Crossover Question

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
So. The Stargate movie and series has been crossed with just about everything in existance by this point. A conversation at work yesterday had me wondering; are there any fics out that that cross Stargate with Indiana Jones? For some reason I can't help but think some fun could be had with this.


Well-Known Member
That'd be an interesting read, you'd think that after all those tombs Indiana would wonder why thousand year old sites have working traps. The SGC getting Doctor Jones on the payroll to educate non-SG1 teams on do's and don'ts of tomb exploration would be amusing too.

While there are crossover stories with SG-teams treasure hunting, treasure seeking characters, and Indiana finding aliens, I don't know of any with Indiana Jones and Jack O'Neill together.

I don't think inspiration for this will happen until the new movies come out, one each for Stargate and Indiana Jones. Unless it happened here sooner :unsure:

Edit: Mighty Bob, where is that quote from?

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Heh, actually it was discussion bout the new Indiana Jones movie that brought this thought up in my head. I know I'm looking forward to it; I love the series and Harrison Ford is one of my favorite actors out there. And yeah, interaction between Jones and O'Neil would be awesome I think.

As for the quote it comes from the NGE section of this site, from bluepencil's Shinji/Warhammer 40k story. Read the whole thing yesterday and cracked up when I reached that scene. Should go read it, it's an awesome story.


Well-Known Member
I know I have seen at least one cross of this. Not sure where, it ended up explaining the ark and the grail away as Ancient tech. The grail room was another outpost or something like that. Indy had been one of Daniel's professors in college and for some reason they went to consult him. I think it was a split from the episode where SG1 found the village with the Gouald(sp sucks) that set itself up as Satan. I dunno, its been well over a year since I read it and I can't find it in of my bookmarks.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Nuts, that sounds like it'd be somewhat interesting to read. Considering how many other series Stargate's been crossed with I'm surprised there aren't more with Indiana Jones. I just thought I was doing a shitty job of searching for em. :headbanger:


Well-Known Member
I read a good one a long time ago about doctor Jones finding an abandoned underground stronghold in Egypt that contains the DHD for Earth's Alpha gate. It might have been in Heliopolis, but I'm not sure of anything more specific.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
There was a fanfic on that was set in 1938 or thereabout, with Indiana Jones and Chesty Puller replacing Daniel and Jack. Hasn't been updated in a while, though, and I can't remember the title or author.


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
There was a fanfic on that was set in 1938 or thereabout, with Indiana Jones and Chesty Puller replacing Daniel and Jack. Hasn't been updated in a while, though, and I can't remember the title or author.
Stargate 1939 by Captain Chewacca. It has been a while since the last update, though.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
*necros own thread* Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have to go read Stargate 1939. Frankly while the latest Indy movie wasn't bad, it wasn't really of the quality I was hoping for *sighs* Seems like 'Crystal Skull' fell victim to the trend of make it prettier, not more interesting. Sure, some points of the film were interesting and fun, but it just isn't up to par with the likes of Ark and Crusade. Ah well.

And since I'm a lazy lazy bastard and can't be bothered to search myself; has anyone found any Indiana Jone's/Stargate fics since this topic was last ressurrected?