Naruto Confluxus (One Piece crossover)


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A crossover concept of my own that owes much to the brainstorming done a while back for Ashaman's suggested "Konoha 12 Pirates" which you can find in a thread down this very page.

First, a fragment of prologue I wrote on a whim.

Once upon a time there was a room. By every account, it was a nice room. Large, elegant, well-lit... but what really matters in our tale is not the room, but rather those who were in the room.

Because in the room there were five old-looking men, who were actually considerably older than they looked, as well as two snails, one yellow and one white.

The men were collectively known as the Gorosei, the Five Elder Stars. Together, they were the heads of the World Government and their voice was that of the ultimate authority.

The snails were Den Den Mushi, the snailphones used to carry that voice to the farthest regions of the world and communicate with those who had sworn fealty to their rule.

The mood in the room was subdued, if not grim. That, by itself, wasn't unusual. The masters of the world wielded unmatched power, but keeping the world in balance was a titanic and utterly thankless job. Revolution, pirates, rebellion, natural disasters... Rare was the day in which they didn't have to deal with a dozen different situations, each complex in its own right.

But all those were largely known quantities. Dragon might dream of toppling them, but his revolutionaries were simply too weak, and some semblance of order had eventually been born from the chaos born of the last words of the Pirate King. As things stood, the World Government as an entity had little to fear.

But today... today they faced the unknown. An unknown great enough to potentially upset their precious balance for good and that was something that was to be prevented, no matter the cost. There were plans that would one day, not so distant anymore, make their control over the entire world utterly secure.

But... not yet.

And so, they all agreed, balance had to be preserved, until it could be safely discarded. To do so, they needed to know more, much more, about this latest threat and so the one chosen by mutual agreement to speak for the group turned to one of the snail

"The line is secure in our side and we are all in attendance. If you are ready, you may begin your full report now, vice admiral Comil."

The yellow snail started talking with a vigorous voice then, "Very well, sir. To begin, I can report that criminal Haido Jekyll is reported to have died shortly before my arrival. Although the circumstances are not entirely clear and the body has not been recovered, the natives are quite adamant about this point and I am inclined to take their word for it. I have also been granted personal access to the... remains of his three bountied underlings, as well as the stolen vessels, after a promise of financial compensation. As an aside, I strongly suggest that the promise be honored as soon as feasible."

"Your suggestion is noted and will be taken under consideration. Continue."

"Very well, sir. As I was saying, I can confirm the deaths of 'Thunderbeast' Ranke, 'Howler' Fugai and 'Screech' Kamira, as well as the total or partial destruction of seven of the ten class A artifacts that were reported stolen from Karakuri."
And next, assorted thoughts and concepts about the crossover mechanics.

Though collectively known as haki, it is not one single force with three different manifestations, but rather three different forces each of which originates from one of the three aspects found in all living things: kenbunshoku/observation haki (which draws strength from the mental aspects of life), busoshoku/armament haki (which is powered by the corporeal aspects of life) and haoshoku/conqueror's haki (which represents the spiritual strength of life and despite popular belief is found in all things... just in extraordinarily small amounts, except for a vanishingly small number of individuals).

Chakra is an intermediate energy state that combines the mental and physical aspects and which only rarely appears in natural form. The ability to deliberately generate chakra in large amounts by combining energies was the great discovery of the Sage of the Six Paths, a development unknown to the broader world which made possible the rise of the ninja world and its myriad techniques within the relatively narrow boundaries of the Elemental Countries. Its dual nature makes it more flexible than either of its individual components and, ultimately, easier to work with. Sufficiently skilled molders of chakra can thus theoretically develop techniques that allow them to replicate anything and everything that can be done with the base components by altering to the adequate degree the mental/physical balance of their energy (and much, much more), although this requires deliberate and conscious action and cannot be sustained nigh-indefinitely in the way masters of haki (or individuals strongly attuned to a particular form of haki) do subconsciously.

The spiritual aspect, however, is almost as poorly understood among shinobi as it is in the rest of the world. What the world government calls conqueror's haki, the ninjas call killing intent. Both sides have a somewhat vague understanding of ways in which this can be trained and strengthened, but neither has anything solid beyond the purely intuitive level.

In summary:

Observation haki = mental energy.

Armament haki = corporeal energy.

Conqueror's haki = spiritual energy/killing intent.

Chakra = mental + corporeal = observation + armament.

With chakra you can theoretically do anything you can do with observation and armament haki and then some, however to do so you need to design a technique (for example, the Yamanaka clan techniques mimic the mind-reading aspect of observation haki) and you need to activate it. However, mastered haki gives you better mileage and can be used almost automatically.

Sage mode enhances mental (super-senses) and corporeal (super-strength) energies, but also requires high spiritual energy to be reached (Jiraiya never mastered Sage mode because his spiritual strength and drive was never quite high enough). Sensor type ninjas (like Karin) are naturally attuned to observation haki, ninjas reputed for their physical capabilities (like Uzumaki, Senju or the Raikage line) are naturally attuned to corporeal energy.

Elemental countries have developed some very refined understanding of chakra, but have mostly abandoned use of the mental/corporeal components and therefore lack true masters of haki and the best they can do is somewhat bastardized mimicry through use of chakra techniques. Outside world has masters of haki, but lacks comprehensive understanding of chakra as a mixed energy and bastardized forms of chakra manipulation can only be found in things such as Rokushiki or the super-techniques used by high end swordsmen.

Also, nature transformation (turning raw chakra into elemental chakra) is something known only to the Elemental Countries and thus jutsu-like techniques are rare beyond its boundaries (and when one encounters such things, the users don't really grasp what they are doing and the broader potentials they could unlock with better understanding of chakra). Examples of these bastardized elemental jutsu include Diable Jambe (which uses Sanji's natural fire nature) and the water manipulation exercises of Fishman karate (as a result of most fishmen and mermen being water natured).

To finish, haki users could learn to mold chakra and chakra manipulators could learn to develop their hakis in the fashion of the outside world. However, doing so would require a somewhat lengthy learning period, a willing (and able) teacher and learning to do things in ways they would find strange and counter-intuitive.



Well-Known Member
A very well done way of merging the two settings. Color me impressed.

Edit: Got the wrong icon there for a second.


Well-Known Member
Looks interesting.

I'm guessing from the short bit that this will be Elemental Countries vs World Government or something along those lines, right?

Where exactly would it take place timeline wise (for both sides)


Well-Known Member
Chakra would be quite under specialized compared to haki. After all, not even Madara can see into the future. No one in Naruto can predict the angle of attacks without their senses.

But this sounds like a first contact story.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing from the short bit that this will be Elemental Countries vs World Government or something along those lines, right?
Not quite.

The World Government will want, if possible, to find a way to integrate peacefully the Elemental Countries in their system. As will be revealed, open conflict is something they would rather avoid, because although they think that if push comes to shove they can win a war, they have other commitments and do not want to keep their key personnel or large amounts of manpower busy with the pacification of a new continent.

The Elemental Countries will want to remain independent and will be really leery of this previously unknown superpower that shows up out of the blue, plus they really do not want to risk any other of the elemental countries or hidden villages being first in siding with the newcomers.

Where exactly would it take place timeline wise (for both sides)
Prologue happens a couple years pre-series for One Piece and end of part I or whereabouts for Naruto.

zeebee1 said:
Chakra would be quite under specialized compared to haki. After all, not even Madara can see into the future. No one in Naruto can predict the angle of attacks without their senses.
In summary, chakra lets you do more, but for the things haki can do on its own, it lets you do them better. Haki abilities are cheaper, more intuitive and so on that chakra techniques that mimic them.

For example, an hypothetical Yamanaka genius of the caliber of Kakashi could with some effort build upon his clan techniques to develop a technique that could copy the prediction through mindreading power of observation haki.

However, this technique would be less energy efficient than mastered observation haki from someone of similar level, as well as other drawbacks (such as requiring deliberate activation).

But this sounds like a first contact story.


Well-Known Member
There's also the fact that it wouldn't work on unintelligent animals. Also, the conqueror's haki is practically unexplored in ninjutsu. Killing intent is nearly useless. Sure, as haki it's incredibly effective. But with no proper applications the lack of variety and lack of power make it nearly useless as ninjutsu. Though if someone who had it in high levels incorporated it into genjutsu then there would be potential.


Well-Known Member
This was something of a prologue. But who would we follow. Naruto ? Nobody and see things from a higher perspective ? Jump between camps ?


Well-Known Member
sinewyk said:
This was something of a prologue. But who would we follow. Naruto ? Nobody and see things from a higher perspective ? Jump between camps ?
I am fond of the style used by Isaac Asimov in his early Foundation novels and thus tend to use that.

Meaning that though the story would primarily follow the main characters (those would be Naruto and Luffy, yes), there would also be PoV shifts to antagonists, third party witnesses, folks back home and so on.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
There's also the fact that it wouldn't work on unintelligent animals. Also, the conqueror's haki is practically unexplored in ninjutsu. Killing intent is nearly useless. Sure, as haki it's incredibly effective. But with no proper applications the lack of variety and lack of power make it nearly useless as ninjutsu. Though if someone who had it in high levels incorporated it into genjutsu then there would be potential.
Being fair here, killing intent is nearly useless because ninja are used to it. It only matters when you're up against people that don't really have that much experience.

Case in point, Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. The guy left Sasuke and Sakura nearly paralyzed with fear after making them hallucinate with just killing intent.


Well-Known Member
You mean like people who haven't killed or experienced bloodshed? Luffy used his own version to knock out 500,000. Orochimaru could only temporarily paralyze a genin. No one who made it frome the Blues into the New World will be the least bit bothered.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
You mean like people who haven't killed or experienced bloodshed? Luffy used his own version to knock out 500,000. Orochimaru could only temporarily paralyze a genin. No one who made it frome the Blues into the New World will be the least bit bothered.
You mean the captured pirates that were forced to fight and the fishmen who thought they were tough but were really just cannon fodder?

Compare that to the mook marines during the Whitebeard War that didn't get knocked out by Luffy's haki, who despite being mooks at least had big enough balls to challenge Whitebeard.

Really even if you want to compare bloodshed and stuff Sasuke probably beats most people by a mile what with seeing his entire family killed before his eyes courtesy of Itachi.


Well-Known Member
Those weren't mooks. Every single marine that was there was all of the elite marines they could get. It's an issue of experience and skill. Besides, Sasuke is not worth 500,000 people.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Those weren't mooks. Every single marine that was there was all of the elite marines they could get. It's an issue of experience and skill. Besides, Sasuke is not worth 500,000 people.
They had all the elite marines they could get... and a fair number of not at all elite guys. In any case, Sasuke is not worth 500,000 people, but he is certainly worth one Helmeppo (who was in Marineford and didn't collapse when Luffy had his haki burst moment).


Well-Known Member
Helmeppo survived more than three seconds against Zoro. Besides, the conqueror's haki isn't about power. It's about will. Helmeppo's desire to stay conscious was good enough to work during a time when Luffy wasn't trained. Yet many of the powerful warriors on Amazon Lily couldn't say the same. So maybe you need to reevaluate your opinion of Helmeppo.


Well-Known Member

I wasn't particularly expecting canon to throw me this curve ball, but I rather think that the God Tree revelation in Naruto canon fits unexpectedly well with my plans for Confluxus.

In summary of how things stand for this fic:

Devil Fruits originally were created by the ancient civilization that made the Gelel Stone, in an attempt to replicate the God Fruit. This happened before Kaguya Otsutsuki got a craving for the forbidden fruit and the ensuing hilarity.

Devil Fruits are not the source of the power, but rather temporary vessels. The true power sources are metastable clusters of natural chakra artificially created with the Stones of Gelel, which pass from the fruit to the ability user upon consumption, and upon the death of the ability user are carried by the currents of natural chakra into the closest suitable vessel (always a fruit) restarting the cycle anew.


Well-Known Member
There has been some talk recently, both in SB and SV, about OP/Naruto crossovers. My interest in this project is somewhat rekindled, so I am bumping it up with a reminder to self to actually try to get things written.

However, to put some actual content in this, I am starting some background for this fused world. All years given as BSS (Before Start of Story)


The Shinju or God-Tree is thought to have existed before recorded history. Nothing is known about its origins, but since time immemorial it has been regarded by the people of the world as an unique, sacred existence connected to the very flow of the life of the world itself. Once every thousand years, the tree would sprout a fruit.

Across the ages, daring adventurers would sometimes manage to obtain the seeds contained inside those fruits and the trees that grew from these seeds would in many cases become legendary on their own right. Among these we can count Ohara's Tree of Knowledge, Elbaf's Yggdrasil, the Sunlight Tree Eve that makes possible the continued existence of Fishman Island and the Treasure Tree Adam.

However, no one dared to taste the fruit of the Shinju before the coming of Kaguya, the Moon Princess.


Approximately 1150 years BSS, the lunar biosphere was undergoing a collapse that put an end to a long period of peaceful coexistence between the various peoples living in the satellite, as they fought each other for control over the remaining resources.

Roughly a century later, the clear losers of those wars, the winged peoples of the Moon (Skypeians, Shandians, Birkans), decided to abandon their homeworld for the "blue star" in the sky. Using means unknown, they managed to cross the void of space and reach Earth, where they settled in the Sky Sea, but created several outposts closer to the surface (with the golden city of Shandora as the greatest of these).

Alas, the winners of the lunar war, the Otsutsuki clan, found themselves masters of a world in which long term survival was simply impossible and under the leadership of Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki decided to journey themselves to Earth shortly afterwards.


After learning about the existence of the Shinju, Kaguya went to the tree and ate the forbidden fruit. Otsutsuki records of the time state that the princess initially intended to use the power she gained from this to restore the Moon to its former glory, but eventually decided to turn the Earth -with its greater size and its greater riches- into her new kingdom.

However, the winged lunarians were strong and had allied themselves with the greatest human civilization of the time. They were determined to resist Kaguya's will and resist they did for a century, even after twenty human kingdoms rallied behind Kaguya's banner. In this century-long war, weapons of dreadful power were created and many attempts to re-create the power of the Shinju's divine fruit were carried out, but ultimately Kaguya's might prevailed, and the winged lunarians were forced to hide and their cities were destroyed.

Their human allies, however, were almost annihilated and the fruits of their labours proscribed as devil fruits, because the Moon Princess was insulted (and secretly feared) by their attempts to re-create the fruit that had given her her god-like power. Indeed, so great was her wrath that she ordered the whole population of the vanquished kingdom to be fed to the Shinju, that had been mutated by the century of war into a hideous, vampiric thing that sought to regain what had been taken from it.


Towards the end of the war, Kaguya fell in love with one of the human kings who served her. From this love, two children were born, but their birth left Kaguya diminished, for they inherited part of the power she had taken from the divine fruit. While still powerful like no other, Kaguya grew increasingly fearful and paranoid. She dreamed of being seized by the Shinju's grasping roots and being consumed in body and soul, like those she sentenced to this fate.

She ordered the sacrifice of more and more humans to the tree, in the hopes of sating its thirst, never realizing that she was making the problem worse. These sacrifices caused growing unrest all over the world, even among her vassals and allies, and in the end not even those closest to her heart stood with her. After they reached adulthood, her sons turned against their mother and formed a resistance against her rule.

And her husband, the father of her sons, the man she made king of the world... He had grown to secretly hate her, for it had not been his will to marry Kaguya and the woman he truly loved had been sacrificed to the tree by his jealous wife, so he tricked her and engineered a situation that allowed the Shinju to absorb them both. Alas, Kaguya was too powerful to be fully absorbed and rather than return to its true self, the Shinju was further mutated into the ultimate horror that came to be known as the Ten Tailed Beast.