Ranma ½ Details on the Ranmaverse


Well-Known Member
Taken from another thread that was dead, but being revived at a new topic.

It is entirely plausible that Ranma only knew Ryouga for a week or two. He only stole six breads from Ryouga: curry bread, chow mein bread, cutlet sandwich, meat bread, seaweed bread, and melon bread.

The way it is shown tends to suggest that this occurred every day. Ranma believes these are all the breads he stole, and Ryouga does not deny this. Given that Japanese have six day school weeks I think it is reasonable to say this might have taken place over the course of a single week.

Add an extra week because of the days Ranma waited for Ryouga to show up to their duel.

Thus it is entirely plausible that Ranma only went to that school for two weeks.

The training trip never went into much detail. People take for granted the assumption that Genma went out of his way to keep Ranma out of civilization 24/7, but Ranma apparently had good enough grades to get into highschool. Unless they just move you along in Japan even if you're failing, which I don't think is true, he must have been in school, and taught the rest by his father. Maybe they took textbooks on the journey, and Genma put him in school to teach him how to deal with other kids and learn what he could from people who actually knew what they were talking about in terms of math/science/etc.

On Ukyo, we have inverted helix saying that nothing indicates they spent more than a week there; Ranma even forgot about Ukyo, his "Best friend" from when he was young. At the same time Drawde mentions that we're never given any specific durations of time, which, in a universe where people don't age over at least three years, makes sense.

Well, looking at the Ranmahentai version, Ranma had forgotten Ukyo's name, but it was still very familiar to him, he knew it meant something important. And he was able to recognize Ukyo on sight, as "Ucchan", the first time he saw her without something covering her face. Akane asks "You were childhood friends?" to which Ranma responds "Yeah, for a while anyway." "I met Ukyo when pop and I were training." "I got free okonomiyaki practically every day!" "It was a sad day when I had to go..." They were around a village while training.

The next bit about Ranma and Ukyo's past is the Gambling King. Ukyo, Ranma, and Soun signed their deeds in hand prints, implying that it's a common practice... The next detail about the time spent with Ukyo is the ten year old sauce, but nothing is ever given about it other than the fact that it was ten years ago.

Ryouga, he recognized and remembered his name after a few seconds. Ranma also had a house at the time, a place of permanent residence. From the bread feud, we have Ranma saying that it was the start of a new semester. "Lunch time was always a war." Then he goes on to say "There was nothing else... wait!" Implying that not all days were days he stole bread from Ryouga.

When Ryouga's dog has puppies, he has to ask Ranma if he knows how to get to his house so that they can meet Akane. Ranma replies, "What do you think? I took you home about three hundred times when you got lost!" This may or may not being exaggeration (considering the Manga we're talking about...).

There's no specific duration of time each encounter though. I would say that "It was the start of a new semester" implies that Ranma spent a semester at school, though. It's not an absolute hard fact, just one way to interpret the words that were used.

Aside from the training trip, Genma's habits and Happosai's introduction come to mind too. In the very beginning of the cradle from hell arc, Genma says that the reason he lost to Ranma is because he plays Go all day. Which makes sense. This also means that it's possible that if Genma fought with the amount of regularity that Ranma does, they'd still be an even match, maybe the other way around (With Genma being stronger.)

In Happosai's introduction, the first thing he does after getting out of the cave is get struck by lightning, then stand up again. According to the flashback where they seal Happosai, they stuffed him inside a box with nothing at all, not food, water, or panties. Later, it's said that Happosai was sealed by Soun and Genma a little over ten years ago. This clouds up to what point Genma and Soun were training under Happosai... before their kids were born, or after? Apparently, Happosai knows the kids exist, but he claims to have never met them. It could be his memory, or who knows what ... It's a little confusing.

http://furinkan.com/ranma/manga/summaries.html for summaries of each chapter of the manga and http://ranmahentai.ranma.ws/RanmaManga/ for the quotes/descriptions I used.

EDIT: Oh yeah. While I don't doubt it, can anyone tell me where it's said that Ranma learned from other masters on the trip than Genma?
From what I understand after reading this guy's adventures teaching English in Japanese junior high school, basically, you can't be flunked out or held back pre-high school. Even if the only thing you ever showed up for was the graduation ceremony you still get to graduate.

It actually creates a bit of a discipline problem, because the teachers have no reasonable method to punish the students. They can't hit them, obviously, and they can't hold them back a grade or expel them. They can give out detentions, but they can't really force the kids to stay for them.


Well-Known Member
It is entirely plausible that Ranma only knew Ryouga for a week or two. He only stole six breads from Ryouga: curry bread, chow mein bread, cutlet sandwich, meat bread, seaweed bread, and melon bread.

The way it is shown tends to suggest that this occurred every day. Ranma believes these are all the breads he stole, and Ryouga does not deny this. Given that Japanese have six day school weeks I think it is reasonable to say this might have taken place over the course of a single week.

Add an extra week because of the days Ranma waited for Ryouga to show up to their duel.

Thus it is entirely plausible that Ranma only went to that school for two weeks.

Just going to copy/past this because I haven't figured the quote mechanics out yet.

Anyway, just because only six types of bread is mention, that is no reason to assume he only stayed there for one week. It is just as easy -even easier- to assume that they simply had a lunch schedule that worked off of a weekly rotation: ie. every monday was curry, every tuesday chow mein, and so on.

Just because its possible, doesn't mean its probable, thus we defer to Ockham's Razor.


Well-Known Member
1. There's a quote button.
2. The Add Reply button has a quote option among all the others (bold, italics, underline, hyperlink, image...), unless you've somehow turned those off.
[ QUOTE] [ /QUOTE] without the spaces in any case.

Anyway, just because only six types of bread is mention, that is no reason to assume he only stayed there for one week. It is just as easy -even easier- to assume that they simply had a lunch schedule that worked off of a weekly rotation: ie. every monday was curry, every tuesday chow mein, and so on.
Ranma also only gave Ryoga one of each kind of bread. If he was actually trying to pay Ryoga back, I would imagine it would be in full.
Note the if.

Also, never seen that spelling of Occam's razor before. Huh.