Ranma ½ Divine Blood


Well-Known Member
One for Heaven, one for Hell, and one for all between, hm? Interesting. Now, if only I could remember which creation myths that reminded me of... most of the ones that come to mind are about twins, not fraternal triplets (if that's what they are).


Well-Known Member
Deimosu sat at his campfire thinking over what he had to do.

At least he was trying to.

He was also trying not to think about what his sisters and mother must be feeling and thinking right now.

Deimosu was amazed he'd gotten this far without her tracking him down, actually. His mother was a great tracker and it wasn't like there were any more emergencies to keep her nailed down at home or anywhere else.

Then again, she probably hadn't finished hog-tying Naiki into staying put yet.

Naiki wouldn't likely sit still for this sort of thing, and if she read that note, she'd be demanding all sorts of things from their mother.

The blonde young man wondered if, perhaps, Eija at least already suspected something. She had asked once about their father before, though he had to admit to not paying much attention at the time.

The truth of their conception hadn't occured to him and for all he cared at the time, if their father wasn't around their mother, then he was a loser of some kind.

Eija and Naiki were fine on their own.

Eija had her new friends and Naiki had that new teacher.

They both had Okaasan, assuming she wasn't on his trail yet.

"Maybe I should get moving," he muttered.

Then he tossed a rock into the campfire bitterly.

"But where?!" he demanded. "East? What the hell is east? All that's east is the ocean."

Deimosu stood up and looked out in that direction.

"Oceanus," he said. "That's a titan, but what's the shadow of the ocean?"

He paced around his camp fire a bit and thought hard. This was the sort of thing that Eija was good at, researching. And if it had anything to do with going underwater, that was Naiki's playground.

All he could do really was go east and hope something occured to him.

He shook his head moved to put the fires out before heading to sleep.

Deimosu was only just nodding off when the sensation that he was not alone washed overwhelmingly over him.

Sitting bolt upright he found himself facing a woman that resembled something of what Eija could be in a few years. She didn't have their mother's Japanese features and was quite a bit taller, but the resemblance was still uncanny.

"Are you Hecate?" he asked. "Wasn't I supposed to find you in the East in the shadow of the titan?"

"If you hadn't noticed," Hecate said coolly. "The Helios has gone over the horizon and this whole section of the world is in his shadow."

"Wait," Deimosu said. "You're saying that the Furies were just telling me to wait for night?"

This made Deimosu more than a little nervous.

"Convenient placed answers," his mother had said once. "Usually mean there's a leash involved somewhere."

"They have an...obscure way of speaking," Hecate agreed. "But it was necessary to pull you away from your family before Heaven found you."

"Why is that?" Deimosu asked.

"Because Heaven has a file on every mortal, Demon, God and assorted minor players in existence with few exceptions. And you are one of those exceptions. Right now, Heaven cannot track you," Hecate said. "A very important thing considering the goal you and I share, cousin."

"You mean this doublet system," Deimosu said.

"Which keeps us from taking our proper vengeance on those that have wronged us," Hecate agreed.

"What about Hell?" Deimosu asked. "Am I hidden from them as well?"

"Somehow," Hecate said, with a sigh. "The powers of Nifelheim know about you, but that won't be a problem."

"Oh?" Deimosu asked.

"By the truce," Hecate said. "Asgard supplies the sentinels and Nifelheim supplies the guards. And unless Nifelheim breaks from age old habits, they're not likely to share their files on you with Asgard."

"So, since Heaven can't track me," Deimosu noted. "I'm under the radar?"

"Exactly," Hecate said, nodding. "You can approach the place the truce is kept and no one will notice unless they actually see or hear you."

"I guess you'll tell me how to find it then?" Deimosu said.

"Something like this isn't kept in a place you can be told how to find," Hecate said. "It isn't kept in a place that's on a map of any of the three worlds. It's kept between the worlds and between the seasons."

"And that's another riddle," Deimosu said irritably.

"No, it's a passkey and time-lock," Hecate corrected. "One part of it is an easy answer. There are many cultures that have days that are considered outside the roll of the years. The easiest such time to mark in this day and age is the Celtic Samhain. A leap day would work too, but that would be cutting things awfully short."

"Okay, that helps with between times, what about between worlds?" Deimosu asked.

"I've thought of several possibilities and I'll supply the list," Hecate noted. "I haven't been able to test them because I've been part of the network, so I can't sneak in."

"Why not just pull yourself out of the network and sneak in yourself?" the Satomi asked.

"Clever one, aren't you?" Hecate asked. "Because in addition to being hard to find, it's also difficult to damage the thing. Dropping out of the system might let one of us creep in, but that means sacrificing the bulk of our power. Even with a minor arsenal of blessed or cursed weapons, a rogue Demon or God won't be able to break through the spells surrounding the system before the guardian demons descend on them."

"How does that make me a better choice for this?" Deimosu asked.

"Because, in a manner characteristic of superior beings," Hecate said, unaware of the irony of the statement she was making. "Their defensive measures deal with pishogue and mana."

Deimosu looked at her somewhat blankly.

"Demonic and divine spiritual energies," Hecate said dryly. "They've basically neglected chi as a threat."

Granted, at the time, no one knew how to use chi, but it wasn't necessary to mention it.

"So, you've got a list of possible places where I can find a way in and I have a three-day time period in which to test them," Deimosu noted. "Assuming Hel doesn't tell on me. At which point I can get in and destroy this thing quicker than most Demons or Gods because I happen to be half-human and able to use chi."

"Quite," Hecate said.

"Do I get any relics to help with this?" he asked.

"Are you joking," Hecate asked with a snide laugh. "Nothing like that exists for chi-users. Nothing significant."

Deimosu thought back to his experience in Korea and the brief appearance of that AS piloted by that psychopath. Perhaps Hecate wasn't as up to date as she thought.

"My suggestion," Hecate said. "Do some travelling and training. You're going to need to be a lot more powerful to even think about taking your father. And you'll want to be stronger before you attack the doublet system as well. You have some months, get started."

And with that, Hecate stood up and walked away from Deimosu, vanishing into the night.


Well-Known Member
"You! You sent that fax!?" Kaname shouted as she pointed her infamous harisen at an unusual target.

One Mia Shoji was backed against a wall with the blue-haired fury between her and the roof-top door she had been intending on reaching.

"You're vice president of the athletics club, what reason could you have to want to cancel the basketball tournament!?" Kaname demanded.

"Because you're better than me?" the girl said weakly.

It was an admission that sounded much weaker without the immediate threat of suicide to back it up.

"So what?!" Kaname snapped angrily. "It's high school basketball not life or death! You're better than almost everybody here, I don't see any of them threatening to kill themselves. But you have to end it all because one person is better than you? Do you know how selfish that sounds!"

Mia started to shift cautiously along the wall, eyeing an exit and wondering if she could make it before Kaname cut her off. Really, the girl's anger had her more than a little mystified. Was she that serious about the tournament?

No, she'd already dismissed that as less than important.

So what was her problem then?

"It's all your fault," Kaname said slowly and harshly.

"Miss Chidori," Sousuke's voice said as he came up behind Kaname. "If I may, I will escort the prisoner to discuss the matter with his excellency."

Kaname straightened her back and stepped away from Mia, much to the other girl's relief.

"Do it," Kaname said, catching her breath before walking away down the hall.

That left Shoji in the hands of Sousuke Sagara, and though he didn't get as vocal as Chidori did, the high school girl was fairly certain that he disapproved of her little attempt to shut down the basketball tournament just as much.

She certainly did feel like a prisoner as she was escorted to Hayashimizu's office. Sousuke Sagara walking behind her like a silent, grim executioner. Finally, they were in the class president's office, one window boarded up until new glass could be brought in to replace it later.

"Ahh, good," the white-haired class president said. "Sagara if you would please return to class we will handle this issue."

"As you wish sir," Sousuke said with a salute before leaving.

Left with more sane people, Shoji let the bulk of terror she'd been feeling to this point flow out in a torrent.

"What the hell are setting those rabid dogs on me for!?" she demanded.

"Ah, yes," Hayashimizu said. "I'm afraid their attitude was a matter of unfortunate timing. You see, I came to them about your letter while they were looking for a friend of theirs. As such they were not immediately on hand for said friend being snatched by an individual of questionable morals."

Mia winced.

"Now, I do believe that they were able to rescue her," the school president said. "But I'm guessing that something has happened since the friend in question is apparently not going to be in school for the next few days."

"I think you can see why they might be a little upset," Ren Mikihara noted quietly.

"Now, let us discuss the basketball tournament," the class president said.

Mia nodded and sat down, getting a little tired of the emotional upheavals for the day.


Kaname sat down in her desk and let out a long sigh of frustration.

She could still feel Eija's thoughts in the back of her head, though they were muted down just to emotions for the moment.

The most distinctly aggravating thing at the moment was that she couldn't figure out where Eija was at the moment. It was confusing, because she certainly did know where Eija was: Heaven or Asgard, or whatever it was called. Not only that, but there was no reason for her to just KNOW where Eija was at any given time.

Unless this link they had could do that.

She hoped that didn't mean anything bad.

What Kaname'd been able to sense from the other girl after she'd left was a roller-coaster of emotions ranging from awe to anger to determination. Since then everything was a bit more normal, aside for some worry directed toward her.

"Are you feeling okay, Kaname?" Kyoko asked, more than a trace of worry in her voice. "You really blew up at Shoji last period."

"Miss Chidori merely expressed her opinion for Miss Shoji's selfish actions," Sousuke said from his seat.

"Well, I know she was being self-centered," Kyoko said. "But that hardly warrants Hurricane Kaname followed by a firing squad."

Sousuke and Kaname exchanged a look.

"We may have been a bit overzealous," Sousuke admitted.

"I wonder if this is what it's like to be you all the time," Kaname asked, pointing at Sousuke who responded with something of a sigh. "We'll apologize later."

"That's good," Kyoko said. "It's not like anybody's life was at stake or anything."

"Hey, did you guys hear?" Shinji asked as he entered the room.

"What now?" Kaname asked.

"All three of the Satomis are going to be out of school for at least a couple of days," the kid said.

"All three?" Kaname said in surprise.

Sousuke sat up as well, frowning.

"Wow, no wonder Naiki hasn't been in any of my pictures today," Kyoko said. "I wonder what happened. Kaname do you know anything?"

"Eija had to go somewhere for a...medical thing," Kaname said. "I don't know about the others, did you hear anything, Sousuke?"

"Negative," he said. "We'll have to ask about it later."

Kaname nodded, grimacing.


Tessa walked up the path to the door leading to Ranma Satomi's warehouse home and facility. She'd been here the first time last night and she didn't quite relish what she was here for now.

Behind her, Mardukas was standing at the gate, looking on the place somewhat critically, especially the pile of debris that was sitting aside of the gate.

The Mithril captain had the expectation that she would have to knock on the door, so she was surprised when the red-headed martial artist came out of the warehouse easily hauling the fragmented remains of a sofa and carrying it towards the front.

"Hmm, Captain," Ranma said as she passed and moved up to drop the broken piece of furniture on the pile. "Commander. What are you here for?"

Behind her, Tessa had turned back around to follow the older woman.

"We heard you accepted the job with Psyche Division," Mardukas said as the woman turned to face him.

"I did," she responded evenly. "Are you here to discuss operations or something?"

"No," Tessa said, stepping forward. "I came to apologize."

"Apologize for what?" Ranma asked.

"I'm the reason your daughter chose to go to...that place," Tessa said.

"Let's talk inside," Ranma said sharply, jabbing a hand that direction.

There weren't many places to sit down once they'd gotten inside. The homely if spartan decor of the building was decimated.

Tessa was shocked, apparently A-21's terrorists had done a thorough job of going through the place. Though that made little sense, they apparently hadn't bothered doing much damage to Sousuke's place.

"Naiki somehow...resonated with me," Tessa explained, glancing back toward Mardukas standing guard at the door. "And we resonated too deeply. That...woman that was with Naiki told her that they could stop it if she were to become a demon. I tried to talk her out of it, but she cut me out of communication."

The martial artist stayed silent for several seconds as she took this in.

"So that's why," Ranma said, shaking her head. "It's not your fault."

"But if I had been more careful," Tessa protested.

"No, there was another option in the area," Ranma said. "Something similar happened with Eija. She's with a Goddess right now getting the same problem fixed. This...Mara, however, did everything she could to keep Naiki from knowing there was another choice."

"I see," Tessa said. "I didn't know. How is your son doing with this problem?"

Ranma's posture straightened as her face turned grim.

"He doesn't know," she said grimly. "He left last night while we were fighting that thing."

"Why would he do that?" Tessa asked.

"He's on a...personal errand," Ranma said. "Well-meaning but reckless."

"So...all three of your children left home last night?" Tessa asked, glancing around again at the damage with a new perspective. "I'm sorry."

"I had a feeling something was wrong," Ranma said. "But I ignored it, decided not to pressure my kids with paranoia and went to check something personal. So it's more my fault than yours."

"I do hope you'll see your children soon," Tessa said.

Ranma nodded.

"You're listening in on Naiki's thoughts then?" Ranma asked.

"Well, it's been down to emotions since she blocked me and then left," Tessa said. "But, yes..."

"How's she doing then?" Ranma asked.

"Well, she's bored," Tessa said. "And...errr..."

The demure sub Captain blushed heavily as Ranma watched and the chi master's eyebrow twitched.

"Is she getting anything done about the 'errr'?" Ranma asked.

"I'm...uh...thinking she's feeling very frustrated," Tessa said.

"That better be all she gets," Ranma muttered firmly.

From his position, Mardukas nodded sagely in agreement with the mother's attitude about her child.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Sniggers... poor Mardukas. I'm surprised he is taking the resonating of the captain with an unknown as well as he is.

I'm a bit surprised Ranma and Mithril have not shared notes on the Resonance/chi network thing though.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
Sniggers... poor Mardukas. I'm surprised he is taking the resonating of the captain with an unknown as well as he is.

I'm a bit surprised Ranma and Mithril have not shared notes on the Resonance/chi network thing though.
first day, probably will be happening soon...

most of this was dealing with the aftermath...


Well-Known Member
"So what's the prognosis?" Frigga asked as Belldandy came in to the office.

"There was a virus there," Belldandy said. "Or parts of one at least."


"Is there any hint of what she was trying to do?" Hild asked.

"No," the demon virus-hunter said. "We ran it through an isolated simulation and only came up with a message."


"'Did you really think it would be so obvious?'" Belldandy said with more than a hint of sadness and distaste for the actions of a fellow goddess. "The virus would have worked itself out immediately afterward."

"She's outright telling us there's a deeper goal involved here," Kali said, frowning.


"I don't like this at all," Hild said, frowning. "This doesn't play to the portfolios of any of the three Gods we think to be involved in this."

"It matches Zeus's arrogance," one of the demons in front of her said.

"If it were Zeus's plot, it would not involve the other two," Hild noted. "He doesn't like to share women."

"One of the others..." the demon suggested.

"Poseiden isn't nearly subtle enough," Hild said. "Hades could do it, but he's practically retired. The only of the three Greek brothers that stepped down to let his wife take over."


"A lot of this is a matter for the Eyes of Ra and the Einherjar," Frigga said. "Though it is coincidental that it's happening just when we're getting word about this new network."

Kali nodded.

"I did some research," the destroyer said. "This Kaname Chidori that our new recruit is linked with is listed as a Human psionic. One of the ones that call themselves 'Whispered'."

"I vaguely remember something about that," Frigga said. "I thought they were just a variation of telepathy."

"Well, so was the Yggdrassil network, originally," Belldandy reminded her. "However, Eija is safe to ascend and I would suggest to do so soon. Miss Chidori's thoughts almost reached through the world barriers a few minutes ago. It may have just been an emotion spike, but better safe than sorry."


Naiki looked at the "Throne of Damnation" with a bit of trepedition.

It was a tall looking chair made of some sort of coppery metal inlaid with a large number of gemstones and crystals that she'd never seen before. There were decorative spikes and curling, bone like additions.

It carried with it an impression of dark power to be had just for the asking.

"Do you have to call it the 'Throne of Damnation'?" she asked.

"Not really, no," Mara said. "Go ahead and sit down."

"Just curious," Naiki said. "Is this going to hurt at all?"

Mara looked toward the techs involved.

"That depends on how much you," he said. "Some people get antsy and resist once the process starts."

"It's a relic," Mara said grimmly but honestly. "Built during wartime. I've heard it isn't nice even after some of the nastier bits have been disabled."

"Nasty bits?" Naiki asked.

"We did used to 'draft' people," one of the tech-demons said. "And it would be necessary to insure loyalty..."

"It's going to brainwash me?" Naiki said in surprise.

"Like I said, all the nastier bits are disabled," Mara said. "It's not fun, but it's not mind-altering anymore. Heck, once we had some gods and goddesses defect, they helped improve the safeguards on mind and soul to make it even harder to do mind warping crap on us."

"So, you've sat in this thing?" Naiki asked.

"Once," Mara said. "Needed to fix some damage."

Naiki thought about it for a moment, biting her lip.

"Here's the important question," Mara asked. "Do you want to stay you and have your friend stay her?"

The green-haired girl sighed, taking a deep breath and stepped forward to sit down in the throne.

"So, how does this go?" she asked.

At that, the throne lit up around her in a shifting red light.


Eija's eyes widened as she kneeled on the bench in front of what she'd been told was the Altar of Ascendance and the golden light washed over her.

It was the most unusual feeling, almost like she imagined that Neo character must have felt when he woke up with cables in his back. Only in this case, the cables were connecting to her rather than pulling away.

She tried to keep herself calm at the intrusion, but it was hard at first.

Slowly, she was finding it easier to remain calm and even comfortable with the connections. It wasn't a change in her, but as she was connected, her mind wandered out and she found the beauty that was Yggdrasil. A mental neighborhood with a host of new neighbors, the majority of which she felt were eager to welcome a new member.


Naiki's hands clenched at the feelings waving through her. Suspicion and anger were prevalent throughout a lot of the network she was being connected to.

Lots of loss, lots of pain.

Lots of people that had seen many things taken from them and were eager to never feel such again.

Eager to make people pay for causing such pain and loss.

Slow to trust.

Quick to anger.

Fierce in loyalty

Passionate in joy.

Proud of family.

As promised, it wasn't fun.

But it also wasn't trying to work into her mind from what she could tell.

And it was clear, from the glimpses she was getting, that these weren't the evil, plotting, scheming monstrosities her white-magic teachings had said they were.

The last thing she felt, as all the connections were made, was the wall rising into position between her mind and soul and the rest of Nidhog.

Panting and sweating she stumbled up out of the throne and almost toppled, falling into Mara's arms.

"We really need a new machine for this," Mara muttered. "Doing okay kid?"

"Not fun!?" Naiki gasped. "That thing is torture! What the hell was that?"

"A peek at the neighborhood," Mara said. "Welcome to Nifelheim, Naiki."

As she said that, she moved Naiki toward a mirror and let the girl take in the red marks on her face.


Eija opened her eyes slowly as the process ended and the light faded. Taking a deep breath she started to stand.

Urd was at her side and holding her hand as she unsteadily took her feet.

"There was so much," Eija whispered. "So much..."

"Yeah," Urd said. "It was like that when I chose too."

"You briefly have direct access to feel the emotions of everyone in Yggdrasil when the link is made," Belldandy said. "That much exposure to other minds can be tiring."

"You were born mortal?" Eija asked.

"No, but I'm half-demon," Urd said. "I had to choose which network to be part of."

"Did it work then?" Eija asked.

"See for yourself," Kali said, gesturing to a mirror.

Eija looked to see the blue marks on her face.

"Welcome, Eija, Goddess," Belldandy said with a smile.


On Earth, Kaname stared at the scrawled notes she'd taken in a hurry over the last thirty minutes. She understood everything she was looking at, though she still had only a hint of just why she understood such things like this.

What she was looking at was some sort of device built to look like an altar, complete with a low bench to kneel on.

There were other notes.

Chromosomal overcoding to allow for greater amounts of information into the genetic structure.

Specific DNA codes, which Kaname some how knew were unusuable for her but might possibly make good models.

Brain wave frequencies and activity data.

All sorts of things that would be useful for one particular task, if she wanted to duplicate a way to join Heaven that is, and maybe as the basis for other tasks that Kaname had a vague impression of, but nothing specific.

"You know this whispered thing gets pretty annoying," she noted idly.

Still, at least she'd managed to get most of the information she wanted before the flow had stopped rushing down to her out of Eija's side of their link.

Now, she was still feeling Eija on the other end, but she was completely certain that there'd be no threat of them permanently merging into one soul any longer.

On the other hand, they were still permanently connected.

She was pondering that when her phone rang.

Confused, she moved over to the cell and picked it up.

"Hello?" she said.

"Miss Chidori?" the voice on the other end said.

"You're Captain Testarossa," Kaname said. "I recognize your voice from last night."

"Yes," Tessa said on the other end. "Do you think you and Sergeant Sagara can come to Miss Satomi's place?"

"We were already planning on it," Kaname said. "We heard some...news today. Why?"

"Umm, over the phone I'm a bit limited, but I understand that Eija has gone to...a certain place for a procedure," Tessa said. "And I'm...thinking, you might feel...or learn...some..."

"I've got notes," Kaname said. "But I don't think it'll be enough by itse...How do you know about this?"

"Because I've got something similar with Miss Satomi's other daughter," Tessa said. "So...I might have...a second view on the issue."

"Naiki went to...that place too?" Kaname asked.

"Not quite," Tessa said.


"Geisthexe-san," Naiki said dangerously as she stopped in the middle of her kata. "Why can't I feel any chi?"

"Because you have none," Mara said. "You're not human anymore."

"You never mentioned that!" Naiki said.

"I was trying to minimize distractions," Mara said. "You didn't need any more reason to dawdle than you already had."

"So what am I going to do if I don't have chi to fight with," the new demoness asked.

"You'll use pishogue," Mara said. "And that's what the rest of our time here will be for. You also still have some natural mana, so we might get some of our resident Gods to help you out with that."


"Umm, one day to learn all the basics to a new form of energy manipulation?" Eija asked.

"Tell me," Kali asked. "How do you perceive time?"

"You count minutes...seconds," Eija said. "The same way you perceive space. Chunks."

"How long does it take you to have a thought?" Kali asked.

Eija thought about that for a moment and it proved hard to narrow down a timeframe. Thoughts seemed to have no real speed. Most of the time they flowed along like speech, but in a fight they seemed to come a rush. When she used the amaguriken, it was like she had a thought over each fraction of a second as analyzed and adjusted her aim.

"The answer is," Kali said before the new goddess could answer. "Your thoughts come at about the same rate your mind is perceiving time at the moment. So we're going to use a spell to speed up your mind and you already have experience with white magic."

"But that won't help me with channelling it through my body," Eija noted.


"Start with up here, kid," Mara said. "And the rest will come naturally."

"Okay," Naiki said then paused. "I wonder if I can refigure the amaguriken for this."

"Amaguriken?" Mara asked. "Chestnut fist?"

"Yeah, I'd show you if I had chi," Naiki said. "It makes you punch superfast."

"How fast?" Mara asked.

"I could hit something like a thousand punches a second," Naiki said. "And sometimes, I can get as accurate as 'Kaasan and make it all look like one punch. Though 'Kaasan is a lot faster, more controlled and can do it with her whole body."

Mara stared at Naiki for a few seconds, processed that information and the battle with Behemoth the night before.

"Naiki...hypothetically," she said. "If your mother were mad at someone and they tried to hide from her...what would she do?"

Naiki laughed.

"That can be fun to watch," she said.

"Oh...joy," Mara said.


Meanwhile, Nidhog and Yggdrasil respectively recorded Naiki and Eija's genetic and spiritual coding both before and after the process and moved it to be stored in their memories.

As the information entered the system, a small bit of extra programming in each of the storage systems registered and scanned the information against its own records. Recognizing the Satomi coding, it duplicated a copy of the information to absorb into its own.

The previously identical programs shifted form and moved quietly from the archives into the communication hubs and sat and waited.


Well-Known Member
... AAND... there's the malware.

I can almost picture the pain going through Mara's mind ^_^ so good job, there.

You know, given their shared nature and Naiki's apparent thing for blondes, are we going to see something interesting when she meets Urd for the first time? I mean, she was pretty much drooling over Hild, and they DO look a lot alike... not exactly, of course, but a lot.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Mara stared at Naiki for a few seconds, processed that information and the battle with Behemoth the night before.

"Naiki...hypothetically," she said. "If your mother were mad at someone and they tried to hide from her...what would she do?"

Naiki laughed.

"That can be fun to watch," she said.

"Oh...joy," Mara said.

Sniggers... I think Mara realizes she might possibly have a problem.

And Ranma has had a couple days to think on it and stew over it.

... AAND... there's the malware.
Meh... I'm a computer programmer, and I have to say, generally, I try to read past anything or ignore things regarding malware, viruses, and hacking when it comes to fictional material. I find it carries no interest for me, or I find many simply do it wrong, whe authors or directors try to make it look good for the audience.

That is *not* a knock against this story, merely a general practice of mine.
well in that case you may be able to give some pointers in the right direction ?


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Akhorahil said:
well in that case you may be able to give some pointers in the right direction ?
It is not needed in this case, since it is not a conventional hack by any means. I'm just stating overall I myself tend to try to read past scenes because I see the same mistakes so much. Normally it is the mistake of speed. But in any case it is not really a key part of plot for me.

In this particular case, that does not apply for a couple of reasons. We did not see the prep work she did to plant the stuff. It is a non-human, and it is brains and souls hacks, not conventional computers.

But normally movies and series that many found enjoyable, I'm turned off to, since I *know* it is not really like portraid.

I would image it is the same for some detail oriented surgeons seeing a scene in a movie. You don't cut that fast, that angle, with that blade, and it is not in the right place. That is not the right color, and he was not shown sterilizing himself right... etc...


Well-Known Member
Eija looked at herself in the mirror as Kali typed at a keyboard over to the side and Urd sat to the side reading what appeared to be a manga.

The marks on her faced were shaped like blue drops of liquid sliding down from the corners of her eyes and her forehead. That blue coloring might have made most people that looked at the drops think they were supposed to be water, but Eija knew better.

She was always marked by blood.

Even before the first time she killed someone, a knife wielding maniac in a cult's den, she'd still been marked by the blood in her eyes.

Curiously, she opened her mouth.

Still no fangs.

"You'd only have fangs if you started with them," Kali noted.

"How did you know I was thinking that?" Eija asked.

"Because," Kali said. "My recent childhood started a little less than forty years ago. I also got the Dracula comments."

The dark skinned woman smiled at the pale new goddess as she said that. The irony of someone with her coloration getting accused of being a vampire not lost on Eija.

"Shouldn't I be practicing now?" Eija asked.

"In a moment," Urd said. "Kali's getting us some training space. and facilities."

"And I should be just about...done," she said. "You have a meditation room, start with the Searching."

"Searching?" Eija asked.

"Of course," Urd said, as if she were affronted by the idea that she would forget something so basic.


Naiki blinked at the paired, sickle shaped marks on her forehead and the shark-tooth shapes, split down the middle by a line of unmarked skin, at the corner of each eye, pointing outward.

Her sharp teeth were the same as always, save the outer four canines seemed more prominent somehow. She tried one of her "cute, fangy smiles" and it still seemed to carry off the same sort of effect.

The only real change she noted as that, indeed, the smoky air was a lot more pleasant than it had been. Though in this place it was still a bit thick, like too many perfumes in one room.

The best part was that the smoke didn't interfere with her sense of smell at all anymore. Her other senses seemed a bit more enhanced as well.

The green-haired demoness could actually feel Mara's pacing through the floor, and, if the other demoness got within a meter or so, she could feel the woman through the change in the air.

She could even feel the tingle of electricity working through Mara's body.

These were things she used to have to be in the water to feel. She didn't have near the sensitivity she was used to in water, but it did make her wonder what her new sensitivity under the waves would be like.

Suddenly, Mara stopped and looked toward the desk where one of the demons was working.

"Are you finished then?" Mara asked.

"You're set," the demon said.

"Okay then, kid," Mara said. "Practice is getting started soon. Starting with Conflict."

"Conflict?" Naiki asked. "Do you mean sparring?"

"Not really," Mara said with a smile.


Eija looked uncertainly at the potion in front of her.

"We've been using this this recipe for centuries to help us explore ourselves," Urd said. "It will take you into your own soul, for want of a better description. It will help you search for your truest nature...we call it your Domain."

"So when I drink this, I will see something?" Eija asked. "What did you see?"

Urd looked thoughtful for a moment.

"The Searching is very personal," Urd said quietly. "And not something easily...recalled. It sort of becomes a vague dream over time. It's clearer to some than to others, but...."

"I think I understand," Eija said, reaching down to take the drink.


"The smoke out there is thick with certain minerals," Mara said. "Sit out there and it will help you enter the Conflict."

"So I'm going to fight something in the smoke. It that the conflict?" Naiki asked. "You haven't explained that."

"It's what it sounds like," Mara said. "A battle."

"So what am I fighting?" Naiki asked.

"That's something different for each demon," Mara said. "But out of that fight will come your Realm."

"So I get my own land or something?" Naiki asked.

"The type of power that you are most suited to," Mara explained. "Do you understand?"

"I go out there, get high and have a hallucination?" Naiki asked.

"Sort of," Mara said with a twitch.


A moment ago, Eija had been sitting and meditating in the training ground Kali had arranged for them, but now suddenly, she was sitting on the rocks over Athens.

Looking about, the sky was white and the sea was red.

As she herself stood up, her skin was as black as her hair, an image she found familiar from her encounters in Kaname's Whispered mindscape.

"What should we do?" a voice asked.

Eija turned around to find another girl standing in front of her, one that looked a lot like the way she looked in the real world.

"Excuse me?" Eija asked curiously.

"What should we do?" the girl asked pointing downward.

Eija looked down and saw the red sea splashing on the beach below and receding. Then it came in again struck higher on the rocks. Each incoming wave came higher and higher.

"The tide's coming in," Eija said. "That's all."

As she said that, a heavy wave, more than a simple tsunami, crashed down on the rocky Grecian beach and receded only slightly before another hit and washed further up, carrying away bathers with it.

"What should we do?"

Eija didn't bother to answer as she leaped down toward the beach and moved to rescue the people carried off, but as the non-descript people touched the flow of the red waves, they dissolved and melted into the flow of red liquid.

Flinching away, Eija danced back and grabbed a person before they could touch the red waves. The other her copied her actions, saving other men and women. Several others, however, were caught and dissolved into the rising current.

Grabbing as many people as she could, Eija continued to deposit the faceless masses that she rescued higher up the cliffs. Only to see that the cliffs themselves were being dissolved by the torrent.

"What should we do?" the other her asked.

"Why do you ask me?" Eija asked. "You can do as much as I can."

"Okaasan is not here," the other her said.

Eija flinched away.

"Deimosu and Naiki are not here," the other said.

She looked down helplessly at the scarlet waves eating their way toward the phantom Athens.

"Sousuke is not here," she said. "Kaname is not here."

And then the natural-seeming Eija looked toward Eija's black-skinned, red-eyed true spirit.

"You are the only one I can ask," she said. "What should we do?"

"Do...do you always ask others what to do first?" Eija asked.

The other her nodded.

"Do I always ask what to do?" Eija wondered.

As she thought the tide kept rising below.

"How do I stop an ocean of..."

Eija stopped mid sentence, head dipping downward and biting her lip as her eyes stared forward hollowly.

She leaped down again toward the advancing sea, stopping just before it.

As it crashed in toward, her, she tensed nervously, but held her ground as the wave came in and stopped just short of her.

The waves started to move around and past her on both sides and experimentally she raised one hand to her side. On that side of her, the red wave washed straight upward as if it had struck a wall. Seeing that, she raised her other hand upward and the sea on that side slammed into its own invisible force.

Taking in a breath, Eija calmly and coolly stepped forward, bringing her hands forward and pushing back the waves as she did so.

From that clapping motion she moved into the beginnings of a routine, noticing that with each step forward, the torrent shifted back. She spun calmly and then thrust forward with a slight hop and the tide retreated further back.

There was less fear and desperation with each step she took, and less and less hostility as well.

"Blood," she said quietly. "It's always blood with me."

As she walked forward now, she seemed almost unaware of the blood as it she pushed it forward.

Protecting the blood of her family and friends.

Shedding her own blood to help others.

Spilling the blood of enemies when she was forced to.

There were other ways to look at things, but Eija had to admit that for her, everything came down to blood.

And right now, the world was drowning in it.

So, right now, someone was needed to send the tide back.

"I have to make decisions and act," she whispered.


Naiki stared around, wondering just where she was. A moment ago, she'd been sitting in the middle of a lot of smoke, but now...she was standing on the edge of an island air base?

The ground around her was shades of blue with a sky of lavender and purple clouds. She herself was all in shades of green with bright blue eyes. It was like she was in that weird place where she'd started merging with Tessa.

"Heads up!" a voice shouted.

Naiki looked toward the sound in time to leap over the small helicopter hurled in her direction.

In leaping over it, watching it pass below her, she almost failed to see another figure leaping upward to join her in mid flight. By the time she did see the figure, it was too late to do more than block and roll with axe kick delivered at the end of a forward flip.

She didn't just idly block of course, but latched onto to her opponent's foot, launching the other in a graceless tumble even as Naiki herself hit the ground and rolled into a standing position.

Instantly her eyes locked sight of the figure rising out of the tumble.

Shaking it's head clear and staring at the wreckage of the helicopter.

Smirking at the easy victory, Naiki let fly with a pair of Kijin Raishu Dan vacuum blades. They rushed across the sceen with a ripping sound, twisting at times to cut deep grooves in the ground.

Finally, as they came upon their target, they crossed together and Naiki's attacker flipped up over the attacks with a snickering flourish before landing and bouncing again over Naiki's head.

Naiki started to follow the figure's movement, when she heard a shriek behind her.

Twisting about, Naiki was just in time to see her vacuum blades slash through her sister, leaving little more than a bloody pile of pieces behind.

"Damn you!" her opponent shouted bitterly, drawing Naiki's ire as it seemed her enemy was angered by the death of HER sister.

"Come on then!" Naiki roared out, turning to face the enemy and leaping forward, sharp teeth grinding against each other.

The vague figure of the opponent leapt to meet her again, but this time the growling figure got a face full of Naiki's knee. This time, Naiki was the one who was grabbed in the last moment, and the two were sent scattering across the jagged terrain at the edge of the base.

Getting to her feet, Naiki found herself facing the oppoenent as she came in with a flurry of attacks stolen straight from Naiki's yamasenken. Blocking and dodging furiously, Naiki felt her rage boiling as she finally side stepped, letting the enemy pass right by her as she kneeled to the ground and let her anger pass through her left hand into rock under her feet.

The ground shook violently all around as Naiki turned slowly to watch her enemy's disintegrating stance as the ground shook itself apart underneath.

Blue eyes raging with anger, Naiki ripped her right hand backwards, bringing a torrent of water flying from below to envelope her enemy and drag them down into the deep, her playground.

Naiki was about to follow when she noticed something left in the wake of the wave. A body crushed and battered by stone and wave, but still recognizeable as her brother.

Seething with rage, her hesitation gone, she leaped out into the ocean and slammed down into it, letting her senses spill outward. The senseation of a living nervous system and the vibration of a swift, natural swimmer were easy to track down as she propelled herself forward.

Her enemy, as natural a swimmer as herself it seemed, turned about and came to meet Naiki, flashing past in a strike that spilled blood into the water. Naiki started to follow, but changed her mind briefly as she felt the rushing current of the water about her shift dangerously.

Dashing away from the forming whirlpool, Naiki swam around the edges of it, seeking her enemy even as she noted debris funneling down the whirlpool to the seabed.

The remains of a boat and her mother's surprised and drowned body.

Naiki was screaming as she pushed herself along, finding the enemy, staring into the whirlpool probably to gloat. The young demoness slammed into her enemy, putting all the strength of the water behind her in a huge wave that thrust both her and her enemy up onto the island again.

Immediately, Naiki was up and recovering herself rolling to a standing position next a small helicopter as she immediately noted her opponent standing further out, glancing around in confusion.

Grabbing the helicopter, Naiki lifted it up and, glaring at her opponent, shifted to hurl it.

"Heads up!" she shouted angrily.

Her enemy turned about just in time to see the huge projectile and leap over it, watching as the thing flew past, and giving Naiki an almost perfect opening.

Leaping forward, she waited until she was near the enemy before throwing herself forward into a flip that ended with a downward axe kick that her opponent barely had time to block and roll, adding a suicide grab and twist at the last moment.

Losing control of her own momentum, the demoness came down hard to the ground before rolling to a standing position.

There, before her, crushed under the weight of the helicopter she'd thrown, was Tessa Testarossa.

Her stare was frozen on that body when she heard the characteristic ripping sound of Kijin Raishu Dan vacuum blades growing closer.

Her immediate idea was to leap over the incoming projectiles, but she paused, glancing behind her to see Eija incongruously running to her aide.

"Kijin Raishu Dan!" she growled hurling her own blades forward into the two coming her way.

Charging forward, her enemy slipped backwards, away from her.

"I hate being toyed with!" Naiki shouted angrily as she caught up with her enemy and lashed out with an array of Yamasenken strikes.

When her opponent tried to side-step, she didn't stumble forward but stayed her ground and swiveled smoothly to place herself between the enemy and the ocean.

She was tempted to make another full scale earthquake again, but she didn't know where enemys or friends lay. Instead she channelled her anger into a much more specific target as she thrust her foot downward in a stomp that cracked the earth outward to her enemy.

The localized crack sealed tight once the opponent's foot slipped inside, crushing the limp and trapping it.

Naiki grimaced bitterly as she looked about her to see Deimosu landing at the top of the cliff and her mother beaching a boat further down. Elsewhere, Eija was helping Tessa walk away from the wrecked helicopter.

That satisfying her fears, Naiki turned to face her enemy. The one that made her rage less of a weapon and more of a disaster.

Laughing up at her, was her own face as it appeared in life.

Stepping forward, Naiki didn't hesitate to slash a dark Kijin Raishu Dan through the neck of her double, watching her head hop off and roll to a stop against a shed, shocked expression on her face.

"I can't be acting without thinking about anymore," she said, breathing heavily.


Eija snapped awake, much of the memory of her vision already fading back away from her.

A small flood of relief came through the link she had with Kaname, making her come to a guess that, for however long that vision lasted, the Whispered had been blocked from her at least temporarily.

"Well," Urd asked.

"Blood," Eija said. "My Domain is Blood."


Naiki thought about the pace of the fading vision and some few images.

"I'm the Demon of Torrent, I think," Naiki said, ignoring the annoyed worry coming out of Tessa's end of the link.


Well-Known Member
*whine* when are we going to see more Ranma!! The OC thing is getting a bit boring.... guess you have to care about characters to make their 'adventures' seem anything other than fillers for the good(Ranma) bits. Then again with what 'her kids' have turned into it's not they need her anymore. But I'm of the side that wants Ranma to dump those brats, I want that to happen. I mean c'mon, Hecate planned all this but she didn't do anything to Ranma to drive/separate her from her brats in a more permenant way?


Well-Known Member
The way I read it, it's more like she doesn't care. After all, current shape aside, Ranma's just a mortal man. And no, I don't agree with that- it just seems to be her view on mortals and men, crammed into one. Mara probably has a much better idea of what Ranma's capable of than Hecate does.


Well-Known Member
I'm acutally leaning toward Ranma getting the curse unlocked towards the end of this...


As to the other things, I'm currently following story need, and that means following the kids a bit more.

I'm wanting to write more of Kaname and Sousuke (they have a really fun dynamic that seems Ranma/Akane-ish on first glance, but really is much different) for one thing.

Also, when I get Sousuke getting chi-training under Ranma, that'll be fun.

Want to have more with Ranma and Mao and maybe Ranma and Morrigan interacting...

lots of stuff to do...


Well-Known Member
Sousuke with Chi training, damn that is quite a bit of a power up, and I don't mean that he will become a Amaguriken killing machine like Ranma, but in his own way Sousuke is as trained as Ranam was at the middle of the manga, just with a different focus.

While Ranma is a master of his own body, and an incredible fast learner Sagara is a a survival especialist who is at his age got far more experience that any martial artist in life or death combat, and that counts a lot. Sousuke is probably use Chi training as a gun or a knife, as a tool.

Plus there is the fact that the Arbalest works with Chi so even an small amount of conscious control will be an improvement. And both he and Tessa (Sousuke is an excelent engineer, he did create the Bear Suit out of a disguise) will have a greater understanding of the Arbalest in particular and the Chi network in general.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
I actually overall like how the story has been done... maybe a bit more Ranma would be nice, but fine for the most part.

I do wonder if you are making Ranma take things too easy in regards to his/her son.

I would not mind eventually seeing a unlock.

I also would not mind seeing how this intertwines with canon events for FMp that are upcoming.


Well-Known Member
"Okay, this is your thing," Kaname said. "So here's the stuff I wrote down during whatever."

"Thank you, Miss Chidori," Kaname said. "But I'm going to need to confer with you. You're not used to this but you'll still have some perspective I might end up needing."

"You don't expect to get anything put together here, in Satomi-san's house," Kaname said, looking around. "What's left of it."

"No. We'll need to do a firm DNA study of Whispered coding versus these base codes," Tessa said. "And some studies of energy frequencies. Which is all stuff we'll need to run in a good research lab."

"So what are we doing here?" Kaname asked.

"Hammering out the basics," Tessa said as she spread out hers and Kaname's notes.

"So why is Sousuke here?" Kaname asked.

Tessa looked up towards where the mentioned boy was standing at attention with the older Satomi and Commander Mardukas.

"Briefing for a new assignment," Tessa said. "Don't worry, it's nothing that'll take him away from you."


"Sergeant Sagara," Mardukas said. "You are currently our only pilot capable of using a lambda driver. As you are aware there are some, issues with this new technology."

"Yes, sir," Sousuke said sharply.

"Miss Satomi has offered to give you some extra training in order to smooth over some of the rough spots," Mardukas said. "So I expect you to make use of this training."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Sousuke responded.

"Miss Satomi," Mardukas said. "I leave this soldier with you, and I hope you know what you're letting yourself in for."

"I have a few things in mind," Ranma said firmly, under normal circumstances there would be an accompanying smirk. "Now, first things first. I need to see what shape your in and how you manage yourself currently."

"I understand," Sousuke said, waiting for what exercise she gave him to accomplish this.

"So..." the martial artist said.

Ranma looked around at what was still a disaster area from her anger and rage yesterday. As she did, Sousuke, a veteran of much base duty, knew what was coming.

"I need to see this place spotless in an hour," she said firmly. "Get to work."

"Yes, Ma'am," Sousuke said saluting as he turned to room at large.

"I somehow expected you to spar with him for a few minutes," Mardukas said, pleasantly surprised.

"First rule of being a sensei," Ranma said. "Find reasons to make your daily chores training."

Like everything else, the statement was less smirking than normal, but given the circumstances, Mardukas perfectly understood the woman's cooler than normal behavior.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
I actually overall like how the story has been done... maybe a bit more Ranma would be nice, but fine for the most part.

I do wonder if you are making Ranma take things too easy in regards to his/her son.

I would not mind eventually seeing a unlock.

I also would not mind seeing how this intertwines with canon events for FMp that are upcoming.
Deimosu's expectation that Ranma would be on his trail almost immediately would have been accurate if Ranma didn't feel locked down by the expectation that his/her daughters were going to be back and he needed to be around for that and she wasn't sure how long it would take to track down her son (it is HER son after all).

and yeah...I think I want to do Deimosu rescuing his Whispered next

followed by Eija and Naiki returning home...

Mara getting beat up....

That'll end these two days....

Do some Eija/Kaname/Sousuke stuff before moving to Sousuke's Helmjastad mission...

going to juxtapose Helmjastad with a Psyche division mission using Ranma and Mao vs an Amalgam Whispered research site (hence why Ranma and not a freelancer mystic)

followed by some day to day stuff, including the Nerima Red Dragons AS competition episode...with the addition of the Nekomi Tech miniaturized AS this time around...


Well-Known Member
If it is a Nekomi Tech AS, then is going to be a Skuld tactical system, which is going to have as many cliche mecha weapons as posible AND a tactical nuke self destruct.

Wonder if her robotics know-how can beat the pragmatism of combat oriented engineers, and the tactical training of JSDF.


Well-Known Member
BF110C4 said:
If it is a Nekomi Tech AS, then is going to be a Skuld tactical system, which is going to have as many cliche mecha weapons as posible AND a tactical nuke self destruct.

Wonder if her robotics know-how can beat the pragmatism of combat oriented engineers, and the tactical training of JSDF.
I think the thing that's going make most people bug out is the fact that Keiichi, Skuld, Megumi and Chihiro looked at their resources and decided to tackle the problem of miniaturization because they didn't have enough money to build a full-sized AS.

Last news on the project, Chihiro was going to have Megumi do the bulk of the programming (she may not know their goddesses, but she's had enough experience with Skuld to know that her programming sometimes tend to be insane)

Canonically, Megumi's practical designs pulled a draw against Skuld's wildly advanced but impractical designs in a robotics competition.

It turned out to be a draw because Skuld destroyed both machines rather than losing.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
One issue with this last segment.

Why would Mardukas know her *normal* disposition and style of smirks. Even if Mitril has partial files, it would not have emotional dispositions down enough that he could know her normal reactions.

EDIT: By the way... Mardukas going along with Ranma training Souskae seems too smooth. I would have expected one of a couple reasons being mentally voiced by him as to why he would be this approving of it.

And was this the condition Ranma asked for on taking the job, or is it something else entirely.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
One issue with this last segment.

Why would Mardukas know her *normal* disposition and style of smirks. Even if Mitril has partial files, it would not have emotional dispositions down enough that he could know her normal reactions.

EDIT: By the way... Mardukas going along with Ranma training Souskae seems too smooth. I would have expected one of a couple reasons being mentally voiced by him as to why he would be this approving of it.

And was this the condition Ranma asked for on taking the job, or is it something else entirely.
started to have their discussion, but don't have it in mind yet, and doubt they'd go into it with everybody there...

so will hit in flashback later....

the last bit is more third-person omni mystery narrator than Mardukas to avoid the impression that Ranma is acting normal....can alter the wording a bit to confirm that...will also imply an earlier conversation when Mardukas, Tessa and Ranma were alone...

Ranma would have suggested it firmly while they were there....


Well-Known Member
For most people, getting out of a sea-locked country without appearing on the grid was difficult. But then, most weren't reasonably confident they could swim across the Sea of Japan.

The Furies obscure information had drawn her to the wrong side of the country though.

The start of the trail Deimosu wanted to follow was back in Korea and he was on the Japanese eastern coast. That meant at the least, the first day or two of travel would be by foot and then it was time to head over water.

He was worried about just how Hecate could find him so easily if supposedly Heaven couldn't track him. He wanted Zeus dead, and the implication was that she wanted her father dead for the same reason he did.

The fact that he was just what her plan needed was one of those "coincidences" that Deimosu's mother rarely if ever trusted. As far as Ranma Satomi was concerned, "destiny", "prophecy" and "coincidence" all belonged in the category of "excuses for manipulating things."

He was considering this as he walked through the trees in front of him and found something strange.

A house in a small valley, ten kilometers from any of the towns he knew to be in the area. It lay south of him and behind in his path. He'd just about walked right past the area without even noticing it.

He was still trying to come to a conclusion about this when he felt the approach of...someone. In moments, he was up in a tree, keeping as secret as possible and wishing that he'd mastered the umisenken as thoroughly as Eija had. All he had were the basic manuvers, he hadn't worked out the invisibility trick quite yet.

He heard a gasp and looked up to see a small, black-haired girl of about eight years old dressed in a drab blouse and pants, the number 89-5 emblazoned dully on the chest. She was staring down at him nervously. Quietly, he raised a finger to his move and shhed just as two figures came into view below.

Two women, very similar in appearance, walked in underneath, short swords carried at their back as they moved cautiously through, obviously looking for someone. On their heads were a radio and monocle set that looked like they belonged in a science-fiction movie.

"I thought sure there was someone up here," one them said.

"The child has to be around here somewhere," the other said. "We can't leave here without that girl."

"Who would have thought she could slip the inventory before the transports left," the first said.

"This is the north-western grid search," the second said into her radio. "No sign of the missing material. Are there hits on your searches."

Several other voices, all women, returned with similar negatives, and it looked like Deimosu and the girl above him would get past without any notice.

That was until the crack of a tree spilled the girl above Deimosu tumbling down to the ground. She landed lightly, showing a bit of natural instinct for moving, but precious little training.

"That's her!" one of the women said, moving forward to grab the little girl. "We've got her!"

Deimosu didn't know exactly what was going on, but he'd heard enough to know that he wasn't going to let those two women down there do whatever it was they wanted to do.

The blonde Satomi dropped down out of the tree in a fluid motion striking one of the two women below as she crossed the short distance to the little girl.

The other drew her blade and slashed outward with incredible speed, but only intermediate skill, forming a suspicion in Deimosu's mind as he blocked the first attack.

The suspicion was confirmed when the women he had managed to hit rolled to standing and gestured at him before discharging a blast of raw energy.

"There's an intruder!" she shouted. "Transmitting video!"

Deimosu was casually slamming his knee into the second's abdomen even as he dodged aside the untrained chi blast from the first and tossing out the other woman's blade so that the hilt slammed into the chi-blaster's head. An elbow slamming down into the back of the head of the other woman ended the brief fight.

"Akiras," he commenting with a derisive tsk and a shake of the head. "No training in actually using what they have. Are you okay?"

The black haired girl nodded and brushed herself off as she stood up.

"All squads converge on the northwestern sector," a crackling voice came over the radio of one of the two unconscious women. "Quickly!"

"Let's get out of here," Deimosu said, moving to pick up the girl, who tried ineffectively to resist the grab.

"Put me down!" she said desperately.

They were several miles away, when Deimosu finally stopped and set the girl down.

"I think we'll be safe this far," he said. "What's your name?"

The girl blinked for a moment, hesitating to answer.

"Okay, I'll just let the police find that out when I drop you off at the next town," he said.

"Yaku Go," the girl said.

"What?" Deimosu said.

"That's my name," she said.

Deimosu looked at the numbers on the girl's shirt.

Eight - Ya. Nine - Ku. Five - Go.

"Oh, so you mean like this?" he asked, drawing a kanji in the dirt.

"I don't read kanji," she said.

"Oh, that's 'yaku'," Deimosu said. "It means 'benefit'."

"What's a benefit?" she asked.

"Something that helps a person," the blonde Satomi said.

The girl blinked and looked at the kanji for a moment.

"Does 'Go' mean anything?" she asked.

"It does," Deimosu nodded, drawing another kanji. "That means a few things, to be clear, to be serene, and to be skillful."

"One word means all that?" the girl said, eyes widening. "What's it all mean?"

"Clear means...," Deimosu started, thinking it through, "...talking well, saying what you want and not making mistakes when you talk. Serene is to be calm so when you feel scared or you feel angry you don't let it show. Skillful means you're very good at doing something."

"What am I good at?" she asked.

"That's up to you, I guess," the martial artist told her. "Are you hungry?"

The girl nodded.

"Okay..." he looked around. They were probably safe, but it was better to be cautious. "Come with me and be very quiet, I'm going to see if I can catch something for dinner."


"Escaped?" a woman in her mid-thirties with long dark hair said harshly as she turned away from a bank of computer screens. "'Slipped the inventory'? Taken by some random vagabond?"

"Yes, Mistress," the cringing woman on the other end of the camera said.

"How is it that you let the first total success of my efforts 'slip the inventory'?" the woman asked.

"Well, they all look the same..." the younger woman said. "Mostly."

"Nimu," the older woman said. "You are aware that I cannot add controls until a certain physical age is reached, correct?"

"I do, Mistress," the woman said quietly.

"You could very well have lost me the subject," her mistress said bitterly. "You have a limited time, Nimu, before you'll need another booster. So few of the Ichi batch survived development, I would hate to be forced to reduce their numbers further."

"Hai, mistress," the girl said.

"Make sure the subject is in your hands before that becomes necessary," the unnamed woman said. "Place a missing person's report for your younger sister, make sure there is a reward placed."

"Should I include the young-man's image from the monocle transmission?" Nimu asked.

"Not for now," the older woman said. "There is something...familiar about him, and I'd rather not trip any wires that might be there."


Well-Known Member
"Wait out here," Morrigan said.

"Considering who we're going after," Horus said. "I think it might be better for you not to go alone."

"I'm never really alone," Morrigan noted. "And I'm not going in their looking like some frilly girl that needs support to face up to a restricted licensed rogue."

"This is Zeus," Tyr noted. "It doesn't matter what gesture you make, he'll take it to mean you went out of your way to make a point."

"Well, two cripples and a woman sent to collect me," Zeus said, stepping out of his palace, thunderbolt in hand. "I feel almost insulted."

Morrigan turned slowly around to face the god she'd come to take down.

"Are you intending to resist?" she asked.

"You don't expect me to meekly follow you to tartarus, do you?" Zeus asked.

All four were slowly manuevering around each other, waiting for the first move to be made.

None of them were quite ready for a rather steamed looking woman to come storming out of the palace and slamming Zeus in the back of the head with a solid, metallic urn.

"Adultry is bad enough," Hera sniped at the unconscious diety. "But you are not ruining my house because you're too important to obey the rules!"

Morrigan blinked and looked down at her quarry and up at Hera.

"My...isn't this unsatisfying," Morrigan said.

"And you three can just take him with you," Hera said. "I'm sure he'll try to escape at some point and you can fight him then and destroy whatever landscape happens to be...down there...away from my house!"

Morrigan rolled her head back and shook it before growling irritably and heading out of the palace grounds. Behind her, Tyr and Horus shrugged and then collected Zeus and his weapon.


AN: Don't worry, I plan to have Morrigan get into a battle with Zeus eventually...just not so important right now...and this amused me.