Digimon Devil's Advocate


Well-Known Member
Will reply to the previous posts later. For now, a snippet.


Growmon was nearly blinded by pain. It was hard to even describe and he had nothing to compare it to.

He was sure how a human would have felt it. He was vaguely aware of the concepts of bones and nervous systems, but he had no such thing himself. He didnÆt know how a human would have felt the same wound, or how it would have felt to have flesh, muscle, and bone cut through.

Maybe it would have hurt even more than this.

Maybe it would have been nothing in comparison.

He didnÆt know.

All he knew was that he didnÆt need a nervous system to transmit information to his æbrainÆùor rather, as a completely digital life forms, every part of his body was capable of transmitting such information.

He felt the pain over every inch of the wound. For a few extraordinarily long moments, he even felt the other side of his arms, the side that had been severed, still transmitting data easily through the equally digital air that separated him from them.

It was almost a relief when they exploded into data, simply because it nearly halved the pain. He loaded the data almost unconsciously, distantly remembering the value of data, but it did nothing to heal the wound.

He couldnÆt focus, couldnÆt see, couldnÆt even thinkù

So he fell right into AndromonÆs trap.

If he had been in a more rational state of mind, he would have realized the truth. He would have figured out that while the loss of his arms was horrible and crippling, heÆd accomplished his intended goal and survived an attack that could have been lethal. HeÆd have realized that while the loss might have cost him the battle, it had not cost him the war.

HeÆd have realized that he needed to fall back and return later.

By losing his arms, his TamerÆs plan would have fallen apartùbut so what?

Plans did that sometimes.

Even he knew that.

Moreover, there would be other plans and other days. After heÆd healed, he could have returned to combat Andromon another day. He might be too late to prevent Andromon from telling the TamerÆs of his existence, but if he had thought about it rationally, heÆd have realized Andromon didnÆt know anything. Not even his name.

Any following attacks on the Perfect level would be more difficultùheÆd be ready, prepared, and likely have help.

But difficult was not the same as impossible.

He could wait days, weeks, even months if need be, biding his time in the secluded regions of the Digital World, preying on Digimon that wouldnÆt be missed, getting stronger all the while.

If he hadnÆt been blinded by his defeat, he would have realized that heÆd fought well today. This fight had been closeùif things had been different, it could have been Andromon who lost.

HeÆd fought equal to a Perfect today.

If he were to grow even further in strength, the next time they fought, victory would be his for the taking.

If he was calm, if he wasnÆt in so much pain, if his arms hadnÆt been lost, if defeat hadnÆt seemed so certainà

He might have realized all of that.

But here and now, he was engulfed in pain that seemed without end and a defeat which seemed unassailable.

When Andromon, almost as weakened and injured as Growmon himself, stepped forward, moving to end the fight quickly before his opponent could recover or realize the damage heÆd caused his opponent, Growmon didnÆt even see him, such was his pain.

But that had been the trap.

When Growmon first moved to defend himself, Andromon realized a lethal blow was impossible.

He hadnÆt even bothered aiming for one, after that acknowledgement.

The simple truth of battle was that half of it was fought in the mind.

The winner of a fight wasnÆt necessarily the stronger fighter. A more powerful opponent could be brought down by any number of things.

A moment of distraction or hesitance.

A flash of uncertainty or fear.

Or perhaps, just a great deal of pain.

If something hurts enough, then most people will stop. Even if itÆs not lethal, even if itÆs not even cripplingùif it hurts enough, it can make someone stop.

It was easy to say that one could fight on, even if they lost both their arms, or legs, or an eye.

Actually doing so, however, is another matter.

Even for those who could ignore the pain, their ability to act affectively would naturally plummet.

Andromon didnÆt need an attack that killed in a single blow.

If his opponent couldnÆt defend himself against the following attack, a death in two blows was fine, too.

And Growmon couldnÆt defend himself in his state.

He didnÆt even acknowledge the attack at all.


ôSpiral Sword!ö

That was okay.

It was okay that Growmon wasnÆt in his right mind.

It was okay that he was distracted and lost in his own pain.

It was okay that he couldnÆt respond to the attack on his own.

Because it didnÆt matter.

Because there was something that Andromon didnÆt know when he began to fight Growmon.

He was out numbered.

So it was okay that Growmon raised no defense.

He didnÆt need to.


ôCard Slash! Meramon!ö



Well-Known Member
Almost want to call out the bits where it switches perspective to Andromon's thoughts and he's referring Growmon as Growmon, despite not knowing his name, but I'm not sure if that's how it would actually work, or if I'm THAT confused by insane amounts of coding right now... Will have to see again later. :(


Well-Known Member
About time Takato decided to step in. I can't really remember Takato being silent during Growmon's fights. He was always there, encouraging him, or using cards to give him a boost, just like you did there.

I can't wait for this scene to come to an end so the story can progress further.


Well-Known Member

GrowmonÆs distant eyes suddenly snapped into focus as he was engulfed in flames.

The flames quickly flowed outwards from him like a wave, swallowing AndromonÆs attack as it would air, and then washed over Andromon as well.

As if a puppet on strings, Growmon rose to his feet in awkward, jolting motions, unable to use his arms.

But he rose all the same, and stood amidst the flames.

But though he walked through fire, he was not burned.

He hurt.

The pain from his arms had not decreased in the slightest.

But pain didnÆt matter to him, anymore.

It was not that he didnÆt feel it, for he did, in excruciating detail, but somehow, it no longer had any hold over him.

He moved for his Tamer wished him to move.

He heard his Tamers will, not with his ears, not even with his mind, but with something much more basic than that.

There was something in his code that spoke to himùcarried TakatoÆs message to him.

The Hazard marks on his body began pulsating, flashing red as if in warning.

TakatoÆs message didnÆt come to him as words.

There was no voice quietly speaking in the back of his head.

Maybe his Tamer had spoken the message aloud, wherever he was in this city.

But what reached him in the end were not those words.

Like a high-level programming language being converted into machine code, what reached him was something more basic, which he had no need to assemble back into actual words to actually understand. It lacked, perhaps, the nuance of the spoken language, where a single word can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on usage and context.

But it was also exact and precise. He didnÆt need context or emotion to understandùthe data conveyed that just fine. If it had meant something else, the message would have been different in a dozen little waysùeven if the same word couldnÆt mean the same thing, everything was detailed precisely in the message that reached him and needed no interpretation.

The emotion behind his message.

The details of his plan.

The exact distance and direction in which he was ordered to move, in three dimensions.

And a simple order that told him to kill.

He had lost his arms. And he couldnÆt defeat Andromon in a fight, as he now was.

That didnÆt matter.

He didnÆt need his arms for this, his Tamer ætoldÆ him. He didnÆt even need to beat Andromonàyet.

Growmon moved as soon as he received the entire message.

He had his instructions; all he needed to do was carry them out. Quickly, if possible, for the power he had stolen from MeramonÆs data would not last forever, and it was the only thing with which he could keep Andromon at bay.

The plan was simple.

He could not defeat a foe as powerful as Andromon.

He should instead seek weaker prey.

HeÆd lost to Andromon twice this day, but the third time he would win.

Even if his arms had been lost, he could recover the same way he had earlier.

So really, AndromonÆs strength meant nothing in this situation.

If he could not beat the Cyborg, then he would hunt and prey on the weak until he was strong enough to win.

He didnÆt even need to leave the city to do it, either.

After all, Andromon was nowhere near the only target in this city.

Growmon inhaled deeply.

He smelt fire and smoke and the burning of metal and flesh.

He searched with his eyes and saw nothing but flames and the illuminated steel of the city.

But Growmon did not need his eyes or his nose.

His Tamer told him who to hunt first. Told him where.

As Pyocomon before them, the Guardromon couldnÆt run and they couldnÆt hide.


Takato and gilmon bonding ;_;

Oh well guess it's time for the counter attack Andromon is so screwed now.


Well-Known Member
How does some one nom nom nom with no hands.


Well-Known Member

Takato observed the battle through his Digivice. He was basically seeing through his partnerÆs eyes, so his ability to keep track of his partners own condition was limited, but it was the best he would get at this distance.

ôSo Growmon canÆtbeat a Perfect on his own, yet, huhà?ö

Lucemon, as always, was quick to respond.

ôOf course, Takato. If this game was easy enough to require no input on the part of the player, it goes without saying that it would be a failure on my part, right?ö

That was a good point, Takato had to admit. Interacting with the other characters in this game was fun, of course, but until now, there had never really been any danger for them. If things had gotten dangerous, theyÆd always had the option of blowing their cover and abandoning ship.

Before Andromon, that is.

TheyÆd always had the option to evolve to Adult and shoot their way out of any situation. Things had gotten a bit risky several times, but it was always for the same reasonùTakato had consciously chosen to keep his cover.

But there had always been the option.

And for that reason, heÆd never felt as if he were in any actual danger. Even on missions into the KaiserÆs territory, heÆd purposely left behind all of his cards except the one necessary for evolution.

Sure, carrying all of his cards with him would have been dangerous and, perhaps, even foolish. But if heÆd felt like he was in danger, it would have been the logical thing to do. If the Chosen had seen them, it would have raised a lot of questions he simply couldnÆt answer, but he could had hidden them. ItÆs not like he was regularly given a pat down or anything.

But he hadnÆt.

Because heÆd felt safe enough with just Growmon.

But now, Growmon was already in play.

No, more than that. Takato didnÆt want to admit it, but he couldnÆt ignore the facts.

Growmon had been beaten back.

It might have been a close fight, but when Growmon had fought Andromon, Andromon had won.

And if Takato hadnÆt brought his cards with him, Growmon would be dead.

His partner had nearly died and heÆd nearly lost the game, and the reason was as obvious as it was simple.

HeÆd been arrogant.

Not just in the fights before now, but in this fight as well.

It was obvious, right? He could have interfered before now. It would have been easy; he could have done it exactly the same way as he had just now and slashed a card at a useful moment.

But he hadnÆt.

Because heÆd wanted to see if heÆd have too.

Maybe heÆd actually thought Growmon could just win.

Or maybe heÆd known that he couldnÆt.

But either way, heÆd stepped back and watched, because heÆd needed to know how this fight would end.

Well, now he did.

He didnÆt really like the answer, but he had it now, at least.

Growmon couldnÆt beat a Perfect by himself.


Takato may not have liked the answer, but he wasnÆt overly bothered by it, either, because of that one simple word that was like a shield for his pride.


At the moment, Growmon couldnÆt beat a Perfect by himself.

But that would change.

Maybe even today.

Takato would get his act together for the rest of this fight and do what he should have done from the beginning.

He was a Tamer. HeÆd support his partner to the best of his abilities.

And every Digimon in this city would die and become GrowmonÆs. Including Andromon.

But first, he needed to heal GrowmonÆs wounds. And he knew just the way to do it.

Just like they had earlier, the Guardromon would heal his partner.

The closest one to Growmon was less then fifteen meters away, through a building and on an adjacent street. He was one of the oneÆs Andromon had activated and was the first of the slow Digimon to be attracted by the noise of the fight.

But that wasnÆt his target.

At the moment, Takato just wanted two things.

Easy prey and a way to get Growmon back into the fight quickly.

There were three Guardromon some thirty meters away. They hadnÆt moved all during the fight and Takato assumed them to be deactivated.

They wouldnÆt run.

They wouldnÆt hide.

They wouldnÆt even fight back.

They were perfect.



Well-Known Member
Response time.

Just though of a terrifying idea. After the deva's start attacking Takato's world how about you have Lucemon "fess up to the Truth" and have Lucemont tell Takato that everything is real but Lucemon tricked him to make a tamer that is strong enough to take on the Sovereigns. Lucemon can point out how overpowered Guilmon is compared to other digimon of his level and say that the Sovereigns are the same way and even if Lucemon grabbed a hundred Tamers and gave them all Ultimates they would be just annoying flys to the Sovereigns and that Takato is the only one who can beat the Sovereigns and save not only the digital world but his own world as well. Lucemon can end it with saying something like this "Well Takato I won't force you to continue but remember you are the only hope for all the worlds and if no one stops the Sovereigns then your world will be the first to die."

And to get Takato to kill the Sovereigns all Lucemon will have to do is say something like this. "No matter what don't let off of the Sovereigns if you prove to be stronger than them. After they see that you can match them they will do anything in their power to trick you. Even if they promise to no longer attack the Human World all they will have to do is wait till you die of old age then resume their work."

With this you get a Takato who is willingly murdering people when Lucemon points out the kill a dozen save a few billion "Fact" to Takato.
Revealing that Digimon are real has a truly tremendous chance of backfiring, so Lucemon will try to avoid doing so for as long as possible.

More importantly, that plan just wouldn't work. The Holy Beasts are pretty badass, as these things go, but not to the extent that sacrificing thousands of innocent people is even vaguely logical. Canonically, a group of four Ultimate Digimon just sort of crushed the Beasts. And the dark masters were, uh, impressive, I guess, but nothing to write home about. Honestly, I'd give any of the Chosen teams good odds against them, including 01/02.

Taichi and Matt beat the Dark Masters, if one-on-one. Adding half a dozen Perfects just makes things worse. Especially with MagnaAngemon.

Credit where it's do--for all we hate on 02, Imperialdramon canonically blew a hole through reality with the gun of his.

Tamers: Six Ultimates, and all but MarinAngemon were more impressive than the DMs.

Frontier: Quite possibly the strongest season, despite the grief we give it.

Savers: Five Ultimates.

Honestly, just in Tamers, the pathetically slow SaintGalgomon takes on a HB in hand to hand and dominates.

The Holy Beasts just aren't impressive enough for this plan to work.

Now for a Lilithmon idea. Tailmon is actually Lilithmon but on a full blown redemption trip by one of the higher powers and they are using the chosen of light for it to return Lilithmon to Ofanimon by having the dark data that corrupted Ofanimon go into Hikari and hope that when Hikari dies a natural death in the real world that the data goes with her. This could explain how Hikari got into the Dark Area and why they want her (Lilithmon's data). And when you show Matrix Evolution for Dukemon/Chaos Dukemon then when the Chosen try it only Hikari succeeds and forms Lilithmon then have her go lust Crazy (with a bit of Lucemon pulling the Strings) and cause it where the Chosen try to put her down but then Lucemon will have Takato pull a Big Damn Hero moment to save Hikari and with the promise to teach her how to control what she is to have her come to the dark side. Or you can let the Chosen keep Hikari and Lilithmon to help even out the playing field since I think that both Megidramon and Dukemon in your story can steamroll over the chosen even with Imperialdramon.
Sorry, but I already have Lilithmon's role carefully mapped out.

Also, attempts by Takato to drag a Chosen to the dark side would fail, because by the time he's an enemy, he's also a known mass murderer.

FINALLY! I thought the Robot city arc would never end. However good the story is, that dragged on forever.
I know. I'm trying to write fast, because I am sick of this arc. The next arc is so much cooler, I'm bored of this one.

Also, fixed the mistakes. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member

Growmon took off in a dead run, wasting no time. Every moment he took was another moment for Andromon to recoverùsomething which could prove fatal.

He swallowed up the distance to his targets in seconds, each of his great strides covering meters.

Reaching the desired building, he didnÆt slow down, nor did he hesitate.

He crashed right through its pathetic walls, fire already spewing from his mouth.

He drenched two of them with flames in an instant and was loading them almost before they burst into data.

Behind him, Andromon had finally recovered and, perhaps realizing his intentionsùor at least his targetsùwas already in hot pursuit.

Growmon finished loading the deleted pair, but had no time to stand around while loading the third. He leaned over quickly, spreading his gaping jaws wide, and, biting down on the metallic upper body of the remaining Guardromon, lifted his unresisting victim and began to run, taking him æto go.Æ

He crashed out the other side of the building, into the street beyond, nearly stumbling, but managing to recover. He clenched his jaw over his meal, grunting for a moment as the lifeless AdultÆs armor held, before suddenly giving way as he exploded into data.

While his mouth was full, he whipped his head back and forth as his Tamer had commanded, unleashing a rain of hardened hairs on a startled Guardromon in the street.

Despite being reactivated, the Adult Digimon had no time to respond. Proving its worth, the literally hair-thin spikes slipped easily past their targetÆs armor.

The Guardromon stiffened.


Growmon was already moving past him when he exploded into data. He loaded them both without pause, his mind already on his next targets.

Inhaling deeply even as he ran, he released his strongest attack with a thunderous roar, bringing down the buildings across the street in a cascade of falling rubble and broken data. He leapt in the destruction, loading the data from the buildings andùmore importantlyùthe Guardromon that had been right where his tamer had said theyÆd be.

Suddenly, he received a warning.

Growmon was annoyed, but not really surprised.

He knew Andromon would catch up to him eventually.

Honestly, he was just surprised it took him this long.

Still, it was too soon to fight.

Growmon looked down at his æhands.Æ

They didnÆt even deserve to be called such, yet. Really, they were just masses of vaguely cohesive data coming out of the stumps of his arms. With every Guardromon he absorbed, they began to take further shape and solidity. A few more and heÆd have definite fingers, and a few after that, his skin would return and his hands would be back.

But not if Andromon killed him before he got a chance to get them back.

A quick check proved what he expectedùthe effects of the Meramon card were gone.

But he wasnÆt worried.

His Tamer had a plan.

He just had to find more Guardromon.

Takato would handle the rest.



Well-Known Member
Well it looks like Takato and Growmon's first fight against a Perfect is shapeing up to be suitibly epic; please continue with the awesome Ryuugi.


Well-Known Member

Takato frowned as he looked at his cards.

Growmon had killed a lot of Digimon, but many of them had been repeatsùthat is, theyÆd been Digimon heÆd already beaten.

As such, he really didnÆt have many cards. And even less of them were useful.

HeÆd have to do something about that, at some point.

Sadly, he didnÆt have much of a chance at the moment, which could prove really dangerous.

Because all his cards were shit.

He knew the reasonùhe and Guilmon had been laying low, trying not to attract attention to themselves.

It was kind of hard to do that while killing high profile Digimon.

Especially since this was their first time reaching past Perfect level.

StillàtheyÆd just have to make use with what they had.

Takato chose two cards that he thought would be useful and put the rest away.

All he had to do was buy some time. With those two, it shouldnÆt be too difficult.

One could be deadly if he used it right.

And the otherà

Well, half the battle was in the mind.

Takato was confident that Andromon would find that particular card unnerving.

But for nowà

ôFlymon, Activate!ö


Growmon felt the card take effect and realized instantly how to best use it.

He immediately looked back at Andromon, seeing that he was in hot pursuit.

àAnd too far away to be an effective target.

Growmon briefly considered waiting for his opponent to catch up, but discarded the idea a second later for being stupid.

Andromon was running towards him; there was no need to slow down, because heÆd catch up eventually.

More importantly, his priority was recovering, not fighting Andromon.

Not yet, at least.

Speaking of whichà

Growmon narrowed his eyes as a plan began to form.

Turning down an intersection, he came across a fairly group of Guardromon; seven of them, all activated.

He was going to simply bypass them, but with all of them right here, wouldnÆt that be a waste? He stopped right in front of them.

ôFire Blaster!ö

Turning his head in an arc, he exhaled the flames over the machine Digimon. He didnÆt focus on any particular one of them long enough to cause deletionùhe didnÆt have the timeùbut he stopped them all in their tracks

Stopping his attack, he immediately took another deep breath and counted in his head.


Andromon was close enough.

He called upon FlymonÆs data.

ôPoison Powder!ö

Exhaling quickly, he filled the area with a thick mist of poisonous dust, hiding everyone within it from each otherÆs view.

But Growmon didnÆt need to see to do what he had planned.

He charged.

Right out of the mist.

He didnÆt really expect the poison to have that much effect on the mostly metallic Digimon. FlymonÆs poison wasnÆt all that strong to begin with, serving to weaken, rather than kill.

It did put a lot of stuff that was flammable in the air, though.

He exhaled another wave of wire at it and it lit up like a Christmas tree.



Well-Known Member
He exhaled another wave of wire at it and it lit up like a Christmas tree.
"wire" should be "fire"

Interesting use of card powers, I'm also curious about how Takato will use the Guardromon card.

Also, I just realized that Takato will get an Andromon card after this battle. That ought to be useful.
sytang said:
He exhaled another wave of wire at it and it lit up like a Christmas tree.
"wire" should be "fire"

Interesting use of card powers, I'm also curious about how Takato will use the Guardromon card.

Also, I just realized that Takato will get an Andromon card after this battle. That ought to be useful.
The story needs to have a shoop da whoop reference next time Takato runs into Ken and they're alone. :evil2:

Even if it doesn't work in story, there should be an omake of it.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I'm quite interested in just what Ken is going to make of some 'mysterious something or other' depopulating the city. After this he's going to know that there is some unknown and very dagerous force at work. Then there is the Chosen's reactions as well. They're probably going to think Ken somehow destroyed the city's digimon after realizing he couldn't completely control Andromon and didn't want him helping the Chosen in other battles. This is likely to make them far more paranoid about protecting the areas where they've freed digimon to keep him from doing it again. Lastly, I'm mildly curious as what's going to be shown in the cartoon show that airs in the Tamers' verse.


Well-Known Member

Takato had to shield his eyes from his vantage point.

ôWow. I canÆt really say that any of that was part of my plan, but itÆs just so beautiful, it doesnÆt seem right to complain.ö

ôI think youÆll find, Takato, that as a strategist, a large part of your role is taking advantage of situations that turn out surprisingly well.ö Lucemon advised.


Growmon didnÆt need his eyes to tell him heÆd deleted the Guardromon.

Their data told him that.

Sadly, Andromon survived, but he hadnÆt actually expected that to kill himùit was just a distraction.

Which reminded him; he should be running.

Dashing away quickly, Growmon put the second part of his plan into motion. If, between the poisonous fog and the explosion, he could cause Andromon to lose track of him, the Cyborg Digimon would have to waste precious time tracking him back down.

Precious time that Growmon could use to recover and prepare for the inevitable confrontation.

He turned down a street, hoping to gain top speed upon the long, open stretch. Crashing through buildings may have been a faster route, but it would also leave behind a trail that was easy to follow. Better then, to take the longer path and be safe, then to rush in foolishly.

His Tamer had provided him with the location of a number of Guardromon in the area, but after some deliberation, he chose to ignore them. All the Guardromon in this area were in small, scattered pocketsùprobably those few that had been unlucky enough to be alone or inside when the Dark Tower had been destroyed.

Most of them had probably been deactivated simply because they were so out of the way that Andromon hadnÆt gotten to them yet.

But logically, there were those he had gotten too, right? Where were they, then?

Growmon had thought it through. The Guardromon Andromon had probably reactivated first were the ones that had been together in large groups. Logically, it would be more efficient, as theyÆd all be together in one place.

And what was a machine if not efficient?

From there, Growmon had simply had to think about where the largest group was, and the answer was obvious.

HadnÆt the Kaiser sent pretty much all of the Guardromon after them just earlier today?

If he assumed for a moment that all the Guardromon in that area were activated, then the question aroseà

Why hadnÆt they come to AndromonÆs aid?

If he tried to think about it from a machineÆs point of view, even that began to make sense. Andromon was a powerful Perfect level Digimon and any Digimon that could give him troubleùas the explosions theyÆd cause would surely attest he hadùwould, presumably, be equally powerful, if not more so.

An Adult Digimon would have no place in such a fightùin fact, they would more like be a hindrance to Andromon, as heÆd have to watch out for and protect the weaker Digimon.

But that was only if they were alone.

An army of Adult Digimon, on the other hand, could be a serious threat to even a Perfect Digimon, especially if headed by Andromon himself. On their home turf, they would likely crush a Perfect Digimon.

But armyÆs, to be truly effective, required a degree of organization. The Guardromon would need to create a plan, get into position, and then execute said plan.

But before all of thatà

TheyÆd need to gather together.

And where was the best place to gather?

A location where most of them already were.

Growmon was heading towards the site of the earlier battle to confirm his theory, ignoring all the minor snacks along their way as distractions from the real prize.

It would be dangerous, taking on an army that could wear down and defeat a Perfect level Digimon.

But Growmon had an advantage they didnÆt know about.

He could load data for more power. As such, simple numbers were not enough to deter him, for each fallen opponent would do nothing but grant him more strength; the best strategy against him was to force him into single combat against a more powerful opponent.

Against a group of weak Digimon, though, he was unstoppable. He would not weaken or tireùor if he did, his enemyÆs own data would revitalize him.

Moments later, Takato seemed to catch on to his plan and feed him a stream of information that made him smile.

The hunt was on.

Ryuugi said:
But armyÆs, to be truly effective, required a degree of organization.
army's -> armies.

'an army' would also work, given that there's nothing in there that would demand pluralization.