

Well-Known Member
Just a BTVS & Gargoyles that's been brewing in back of my head for a while. Anyone who's interested is welcome to it. Anyhow onward with the idea:

Xander always know even as a little kid that there was something just a little different about him when compared to other children. He tend to be just a bit stronger most of the other kids and always more durable.

And that didn't even go into how he acted...

But his friendship with Willow and Jeese changed him. Altered the way he saw the world and more importantly taught him how to be human. Without it he would've stayed the fickle and highly arrogant boy that he had been.

It wasn't something that Xander ever really put much thought in before or after he learned of the supernatural. Before becouse while he knew that magic existed much like one knows the sky is blue, there was no way for him to prove that. Or know HOW he knew that. Or just why it had anything to do with him being different.

And after -- well that meant remembering all the times with he had spent with Jeese in their childhood and his death was simply too new, to raw at the time and later as the Scooby Gang got caught up in more and more hellmouthy events that it just sorta slipped from his mind.

At least until several years later when it would end up slapping him in the face. After Graduation. After Adam.

And what he learned would change everything...


You see Xander was never a Harris in the first place or even human when you got down to it. Instead he was a member of the Third Race better known as the Fey. One whose memories along with his powers had been bound and then had to add insult too injury been forced into the form of a human babe and thrust through time and space.

To matter matters even worse Xander wasn't just some no-name Fey. Instead he was famous... or to be more truthful highly infamous. And no he wasn't Puck. He was the Lord of Avalon, the Fey Lord Oberon.

As for anyone managed to actully bind Oberon's powers and forced to into another form I figured that he either managed to get Titania REALLY pissed at him, Queen Mab got free from confinement and wanted revenge, or one the numerous beings that hated his guts (and given the way he tends to act the people after his hide probably have been forced to form a line) and managed to get lucky. But it could really be anything anyone wanted, maybe Oberon did to it too himself accidentally.

Anyway had he landed anywhere elsewhere he probably would've ended up living and dying as a everyday human with no real differences to tell him apart from anyone else. But he hadn't. He instead landed on top of the Hellmouth.

A place where 'reality' was thinner then a wet piece of paper and the entire town was all but covered in magic.

Something that caused his various bindings to warp and bend. And caused his human and Fey sides to somewhat bleed over into one another. From his fey half his human side gained a beyond human durability and the upper levels of human strength as well as a somewhat extended lifespan and far stronger immune system and a somewhat stronger resistance to harmful magic better then most humans possess. While on the other hand his Fey side gained a weak defense against iron and far more dangerous that ability to grow, to adapt and learn as a human can.

As for how Xander finds out the truth of identity, I figure their are several ways this could happen such as during the fifth season with Gloy's arrival, the spell that the monks had cast, Dawn herself, and the joining spell the Scooby Gang has used all slowly chipping way at the bindings.

Or the events of season six and Willow's playing around with mind magic and then through all that energy at him on Kingsman Bluff had been the final act need to tear away his bindings.

A different way that it could be done if you feel like ignoring the shafting Joss gave to everyone's intelligence is have Xander or one of the other Scoobies notice how Xander seems to be able to take a pounding on the same level as Buffy and gets curious and tries to find out why.

The Thoth Demon and it's ability to spilt into two halves could work as well. Ect.


Just to clarify a few things that I probably muddled or too tired to figure where too put in when writing this.

1. On Xander and Oberon. The two of them in my mind can somewhat be considered two different personalities in the same body. Xander when you get down to it isn't Oberon, just as the fey lord isn't some mortal carpenter. Xander can be said to have been born from Jeese and Willow's actions when they were kids.

On the other hand there is some connection between the two as Xander probably has some of Oberon's better traits (and the worse ones) with the same thing happening to Oberon as well.

2. While some might worry that Oberon presents Xander with the capability to bulldoze most of his enemies he still he has too learn how to let Oberon out and even then he'll probably be wary of doing so unless it's the end of the world or one of Scoobies lives is on the line and he can't think of anything else. Oberon even at best of times isn't know for restraint and Xander LIKES being Xander for all the shit his life and doesn't really want to become Oberon. And just how does Xander know if Oberon will even go back to be Xander when it's over.


Well-Known Member
It could be interesting.

A similar option would be that he is Oberon's son in a way similar to how Fox is Titania's daughter.

That could go a LONG way to explaining Oberon's assault on New York. After all, he'd given up his unborn son to keep his word about the gathering while Titania refused to do so.

If he starts showing Fey traits then Oberon already has the president from Alex Xanatos to send someone to teach him or bring him to Avalon.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... that could be interesting. Though it'd require juggling to get the time frames right. He'd probably want Xander brought to Avlaon as not only would it give him a chance to meet him but also it'd be the best way for him to protect him from all the enemies that Oberon would have amassed over the eons.

Most of whom might not be able to threaten him but would have not trouble going after the equivalent of newborn Fey.


Well-Known Member
Imagine what would happen if he sent the Sisters to protect him, now that could lead to an interesting catfight.


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Imagine what would happen if he sent the Sisters to protect him, now that could lead to an interesting catfight.
What has the poor kid ever done too you to deserve having to put up with those three? Besides within a hour or two of dealing with them you just know that Xander's going to make a crack about them being related to Angel. Something that just might annoy them a tiny bit.

Though it'd be amusing if Angel was there at the time given how it'd not only save Xander's skin but he'd probably recognize them what with the Sister's willingness, even eagerness in "helping" a person to find redemption.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a setup where Oberon can't help unless Xander leaves his home willingly, and thus the triplets are sent during his road trip.

Buffy & Willow Vs the Weird Sisters would be the interesting fight I'd love to see.

Giles reaction to Xander being one of Oberon's Children could be funny