Cartoon Funny pics


Well-Known Member
You know, I loved The Boulder before for no real reason other than he was voiced by Mick Foley, but after seeing that, he's made his way into my Hero's Notebook.

Ura Mamoru

Well-Known Member
Only got one to post, but...

Dammit, you know what happened here...


Well-Known Member

Ben: Uncle Frank, this isn't what it looks like.

i never got why the Ben/gwen pairing was so popular amongst the ben 10 fandom


Well-Known Member
cousin actually. Which isn't as bad considering in certain states you're allowed to marry your cousin.

I believe sleeping with you cousin is not illegal in any of them but I could be wrong.
But Miss Manners has stated that knocking up your cousin requires at least five more minutes of explaining to her parents.

Ura Mamoru

Well-Known Member
We all thought of it when we saw that episode...

And for Part One, a bit of Futurama...
