deadliest warrior


Well-Known Member
seras said:
I like this show but sometimes they leave me with a WTF moment.
The entire show is a WTF moment. It's great.

/Fan of the Alienware laptop and it's magical programs of mystery.

EDIT: Related!

Today aztec jaguar vs zande warrior. Ill say the result tomorrow

Next time SS soldier vs viet cong


Well-Known Member
Seeing as you did not, I will.

Against my prediction, the Zande warrior won. I feel cheated. Though that throwing knife did give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

And for Nazi SS vs Viet Kong, it was the SS all the way for me. Got it right this time. Pretty one sided actually. Also, I learned that the mauser c96 could go full auto. That was awesome.

The next episode are the Roman Centurions vs. Rajput Warriors.
I'll wait for the weapons to be revealed, but right now I'm with the Romans.
Rajput won it was obvious how it would go down much better skills in single combat.

Like i said during the simulation if the centurion loses the shield he lost the battle exactly what happened Rajput were just superior single combat fighters.

As one of the hosts said the centurion was designed to work with his legion. In group combat however the results wold have been different.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anybody particularly cares, but either way, I'm necroing this thread because season 3 just started.

The biggest, most notable change is that Max Geiger, the computer geek responsible for 'running' the sim, has been replaced...with Richard "Mack" Machowicz. You know, the former Navy SEAL who used to host Future Weapons on Discovery.

Well, not really replaced, since Mack's there to talk about tactics and such and now there's another guy who apparently created the newer and more enhanced sim, etc., etc., etc., magical sim that does things. Okay.

The show is still the same - a lot of 'tests' that involve shooting and stabbing things, the Doctor doing his 'yep, he's really dead' thing, everybody going giving the 'edge' to a certain weapon, and then the sim.

Beyond that, they've now introduced these 'x-factors', which are supposed to be little bonuses and special advantages for each side like tactics, generalship, fatigue, etc., which are given numerical values from 0 to 100 to be factored in by the sim. They make as much sense as they sound.

First match-up was Napoleon versus Washington. Washington won out by a slim margin in the end. Can't say I didn't see it coming. I definitely foresaw them giving Washington the Pennsylvania rifles and to their credit, they acknowledged its longer reload time over the French musket and they didn't do something really stupid like pretend the Continental Army was equipped with just Pennsylvania rifles. You know, not like that SWAT versus GSG9 match-up where they gave the SWAT guys those 6.8mm rifles.

But overall, the simulation was balls-out retarded. They decide to test the match-up between famous generals by giving each one a team of just four guys? :headbanger:

So much for all that talk throughout the episode about strategy and generalship.

So yeah, it's Deadliest Warrior as usual. It's silly, stupid, and requires you to turn off certain higher brain functions in order to enjoy it, but there's occasional fun with how over-the-top the simulated battles are.

Next week is Joan of Arc versus William the Conqueror.

The rest of the match-ups are a bit ho-hum. US Army Rangers versus North Korean Special Forces makes me go 'huh?'. Lawrence of Arabia versus Theodore Roosevelt actually sounds a bit interesting, as does French Foreign Legion versus Gurkha.

But, let's face it - the one we will all want to see is that special Vampires versus Zombies episode they will be doing at the end of the season. God damn it, they have Max Brooks (The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z) to talk about the zombies. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Vampires can think. Zombies as we understand them today... can't. So you have fully ambulatory, supernaturally strong, undead creatures that can move as easily as any human and can only be killed under special circumstances versus undead creatures that shuffle at best and have virtually no higher brain functions. Unless they give the zombies a thousand to one odds against the vampires or do something retarded like hold the battle a few minutes before daybreak then the vampires win in a landslide.

As for the Washington Napoleon thing, I totally agree. Granted part of it might have been a budget issue where they didn't want to hire a few hundred actors for the recreation, but they could have cleared that up better. They also didn't really explore the differing styles of warfare as much as I would have liked. Napoleon basically went blitzkrieg and wiped out battlefields to the last man with superior numbers. Washington used guerrilla tactics he learned from fighting Indians as a British officer. I'm pretty sure guerrilla tactics were made to fuck over the larger and better armed fighting force. It's a hell of a thing to go chasing ghosts into the woods and get ambushed.


Well-Known Member
Called it. Vampires win, even at 63-1 odds. Although they should have had the decency to ramp it up to a full 5-man vampire squad.


Well-Known Member
[quote="Legacy|]But, let's face it - the one we will all want to see is that special Vampires versus Zombies episode they will be doing at the end of the season. God damn it, they have Max Brooks (The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z) to talk about the zombies. Seriously.[/quote]
What are you talking about?

I was looking forward to Roosevelt vs Lawrence more than anything else this season.