Ranma ½ Chi and Chakra


Well-Known Member
So... Kishu-Osore is her Neko-ken?

I'm almost afraid to wonder what the training involved. I'd thought it was a natural talent.


Well-Known Member
ringlhach said:
So... Kishu-Osore is her Neko-ken?

I'm almost afraid to wonder what the training involved. I'd thought it was a natural talent.
well, he already know the neko-ken wouldn't work,

so he found a completely other banned and forbidden technique

though Ryoko was somewhat nervous before the training.

given the name, Nodoka and Genma thought it would get her over being nervous (or at least get use out of it)

basically, first comes a few weeks of a particular diet and meditation schedule. Then you try and force the trainee to reach the human extremes of fear. Either their body makes a shift and starts converting the fears into energy, or else they become broken shells of a human being.

Spoiler for future plans follows:

Genma was supplying a series of physical dangers, his concept of fear being harm to self, but while Ryoko was dealing with the various obstacles, Nodoka was drawing her sword, very slowly. Her version of "counting to ten" with the promise that Ryoko had best "behave properly" at the end of it or be expected to commit seppuku.

"behave properly" in this case meant "learn the technique"

At the time, Joseibi was still young enough that her personality hadn't completely developed yet.

So Ryoko was more frantic about learning the technique and her sister's future (though she was a bit too young to consciously understand it herself, in fact, lacking Joseibi's social/psychological variation of the Saotome analytical ability, she still doesn't understand it). That was enough fear that she achieved the technique.

This is why Ino heard the sound of steel scraping wood when she tried to push Ryoko into the back of her mind.

Ryoko compared to other Kishu Osore is different in that her fear is focused around the well being of others (currently Joseibi, growing toward the Naruto gang) rather than herself. Orochimaru is going to know about the technique (of course) and so will either Tsunade or Jiraiya, not sure which, probably Tsunade though.

Ryoko only knows the first part of the technique though, the creation of energy out of fear, and doesn't know how to do anything WITH that energy. Which is why it builds up until she starts burning things around her. If it fills her chakra capacity enough, she goes boom (well things around her go boom, she gets severe pain and falls unconscious).

She hasn't fully mastered the emotions either. Ideally, with mastery, fear will always be near the surface, and her personality will be polarized, but she'll also be stable and not unhealthy, just quirky. Sort of like she is now. If she fails to master her emotions and the technique, she'll start to degrade into paranoia.

A normal Kishu-Osore would start taking extremes to protect themselves, Ryoko will start going overprotective and acting to proactively protect anybody she cares about.

Had she been around for Kankuro threatening Joseibi, she would certainly have tried to kill him, and might therefor have triggered a fight with Gaara before she was ready.

The fact that she uses chi makes the situation a bit more dicey since the more extremely she gets into the Kishu-Osore, the more she'll leak the affected chakra into the chi flow. Essentially, if she doesn't reach mastery of that technique, she can become as warping to the chi flows as that priestess was.

Of course, I intend for her to reach mastery, she is a mostly silly character that I dearly love and have toyed with for years and I don't want her to suffer without reward. But I don't mean for it to be easy.