Ciaphas Cain Familiar of the Imperium


Well-Known Member
Yet another Familiar of Zero cross but I should be able to break away from the canon storyline in short order.

Ciaphas Cain Familiar of the Imperium

If there's one thing my years as a Commissar in the Emperor's service has taught me it's that things can always get worse.

The mines narrow passages had been the only thing keeping us alive during our frenzied retreat to the portal. Their numbers working against them forcing the orks to crowd each other into the choke points allowing a single blast from Jurgen's melta to vaporize dozens every time. Any other race would have been appalled by their losses but the tide of green simply pushed through the boiled remains of their dead. They were winning and that was all that mattered to their primitive minds.

I doubted they even knew what we were defending or would have cared if they did. After a few scouts had stumbled across our landing the mere chance for a fight had drawn them in. Which left me stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Any sensible being after discovering an inactive warp portal would thank the Emperor that it wasn't spewing forth abominations eager to play heeryball with his head. Then proceed to blast it with every piece of anti vehicle ordinance he possessed. If not call in an orbital strike from any nearby naval pickets. Cogboys on the other hand seemed only too happy to dare the Ruinous Powers to come calling. Preforming whatever rituals and prayers their augmented hearts desired in the search for more tech to place as offerings before their machine god.

This sect of tech-priests had proven even more fanatic than usual. As on Simia Orichalcae the portal had been brought back to life when an ork fleet entered the system sending a burst of warp energy across the entire planet. These cogboys decided that they were well enough hidden that they could remain in seclusion while continuing to unravel it's secrets. As can be expected this didn't please either Inquisitor Vail or myself. One of the scattered groups of orks would be passing within a few kilom's on their way to attack a nearby township. With Amberly still trying to find the last of the smugglers bringing Tau artifacts and influence onto the planet she promptly came to the conclusion that this was my problem and sent me out with 3 squads from the PDF.

In theory they were the PDF's elite which means they're more likely to hit the enemy than friendlies but only just. It seemed a safe enough job keeping me out of the way of the majority of the fighting and the orks shouldn't reach the area around the portal for another day and a half. The hour long trip in a PDF armored transport was spent hugging the hilly terrain in case any ork fighters showed up.

The PDF aircar itself was armed with a single heavy bolter on a roof mounted turret that had obviously been juryrigged without any consideration to the occupants inside. Still I doubt any of the PDF noticed as they spent most of the journey trying to stay as far away from my rather aromatic and airsick assistant Jurgen as possible. We set down with no trouble outside the cave system the gate had been discovered in and were disembarking when the distinctive twin engined roar of a ork bomber started my palms tingling.

The transports heavy bolter quickly turned and began firing into the lopsided looking plane. A lucky shot started one engine smoking but it was too late only a squad and a half managed to get into the tunnel entrance before the ground shook and the aircar was reduced to a rather unattractive crater. The 2 PDF'ers I dispatched reported the lack of engine noise from the bomber was due to it having embedded itself halfway into the mountain. As it stood we were without any long distance vox gear or transport the only thing to do was convince the tech-priests to supply us with one or the other while explaining that warp portals are bad and living is good. Leaving the half squad to hold the entrance we preceded into what was once a small family owned mine.

We weren't 100 meters in following the main line before we heard broken calls over the vox and the much clearer echoing of bolts exploding from down the mineshaft. 'We can't do anything for them now. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain.ö A nice bit of speech making that always sounds a lot better than ' Your friends are dead and we'll be joining them if you don't start running.' We broke into a quick jog, as fast as we could go with the substandard lighting that had been installed.

A minute later we heard the first grunts and curses coming up behind us. A few quietly spoken orders and an ambush was set. The first 3 appeared seconds later silhouetted by the lights behind them. With the order to fire 12 beams of light began probing the large quick moving shadows. The first dropped silently taken by surprise while the others screamed in pained rage and charged. They made it all of 2 strides when a pair of explosions ripped through them from behind. After all this time I still shake my head in amazement. Only an ork would run headlong down a barely lit mineshaft clutching not only one but two primed grenades.

We pulled back and began jogging down the line again. The blast had apparently caught someones attention and pursuit was rapidly approaching. We ambushed them twice more with no casualties steadily closing on our goal. However the number of orks was steadily increasing. We began to hear orks moving through the connecting side passages as well when we laid down our fourth ambush. This time our first volley was answered with a hail of grenades. We dove for cover but before I managed to reach safety it felt like a giant hand caught me in the chest and threw me into the nearest wall. I have no memory of the rest of the flight through the tunnels save the occasional nightmare.

The next thing I recall was the shock of bright light after being carried through those dark caverns. Even then my body was well into shock as I was thrown backwards into that warp damned crack in the universe. I caught a glimpse of Jurgen as he turned to fire his melta into the advancing horde of greenskins. As I flew head first into the gate we'd been ordered to secure I couldn't help but think that Amberly really needed to find another Hero of the Imperium. Emperor take it I was retired. The blood loss may have been getting to me by then.

As I passed into the portal the colors resembled nothing as much as the Eye of Terror. Apparently the Eye had a floor upon which I landed heavily and began to bleed out on. The colors only partially obscured the room I'd come from allowing me to watch as Jurgen cooked another group of orks buying us a moment or two. He turned his back on the slime that remained and leapt at the portal.

Should anyone from the Imperium find these memoirs they should inform the Inquisition, that Nulls those gifted with the ability to repel the warp and all the horrors that it has spawned. Nulls should under no circumstances attempt to enter a warp portal. He advanced to within a few yards and suddenly the obscenely shifting colors turned as black as the void between stars and began to shriek. I must have lost consciousness as the next thing I noticed was a young girl with disturbingly blue hair lean over and kiss my forehead. Then oblivion reclaimed me.


As the chronicler given the task of collecting the writings of Commissar Ciaphas Cain I humbly beg your permission to explain certain eccentricities of this history. While mainly written by the Commissar himself he rarely mentions anything outside of his own personal experience. As such for any occurrences of note he was not directly involved with, or in this case conscious for, I will be injecting the best available accounts from trustworthy nobles who were present.

From the journal of Professor Colbert.

"A truly interesting thing happened today. It began as an ordinary familiar summoning day for the second year students. The only familiar's of note being a salamander and a giant mole. However when Miss Tabitha attempted the spell something unheard of happened. I observed her incantations and wandwork while she cast her spell and saw no errors. Yet the fact remains that rather than a toad or raven there appeared a soldier near to death. I immediately dispatched a student to summon a water mage in the hopes that the poor beggar could hold on long enough to receive healing despite his rather grievous injuries. Then set about cauterizing his wounds a quickly as possible. It's rare I can use my fire magic to save lives but those few times feel doubly rewarding. I fear I may have traumatized several of the students but thankfully the man remained unconscious through the entire ordeal. His screams would most defiantly have resulted in nightmares for my class.

Alan Bedevere, as good a teacher as I've seen and a better healer than most, arrived not late after and set about healing him properly. Somehow even managing to start lecturing to the students as he went about it. Not only did he manage to impart a good deal of knowledge but the routine manner in which he described the best method of treating every cut and bit of torn skin calmed the children to the point that some eyes began to glaze over in that manner every teacher abhors. Still, I digress, the soldier looked to have been 35 to 40 years of age. His hair black with only a few patches of white gracing his temples. He had the look of a seasoned campaigner comfortable in his black and red uniform despite it's bloody and battered appearance. His belt held what by it's size must have been at least a bastard sword as well as several pouches and a large squarish looking thing opposite the sword.ö

ôHis injures no longer life threatening I instructed Miss Tabitha to complete the sealing of the familiar bond. Despite the oddness of her new familiar she managed to finished the spell without any further problems. The day continued with only the unfortunate issue of Miss Louise Franþoise. As I've written before Miss Franþoise despite being undoubtedly of noble birth, her inability to cast even the simplest spells correctly or rather without a large explosion has prompted many to question her place in the Tristain Academy of Magic. The cost of repairs having been a rather significant drain on our already tight budget. The staff had agreed that this was to be the test to determine whether or not to send a discrete note to her parents suggesting she would be better served learning from tutors at home. As summoning a familiar is within the purview of all but the most backwards of nobles it was deemed a fair and clear cut method. Her attempt to summon a familiar has failed. I'm afraid her time with us will be cut short after all."


I woke mid morning on the second day since I'd fallen through the portal. Finding myself resting on a cot beneath an open window. Across the room was a wooden bed standing near a dresser and desk all of which were covered with real paper books. Even after all this time away from the Hive I grew up in I still equate paper books to ostentatious displays of wealth. At the time I was quite happy simply to have survived and upon examining my body found only the lightest of scars where I'd been wounded. If I'd know how I was healed and the sort of world I'd arrived on I would have started running for the hills then and there. I considered playing the part of the wounded hero but a full bladder quickly convinced me otherwise.

Removing the nightshirt I'd been dressed in I changed into my uniform which had been left by the bed. Freshly laundered and obviously mended. Perfect for showcasing the Hero of the Imperium without having to bring up the topic myself. Buckling on my chainsword and las pistol I quickly moved into the deserted hallway. The jakes were soon found and my priorities shifted to food and information. A glance through the hallway window revealed a stone courtyard surrounded by a 10 meter tall wall. No guards or emplaced weapons were in evidence but my view was too limited to be certain. What concerned me most was that from the tower I was in the road was clearly visible. It was little more than a dirt path, barely wide enough for the single animal drawn cart leaving the keep as I watched. It occurred to me that I had yet to see any evidence of even the simplest technologies. Still as I wandered the halls I began to see similarities between this place and the Schola Progenium I had spent the last decade instructing at. It seems schools follow the same lines wherever you are in the Empire. This line of thought prompted me to head for the ground floor as the most likely place for the Adeptus Administratum to be located. Passing what was obviously a messhall I ducked inside hoping for a quick bite.

The room was empty save for a few servers cleaning. Their simple clothing confirmed what my explorations had implied I had obviously arrived on a low tech planet. Still there would undoubtedly be at least one major city with facilities to arrange my return to Perlia. Hopefully Jurgan had manage to survive as he often does walk out unharmed even in the worst of situations.

Striking out across the room in a suitably rakish stride I called out. 'Any chance you've got something left for a late riser? Perhaps some tanna tea?' It's always gratifying to see the reactions of civs when they see a Commissar bearing down on them. Most have only seen us in hololiths but considering that they used my face on recruiting fliers throughout the Segmentum I generally gather a bit more attention. The maid glanced at me murmured something about looking in the kitchens and set out on her new task. Respectful enough but no more so than what I expected for a sargent in the Guard. Just how backward was this planet if they've never even seen a Commissar?

The maid returned swiftly bearing a tray with a variety of foods, though distinctly lacking in tanna. I sat taking care to thank her, my life has been saved more than once by friendly servants and all it cost was a bit of time and social nicety. I invited the maid to sit and talk but she begged off citing a list of duties to be preformed.

I was finishing up my meal when the sound of students moving through the halls reached me. I moved to the wall intent on not being run over by those most vicious of creatures hungry children. As they sat more than a few noticed me and entered into furiously whispered conversations with each other. Near the tail end of this flood of humanity entered a girl in her mid teens reading as she walked. She was short and looked rather frail, aside from that her blue hair the most distinguishing thing about her. I hazily recalled her face from the previous day as I lay supine on the floor. As if feeling my gaze she glanced up from her book at me then began walking towards me. Her companion a rather energetic dark skinned girl followed behind.


For any of those 40k rpg'er on the forums. Any idea's on how long it takes a chainsword to run through a power pack and how long a sunlight recharge for said power pack takes.


Well-Known Member
wouldn't an overnight charging in a fire be sufficient to recharge a powerpack?

Also, this would hit divergence fairly fast given that Louise is confirmed as a "zero" and sent home, and likely ending up married off to Wardes. With the side effect of never knowing what she could have been.

Does this mean that Tabitha is a void user or just someone who managed to summon up Ciaphas Cain as a Gandalfr?
Imperium tech has two basic power generation settings: fusion reactor (just pour in some water and let the good times roll) and "anything that burns is your fuel" motors. Chainswords usually have very, very long work lives and they have a very noticable motor section with exhaust ports. I would assume it works with anything that burns and Cain is likely to know his weapons very, very, very well (if their Machine Spirits fail him during combat, he's screwed after all) so he can actually maintain them.

I wonder how the mages are reacting to his cybernetic fingers. And the laspistol is GodMode. Because nothing moves faster then light and a marksman of Cain's quality is unlikely to mess up his aim.


Well-Known Member
Please, forgive my bluntness, but this story REEK of personal bias. <_<


Well-Known Member
Deathwings said:
Please, forgive my bluntness, but this story REEK of personal bias. <_<
Your point being?

All fanfiction has personal bias, All of it.

Thats the point.

People write fanfiction because they see something and think. Hey, I think itd be better if it was done This way.

Thats why fanfiction exists.

Dont be such a troll.


Well-Known Member
Deathwings said:
Please, forgive my bluntness, but this story REEK of personal bias. <_<
Your forgiven. First of all it's fanfiction what do you expect?

In terms of Loise? A student who has begun her second year of magical schooling and still can't cast spells correctly.

In terms of Cain? Have you read the novels? They're written as his memoirs making it very unlikely he'd paint himself in too bad a light.

Did you want me to make Cain Loise's familiar like very other fic? Honestly I considered this but I couldn't make it work without making Cain completely OOC or basically a slave to the spell. Then I'd still have to follow the canon much to closely for my liking.

My knowledge of 40k tech is limited at best so if that works it resolves one issue I had.

Honestly I'm undecided with Loise. I can make her disappear or become a twisted bitter person or a person determined to prove everyone wrong working hard and finally managing to summon as her familiar a warp demon. She has a lot of potential as villain or side character.

I don't really like overpowering characters so no tabitha as void mage and no Gandalfr Cain. Hell I took Jergen away from Cain to make sure he was vulnerable to magic. Cain arrived due to a fluke of the warp which also disrupted the inter dimension summoning of Saito. I might still edit the summoning to have Saito sort of make it through, well bits of him anyway. Depends if I decide to send her down the path of madness.

Delta Green Friendly

From the books I gather chainswords run on power cells easily enough and I don't recall any issues with chainswords being damaged even blocking other chain weapons so I don't expect any issues there.

Godmode? Ask any IG soldier if a laspistol is godmode and they'll laugh. It is a very good weapon no doubt but a man can die from a arrow wound as well as a nuke. Cain now has to deal with armies that use magic and magical creatures He understands that being the only one on the battlefield shining a giant flashlight gets you all sorts of attention.


Well-Known Member
Being the only guy on the battlefield who is 6'5" will get him plenty of attention anyway.

The novels are Cain's memoirs, yes. But they are his unpublished memoirs, only discovered after his death and immediately classified by Inquisitorial order. In his official memoirs Cain paints himself in a good light. But these are his real memoirs, in which he regularly points out that he does not deserve most of the accolades which he received. Amberly's comments often point out that Cain is often too harsh on himself, if anything. He rarely admits to any noble intentions behind his 'heroic' actions, mainly claiming to be motivated by an urge to avoid danger, combined with the bad luck in doing so by taking a task that invariably involves a danger he didn't know about that is greater than the danger he was hiding from, followed by realizing that the only way out is forward.

His laspistol is God Mode only in that it can probably penetrate most armor in the ZnT universe fairly easily, with the carapace armor he habitually wears under his greatcoat being able to stop most non-magical attacks in that universe. But that hardly makes him invincible. If nothing else, the Commisarial uniform doesn't include a helmet.


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble reconciling this concept with canon. I realize you've taken a lot of liberties with it, and that is right, but it does change a lot.

First off, Tabitha has no void abilities, and it takes void to summon human familiars.

Second, Cain has to get back to the Imperium for his memoirs to be written.

Third, and most important, the mages of ZnT would qualify as psykers or warp sorcerers in the Imperium, and that means Cain would never willingly subject himself to one. He'll go "Frak off! My soul's mine and I'm keeping it!" at them and while he wouldn't be stupid enough to fight his way out, he will run at the first opportunity, completely paranoid at the though that these "Chaos Worshippers" (capitalization intended) will want to kill him, or worse, suck his soul out. And when he sees how the local peasantry reacts to the "Nobles" (again, capitalization intended for maximum sarcastic effect, since they aren't very noble at all) with fear, this will further enhance this perception.

I look forward to how you plan to address these points.


Well-Known Member
pacifist said:
In terms of Loise? A student who has begun her second year of magical schooling and still can't cast spells correctly.

My knowledge of 40k tech is limited at best so if that works it resolves one issue I had.

Honestly I'm undecided with Loise. I can make her disappear or become a twisted bitter person or a person determined to prove everyone wrong working hard and finally managing to summon as her familiar a warp demon. She has a lot of potential as villain or side character.

I don't really like overpowering characters so no tabitha as void mage and no Gandalfr Cain. Hell I took Jergen away from Cain to make sure he was vulnerable to magic. Cain arrived due to a fluke of the warp which also disrupted the inter dimension summoning of Saito. I might still edit the summoning to have Saito sort of make it through, well bits of him anyway. Depends if I decide to send her down the path of madness.
Basically, the power cell used by the lasgun is indicative of what power/energy technology is like in the IoM.

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a>

Lasguns are powered by small rechargeable power packs. Power output can be adjusted to extend the life of the charge. The power packs are extremely reliable and can be recharged by exposing them to direct sunlight, by heating (putting them directly into flames works, but this reduces the lifetime of a power pack and increases the chance of misfires)
Hmmm... Louise, why not have her 'disappear' from the main story as she is in effect no longer a protagonist and has been delegated to background/side character with occasional mentions here and there where she would logically fit; given that Tabitha and Kirche are friends, and Kirche would pay note to Louise's family and by extension the "Zero".

As for Tabitha, if the summoning of Ciaphas Cain screwed up the familiar summoning of both her and Louise, which means Syphie is still out there somewhere waiting for a "big sister"? ^_^;

As for Saito, why not have him end up elsewhere... after all, if nature abhors a void.. perhaps he ended up in Ciaphas' location or there abouts.


Well-Known Member
Tsukino_kage said:
I'm having trouble reconciling this concept with canon. I realize you've taken a lot of liberties with it, and that is right, but it does change a lot.

First off, Tabitha has no void abilities, and it takes void to summon human familiars.

Second, Cain has to get back to the Imperium for his memoirs to be written.

Third, and most important, the mages of ZnT would qualify as psykers or warp sorcerers in the Imperium, and that means Cain would never willingly subject himself to one. He'll go "Frak off! My soul's mine and I'm keeping it!" at them and while he wouldn't be stupid enough to fight his way out, he will run at the first opportunity, completely paranoid at the though that these "Chaos Worshippers" (capitalization intended) will want to kill him, or worse, suck his soul out. And when he sees how the local peasantry reacts to the "Nobles" (again, capitalization intended for maximum sarcastic effect, since they aren't very noble at all) with fear, this will further enhance this perception.

I look forward to how you plan to address these points.
Your right it'll be awhile before the next chapter because besides being an extremely slow writer there are a lot of loose ends to deal with. In the end I may just end up rewriting the limits of the familiar spell but I'm trying to avoid that.


Well-Known Member
In Cain's eyes, "Noble" is usually a euphemism for "excessively inbred idiot".


Well-Known Member
bissek said:
In Cain's eyes, "Noble" is usually a euphemism for "excessively inbred idiot that I can take advantage of".
Fixed for you.


Well-Known Member
Just making an observation. And yes, I was talking about how you basically sidelined Louise and Put Her On A Bus.

I actually respect the fact that you are openly owning up to your actions, far too many authors tend to leap to shitty excuses and/or use bullshit arguments to make it seems like they are "respecting" canon. :rolleyes:

So yeah, the fact you aren't using any shaky excuses is worthy of respect in my book. So please, could you refrain from jumping at my throat when I'm TRYING to be polite, please ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah but the void users (and Louis's connection to Henrietta) are so integral to the plot I can't see what you could do unless you bring in more fun from 40k and then you're left with basically a 40k/original world cross. I like Tabitha's character, but if you want more of her I think the best thing to do would be have her story discovered by the character earlier.

Edit: Also it'd be fun to bring in a knight to rescue Tabitha like in the books she likes so much but the rest of the story is lost unless you change more things to tie it in.
I like your story writing it well defined. Just I got to know how in the hell is this gonna work out? How did Tabitha bind a human? Their magic system just doesn't work that way? How is this gonna end as anything but a Bad End for Tristain, Henrietta(apparently one of or the only person in power who really cares about the commoner rights), Wales, Louise, Tabitha(when she gets kidnapped by the elf with climate control, poison immunity,lightning and other natural disasters on demand,bullshit hax barrier THAT IS ALWAYS ON,and centuries of battle that putshim on a greater or equal level of skill with a Gandalfr and who's skills are near instantaneous and can only be counted by Void magic), and the world( if Cain succeed in killing the water sprit somehow when thier sent after it and the worlds water out of control). What about the Ring of Andavri (assuming you dont retcon out of existence {which you can't really without gutting some preexisting factors}) how would they find and better yet get when the thieves are holding Tabi's mom hostage. Oh and the world might get a bad end if Joseph and the reconquista get their way worse if they subvert a bitter Louise and accelerate her development into a teleporting bomber, and armed as such kick off a [holy war/I] against the elves in full force which would have an obscenely massive death toll. To be truly honest Louise is a wee bit of a linchpin charcter to the overall stability and well of the world. A LOT of Bad Shit goes down with out her various connections puling several unlikely factions together to a better end or outright bombing the way through certain opposition.

So again I must ask. How is this going to work out(other than with loads of bad ends)?


Lurking upon the deep
Larekko12 said:
I like your story writing it well defined. Just I got to know how in the hell is this gonna work out? How did Tabitha bind a human? Their magic system just doesn't work that way? How is this gonna end as anything but a Bad End for Tristain, Henrietta(apparently one of or the only person in power who really cares about the commoner rights), Wales, Louise, Tabitha(when she gets kidnapped by the elf with climate control, poison immunity,lightning and other natural disasters on demand,bullshit hax barrier THAT IS ALWAYS ON,and centuries of battle that putshim on a greater or equal level of skill with a Gandalfr and who's skills are near instantaneous and can only be counted by Void magic), and the world( if Cain succeed in killing the water sprit somehow when thier sent after it and the worlds water out of control). What about the Ring of Andavri (assuming you dont retcon out of existence {which you can't really without gutting some preexisting factors}) how would they find and better yet get when the thieves are holding Tabi's mom hostage. Oh and the world might get a bad end if Joseph and the reconquista get their way worse if they subvert a bitter Louise and accelerate her development into a teleporting bomber, and armed as such kick off a [holy war/I] against the elves in full force which would have an obscenely massive death toll. To be truly honest Louise is a wee bit of a linchpin charcter to the overall stability and well of the world. A LOT of Bad Shit goes down with out her various connections puling several unlikely factions together to a better end or outright bombing the way through certain opposition.

So again I must ask. How is this going to work out(other than with loads of bad ends)?

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>My thought on your necro.</a>
This looked interesting, but I'm going to have to say..DEATH TO THE NECRO. You haven't quite necro'd a pile of bone dust, but that was still a terrible necro.