Harry Potter Dark Lord names for different characters


Well-Known Member
Was re-reading Nonjon's fics out of nostaligia, and after finishing Birth of a Name, I remembered an old fic where Harry rearranged his full name to create the fearsome name of "Pyjamas the Terror."

So I decided I was bored enough to try making some HP character name "Dark Lord" anagrams myself, and I decided, in honour of all those "Dark Lord Dumbledore" fics, to start with the full name of the Headmaster himself, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

35 letters. Obviously I have latent self-loathing issues.

Anyway, I finally came up with "I am Baron Ullric Curlewflub Vespidbeard."

If I'm completely honest, I'm actually kinda proud of coming up with the "Vespid" bit, seeing as it means "of, relating to, or belonging to the family Vespidae," "a diverse, cosmopolitan family of wasps." I thought it made a great counterpart to Dumbledore's name, which is of course an archaic word for "bumblebee."

"Curlewflub" is just all the leftover junk letters rearranged to sound vaguely wizarding, but I challenge someone to do any better.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I am Baron Ducu Ullric Rewfle Vespidbarbe.

Stole Vespid and Ullric. Rewfle was what was left after barbe (as close as I could get to barba, and old form of beard, and Ducu, aka Duke.

Because come on, a dark lord version of dumbledore would totally call himself the High Baron Lord Duke the First.


Well-Known Member
Does "Ducu" actually mean duke in Old English or something? Because I know that "duca" is duke in Italian, but I've never heard of "Ducu."

And all I get when I google it is a Romanian folk musician.


Well-Known Member
Ronald Bilius Weasley

Slayer Donus Belial, I.W.

I, Baron Suede, will Slay


Immortal Capo
Dirty Cheater

I cheated but eh. http://wordsmith.org/anagram/advanced.html

Harry James Potter

Rajah Peter Stormy


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I'm pretty sure I would have to choke back an ill advised snicker if I was being beset by a self named dark lord Stormy.
I cheated too and came up with a few more; Harry James Potter in different anagrams:

Thy Jartas Emperor (jartas being 'dearly loved person' in Shetland (i think?) or 'Expert/Practiced/Cunning' in Hungarian)
Majesty Thor Parer (parer being a different word for skinner)
Majest Arthor Pryer
Prythe Tsar Joram (prythee being old short hand for 'I beg you')

Something more military

Major Theta Pryerse