City in the Sky - Zephyran Academy (BESM RPG)


Well-Known Member
cgobyd said:
Sorry for the double posts but I have a question.

Under the Multiple Illusions header in the Illusions Attribute section it says that a level 3 illusions would cost 10 points. But the table says Illusions cost 2 points/level. So is this just a mistake in the book or was I missing something.

Also is Irreversible two ways? I was thinking of assigning it to Insubstantial, and Invisible and then having telekinesis/flight be my way of touching/moving and an illusion be how people would see me. This would leave me insubstantial and invisible all the other times. The reason why is in my backstory which I finally got half-way without becoming disgusted with it and trashing it. (<(")<, >(")>, <(")> Do the Kirby dance!)
Illusions: Not a mistake in the book. Level 3 Illusion would be 6 CP. +1 CP for Sight, +1 CP for Sound, +1 CP for Taste, +1 CP for Touch = 10 CP + 3 CP for being able to maintain 3 illusions beyond the first = 13 CP.

I'll let you take Irreversible -6 for Insubstantial and Invisibility, yes. You'd have to stat your illusions to have a looong Duration, though, and seeing as you'll only be using them to change form, Multiple Illusions probably won't be needed - you'll only need to maintain one Illusion at a time: the one of whatever your body is.
Meh. I'm going to be a little longer. I got 3/4ths done, then came up with a better idea for a character.


Well-Known Member
Alright then, I've more or less figured out a time frame. Can you guys deal with 6/7 p.m. to 11 pm (Central Time) on Sundays?


Well-Known Member
I might be having to get up as early as 5 (EST) time on mondays so probably not, though that all depends on my housing situation come school start the week after next.

I am free earlier that day, and on Friday nights at around that time.


Well-Known Member
Well, you won't have to *stick around* till 11 pm, cgobyd. Hell, more than likely we won't even keep playing up to that hour - 11 pm's just the cutoff line, the time where, if we're still playing, I'd be forced to cut the session short before I start jeopardizing my own 5 AM wakeup time.


Well-Known Member
Ok though why 6PM, that seems a little late to start on a Sunday.


Well-Known Member
It look like a nice time for me so I've got no troubles.


Well-Known Member
Excellent. I talked with Rooster and he agreed, too. So that leaves... Cristopher Robin?
That sounds fine. Damn, I need to get to working on this again. So many things to do, so little time.


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Well-Known Member
Get working on your character sheet, then. :p
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.... I may need a bit of help even working with Rooster on it... sorry. :sweat2: Bit of a noob.


Well-Known Member
Get on IRC, then. Rooster's usually there, as am I.


Well-Known Member
Well Ray apperently has risen to new levels of doucheness and declared my character so useless as to kick me out of the game entirely.

So I wish the other players that attempted to help me fix my characters the best of luck with what is apperently an asshole GM, and to Ray let me reiterate. SCREW YOU


Well-Known Member
Oh, we had our differences, to be sure. Unfortunately for you, I wasn't the one who resorted to denial and then cursing when faced with them.



Well-Known Member
Cooking up a character now. Since I'm moving back to college this weekend, I probably won't be ready until next week, but we'll see what happens.
So that means there's a spot open?
Not to speak on his behalf, but FallenDruid would really like to join.
Yes, I am in fact interested.

In fact:

Name: Alanna Mossgrove
Age: Appears Approximately 23, Actual Age: 548
Sex: Female
Species: Enhanced Human
Theme Song Cruxshadows: Winterborn
Physical Description: A short, graceful woman with black hair that looks like it's been crudely cut with a knife at shoulder level.á Her eyes are a murky green.á She weighs about sixty-eight kilos, and has a slim build with defined musculature.

Flashback: Earth, Britain, Towtown, 29 March 1461

Zoom: Small hut, hidden by a large pile of branches and hedges.
Zoom out: A massive battlefield, covered with the dead and dying.á The fighting is still going strong.

Zoom in: Through the roof of a small hut:
Scene: 2 men, one young woman in labor.

Alanna: (V.O.)"I was born on the 29th day of March, in the year 1461, in small hut near Towtown.á Something of an omen, a foreshadowing ofá my life, if you will.

Scene: Fade out, Fade in: Alanna, at desk, writing in her diary:

(V.O.): I don't know anymore.á What to do.á I guess I should write this down.á The story of my life.á And how Siarin interfered with it. Maybe, sometime, someplace, someone will find this and know that I was not Siarin's puppet voluntarily.á Not at the last.á Admittedly, I didn't suffer under Kagato as long as many, not nearly as long as some, but it was long enough.á Long enough.

I was happy enough as a child, I guess.á A carefree peasant child, with a hardworking mother and father.á I had a brother, too.á He was younger than me.á I don't remember him clearly.á It wasn't until they were gone that I really realized how good my life had been.á They were killed.á On the 13th day of March...I hate March.á My family and I were visitng some relatives near Empingham.á A small unit of rebels found us.á They tied us up and killed my brother.á He was crying.á They killed my father and mother, as well, but not before having their way with my
mother...and me.á They didn't kill me.á I wished that they had. They took me with them.á night.á That lasted for what seemed to be forever.á Probably only a week passed, though.á They left me for dead, and...someone I took to be a god found me.á He healed my wounds, dressed me in clean clothes, gave me clean water and good food.

The next day, he introduced me to technology.á Indoor plumbing came as something of a shock, let me tell you.á Fortunately, I'd always had a quick mind, and Siarin was a good teacher.á A month later, I had a good grasp of the basics of computer use, and his language. At that point, he began training me in powered armor.á I loved it.á The feeling of power that you get from a well crafted suit of power was addictive.á I spent two months training in that suit, in what Siarin said were virtual environments.á Later, much later, I found out that they weren't..and that Siarin was no god.á No...he was just a alien thug from another world, using me as a science experiment.
á I could barely face myself in the mornings, anymore, after I saw a news broadcast on Siarin's ship.á I am sure that he allowed me to see it purposefully. They reported that a criminal in powered armor - my armor - had attacked a research facility, raising a distraction so that their accomplice - Siarin - could get in and steal the data he desired.á Then...I blacked out.

When I woke up, Siarin was leaning over me.á He told me everything would be fine, I just needed to relax.á I tried to speak, to rail at him, but I couldn't.á Everything went black.

When I woke up, Siarin was leaning over me.á I couldn't move.á What's worse, I couldn't feel anything.áá He smiled at me, told me I was an excellent guinea pig, and to relax.á His face faded away, to be replaced by blank white walls.á It was a training and testing facility, where I was trained and educated in the abilities of the nanites thatá I couldn't refuse...Siarin had control over my actions to an incredible degree.á The only things I had for myself were my thoughts.á I tried to break free, but I couldn't.á Soon, I was deemed ready, and sent out on 'jobs' for the criminal bastard.á The most I could manage was an occasional hesitation, or reinterpretation of his orders, or, oddly enough, strict compliance to the letter of his orders.á After many years, though...I was able to break free.á That last year, he sent me on a solo mission.á He forgot to order me to return to the Soja when it was finished.á I fled.á He found me, eventually.á Or, more accurately, a bounty hunter found me. She didn't know who she was really working for, nor did she really care, knowing only that a man's droid had gone rogue, and he was offering a substantial reward for its return.á She tried to return me. I resisted, and she destroyed me.á At the time, I was on some backwater planet in the western spiral arm of the galaxy, lying low, and what she didn't know was that she hadn't destroyed me.á It took me a while to recover. Fortunately, I managed to lay low on the planet.á Dozens of years later, news of Siarin's death at the hands of another of his little experiments reached me, and I began this journey to find a way to return to a normal life.á As I write this, I wait for word that the researchers at the Zephyran Academy have agreed to spend some time looking into my case.á It has been a long and strange journey to reach this place, and I can only hope that they will have some means to allow me to rest.

Normal Form:
Body: 4
Mind: 4
Soul: 11

Combat Form:
Body: 6
Mind: 6
Soul: 11

Total Points Used: 500
Inept Defense 3, Involuntary Change 2(Adrenalin forces change)

1 10 Regeneration
4 40 Reincarnation
1 15 Extra Attack
1 5 Extra Defence
12 24 Special Defenses
26 234 Alternate Form
1 2 Combat Technique: Weapons Encyclopedia
2 6 Skills: Stealth
2 2 Skills: Domestic Arts
2 2 Skills: Wilderness Survival
2 2 Skills: Languages

á Alternate Form
2 20 Enhanced Body
2 20 Enhanced Mind
1 8 Super strength
10 20 Armour
10 18 Force Field
6 34 Shield, Protective 10
2 4 Heightened Awareness
6 11 Super Sense: LIDAR, Detectable
4 8 Special Defenses:
5 10 Spaceflight
2 16 Flight
4 12 Ranged Attack(Personal Energy Weapons)
2 4 Combat Technique(Dead Eye, Steady Hand
5 20 Massive Damage(Personal Energy Weapons)
20 40 Weapon: BFG
5 6 Weapon: Energy Blade
0 2 Weapon: Stun Gauntlet
6 7 Weapon: Energy Rifle

Reincarnation:á Alanna will reincarnate if any of her flesh, blood or bone has not been reduced to its component molecules.á To stop her from reincarnation, we suggest dropping her into a fusion furnace.

Special Defenses: Normal Form
Immune to Aging, Resistant to Everything Else

Special Defenses: Combat Form:
Does not need to breath, immune to cold, vacuum, and heat

Force Field:
Limited: No Attacks, Uses 10 Energy/Round, Requires a small amount of concentration.

BFG: Lvl 20 - Penetrating 3, Range 5, Area 4, Shieldless, Charges 2-3 times/Day (-6), Deplete -5
Energy Rifle: Lvl 6 - Range 2
Energy Blade: Lvl 5 - Multidimensional, Penetrating 1
Stun Gauntlet: Lvl 0 - Incapacitate 4, Awake But Paralyzed

Normal Form:
HP 75
EP 75
SV 15
ACV 6.33
DCV 3.33
DM: 5

Combat Form:
HP 85
EP 85
SV 17
ACV 11.67
DCV 10.67
DM: 10(Ranged)/11(Energy Blade)


Well-Known Member
FallenDruid said:
Dude, I think I love you. a completely heterosexual way, of course.

Though you might start wanting to look into getting a level in Extra Actions, because with an Alternate Form that badass, there's not a chance in hell I'm letting switch to it without spending a general action first (except in moments of extreme plot tension). ^_^

Edit: @Halibel: *shrug* If you want. Theme songs are optional.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming we probably need to link it?
Please do, it makes things a lot easier.

For that matter, FallenDruid, can you upload your sheet to Google Docs? (instructions are in the OP). Everyone else's done it, and it makes things much quicker when I have to dig up your stats.

To everyone:

First session is starting. Get on IRC.