you read the rest of it.

My absolute favorite, and probably the best written as well, is Between Bouts by Trahern. It's a bit NSFW, well, actually it's a lot NSFW, but it runs through most of the series and has a sequel that picks up afterwards. It probably won't be to your taste, but I still felt it needed to be mentioned.

I've got a few others, but they're more outright Kigo. If you want I can add them, but I figure these are the best of my list.

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
Interesting. Upon reading the first chapter of the Naruto cross I gotta say it seems like it would have worked just as well if he'd just had Ron be secretly Naruto spirited away rather than have them be distinct characters. I say this mainly because Naruto seems to be acting pretty ronlike in his diction and pretty much every other way, favorite food stuffs aside. Does it continue in this vein? It is pretty good though.


Well-Known Member
He develops into his own character pretty quickly. He isn't quite the laughinstock/punching bag that Ron was, and by around chapter ten or so he's rising up in the pecking order.


Well-Known Member
Are there any good Korra-centered fanfics out there that aren't about raping/depowering/otherwise abusing her? Just looked at TVTropes and that's all there seems to fucking be. Am I blind or do writers of this fandom just get off on victimizing what should be a strong female lead?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for a very specific Danny PhantomxStatic Shock Crossover.

I'm fairly sure it was a Danny on the run fanfic and that there was something about an amulet and possession or something like that.

Very, very old


Well-Known Member
I have no idea where to go to place this search, as it's not a fandom I'm very active in.
I'm looking for an old Reboot fanfic that in the style of the show, had a take-off or parody of the ending for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book So Long and Thanks For All the Fish.
It had Enzo and the Reboot team looking for "The Programmer's Final Message to His Creation" with hijinks due to them racing Megabyte and the ABCs to The Message.

I'm pretty sure it was a oneshot, or part of an episodic fanfic with each chapter being a pretty much self-contained story like the episodes of the first couple seasons of the show.