Disable Anonymous Reviews Disabled?


Well-Known Member
I was just cruising through my emails (almost 4K of backlog :() and was checking out some reviews of stories that I haven't noticed. As I was going over the reviews, I noticed that some of them were anonymously sent. Seeing how I disabled Anonymous Reviews, I went through my profile page to see if they disabled it.

Turns out they took the whole damn thing out and gave us Moderate Reviews, where we would have a 36 hour window to approve Anonymous messages.


...Why? Is it really that hard to log into your FFnet account?


Well-Known Member
FF.net gives me the middle finger when it comes to accounts. Hell, I just made a new one a DAY ago and now it tells me that my password is wrong and any efforts to recover it are ignored.

For me, yes, it is that damn hard.


Well-Known Member
I have one that I only use for my favorites list. If I ever actually post anything it'll be to my AO3 account. Or, you know, some other decent fanfiction website that isn't run on 15 year old software with shitty search features no tagging system and incompetent admins.


Well-Known Member
Some of us want to review a fanfic, but don't have or care to create an FFN account. I don't know why you care, anyway. From the FFN reviews I've read, they are no better than Anonymous reviews.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Comartemis said:
I have one that I only use for my favorites list. If I ever actually post anything it'll be to my AO3 account. Or, you know, some other decent fanfiction website that isn't run on 15 year old software with shitty search features no tagging system and incompetent admins.
Hmmm... Do they still limit you to 250 or so favorites?

No waywould that work for me... I have over 6000...

Would not use it anyway, I dislike not having control over them.... I have all sorts of backups and varius batch methods to create and manipulate them...

But then, I can't say that is what the average person has.


Well-Known Member
ragnarok1337 said:
Some of us want to review a fanfic, but don't have or care to create an FFN account. I don't know why you care, anyway. From the FFN reviews I've read, they are no better than Anonymous reviews.
There are the anonymous reviews like the jackass who would spam threats in reviews across anyone who posted anything at all negative about his/her chosen authors stuff, and that included criticism about things such as grammar and spelling and the review was more of liked it, but you need to fix these minor things here and there...


Well-Known Member
:dodgy: GFDI

I really really really really really wished I knew FF.net did something back ass wards.

All the mishaps with the site I could care less about.

taking out the feature of disabling comments period was A HUGE FUCKING NO NO!

I don't have time for little immature assholes.

I seriously don't. I will not engage the inferior little shit harassing me about a story I discontinued years ago and are mad cause they lack reading comprehension.

I will not engage this inferior little shit. I said what I needed to say. They mad stay the fuck mad son.

Sorry not sorry right now, if it sounds like i'm ranting...than hell to the fucking yes I'm ranting bitches just don't know when the shut the fuck up and sit the hell down.

ALSO fuck u ff.net for taking out the ONE FEATURE that was keeping crazy ass naruto fans off my radar.

Yea I know some people don't want to make an account to review a story.
But goddamn it, I have come to a point now where getting reviews is not even that important anymore. Most of the time, the reviews are not even constructive criticism, and in the rare chance someone does give constructive criticism they will usually point out things that I know I need to fix or work on better. I'm my own worse critic.

It's either someone demanding you update

demanding you make the story into x/x pairing

or equally telling you the story will suck if is it with x/x pairing.

If I have more people faving a story than reviewing I know the story is well received.

I have come to accept this because being on deviantart I have fanart that gets so many faves and views that don't even have comments to them at all. LIKE AT ALL.

The only reason I still keep with ff.net these day is to read and favorite stories (because I'm too lazy to save them for safe keeping) plus I don't feel like making a new account.

Wow my decision to not ever update stories again period unless as a back up on that site was the best ever.

Deviantart has done some dumb shit (the new submit page being one of them); also Youtube...either of those sites better and I mean better not take out the option to disable comments EVER

Who in their right minds want to deal with anon punk ass motherfuckers with a whole lot of nothing to say? I don't want fucking strangers on the net putting a damper on my day with nonsense.


This is one of those times I really want to reach into the internet and bitchslap a motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
@A_T_ Sigma, I try to comment on just about everything I can these days (except for YT videos), but it's usually just goodwill message if I don't feel like critiquing. Most authors/artists/whatever like having feel-good comments since usually hits-to-comments ratios are atrocious.

That said, does the site admin feel the need to stats-pad? That's what this sounds like, that he wants to brag about more reviews than ever coming in :/


Well-Known Member
@Sei-kun, I do to when I'm in the mood to comment and like you I don't deal with YT that is just...no.
I can take constructive criticism.

I can even at times blow off insults by anons calling me a self righteous egotistical bitch.

Until I have to be forced to moderate reviews just to keep deleting the same shit over and over and over again. So my annoyance meter to this shit was very high today.

If this is what this whole new 'feature' is about I won't be surprised.

Lord knows that most fics on that site aren't worth the read no matter HOW many reviews they have.

'My Immortal' anyone...

There are fics I've read with literally less then ten reviews and were deserving of a lot more.

It shouldn't be about the reviews...if this person was going to go with anything. It should have been the amount of FAVS or Alerts a story gets in correlation to how many reviews. I'm starting to see that stories have more faves and followings that double the amount of reviews it recieves. I mean people not only fav one-shots...they also put them on alerts...>_>

Then of course there are the people who put completed stories on alert, the story is finished, there is no more the author wrote everything they could from beginning to end it's done why in god's name are you putting this story on alert?!

But I digress
Seems stupid to me to remove the feature... And I don't even use it. I know that some people will feel the need to post stupidly hurtful things just because they can do it with no reprisal, and some would like to just avoid reading such things if at all possible.

And I mean the unhelpful sort of comments like:
This story is shitty suck and a total waste of the time I could be using to fight club while watching my diarrhea tentacle porn.

Please note: That example was completely made up on the spot and not an example of a review I have actually read.