Naruto Curse Seal Lv.2


Well-Known Member
Why does Sasuke have two bigass hands coming out of his back? I know lots of people call them wings but take a close look, Those are hands, Big hands, Big webby Hands. Why? What can he do with them. Anyway I've just be wondering about that.
Any Thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I have no clue. The going theory I'm going with... because it was supposed to make Sasuke look more 'badass' than he really is. At least, showing how 'powerful' Sasuke is. Failed miserably, but yeah... <_<


Well-Known Member
Holy shit...I completely missed that.

I originally just thought that they were wings of some kind. Not literally webbed hands with claws on the end.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Seems pretty clear in the anime episodes that they look like giant webbed hands. Mebbe Kishimoto was going for western dragon type wings and just fucked up (lets face it, the art in Naruto has never been it's strong point.) like he's done with the plot.

Could be worse. They really could be giant hands, and now Sasgay can do two jutsu at once, or use the giant hands for a giant chidori. Meh :sweat:


Well-Known Member
Well, keep in mind that bat wings essentially are hands with webbing between the fingers.

I think Sasuke's look stupid as fuck, though.

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
Sasuke's always looked as stupid as fuck. He's just that he also had a degree of bishi-ness.

The curse seal level 2 took that away and just made him look gay. I swear, there isn't Sasuke could look anymore retarded if Kishimoto TRIED. Screw the idiotic wing/hands, what the fucked happened to his face!?

This is how Kisihimoto came up with his curse seal level 2 design:

"HMM... crap, now... the past designs have made the characters look sort of ugly... but Sasuke's *OMGSQEEEE~*, so I can't do that... Well, instead of looking bad, I'll make him look GOOD, yeah, that works... But... Sasuke's already PERFECT! can I improve upon perfection? *looks at fan-mail* Hmm, right, that works. My bitchesl- err, fans, find Iruka's scar sexy, so I need to need something like that to Sasuke. A scar marring his perfect face would be bad, so I'll just add facepaint... OH! And lipstick. His hair... yeah, white, everyone love's Kakashi's white hair. (Hmm, I almost want to have him cover up his face, it adds to the mystery and stuffies, but there's no way I could cover up that lov- *smooch* Ahh... Lovely, lovely face... My Sasuke-kun... No, the white hair should do it, only adding onto perfection after all.) HMM, I should also give him a tan, it doesn't actually take away his usually SEXY pale face, and just widens his glory to those who like (for some bizarre reason) darker color skin than paste, yes that's the ticket. Now... for some sort of other cool ability... *thinks for a while, bobbing his head to the music of Batman* ..EUREKA! I have it! WINGS! ...but that's sort of plain... Gah... what should I do!? *stares mournfully, at his hands, now deformed from all his wanking in front of his shrine to Sasuke* WAIT! That's it! WING HANDS! BRILLIANT! They'll even look kind of cool, since... THEY'RE WEBBED... LIKE MINE! *Finishes his new, awesome design with a smile, and then frames the picture for his shrine, yay new masturbation material!*"


Me? Bitter? What would give you that idea?


Well-Known Member
F1, you got a hold of Sarutobi's crystal ball and looked in on Kishimoto while he's raping er writing "Naruto" didn't you?

The things your poor eyes must have seen.


Well-Known Member
i am still of the theory that there is no Time Skip...

it's actually a new series called Sasuke, why??? simple... Kishi noticed where his bithches... er... fan(girl)s were camped at (character wise... "why stay with an unpopular character, even if it IS the center of the story AND the namesake, move to the popular one and whore it out!") and decided to sell out...
regretfully the publishers noticed they used same characters (only older) and decided not to invest in re-marketing it under the new series name... keeping the same original series name and raping... er... reaping the benefits of a longstanding trademark