Ranma ½ Divine Blood


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nantukoprime said:
Thrythlind said:
well, a couple of things:

I think you're thinking of the Moirae...the witches that shared one eye that helped Perseus and were cannibals, because I don't think anybody went to the Furies....called upon them, yeah, but not approached them

also, Deimosu could very well be assuming these are fraudulent furies, after all he's not the most interested in the supernatural stuff of the three (still, though, I'd personally avoid anybody that took the identity on).

finally, the fact is vengeance is a powerful motivator, and, like many passions, often takes people past the point of common sense
The Kindly Ones primarily dealt with vengeance against familial murders and natural laws. If anything, the Furies might pursue Deimosu depending on what road his thoughts travel, as the Greeks take the idea of honoring the father and mother to almost deified extremes.

The Kindly Ones existed in Tartarus where they punished the souls who commited familial betrayal, and pursued the heroes who approached them as it was unnatural for living beings to be in Tartarus.

Deimosu approaching the Furies would be the ultimate crap shoot as it would depend on how the Furies changed over time.
That is, if Deimosu made this decision on his own. However, considering the fact that their names were dropped when he was asking specifically for vengeance against whoever his father was, I think he's safe for now.

Unless, of course, whoever it was that gave Deimosu that card was being a dick.


Well-Known Member
Sect said:
That is, if Deimosu made this decision on his own. However, considering the fact that their names were dropped when he was asking specifically for vengeance against whoever his father was, I think he's safe for now.

Unless, of course, whoever it was that gave Deimosu that card was being a dick.
Not to mention within certain bounds, Deimosu has the right to try and avenge himself against Zeus et al.

Killing Zeus would be "wrong", but casting Zeus down into the pits of Tarterus would not.

The son overthrowing the father god, is after all a common theme.



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fitzgerald said:
Sect said:
That is, if Deimosu made this decision on his own. However, considering the fact that their names were dropped when he was asking specifically for vengeance against whoever his father was, I think he's safe for now.

Unless, of course, whoever it was that gave Deimosu that card was being a dick.
Not to mention within certain bounds, Deimosu has the right to try and avenge himself against Zeus et al.

Killing Zeus would be "wrong", but casting Zeus down into the pits of Tarterus would not.

The son overthrowing the father god, is after all a common theme.

In Greek myth at least...not so violent in Norse or Japanese


Well-Known Member
So, Mara is trying to corrupt the Satomi kids? What would happen if Ranma caught up to this plan?


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Seed00 said:
So, Mara is trying to corrupt the Satomi kids? What would happen if Ranma caught up to this plan?
corrupt, recruit ONE Satomi kid...not the others...

I doubt Ranma would consider it kindly...


Well-Known Member
Thrythlind said:
Seed00 said:
So, Mara is trying to corrupt the Satomi kids? What would happen if Ranma caught up to this plan?
corrupt, recruit ONE Satomi kid...not the others...

I doubt Ranma would consider it kindly...
You did emphasize that Ranma will never reach the power levels of her kids but after what happened to her, wouldn't Ranma make deals with other entities if she got in a jam?

I wouldn't call Constantine the best example but he can pretty much take care of himself when it comes to affairs angelic or demonic. In your fic, aside from her own skills, how close would Ranma be in similarity of experience to him?


Well-Known Member
it's more appropriate to say that Ranma's personal levels of power advance slower than those of her children.

Currently, her children have more power than her, but she's still capable of keeping up with them.

There are also Gods and Demons with less power than Ranma, Skuld being an example.

If ranked by a God or Demon, Ranma has the control and versatility of a 1st class of either and a power in the middle 2nd class range.

(IE, the opposite of Urd, who was originally 2nd class by a matter of lack of control despite having insane levels of power....more recently, Urd was offered promotion and denied it because she wanted to focus her concerns on her family, not the world at large...)

as noted, Ranma was going fairly evenly with Morrigan, even if Morrigan wasn't taking the fight as a serious life and death battle.


Well-Known Member
Now that makes sense I guess

I get the power part but what if it comes more to a matter of the specific knowledge to deal with the opponent. I'm not sayimng making potions and what not but having the sufficinet skill and knowldge to use said item which would either bind, curse, slow down/ or otherwise deter the opponent or such.


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Morrigan frowned thoughtfully as she sat across from Ranma Saotome, now Satomi.

Things were much worse than she had suspected.

"I knew Zeus was involved," she said. "He's always been a bastard, and Poseiden has always done his best to beat Zeus at his own game, so that's not much of a surprise. But the last...one of your daughter's she has a dark aura, what are her gifts?"

"Belldandy said she was a death seer," Urd said from the door, as Ranma started to clam up.

"Hecate," Morrigan growled.


Deimosu walked cautiously into the room, wincing as the doors shut closed behind them of their own accord.

"Come," the woman that spoken already said. "Sit. Join my sisters and I. You've come for information and are ready to give it."

"Are you really..." Deimosu whispered as he sat at the table with the woman and watched as two more came to sit at the table. In the shadows, it seemed as if dark wings extended from their backs in the shadows.

"The Eumenides," one said.

"The Semnai," another noted.

"The Erinyes," the first said finally.

"Yes, that is us," they all three said. "And you have come to us, God-spawn, to hear what we know."

"Me, Alecto," the first noted.

"Myself, Megaera," another noted.

"I, Tisiphone," the last said.

"You know about...my mother?" Deimosu asked. "And what happened to her?"

"Three beings," Alecto noted. "Had a disagreement as to whose bloodline was the strongest."

"A bet was made," Megaera continued. "With the winner being owed favors by the losers."

"And for that bet," Tisiphone finished. "A woman was found capable of bearing heroes."

Deimosu felt the anger in his soul rising as the circumstances were given to him.

"A bet?" he snarled, standing up and crackling with power. "They raped my mother over a bet...to see who's children were strongest?"

"Never before has the same woman born the children of three gods," Alecto said.

"Much less doing so over the same time," Megaera commented.

"Her survival is most impressive," Tisiphone noted.

"Your mother is truly strong for a mere human," the three demonesses said, and Deimosu could hear the trace of disgust they had for "mere" humans.

"Who was it?" Deimosu demanded.

The Erinyes smiled as they started to answer.

"One child is from the line of Zeus," Alecto noted. "Bearing his thunderous power."

"One child is from the line of Poseiden," Megaera added. "And carries the wildness of the shark."

"One child is from the line of Hades," Tisiphone finished. "And is steeped in death's embrace."

"If you've known this, why haven't you done anything?" Deimosu demanded. "Don't you avenge crimes like this?"

"These gods are strong," the furies said together. "Stronger than we three demons."

"And what about the other Gods?" Deimosu demanded. "What are they doing?"

"They do not know," Alecto said. "The crime and its children are hidden from Heaven's eyes."

"They seek and suspect," Megaera added. "But evidence escapes them."

"And when they find," Tisiphone said. "Millenia in Tartarus, alone and imprisoned. Will the punishment be."

"That's weak," Deimosu said. "If it were me, I would kill them. Will the demons help me with that?"

"That cannot be," Alecto said, shaking her head sadly. "The war between Gods and Demons is over."

"The peace is kept by the doublet system," Megaera added. "If a God does die, then so might a Demon. And the reverse is also true."

"No God or Demon knows if they are a part of the system," all three added. "And now Gods and Demons intermix. If you kill a criminal, you may also kill..."

"A friend..."

"A sibling..."

"A parent..."

"A lover..."

"A child..."

"To kill the guilty Gods," they all three said. "And spare the innocent. First must you destroy the record of hostages."

"And how do I do that?" Deimosu asked.

"There is one that you might seek out," Alecto said.

"A patron of Vengeance like us," Megaera ascertained.

"But born of Gods not Demons," Tisiphone added.

"In the east you will find her," they chorused. "Hidden in the Titan's shadow. Hecate of the Night, whose mother is also tainted by the Line of Hades."


Well-Known Member
Ha... now it's starting to get clearer. It'd be hilarious, though, if Ranma or Deimosu actually had the brains to actually talk to eachother about what was going on. That sound that would be heard would be the sound of Hecate's masterful plan going down the drain.


Well-Known Member
Seed00 said:
Now that makes sense I guess

I get the power part but what if it comes more to a matter of the specific knowledge to deal with the opponent. I'm not sayimng making potions and what not but having the sufficinet skill and knowldge to use said item which would either bind, curse, slow down/ or otherwise deter the opponent or such.
Okay, in comparison to Constantine

about equivalent...she knows how to use tools and a few minor spells...

however, she doesn't often use magic directly, but works through spells.

as for magic, there are currently two basic systems:

Yggdrasil and Nidhog

this is seperate from such human distinctions as Voodoo or Hermetic or Prayer or the like.

the two systems basically work because Gods and Demons are basically linked to a degree and when casting magic you tap into the combined psychic network of:

a) all Gods and risen Demons linked to Yggdrasil

B) all Demons and fallen Gods linked to Nidhog

the characteristics being that Yggdrasil will characteristically cause magic to fail if it does not approve of it while Nidhog will tend to avoid harming innocents directly (yes, the protection an innocent has from "evil" magic is because of that "evil"'s own decision) but won't spare non-innocent virtuous people. However, using the Nidhog system, one can expect to be called on to perform a task later, with a heavy price if you refuse. (basically, you've sold your soul)

Demons tend to like making evil people destroy themselves and ask favors that would encourage that to happen.

Humans don't currently have enough general psychic ability to keep their own system of magic....however, that's changing quickly.

so, basically, yeah, Magic in this setting, is focusing the overall psychic ability of an entire culture to achieve something you want.

Given how much the psychic networks of Nidhogg and Yggdrasil are enhanced and accumulated through equipment, it's possible for even millions of casters to be doing all sorts of small spells at once without trouble...note, however, large spells and effects have a tendency to cause Yggdrasil operators concern in OMG Canon

Ranma's few spells are Yggdrasil oriented...other than that, charms, rituals, and such like


Well-Known Member
So, whiel Naiki isn't evil evil per say, Mara's hoping to push the right buttons?

This'll take a while to assimilate but it seems you've got things worked out Thrythlind.


Well-Known Member
Seed00 said:
So, whiel Naiki isn't evil evil per say, Mara's hoping to push the right buttons?

This'll take a while to assimilate but it seems you've got things worked out Thrythlind.
the demons don't think they're evil, in fact...

they just feel like taking a more active roll in dealing with the "undeserving"

canonically speaking, Mara, Urd and Belldandy were childhood friends...

though granted....that's more the modern demon with a more humanistic way of looking at the world....

older demons that haven't reincarnated as much probably are evil


Well-Known Member
heh, just realized that for a later part of me story, I need to link Naiki and Deimosu with Whispereds as well....

in Deimosu's case I think it'll have to be something OC

but for Naiki, who better for a sea demon than a sub captain?

Not necessarily thinking romantic links here, actually the OC for Deimosu might be more parental/child....


Well-Known Member
Thrythlind said:
Not necessarily thinking romantic links here, actually the OC for Deimosu might be more parental/child....
With Deimosu in the parental slot?


Well-Known Member
Give him the twins; who needs a Whispered when you have insane and amoral twins?


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"I believe she went this way," Sousuke said pointing.

"If we don't find her soon, we'll be late getting back to class," Kaname noted.

"It is not a large area," Sousuke said. "We'll find her well before the period ends and be back in class. It is not a problem."

"And what if she does that disappearing trick of hers?" Kaname asked, arching an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

"There is no reason for her to do so," Sousuke said. "If there were, she would have warned us that there was something to be concerned about."

"That's true," Kaname said. "She's not one for acting thoughtlessly unlike some people."

The playful jibe went over Sousuke's head and Kaname shook her head, wondering why she even bothered. Their progress along the line that Sousuke was certain Eija had taken was cut short as the light-haired and white-clothed form of Atsunobu Hayashimizu came into view and noticed them.

"Ahh, Miss Chidori and Mr. Sagara, just who I needed to see," he said casually snapping his fan closed.

"Uhh, Hayashimizu-sempai," Kaname said. "We were sort of looking for someone."

"Oh, and who was that?" the class president asked as Ren Mikihara appeared at his side as usual.

"Eija Satomi wandered out of class during study period," Sousuke informed him. "She appeared distracted. We are therefore concerned that there was something wrong."

"Well, I am certain that Miss Satomi is capable of taking care of herself," Hayashimizu said. "In the meantime, we have an issue with the upcoming basketball tournament..."

Ren produced a note and handed it over to the two.

"We must discuss this immediately," Hayashimizu said, turning about and inviting no argument.

Misgivings for once shared with Sousuke, Kaname sighed reluctantly in counterpoint to the mercenary's frustrated growling.

"As you wish, your excellency," Sousuke said with a crisp salute.

"Let's get this over with," Kaname said by way of agreement.

Something told her they had more important things to take care of.


"This isn't going to be too useful," Mara grumbled as she looked into the smoke and shook her head. "That girl is going to see what's happening and then the soldier will be off to the rescue."

She grimaced and at least consoled herself that Naiki had considered taking out that freak. She did one more general sweep of the area, continuing to focus subtly through the circles she'd established in the athletics field.

The demoness blinked as her scry focused in on a scene at the apartment complex nearby. A teenager with white hair in an austere dress half-dragged an unconscious young man into that Sagara's apartment complex.

The girl had a small gun and was looking about cautiously, almost desperately. Mara's spell could detect the energy of the transmitter in the boy's arm and it seemed obvious to the demoness that someone would be coming for the boy and the girl soon.

And they would be expecting Sagara when the school let out, but, if things happened as she expected, Sagara and Kaname would be off after that psychotic with the stick. In that case, help wouldn't come to her until too late.

Mara smirked.

She had something to use after all.


Naiki was walking toward her classroom when she saw Geisthexe-san leaning against the wall outside the teacher's lounge.

"Satomi-chan," the woman said seriously. "I need to have a word with you."

"Umm, sure teach," Naiki said. Next class was science anyway, that was fairly boring. "What do you need?"

"Follow me, kid," Mara said, gesturing for Naiki to join her.

Shrugging, Naiki looked around and moved to catch up to Mara.

"So are you dragging me up to a seculded spot, Geisthexe-san," Naiki asked teasingly.

Mara groaned and shook her head.

"There's a couple things you need to see," the demoness noted, ignoring the flirtiness of the girl as she led Naiki up to the rooftop.


The odd feeling that something was going on had faded, but Eija already knew which direction it had been. Following that memory she came to the athletic fields and, looking about almost thought that she was imagining things.

As she was turning back toward the school, however, a strained voice carried up to her.

"I...fight on," a fatigued voice called out.

Jumping over the fence, she made her way over to older man that was struggling to his feet.

"Sir, you should stay down," Eija said.


Naiki gritted her teeth as she watched Eija lean over the pervert from earlier and try to attend to the minor injuries she had given him.

Then the bokken freak was moving and Eija only barely noticed in time to put up a defense. Still, Eija was caught by surprise and off-balance and didn't have either Naiki's aggressive nature nor Deimosu's technical mastery.

That freak had her unconscious in only a few exchanges.

"Damn it!" Naiki snapped starting to move to leap down to go to her sister's rescue, but stopped as her teacher's hand snapped out to block her path.

"No need," Mara said pointing down.

As the woman pointed, one of the windows exploded outward and Naiki saw Sousuke Sagara rapelling down the wall and taking off after the man carrying Eija, what looked like a shotgun in hand. Behind him, Kaname was, a lot less gracefully, following down the rope and shouting at Sousuke to be careful.

"The need is over there," the blonde woman said, pointing in a completely different direction.

Waving her hands in a circular manner, Naiki blinked as a cloud of smoke formed and within it the scene showed the cute girl that commanded the sub they had ridden home in. She was hiding in an apartment with only the barest of furniture and a lot of equipment.

She was obviously scared and nervous, between the gun and the unconscious boy she had in handcuffs with her.

"It's going to take Sagara and Chidori a long time to run down that psychopath and beat him down," Mara noted. "By that time..." her other hand circled and a second smoke circle showed a truck full of dangerous looking men came obvious. "These men will find little Captain Testarossa and there'll be no Sagara around to save her. And that's because he's chasing a threat that someone else didn't finish off."

Naiki flinched.

"Now, I'm a 1st class demoness," Mara said, enjoying the look of surprise on Naiki's face.

"De...demoness?" Naiki said getting into a stance.

"Details on that later," Mara said. "Now the question is, do you want me to clean up your mess here? Or are you going to do something about it yourself?"

With a brief gesture, the smoke trailed off into the distance pointing the direction toward what Naiki assumed was the apartment the white-haired Captain was at.

"I'll handle it," Naiki said firmly.

"Good," Mara said. "Go get them kid, we'll talk a little bit later."


Well-Known Member
Still reading this and liking it. This latest part though, unless Naiki trusts Souske 100% beyond doubt or she just doesn;t care about Eija would she let anyone but herself or her family go after Eija? Or is it she's stupid enough to trust a demon? From that last line it seems she is, cause she's saying F**k you sister I'm going to save a random stranger.

I don't know, I just can't see Naiki trusting Souske with her sister. She fought Kuno and heard him talk, so she has a good idea of what he's like.


Well-Known Member
on the other hand, she also saw Sousuke in action in Korea when the situation was more critical and the danger at higher level

in addition, while I didn't show them interacting, Tessa is hardly a complete stranger...

what it mostly reminds her of is of Deimosu's opinion that she screwed up in Korea, resulting in the three being split up and Sousuke and Kaname having to take care of Eija and, here it is again...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the way you're having the kids split up is REALLY giving me Megaten vibes, especially after reading your notes on AA.

In several of the Megaten games, there's a split on routes that you can take at the end of the game, with Law, Chaos, and Neutral, Law being the side of the Angels, Chaos the side of Demons, and Neutral generally being Humanity. None of them are really Evil, per say, though Law sometimes gives off that vibe (despite all of ATLUS's disclaimers saying that God isn't evil, they usually portray Him as kind of a dick and Him usually being the final boss doesn't help their argument at all). Also, the games that have the Law/Chaos thing going on also usually have a Law Hero and a Chaos Hero that help you out.


Well-Known Member
I've begun to see it as more of a Saitoh v Kenshin thing on Demons v Gods.

But that is mostly those Gods and Demons that make an effort to understand humanity.

Old Gods and Demons are marked more like the following:

Old Gods: Humans are half-sentient hairless apes that must be kept on leash, but can be cute and fun to play with.

Old Demons: Humans are a necessary evil that must be constantly culled and purged of the worst of the lot.

Then there's the power sources:

OMG canon Goddess's power source: Love for others.

extrapolated fan suppositions (Demon frameworks not really well explored in OMG):

above applies to Gods as well

OMG canon Demon(ess) power source: Anger/Rage for evils done.

The catch is that the Demon power source really stems from the same place as the God's, only they focus on the rage they feel when things they care about are hurt/threatened.

By contrast: Old Gods/Demons probably more focus on things like Arrogance (expressed as Pity or Condescension for "lesser" beings) and Hatred (desire to ruin everything)

Also, FMP Canon explanation of the Lambda Driver:

Take your thoughts/emotions/drive and translate it into an effect. Sousuke himself describes the device as a "spell" (he was annoyed at the time).

Whispered are connected by a network and act as conduits somehow to future tech. Making them the most reliable seers on the planet at the moment. They also are capable of telepathic capability "resonating" with each other.

However, too much resonance causes both minds to intermix inseperably...they become the same person in two bodies. Also, in later novels, a Whispered can resonate with others a short time after death...and at least one can force her personality to take possession of another Whispered's Body.

My opinion for this fic is that they have a Network similar to Nidhog and Yggdrasil, but it lacks safety software to prevent merger and take-overs. They're operating on a network without firewalls.

Nidhog and Yggdrasil networks have elements (immortal Humans, Demons and Gods that have connected their minds to the system to add to the overall power available to each side) and users (mostly human magicians that access one or the other networks via spells.)

The Whispered Network currently only has elements, and very few, all of whom are focused on knowledge and technology. However, there's evidence of telepathic connections with Sousuke and the ability to read the motivations of Gauron while Kaname is hooked into the Danaan, indicating that lambda driver operators might be developing into elements and/or users of the Whispered network (by definitions of this fic).

Eventually, the Whispered will acquire the safety protocols that Gods and Demons have to avoid personality mixes (which is why Morrigan is thought by some to be a trio of Goddesses....she used to be...her three personalities merged long ago, before Gods developed similar safeties...she just finds it more comfortable to have her one mind in one body these days), however, given that while Kaname is the keystone mind through which all of the other Whispered's are connected, there's another "Whisperer" who is apparently the actual connection to the future and since her body is locked in stasis, she wants a new one. As a result, I doubt she's going to be making it easy for the Whispered to find what they need to protect themselves from her.

Granted, you might notice that with the way I'm linking each of the Satomi's to a Whispered, you might notice that the Whispered are likely to soon have another source for that safety mental software.

The Whispered's are also vulnerable in that their network is all based in their organic, human minds. Nidhog and Yggdrasil use/are powerful psychic enhancers and focus devices, giving them a physical connection outside their own bodies.

That's a lot of stuff there, but probably not as much spoiler as you may think.



Well-Known Member
I never saw the ast season of FMP so the Whispered thing will go right over my head but what I'm interested in is Sousuke's ARX8 Leviathan. Anyone got a youtube or manga link to that mech in combat? '

And whty was Tessa's brother obsessed with Kaname anyway? Well, not obsessed but last thing I read was that she was kidnapped or something.


Well-Known Member
Seed00 said:
I never saw the ast season of FMP so the Whispered thing will go right over my head but what I'm interested in is Sousuke's ARX8 Leviathan. Anyone got a youtube or manga link to that mech in combat? '

And whty was Tessa's brother obsessed with Kaname anyway? Well, not obsessed but last thing I read was that she was kidnapped or something.
I only know a little bit from novel synopses, and haven't seen season 3 yet.

But, basically, the Whispered have another ability other than the conduit to the future tech and the Resonance. In addition, Kaname is the keystone of the Whispered network...as someone else mentioned somewhere, she's basically the Whispered messiah

Kaname is kidnapped and I could say more, but it would be big-time spoilage...

as for Leonard...my guess is that he's just a jerk...