Ranma ½ Divine Blood


Well-Known Member
"This would have been easier if this happened during the school day," Thrud noted as she appeared in the Labyrinth through a full gate with most of the Jindai students and staff she'd been responsible, as well as their families.

Around her, several puffs of smoke were erupting, showing that Moloch and his set were likewise bringing in surprised and terrified civilians.


"Oh no," Eija said quietly, looking out to see several points of battle going on throughout the city. "There's more than just him."

An explosion rocked the city maybe five miles away and she was washed over with the sensation of people dying. Painfully and suddenly.

"This is it," Kaname said, coming up beside Eija.

"Come on," Sousuke said. "We have to find a way to get both of you out of here."

"I can help now!" Kaname protested.

"You're not trained for this," Eija said quietly wincing again. "I'm not really trained for this. Only Sousuke is."

"Correct," Sousuke said.

Eija winced again, and this time Kaname with her.

"Damn it!" Kaname said. "Will you two stop trying to shelter me? I've already helped kill one person! I really tried to make it two."

They stopped looked back toward Kaname, fire and wind raging in the background. Missiles streaking to and fro, pinpoint devices of destruction capable of targeting human sized objectives from miles away without causing much in the way of collateral damage to the surrounding area.

"Poseidon," Eija said.

"Kaname," Sousuke said. "I didn't..."

"Come on, soldier boy," Kaname snapped. "We've got to get started DOING something. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it! This is our home! I'm not just helpless anymore!"

And she dived to the ground as something exploded a mere hundred feet behind sending showers of shrapnel and fire around the scene. Sousuke immediately stepped forward, to put himself between the debris and the girls.

The debris stopped short of the three.

And then it became clear that what had been destroyed was an Amalgam Venom.

"Urzu-7, your job here is combat," a voice said and the three turned to look as a Korean woman stepped forward, depositing an expended RPG as she did so. Another woman moved in on her side, a younger Japanese woman.

"I'm the one responsible for Miss Chidori's and Miss Satomi's protection detail," the Korean woman said firmly.

"But I want to help," Kaname snapped stepping forward.

Wraith didn't hesitate and simply slapped her. Eija stepped forward, a shocked look on her face as she came to Kaname's side and Sousuke pushed forward to get in Wraith's face.

"You claim to be their protection?!" Sousuke demanded angrily.

"The lot of you need to stop being selfish and start being soldiers, now," Wraith said. "Sgt Sagara, you are a combat specialist in a war zone. Your task should be obvious, but you are wasting time escorting your girlfriends and that just puts them in danger longer."

Sousuke winced at the reminder.

"Eija Satomi," she said next. "You are a combat medic, yes, but emphasis on medic and one who is uniquely equipped to recover injured soldiers and keep massively injured people alive long enough to be saved paranaturally or scientifically. We need to take you to a medical facility where you can do some good, not playing hero out here."

And then she turned to Kaname.

"And you aren't trained for any of this," Wraith emphasized. "At all, you are clever, you are intelligent and you learn quickly. You are also a key element in this Silmaril network and someone who has invaded another network in the past. You're going to Geisthexe and helping her shut down the power on these lunatics at the source."

The three looked at each other; Kaname contrite and sheepish, Eija hanging her head and Sousuke still glaring angrily; as other people started to come into view behind Wraith, mostly human but with one Ainur woman who seemed vaguely familiar to Sousuke, possibly from a report somewhere.

It was likely the Ainur who'd stopped the debris, as probably he, Eija or Kaname should have been able to do if they'd thought of it.

"Sagara," Wraith said handing the glaring soldier a comm unit. "The Arbalest should be coming soon, Captain Testarossa will give you coordinates. Use it, Intelligence is taking charge of your girlfriends here. In all meanings of the word. We won't lose them."

"That was an Amalgam AS," Sousuke noted.

"Yes, it was," Wraith noted. "And there are probably more. Try to do your job and find and kill them. We'll do our job you do yours."


"Well?" Hayes asked.

"We've got several reports of attacks across the globe," Major Davis said. "They're moving mostly into cities making it hard to target them without civilians in the line of fire. Balor is reported to have made himself known in Japan leading probably the largest group. Fighting has started there between our forces, Japan's and elements of Mithril and Psyche forces."


The Demon walked boldly down the street, destroying everything he could see as he did, not bothering to determine whether there were humans in the midst of the lot or not.

He turned a corner, seeing a number of pathetic sheep fleeing the wolf. Weak Demons and Gods who never bothered to make much use of their powers, humans by the plenty. Worms and corrupted weaklings that needed to be culled for the health of whole. They'd been at some sort of evacuation point when he attacked and scattered.

Running from battle, the weaklings.

Then he blinked as he saw a rifle butt filling his vision.

The Demon was briefly amused by the sight and then it struck and snapped his head backward and sent him sprawling to his back in surprise as he looked up from his position to see a smirking Chinese woman shouldering the rifle as she glowed brightly white, green marks flaring on her face.

"Heya, Barney," she said with a snicker.

Shards of metal carrying the glowing force of a massive amount of chi ripped into the ground beside the Demon as he barely rolled out of the way and to his feet.

The red glow of pishogue enveloped him and he reached out to summon a linking cord of stone and shards to form a long whip of earth.

"I am Belial, fool," he said. "I don't know what you think you can accomplish with whatever artifact you've gathered, but no pathetic chi is a match for the force of pishogue Lord Ba..."

He was interrupted as Mao strafed across him, rolling her eyes. He had to dive forward to avoid the majority of the chi empowered bullets and come up close enough to lash out at Mao.

Grimacing, Mao reached out to catch the whip with her rifle, locking it in place.

In reaction, Belial charged forward, hand reaching back, summoning or creating a stone blade as he did so. Slashing downward, Mao held up an elbow into it's path. The stone sword shattered on her arm as if it were glass.

"What?" Belial asked before the butt of the rifle was again slammed into him, this time his abdomen.

"Oh come on, Barney, you're not even trying," Mao said as she started to bring down her rifle on top of his head. "Sing it with me now! I hit you," the rifle butt came down, "you hit me," her knee came up into his face "we're a brawling virtuosity."

Growling, Belial's fist burst upward into Mao's jaw knocking her across the street. Lashing out with his whip again, Mao grimmaced as it scored a line down her arm cutting through the battle aura as this time he extended his chi around it.

"You pathetic copy!" he shouted. "How the hell do you expect to beat me. Even if you're into the power of the 2nd category, I am far stronger than that now."

His battle aura loomed over his body as he took his reptilian ancestral form and slashed out again with his sword as he came in at her.

She rose a block with her rifle, being shifted aside several feet and almost knocked off balance.

"You've got the power to destroy the world," Mao said with effort. "And you're wasting it on fisticuffs?"

"If I kill you too quickly, worm," he said. "How will I enjoy it."

"Your call, Barney," Mao noted, twisting her rifle and firing a burst almost wildly, causing Belial to step back.

The chi enhanced bullets curved about as Mao continued to fire, following Belial and forcing him to dodge aside so that they'd destroy themselves against the terrain.

Then he was in her face again, powering through the block this time, wincing as his attack allowed some of her bullets to strike him through the battle aura. Still, Mao staggered as he smashed through her own hardened rifle and drove her painfully down to the ground.

"What made you think you could even think about taking me on, worm?" Belial demanded leaning over her and leering with sharpened teeth.

"In position, civilians clear, evac ready," a voice said in Mao's ear. "Do it."

"Sergant Major Melissa Mao," she said, struggling to her feet and boggling that the Demon would let her. "And to tell you a secret. I'm really not rated category 2. 8-2+6-26-13+12-1312..."

As the numbers moved on at high speed, swirling about her in various manipulated patterns, her aura flared out again and she thrust outward with enough power that where it slammed into Belial's aura, the visible light around them bent in odd, unpredictable ways.

Surprised, he crossed his arms and put all his own effort into countering her aura where it matched with his.

The stone earth around Mao rose up to stab out at her as an orbit of white glowing orbits circled her intercepting everything come into her frame and she focused forward, stepping against the force of Belial's aura, a brilliant white and green star pushing on a sea of red fire half again her size.

Around them, the Earth warped and shards of metal whipped about attacking each other and intercepting attacks, digging a crater about them and collapsing buildings.

"Just call me the Ainur of Lesson Learned!" Mao shouted over the din.

"You fool, I don't know where you're getting this much power, but you'll tire out before I will," he shouted, pushing more effort into his attack.

"Oh yeah, Barney!?" Mao shouted. "But when that happens, are you going to have enough?"

Growling into a roar, Belial pushed forward, pishogue slamming through Mao's defenses and a stone outcropping brute forcing its way through the orbits of shrapnel into her chest and sending her flying backward.

Breathing heavily his shoulders heaved as he moved back into his human form and strode forward to where Mao was trying to shake her head clear. Grabbing her by the throat, he lifted her up from the ground.

"Enough for what?" he asked. "What do you have left?"

A puff of smoke appeared behind Mao as a second demon appeared to wrap arms about her. The Ainur smirked at him and winked.

"Friends, Barney," she said before vanishing into smoke with the second Demon.

Belial blinked at that statement wondering what she could mean when a pair of cruise missiles slammed down on his position. He just barely raised the last fleeting amount of effort he could put his body too.

The explosion ripped outward from his position, encompassing a region twice again that which he and Mao together had destroyed and, as the smoke cleared, all that remained was a barely conscious form that tried to pull up to one knee only for a succession of small rockets to swarm his position.

A mile away, Mao saw the results of the explosion as she sat and caught her breath, letting the Demon and a human medic look her over.

"Good work, Sergeant Major," a tall man said as he dropped his hand down and looked over at her.

"Thanks, sir," she said. "By the way, is there a less math-heavy way to handle our network access?"


"Tokyo?" Ranma said, surprised. "Not here? What's in..."

"What is it," Natsume asked.

"Gods, there are Gods in Tokyo," Ranma said. "Refugees. Probably more than one death seer. At least one: Eija."

She smacked her forehead self-deprecatingly and started drawing a circle in the ground.


A small force of Demons, trusted with less power than the rather blunt and poorly imaginative Belial found their own block in the form of two teenagers standing in the open with green marks on their faces.

"What's this?" one of the Demons said. "Who are you."

"We're stopping you here," Deimosu said stepping forward.

"6-4+2-42-31+11-3111...," Yonjuu was saying as the numbers swirled in the air around her. "...18195415515-181954+15515*=*28+17-10+8-1+8-9"

A stretch of chi moved between her and Deimosu then.

The Demons blinked, some recognizing the basic influence of numerology in the chant, but not the particular manipulations going on. And the numbers were rolling out so quickly, as if the girl were speaking in extreme fastforward.

I think it worked, I'm now seeing what you're seeing too, Yonjuu said.

Same here, Deimosu said. Watch my back.

Yonjuu stepped around to put her back against Deimosu's.

Then the Demon's charged forward.

The first two of the small squad leaped forward, wind lashing out with sickles invisible to the naked eye.

Deimosu saw the fractional disturbances in the dust as they struck in and returned with his own yamasenken sickles to slash through the demonic wind.

The Demons circled around to surround the two and come in at the girl at Deimosu's back. Instead they found bursts of yellow lightning striking down at them even as the girl kept pace with Deimosu, reciting a quick routine of numbers that merged together too fast to catch.

Yonjuu's mind was working furiously, focusing only on the access of powers and trying to remember all the practiced manipulations starting with the single digit number representing her and moving out to the component's of that reduced digit, the digits of her name added together, and then outward, working through the manipulations that reached the sisters she had that she knew.

Around her, using both her eyes and senses, Deimosu intercepted anything that came at either of them and added to her fire with lightning he needed no mental manipulations or borrowing for.

A knight defending his sorceress out of the old tales.

Though Yonjuu did not represent the classic image of the cool, confident sorceress or faithful priestess. She nervously and loudly chanting numbers after numbers and forcing herself to keep her eyes open not to rob Deimosu of some of his field of vision. At her side her fingers were snapping to give her mind something to focus around and focus her intentions through.

Nor did Deimosu, wielding lightning and fighting with no created weapon present the classic image of the night in shining armor even as he and Yonjuu moved through the lot of the 'small fry'. Though they still had vastly more power than they were used to.

"I've got all the powers of my sisters in mind and ready!" Yonjuu called out psyching herself up. "And there are a LOT of us."

Her point was made as waves of fire, lightning, disorienting sonics and more cascaded about her, forcing their opponents into place for Deimosu to easily finish them off one by one.

Hardly any of the Demons noticed that while they were fighting these two here, most of those falling weren't do to the highly flashy displays in front of them.

Yonjuu's senses were being shared across more than just her and Deimosu.

"Taking the shot," Kurz said calmly seconds before a Demon shuddered in confusion.

Most warrior type Demons and Gods had gone through processes similar to Naiki that made their skin nigh invulnerable to normal weaponry.

Of course, these days, there were sniper rifles designed to fire through light armored vehicles.

"Got a shot here," another Mithril sniper, not an Ainur, but still benefiting from Yonjuu's effect. "Taking it."

"I'm seeing reinforcements on the way, and the DaDanan is inbound," someone noted. "Get the wonder-kids out of the line of fire."

"Already going," one of a pair of Demons said, bursting into smoke to appear around Deimosu and Yonjuu and pull them out again.

Other Demons appeared around the various snipers and they vanished into smoke themselves.

And then the cruise missiles struck down.


Balor laughed as he faced a handful of Demons and Gods with some of these strange new immortals with the green marks. They were putting up a good fight, but he'd given himself more than double the normal allowed power of any one Demon.

He fancied he had even more power than Hild would have been allowed now.

He would have been disappointed.

There was a little fluctuation as the eye opened and power washed over the people in front of him. A Japanese soldier with Ainur marks shoved Bastet aside as he was torn to pieces by the wave of death. Bastet herself still caught the edge of it and landed in a pained heap, limping back behind cover.

He hadn't found what he was looking for yet.

"Keep moving!" Thor shouted angrily as he moved in on the side of Balor and slammed his hammer into the Demon's side, only for it to be deflected.

And then he barely dodged out of the way as Balor turned to give his eye a look at the God of Thunder. Behind Balor, Thor smashed his hammer down bringing across a roaring crackle of thunder that even shook the empowered Balor on his heels.

"I'm pulling Bastet out," a Demon said grabbing the cat Goddess and vanishing into a puff of smoke.

Hidden around the site, other Demons were filtering and quietly manipulating their own Realms in support of the Gods, Ainur and one or two on site Rakshasha Demon warriors.

Balor growled as the dust and ash and other things persisted in blocking his sight. He glanced aside again, this time feeling pain as his eye triggered and another pair of front line warriors were killed.

The heavy head of Mjolnir slammed him upside the head sending him reeling back and then again. He tried to vanish away into smoke and found, surprisingly that he couldn't.

About half a mile away, Nimu Ichi sat with a Demon and a God meditating. In her case she was borrowing her sister Shichimu's power of distance viewing and letting it spread between the two other Immortals with her.

Dosojin, God of Traveling and Herne the Demon of Obstacles.

The three of them were all focusing their efforts, including Nimu's telekinesis, on containing the rogue God's ability to escape.

Sitting together in a three-pointed circle heightening the amount of energy they had access to, he'd still eventually brute force through them, but by then it would be too late.

Then something burst out of the murk and dust, slamming into Balor viciously and kicking him out of the fight with Thor and the other warriors moving forward to join in on whittling down the Rogue Demon.

"What the hell was that?" Thor demanded.

Naiki pulled her arms together as she kneeled atop Balor and got ready to rip them apart for yamasenken focused with all the power she could put into it.

"Ah...Naiki Satomi, Demoness of Torrent, I call in a favor, take me your house, immediately," he said.

"Shut down Satomi's teleport!" one of the soldier's shouted across toward the three focusing on holding Balor.

But Naiki had already reached forward to grab Balor and both her and the rogue Demon vanished.


"Wha...what did I just do?" Naiki wondered shocked.

"You fulfilled a favor," Balor said, pushing off the girl as he looked around her house. "Now you're going to do me one more. I call in a favor, Demonic daughter of House DisPater, bring your sister to have a talk with me."

The look of horrified realization came over Naiki's face then as Nidhog started working to enforce the request, well within the limits of a category 3 favor.

Naiki stood up smoothly though she didn't want to and vanished to the last place she knew Eija had been at.

And then she started hunting.


"This is Wraith," the Korean woman said. "We're about to reach the designated location, I've got both packages with me and Sgt Sagara should be entering the fight."

"I hope everyone is..." Eija started to say.

And then there was a burst of smoke briefly revealing Naiki before both Satomi sisters vanished.

"Damn it!" Wraith snapped. "Kaname where is she?"

"She's at her home," Kaname repeated. "With Balor?"

"This is Wraith, we have a situation," the Korean woman said.

"This is Captain Testarossa," Tessa's voice said. "We're handling it. I've got contact with Naiki again. Get Kaname here, Geisthexe needs everyone we can spare to shut these people down. We're holding Tokyo, but there aren't enough of us around the world, and the Americans have had rumblings of nuclear reaction from the Soviets."


"You'll forgive me if I keep talking," Balor said. "My favor wouldn't allow me to just outright ask your sister to capture you for sacrifice, but as long as I talk to you, she has to make you listen and I can do what I want."

The Demon, looking significantly battered walked around the house as he spoke.

Tessa?! Naiki called out. What do I do?

This is WHY we wanted to seal you, idiot,
Tessa snapped back, uncharacteristically angry for the moment. Keep him busy.

"Just talk," Naiki insisted. "I don't have to let you do anything else."

"Yes, little Demoness," Balor said. "But don't you see, you can't successfully kill me either. Not that you have a chance. You're...category 2 on your own? Something like that. Category 3 in the system. You see, Eija, trying to kill me would end the conversation, and she can't do that."

Eija looked up at the angry expression on Naiki's face and then over toward Balor, and frowned at him.

"You're eye is broken," she said. "I can see it leaking death into you every moment."

"I'm hoping to fix it," Balor said. "It seems like some of pishogue has turned rotten somehow, maybe a bit of death-charged mana will fix that."

If he has to keep talking to keep Naiki from fighting him, Kaname called out to Eija. Then maybe it works both ways.

"You know," Eija said hesitantly. "This works two ways, you can't really attack me or Naiki or else she can act and then we'll fight back."

"If you really think that will work," Balor said smiling darkly as he took down one of the swords and looked it over, "then you would have just stopped talking and attacked. Because as soon as you attack, then conversation is over and she can fight. But we both know you can't beat me."

"Speak for yourself," Naiki said. "As soon as this talk is over, your throat is mine."

"Your sister knows better, Demonling," Balor said chuckling.

"Then why do you bother keeping the conversation up?" Eija asked. "If you know you can beat us."

"Because it gives me time to prepare a few things so that when we do fight," he said. "I can take you alive and tear your sister's head off without damaging you."


Kyoko and her parents huddled against the wall as another explosion rocked somewhere in the neighborhood. They jumped as a short brown haired girl with long braids came around the corner.

"Lusca!" Kyoko said.

"Is..Naiki here?" the Demoness asked. "I've been looking for her."

"Should't you be gone?" Kyoko asked. "You can just puff into smoke and pop."

Lusca shook her head.

"I was looking for Naiki and, well," she shrugged. "One of the jerks cursed me! I can't teleport right now! If I were fully grown or put to the right category in the system I could shrug it off! But right now the damn thing sticks!"

"This girl is a..." Kyoko's father asked.

"Hey, I'm Lusca Kraken Demoness of Crushing," Lusca said in a friendly tone.

"Okay," Kyoko said. "Do you know where we can..."

A roaring battle cry called out behind Lusca and she turned around, eyes wide.

"Oh this is so not funny," she said.

Leaning forward, Lusca stepped in front of the humans and concentrated. Massive tentacles rose up out of the ground and lashed out of every surface she could see as she turned taller and her brown braids stretched out into thick, reptilian tentacles which lashed out to grab the walls around either side of her, a thick webbing between them forming a thick wall protecting the people behind her.

She'd had thousands of years of boredom with the only thing to pass the time being variations in her ancestral form. Where as most Demons felt it was a weak, civilian's weapon at best, there weren't many who had so severely honed their ancestral bodies as the Kraken.

Save maybe Poseidon.

For the moment, however, she was still limited in power.

"Oh Kami! She's a monster!" Kyoko's mother gasped.

"Stay behind the monster!" Kyoko called out, moving up behind the wall Lusca was forming.

Ahead of them, the tentacles growing out of the landscape reached out to grab at the Demons charging them and toss them aside, but they were being hacked apart almost as fast as Lusca could summon them. She used them as walls, limbs, weapons, and each that was cut down by one of the Demons that were pushing toward her produced a wince from the monstrous form of Kyoko's friend.

"Call Naiki!" Kyoko shouted.

"But..." Lusca winced. "What if she's needed where she is?"

"Tell her to bring anybody on our side with her!" Kyoko said. "You made her come from across the Pacific Ocean last week, you can make her come across town!"


And then one of the Demons started to push in so that Lusca had to reach out with her real arms and dislodge two of the tentacles forming the wall of webbing behind her to grab him.

"Naiki Satomi, Demoness of Torrent!" Lusca shouted. "Bring anybody who can help us with you and save us!"

"What's that supposed to do?" Kyoko's father asked.


"Tell Tessa I'm on my way," Ranma said. "Going quiet."

"Right, Ma'am," Yomiko said. "Right away.

And then the circle underneath Ranma flooded with power and she was gone.


Naiki blinked.

Problem solved! she declared victoriously. "Sorry, this is over."

"Oh?" Balor said, pausing in the middle of drawing a circle.

"Bigger favor to fill," Naiki said. "Eija we're going into a fight."

"So's Balor," Eija noted.

And the two vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Damn it," Balor said. "I'll have to hunt them down the old fashioned way. But what were they talking about."

"She was talking about me," a woman's voice said.

Balor twisted about towards the sound of the voice and saw nothing.

"What?" he asked.

"Do you know what the first rule of dealing with a feng shih is?" the woman's voice asked again.

He whirled again and found nothing.

"No, what's the first rule of dealing with a feng shih," Balor asked.

The walls and floors and ceilings around Balor suddenly seemed suffused in power. Highly concentrated, efficiently channeled and focused power slipping in along the routes about the house in twisting in and upon itself in ever more intricate manners, knotting and reknotting.

And if he could have seen past the walls, he would have seen the knots and lines of networked and prepared power work outward into the whole of the old neighborhood and its mostly abandoned buildings. Places Ranma had easy access to and most no one disturbed.

A domain of several city blocks prepared over months, even longer going back before she had moved in, by one talented feng shih.

Just in case.

"Never, ever, ever," the woman's voice noted. "Piss off a feng shih on their home ground."

Balor turned about to see a woman with red-hair standing before him and all the power of the house was knotted and concentrated in her. Every path came through her and out of her.

He opened his deadly eye and she stepped aside into the corner of his other eye's vision such that power of his weapon washed out into the house and was quickly choked to death by the insistent flows of chi in the middle.

Ranma stepped forward smoothly and with terrible determination. Carrying the strands of power with her, her hand stabbed into the weakening flow of energy from Balor's weapon.

"Ahh, an opening," Ranma said, noting where the corrupted energy left it unstable.

White chi flooded into the flow of Balor's pishogue and split through like scissors through felt cloth. The recoil startled Balor back but seemed not to unsubtle the house or furnishings at all while Ranma stepped quickly forward again and, in a flash of wind passed Balor's face, moving too fast to see, but a burst of incredible pain followed as he felt his terrible weapon wrenched out of his face.

"Master of the Quiet Thief Way," Ranma said.

And then she tossed the artificial eye up into the air and slashed her arms out, two vacuum blades destroying it in midair.

"Master of the Loud Thief Way," Ranma said.

"Mortal!" Balor shouted. "You dare to affront me this way! I am more powerful than anything you have ever faced."

He charged forward, striking out against Ranma as he moved.

The woman shifted in size and shape and a dark haired man caught Balor's arm well before he could get into the optimal angle and then Ranma shifted forward bending that arm back with a the cracking and snapping sound of broken bones.

Roaring in pain, Balor stepped back and willed his arm to heal as he slashed out with an arch of fire.

Ranma crouched down, shifting back into female form such that the arch passed right over her harmlessly.

"Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken Kansei," she said lunging forward into a charge.

The female form shifted into male in mid flight keeping the same momentum and gaining mass as it struck into Balor's chest, feet first. Ranma let the Kansei go as he grabbed one of the Demon's flailing limbs and shifted back into female form for the agility to slam the Demon into one of her walls.

The wall should have been obliterated, but held out easily.

Balor turned around to see the woman spinning into a jumping roundhouse and shift into male form in the midst of it so that the heel of his foot slammed into Balor's head and sending him across the room, into the training area.

He came to his feet and tried to punch through his opponent again, blinking as Ranma melted into a woman again and the strike passed harmlessly out of the way.

"Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken!" Ranma shouted as thousands of blows struck each of the vital areas of anatomy he'd been told a Demon had.

"Wait, wait!" Balor shouted falling back from in front of the woman.

He scrambled away trying to put together the effort to teleport away, realizing he should have dealt with that immediately.

As he was working at pishogues and slowly trying to work his way through the knots of mana, chi and pishogue that nailed him down, Ranma stood straight and brought her hands together in a hand sign Balor had seen used by exorcists in the past.

"You..you're going to seal me, of course, you mealy cowardly hero types do so hate to do anything evil," Balor said. "Well, next time I see you, it will be outside this house, feng shih, and then you shall be smited for this little match."

Ranma arched an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.

"This is my house," Ranma said. "Someone should have told you. All smiting privileges are mine."

She altered the sign of her hands.

"Hun Tun," she whispered darkly, and then pulled her hands apart.

Balor had no words to explain what happened next as Ranma's chi reached in and started undoing all the logical bonds and relationships of Balor's physical existence. A terrifying wash of spreading non-existence that spread between the seconds so that he knew both an eternity of pain and yet be dead in the very next breath.

And before even Balor's soul could escape, the waves of chi and power flooding the region came crashing in upon him, slashing into the pieces of his soul as the points came together and coalesced into a tiny pearl which dropped to the ground at Ranma's feet.

The red-head gasped in a sharp breath and shuddered bending at her knees and dropping to her knees.

Catching her breath, Ranma picked up the pearl and then moved over to her desk and started writing a message on a scroll of butterfly paper.


Well-Known Member
blackkyuubi said:
Ouch. I don't know Y but you've been waiting to write that haven't you.
me, wanting to give Ranma a new-holds-barred beat down fight? why ever would you think that


Well-Known Member
Another set of tentacles grew out of the walls and the ground dragging one of the attacking Demons across the ground and throwing it into air further back.

Kyoko and her family watched as a cut appeared in the webbing between two of Lusca's braids-turned-tentacle as she called out for Naiki to appear.

Her father was just asking what that was supposed to do when a burst of smoke erupted ahead of Lusca. The rogues knew what was coming and shifted to hem in the figures coming out of the smoke.

Eija and Naiki came out of the smoke and immediately started gathering power. The green-haired girl moving in front and her marks flaring brightly as she set the Earth ahead of her to shaking.

"Naiki, you came!" Lusca called out as if surprised.

"I'm not even caring right now that you're a creepy stalker wh..." Naiki paused as she took in Lusca. "Who's apparently a creepy squid monster."

"Her name is Kraken, Naiki," Eija noted.

The Goddess turned toward the Demons grappling Lusca and slipped her hands out, jabbing pairs of fingers into seemingly harmless spots. But the Goddess of Blood had been a practitioner of dim mak well before she had ascended and she had made a study of Demonic anatomy upon realizing that her sister would be one.

And her domain was Blood.

Cancer was normally impossible for an immortal, whether someone like her or someone that has simply become so powerful that their body no longer marched on toward death. The changes to the genetics of such people made it nigh impossible for anything to mutate. Gods and Demons didn't evolve so much as they self-evolved.

However, it could be afflicted and the Demons holding Lusca felt it now as their blood cells broke down, the marrow in their bones rotted, and they became in capable of carrying oxygen.

"Drop the tentacles," Naiki snapped.

And Lusca nodded ending her spell of summoned tentacles.

Which was when Naiki lashed out with a host of vacuum blades slicing into some of the Demons ahead of her. Some died, but most managed to resist enough only to be cut.

Which was when all the inflicted cuts on their body tore open as Naiki and Eija combined their Realm and Domain into a Torrent of Blood.

Taking a breath, Lusca let go of the wall and swayed back, sinking back into her normal form, into Kyoko's hands, looking again like a brunette pettanko girl.

Still several seemed to be resisting.

"We need to get out of here," Naiki said. "I just showed Tessa where we are!"

"Right," Eija said, stepping over toward Kyoko's family. "Follow me please, we don't want to be here."

"And where do you suggest we go?" the mother asked as Eija led them into the blood pool to the horror of their expressions.

"Kaname says Tessa knows where she wants us, Naiki," Eija said and then she was sinking into the blood with her charges.

The green-haired Demoness turned back toward Kyoko and Lusca, grabbing them and vanishing into smoke as the Demons ahead of her started to recover from the surprise of a Goddess and Demoness working together so well.

Then they discovered the pattern of Ainur strategy a moment later when that block of the neighborhood was practically wiped off the map.


Eija stepped up out of a blood patch on the floor and into a medical tent with her two passengers.

"Here we are, safe and sound," Eija said, sighing in relief and dusting herself off.

"How did we," the two people asked.

"Every Goddess can travel through a particular medium," Eija said. "I'm unfortunate enough for mine to be blood. I suppose there could be worse."

She held back a wince or the scream of sadness she felt at the amount of swiftly approaching death around her.

"You really are a Goddess?" Kyoko's mother asked.

"For a few months now," Eija said.

"Then you can't die?" the father asked.

"No," Eija said sadly. "We can die. A lot of us have."

"You, Goddess," a tall fellow in Japanese Defense Force uniform said before any other questions could be asked. "You're Eija Satomi?"

"Yes, sir," Eija said snapping into attention.

"You're needed," he said. "You were supposed to be here already."

"My apologies," she said. "I was intercepted."

She turned to Kyoko's parents and bowed.

"I have to go now," she said.

"Can you just manipulate blood or can you do more?" the soldier asked.

"I can cast other spells now," Eija said. "But my own ability is quickest. It might be better to have someone else do the actual healing and let me preserve or replace the blood."

The two human women watched as the teenaged goddess walked off answering questions quickly and accurately, acting like a perfect young woman obeying her elders.

Despite the fact that she was a Goddess and the elder in question here was a human.

And then a burst of smoke appeared and out of it came there own daughter and the two Demons that had helped them with her.

"Are you okay, Kyoko?" Naiki asked quickly as the other girl's parents came around her.

"I'm fine, Lusca kept us safe," she said, nodding her head toward the shorter girl.

"Right," Naiki said, moving over to put her hands on Lusca's shoulders.

"Squee," Lusca said quietly, trying to restrain herself to lucidity as Naiki touched her.

"Lusca, you beautiful, creepy little lunatic stalker brunetter!"

"Huh?" Lusca asked.

"Okay, I know I shouldn't feed the stalker, but..."

And then Naiki kissed her firmly and pulled her tight for several long seconds.

"Awww," Kyoko said, reaching into her pocket to draw out her camera and catch an image of the shocked, melting expression on Lusca's face during the kiss.

Then Naiki pulled away, still holding Lusca's shoulders.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," Naiki said. "Wonderful timing."

"Uhhh.." Lusca said, questioningly. "You're welcome?"

Naiki winced and straightened up, letting go of Lusca's shoulders.

"Okay, I'm in trouble...a bit worse than normal...uh, wait here," she said. "Have someone look at you, you look a little more dazed and glassy eyed than normal. Kyoko?"

"We're fine," the girl said, limping forward to catch Lusca before the Demon girl's knees failed. "I guess you should be going."

Naiki vanished into a puff of smoke then.

Kyoko's father looked over at his daughter.

"Your Demon friends are..." he started to say.

"Naiki is bisexual," Kyoko said. "I think Lusca is Naiki-sexual."

"Are you...?" her mother started to ask.

"Mother, do you remember meeting my boyfriend?" she asked.

"She kissed me..." Lusca said in a awestruck voice as Kyoko sat her down and checked the bleeding cut from her head where her monster form was cut.

"And...?" Kyoko asked.

"She's not very good," the Kraken said, mystified.

"Well, she gropes and flirts a lot," Kyoko said. "But I wouldn't be surprised if that was her first kiss."

Which was when Lusca would have started hearing symphony orchestra if she had heard such before.

Kyoko turned her head a bit and thought back to something Naiki had said about "feeding the stalker".

"Did you just?"

"It's for their own good," Kyoko said.


"We'll have to find Balor again quickly," Thor said to the gathered Demons, Gods and Ainur in the tent with him. "There's no telling what sort of damage he can do if he's just running around free. He's far more powerful than the average category one. I'd almost put him in the category of the oldest of us."

"What about the Satomi girl," one of the human soldiers asked. "Shouldn't we be talking about a hostage situation here?"

"In all likelihood," Morrigan said grimmly, "she's already dead."

"She's not," Mara said, coming into the meeting, causing the Demons present to snap to a straight attention. "We got a message that her mother stepped in and both Satomi girls are safe."

"What are you doing here?" Thor asked. "Aren't you supposed to be watching your virus scratchers?"

"Kaname Chidori is supposed to be coming in," Mara said. "We were a bit short of people to pick her up since she was reported safe."

"Ranma Satomi fought Balor alone?" Morrigan asked.

"Yes," a voice said from the entrance and everybody turned to see Ranma walking in, looking heavily tired. "I fought him."

"Your family is incredibly lucky," Thor noted, nodding. "You don't happen to know where Balor is would you?"

Ranma nodded and moved forward to put a small pearl on the planning table.

"What's this," Morrigan asked.

"You asked where Balor is," Ranma said walking to the back of the tent to grab a bottled water.

"And what does the pearl have to do with that?" an Ainur asked.

"That's where he is," Ranma noted.

The collected war council and Mara turned to look at the pearl and back to Ranma who was eagerly drinking the water down.

"You sealed him in a pearl?" Morrigan said, bending down to pick it up.

"His soul anyway," the redhead noted. "I first undid the bonds of yin and yang so his body couldn't hold together."

Everybody looked at the pearl again.

"You see!" Mara snapped pointing at the various people that had teased her about being afraid of Ranma. "You see?!"

"Mara, you're supposed to be getting Kaname," Ranma reminded her.

"Right, going," the Demoness of Smoke said.


Well-Known Member
Thrythlind said:
for main to be blood
"Main" should be "mine."

I'm kinda surprised she didn't just pull all of the blood out of their bodies.


Well-Known Member
ringlhach said:
Thrythlind said:
for main to be blood
"Main" should be "mine."

I'm kinda surprised she didn't just pull all of the blood out of their bodies.
they have to be cut first for her to make them lose blood that way...

she can poison it, purify it, control it's motion outside the body, stop it up, thin it out...but she can't make it explode out with out an existing wound
she can poison it, purify it, control it's motion outside the body, stop it up, thin it out...
That's a hell of a lot scarier than just flushing it out of the body

Plus, you can add "making one big air bubble inside the heart". I think that's instantly lethal.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I kind of think so too...which is why I kinda thought that two of them dying basically because their blood was corrupted into malfunctioning dirty water was probably the most creepy part of this


Well-Known Member
Weapons designed for taking on formations and large vehicles were less useful against human sized opponents, but the battlefields in America showed a similar pattern to what was happening in Tokyo. Socrates Group and the American military persisted in operating by giving the Demons the stand-up fights they expected from dealing with Gods and other Demons for centuries.

And then they cut off the fights with massive ordnance.

"New York is going to be clear in the next hour, sir," O'Neil shouted into the feed so that Hammond nodded. "But I'm not going to want to see the repair bills."

"Understood, Colonel," Hammond said. "Get to it, help the army and marines secure the city, then move on to Chicago as soon as you can."

"Got it, sir," he said. "But from what I hear, that won't be too long either."

Hammond nodded and looked to the situation map as reports came in.

The hot spots on the United States were slowly calming down. Tokyo and England were likewise reporting to be gaining ground.

They had no reports yet from the Warsaw nations.

At least until the first missile launch was detected and the explosion ripped into one of the Soviet Union's member states, obliterating the city it was aimed at.

"My God," he said. "No offense."

"None taken," Hermes noted as they watched the report come in.

Another nuclear launch by the soviets fell flat, probably destroyed before it could reach its target by one of the powerful Demons the soviets were fighting.

"Anything you can do?" he asked.

"Give me a moment," Hermes said. "We've got several category ones in Yggdrasil now, they should be able to at least contain it."


"But, that's sort of what made us run away the first time," he admitted.

"Wonderful," Hammond said.

Elsewhere, they were receiving confirmed reports of sections of Africa and South America that the Demons were taking hold in successfully, on into the Middle East. Small blips being conquered by individual Demons with less of an interest in extermination than others. Though most of the Demons around the world retreated back to Nifelheim as their attack was repulsed in many places.

He shook his head as he watched the situation develop.


The Venoms had become less than intimidating opponents of the late, but what was of most concern to Sousuke was that Amalgam was here at all. They had made one attempt on Kaname again, but with reports that she was out of reach, they were still in the area.

Perhaps they simply thought they could get a line on where Kaname was?

So far, in addition to moving in to be ending artillery for some fights against the Demons, he'd tracked and destroyed three Venoms and five Shadows.

"Urzu-7 here," he said. "Amalgam activity seems to be clearing out of the Jindai area."

"Affirmative," the Captain's voice said. "The Japanese and Americans confirm skirmishes as well. We think they're trying to take hold of Nekomi for some reason. Be advised, the Americans are trying to force a full breakthrough with the Japanese in support, we're tasked with securing the Norns and Whirlwind staff. Preferably they've already evacuated, but no reports yet. I want you on site for heavy support. A Venom is still a bit more than I want to pit an Ainur against alone."

"Affirmative," Sagara said. "Urzu-7 out. Al, keep an eye out for bogeys but we're going off search and destroy for now."

"Understood, Sergeant Sagara," the computer said.

Trusting in the computer to warn him of incoming enemies, Sousuke put on the speed of the Arbalest as he charged forward through the streets heading toward Nekomi. The line of Amalgam's attempts to hold the ground was obvious as Sagara started seeing a growing number of Japanese and American AS groups exchanging fire with a scattering of Shadows.

"This is Urzu-7 of Mithril," he broadcast. "I'm breaking the lines to secure the VIPs."

"Received Urzu-7," the response came. "We'll give you covering fire in 3 - 2 - 1..."

The area ahead of Sousuke was washed in the fire of shells and at least one lambda driver's aura on the other side, which Sousuke aimed directly for. His own machine's lambda driver cycling wildly as he reached back with a knife and then lashed it out in a Amaguriken through the machine.

He was surprised to find the enemy machine move out of the way and respond with a slashing lambda enhanced attack himself.

"Whoop!" the call over the radio declared. "You must be Mithril's golden boy!"

As the smoke cleared, Sousuke found that he was dealing with an altered Venom, several sections seemed to have been replaced with crystalline plates.

"I've been waiting for you," the rather more cheerful than he should have been voice declared.


"Come on, come on," Skuld muttered, moving to the next building, Sanya moving along behind her. "Why can't I find a simple puddle of water?!"

"You're the one that wanted to show me that ice cream place," Sanya said. "Do you think we'll have another fight? I've never been able to handle myself like that before! I was like..."

"We're trying," Skuld said, "to either get to the temple and my sisters, or to a pool of water to get out of here. We're not looking for fights! I'm barely sixteen and you only look thirteen."

"I thought you'd saved the world before," Sanya said.

"And that was when I was with my sisters," Skuld reminded the girl. "Now help me look..."

They turned a corner to see a number of soldiers of various uniform types knocked about the street in the midst of the clear sign of explosives and one man standing in the center of it and turning to look back at them. Oddly, there were pantyhose tied around his arms.

There were no marks on his face, but Skuld could still tell he radiated power, probably more than either her or Sanya alone.

The man pulled out a pair of photographs from his pocket and looked it over.

"Well," he said. "Hello there. Miss Wodinsdottir. I've been looking for you."

He leaped forward out to grab Skuld as she froze in place. And then Sanya was there in front of her, thrusting a palm forward.

Tarou was surprised as his body touched Sanya's hand and all that kinetic energy funneled into her before being absorbed and reversed sending him flying backwards into the wall.

"OhhhHOHOHOHOHOHOHOO!" Sanya laughed loudly. "See what you get for crossing the path of Sanya San, the Pillar of Strength of the San branch! The Arrow that Cuts through the Valley! OhhhHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!"

"Don't bully the dragon, Sanya," Skuld said, grabbing the girl's shoulder.

The man with the pantyhose pulled himself out of the rocky debris and stepped forward staggering a bit and shaking his head.

"All right," the man said. "Looks like I'll have to get a little more serious with you."

And he pulled out a canteen and poured it over his head, growing into a huge form like a minotaur with tentacles.

The creature flew forward and dropped downward on the little laughing girl and again, she caught him and slammed him into the nearest building and then into air across the street.

She walked into the center of the street and entered a stance.

"Come on and try, fiendish mortal!" she shouted with a smirk. "OhhhHOHOHOHO!!"

Roaring out an angry moo, the minotaur reached over to grab a car and toss it out toward the little girl, who only chuckled as she grabbed the edge of the car coming in at her, swung it around and launched it back at Tarou sending him falling backwards and shaking his head dazedly.

Once upon a time, she thought she could lift just about anything. She knew she was strong, and that was all she needed to know. Ranma Satomi had shown her a little bit differently.

If it was moving, she could make it move faster and in different directions.

As long as she touched it.

Kinetic strength.

If it moved, she could lift it.

"Come on," Skuld shouted, stepping forward to grab Sanya and pull her away. "Let's go before something else happens."

"Hah! Don't worry," Sanya called out. "I'm invinci--!"

The sound of a gun shot cracked through the scene and Sanya crumpled aside eyes wide in shock as a bullet tore through her hip and slammed her against the wall.

"Sanya!" Skuld shouted, turning about to see a handful of dark clothed soldiers heading her way.

She reached into her pockets and tossed out several of her bombs before she felt several pin pricks and looked to see a trio of darts sticking out of her abdomen. And she was already passing out at that point.

Sanya tried to stand up, but her injury kept sending her falling back painfully as she bled freely. One of her sisters, with more resilient skin than her had come out less lucky. At least she had the benefit of some minimal training.

"Hey, Akira," one of the soldiers shouted toward Tarou. "Be useful beyond a decoy and handle the extra."

"You're not getting away!" Sanya shouted angrily, pushing herself up onto one leg and launching herself at one of the soldiers.

She was caught in mid air by a massive fist and sent flying across the scene. Frantically, she focused on slowing down as she flew and so struck the first wall with minimal pain beyond what the first strike and her bullet wound had given her.

Tarou charged forward and then kicked at the girl as she tried to stand again. Sanya pushed down on the foot and the monster spun out over her head into the building behind her and through it. The debris showering down on the girl.

Some of it was pushed aside, but at least one struck down into the back of her head, slamming her down barely conscious as Tarou righted himself.

He was chuckling to himself and reaching out for the girl when another form dropped down into place in front of Sanya.

A tall Chinese woman with purple hair and the strange facial marks he'd seen on some of the more powerful people around the battlefield Tokyo had become.

And he remembered this girl was one of four that had worked together to beat him once before.

"Still a lazy, useless piece of trash? You've never done anything with your power?" Shampoo asked as she held his hand idly in front of her. "Have you never bothered to train such that a wounded child with barely a month of basic training can trounce your hide and you have to depend on a lucky piece of debris?"

Granted it was basic training the way Shampoo and Ranma thought of basic, but Shampoo was not of a perspective to make that point.

The monster form of Tarou snarled and he tried to lean forward.

"Oh please," Shampoo said. "I don't have time for this."

Shampoo's facial marks flared.

"Moko Takabisha," she said angrily.

And the blast of chi that washed out of her tore through Tarou and sent him tumbling backwards down the street before landing in a charred and bleeding mass and slumping down.

Immediately, Shampoo turned about to kneel at Sanya's side and start looking her over and placing pressure on the girl's bullet wound.

Shampoo reached up to her ear and tapped the device there.

"Hello, would whoever is listening on the other end of this contraption be so kind as to send a healer or doctor here immediately," she said tersely. "I have an injured child in dire ne..."

She paused as Eija Satomi's head poked up out of the pool of Sanya's blood and grab hold of the girl, immediately, the bleeding stopped and Shampoo noted some color coming back into Sanya's cheeks.

"I have her, Shampoo-san," Eija said quickly.

"Excellent," the Amazon said as the two girls vanished down into the pool of blood. "Somewhat disturbing, but excellent. Hello, thank you to the other end of this thing, note I have a piece of trash to be collected."

She walked over to Tarou and kicked him in the head as he started to stir.

"Bring hot water to make the load smaller," she added. "Or I might just dispose of it now."

Unfortunately, Sanya was all but unconscious and Shampoo had not arrived in time to see Skuld taken.


Gates chuckled as he rolled out of the way of the Arbalest's attack and then dodged inward.

"Oh no, no!" he said. "You're not getting away from me!"

And he shoved his shoulder into the Arbalest as it tried to get in past him and around to cut off Gates' maneuvering.

Sousuke for his end, grimaced bitterly as his opponent kept trying to push them into parts of Nekomi that his sensors implied there were still civilians present.

It made things more than a little difficult as his opponent showed no sign of hesitance for cutting loose with the lambda driver dangerously close to civilians. Sousuke found most of what he was doing was trying stretch out his own field to contain Gates'.

"Do you like the new model?" Gates asked in a whoop. "It's called Enkidu. I have no idea what that means, but it certainly is powerful and fun to pilot."

He chuckled wildly as he trailed a line of raw undirected lambda driver power along across his knife, dancing ahead to slice through one of the surrounding buildings. Then the Arbalest reached out to force the knife to stop and send the Enkidu stumbling backward.

"Or it would be if you didn't keep getting in the way!" Gates shouted loudly.

"What the hell are you even doing here?" Sousuke demanded.

"We're looking for something, of course," Gates said. "Not that I really care all that much, though I hear it's something of an interesting shape. I may just want to play with it later."

The Enkidu was powerful, Sousuke noted, wielding more power than the Arbalest was, even accounting for Sousuke. However, it was raw and untrained, just flailing about randomly. Like the Venoms only more so.

Gates came in again, pressing his power directly against Sousuke's and then Sousuke let himself shift aside, keeping his focus and giving ground creatively as Gates pushed his machine mercilessly.

"Time, Al?" he asked.

"He have surpassed the reported operating time of the Venom lambda driver," the computer noted. "AS designated Enkidu apparently has superior cooling measures."

Sousuke dodged his AS aside again as Gates whooped and pushed in.

"Parameters for using Silmaril access through the Arbalest lambda driver," Sousuke demanded.

"Untested," Al responded. "The lambda driver for the Arbalest does not have the same settings as the Scirocco which was designed for that purpose. Result, uncertain."

"What about when I rebuilt you before?" Sousuke asked.

"Power operated on the Arbalest," Al noted. "Power did not move through the Arbalest's circuits. Ability to handle full recorded energies of Ainur pilot, untested."

"Well, we're going to..." and he stopped as a third voice interrupted their discussion.

"Amalgam, Mithril, assorted militaries in the area," Gauron's voice said smoothly over the radio. "I assume you know who this is."

Gates paused as well as Sousuke in response to the voice.

"I was wondering," Gauron said. "Just what the feuding Testarossas were up to in this battlefield. Or is Leonard even involved in this one, hmm I wonder. It's not like they would trust him again after the Meridia debacle."

"Gauron," Sousuke said grimmly. "Where are you."

"Gayron! Gayron! Gayron!! What is the big fucking deal about Gayron?! I'm right here, about to fuck you up?" Gates demanded psychotically.

"Perhaps it's my charming personality," Gauron said and Sousuke thought he detected a rasp in the man's voice. "In any case, imagine my surprise when I recalled an old bit of info from my old friend Kalinin mentioning Miss Chidori as a 'prophet'. And then another piece of information, there's a Goddess of the Future who's currently not in full bloom of her powers. Now this little two pronged attack makes sense."


"Oh God," Tessa said quietly, face paling. "Do we have confirmation on the Norns yet?"

"We have a confirmed report of Urd with the Gods in the fighting," Mardukas said. "Belldandy and Keiichi Morisato are secured. Megumi Morisato is with Geisthexe already. We do not have confirmation on Chihiro Fujimo yet. There is one thing however. Sanya San was taken to triage by Eija Satomi with a bullet wound."

"Skuld was watching her," Tessa noted taking a deep breath.


"Well, last I heard you got yourself blown up and nibbled on," Gates noted. "So what are you going to do?"

"Why, the same thing Leonard was probably planning on," Gauron said. "I'll got someone else to do it for me. I understand they've intercepted your little akira and his handlers just perfectly."

Sousuke snarled angrily and lashed out at Gates, standing in his way, knocking the Enkidu backwards.

"Damn you," Sousuke shouted. "You're not going to get away this time..."

"Why, Kashim," Gauron's voice noted. "I'm not even in Tokyo, let everyone know, I've got the prize and if Leonard or Amalgam or anybody else wants her, they're going to have to come find her."

Sousuke growled as he searched through the neighborhood, looking for any Gods he could find, ignoring it as Gates started to get to his feet behind him.

"Where are you going Mithril boy!" Gates demanded firing out at Sousuke as the other pushed forward.

One of a set of crystals registered a small shimmer of blue energy, sensing a God or Goddess and he oriented himself so that the shimmer grew and made the effort to catch up to what must have been Skuld being taken away by Gauron's agents.

"You're not just leaving me in the lurch like this!" Gates shouted.

And then Sousuke's instruments read a massive upsurge of Mana as huge glowing circles appeared up and down the street around him. And out of that came a host of bluish, strange ASes like when he's only seen once before.

"What in the he..." Gates started to say before the Enkidu was attacked by three of the Mantles.

His lambda driver's aura held up for a few seconds against the Mantles, each of them bearing more power than him, but he lacked the skill and subtlety of his opponents.

And the second Enkidu suffered the same fate as the first: killed by the Gods.

"Get ready, Al," Sousuke snapped. "You're getting as much power as I can use!"

Several of the Mantles turned to look at the Arbalest and he recognized the formation of psychic energies shaped into spells or other effects.

Power flooded into the Arbalest's form, brushing aside the first two attacks that were directed toward him and Sousuke charged forward, stabbing his knife through the momentarily gone field of the first shocked Mantle destroying it in a blink.

"5-3+2-32-30+2-302-151+151-151151...." Sousuke rolled the numbers off his lips quickly.

As he finished and the numbers swirling about the Arbalest coalesced, a massive fire struck downward and spread out in an arch washing over the Mantles immediately about Sousuke.

"5-3+2-32-15+17-1517..." Sousuke rushed through and as he finished a rush of shrapnel rose up into air and outward away from him.

The various Mantles around him rose their battle auras up, but several burst leaks and Sousuke remembered that the God ASes were essentially living machines.

Reaching outward, he reached through the Network for one of two back doors they had into the other Networks.

"Eija, I need your help here," he whispered in his own rendition of a white magic prayer.

And the damaged ASes about him started springing heavy links, their battle aura breaking down as he passed through them.

"Warning," Al said, "Stresses beyond designed limits, continued operation in such situations are limited."

"I understand," Sousuke shouted. "We're going as long as we can!"

"All Mithril and Psyche forces, this is Captain Testarossa," Tessa called out. "Be advised, we are the only point of invasion for the Gods. Again, they're all coming down here. Hold as long as you can, give us as much time as possible to clear as many civilians as possible. We're waiting for the call from the Japanese to retreat."

Sousuke grimaced and rolled aside of another attack and winced as an internal explosion split through one of his AS's arms.

"Uploading system use readings and telemetry for later analysis," Al said. "System failure eminent."

"I got it," Sousuke said angrily.

He lunged forward and slashed into the torso of another Mantle.

"Captain Testarossa, advise missile strike on current location," Sousuke said.

"We can't pull you out, Sergeant Sagara," Tessa responded. "All the Gods and Demons are busy right now evacuating civilians. I'm going to give you permission to try out teleporting."

"Understood," Sousuke said, typing several buttons. "Searching for coordinates now."

"Cruise missiles on the way," Tessa noted calmly.

A Mantle lunged in and pushed in at the Arbalest, taking out a chunk of the leg just before Sousuke stabbed downward, shattering the mana-field with his own Ainur chi enhanced through the failing Arbalest.

"Download complete," Al noted.

"5-3+2-32-18+13-1813..." Sousuke called out.

A circular burst of energy swirled around him and swallowed him up, leaving the cockpit empty before the lambda driver failed and blew out in a wash of wild chi, smashing through the battle auras of several of the Mantles around him.

And the cruise missiles hit.


Sousuke appeared on the Labyrinth, panting and shaking his head, seeing a mass of people around him and more coming by the moment.

"Sousuke," Kaname's voice called out, pushing through the crowds to reach him. "Oh thank goodness!"

She moved to his side and hugged around him.

"Kaname," he said wearily, and nervously returning her hug. "Where's..."

"She's with the medics, come on," Kaname said.

"Right," Sousuke said, moving with Kaname toward where the medics had tried to put together a triage in a corner of one crystal cave.

Eija was there, moving in and out of a pool of blood, her own based on the slice on her arm, and pulling people out of the battle beyond.

She took a moment to walk over and hug Sousuke herself and then stepped back composing herself.

"I have to go back," she said. "There are still people in danger."

"Hey!" Naiki shouted as she appeared in a puff of smoke. "Ainur, you teleport now! Everybody up and grab people, Tessa's orders.

"We're running out of room," a voice called out.

And then another set of Ainur appeared in a swirl of liquid energy.

"Labyrinth," the woman in the center said, smiling. "Elizabeth Weir, Atlantis stands ready to take on refugees."

"Atlantis?" Naiki noted.


It wasn't much longer before teleporting in and out of Japan and Tokyo especially simply didn't work. Those outside who could see energies watched as a curtain of mana rose up to lock in the country, apparently what was making entering by non-physical means impossible.

Tessa examined the satellite and aerial reconnaissance grimly as she noted the Mantles dotting the island.

"That must be all the rebel Gods," someone said as the counts ran up. "What are they doing?"

"Hostages," Mardukas said.

"What?" someone asked.

"Aphrodite and her beauty contest let most of the Asgard civilians escape," Mardukas explained. "Zeus knows he doesn't have the raw power, he wants a hostage populace."

"Why Japan?" someone asked.

"Unsteady us," Tessa said. "So far, we've been acting out of Tokyo. He probably hoped to wipe out some of our leaders."


Hayes looked at the map and shook his head.

From the looks of things, the Soviet Union had launched half of its nuclear weapons, but they had been successfully contained or disabled or sent out of the atmosphere.

Only a handful had actually landed, all within the bounds of Soviet Union in places Demons had been known to be invading.

"They tried to nuke everything," Hayes said.

"Fortunately it was just one country," Hermes said. "Otherwise we'd have had to evacuate a few thousand years again. There's still going to be issues coming out of the bombs that did land."

"A hell of a country," Hammond noted.

"Looks like your father there took advantage of the confusion," Hayes noted, indicating the reports as Japan was lost.

"Yes, he has," Hermes noted with a frown. "I'm surprised he's up and moving so soon. Then again, I suppose he could have had other people do the grunt work."

"What's had him incapacitated, by the way?" Hayes asked.

"Aphrodite," the God of Messages said. "Apparently, she killed a few rebels too. That's what we've got from some of our prisoners in our own skirmishes."

"How'd she do that?" Hammond asked.

"We haven't heard specifics, but she was Goddess of Carnal Pleasure," Hermes noted. "How do you expect she did it."

"Hmmm," Hayes said, turning toward Hammond. "Can you get O'Neil on the line?"

"Right away, sir," Hammond noted, gesturing.

It wasn't long before they were treated to the image of O'Neil staring at them from behind some cover.

"Chicago's just about clear, sir," he said. "Anything else you need from us?"

"Well, we have some important information to pass on," Hayes said before Hammond could say anything. "But first I'd like one of your reaction to something."

"Go ahead, sir," O'Neil said. "I'll do my best to be as uniquely me under fire as possible."

"Good," Hayes said. "We've heard we think Aphrodite, the Goddess of Sex, killed some of the enemy leaders."

"Good for her, sir," O'Neil said. "I'm kind of in the middle of doing the same here."

"She killed...how many?" he asked turning to Hermes.

"We've had reports that it was anywhere from forty to eighty," Hermes said. "And three hundred or so incapacitated for a time."

"Damn," O'Neil said. "How'd she do that."

"She's apparently the Goddess of Sex," Hayes noted.

"Permission to make Aphrodite an enemy, sir," O'Neil said without missing a beat.

"Ahh, right, that's about what I was looking for," Hayes noted. "Give the colonel the rundown on the news, General Hammond."


Well-Known Member
Pantyhose makes his appearance.

Makes you wonder... where are the two old masters?


Well-Known Member
WarChild said:
Pantyhose makes his appearance.

Makes you wonder... where are the two old masters?
well, have to do a bit with the Byanakala region and the impact of the Soviets nuking themselves


Well-Known Member
Thrythlind said:
blackkyuubi said:
:angry: Gates :angry:
at least he was crushed like a grape
Not good enough. Gates was one of those charaters that just pissed me off so much with his lack of regard of life that I..... I...... GAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
blackkyuubi said:
Thrythlind said:
blackkyuubi said:
:angry: Gates :angry:
at least he was crushed like a grape
Not good enough. Gates was one of those charaters that just pissed me off so much with his lack of regard of life that I..... I...... GAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you'd rather it was him that annoyed Ranma in his/her house and ended experiencing basically the event horizon of a black hole?


Well-Known Member
Thrythlind said:
blackkyuubi said:
Thrythlind said:
blackkyuubi said:
:angry: Gates :angry:
at least he was crushed like a grape
Not good enough. Gates was one of those charaters that just pissed me off so much with his lack of regard of life that I..... I...... GAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you'd rather it was him that annoyed Ranma in his/her house and ended experiencing basically the event horizon of a black hole?
......... not bad enough


Well-Known Member
"This morning sees the world very different from the way we thought it was," the reporter on the screen said. "Countries on every continent have sustained attacks, the Soviet Union might very well be a nuclear wasteland, whole countries have been conquered and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people have died on all sides."

She walked to the side and looked back behind her where signs of battle where seen everywhere from the damaged buildings and the injured people sitting in tents.

"Last week," the reporter said. "I reported to you about how some of us in the media have known about some of the things that are now public for some time. We kept secret to keep the public from panicking and striking out at the people that yesterday were in the front lines of defending us against these attacks."

She took a few more steps to the side and let the camera take a broader view of the landscape around her.

"But what about the beings that are attacking our planet," she said. "And some of whom count among our defenders, we got a chance to talk to some of them in the wake of yesterday's battles."

The scene switched out to find the reporter sitting across from three figures sitting across from her.

"I'm Julia Donovan," the woman said. "And with me here is Alastor, Demon, Benten, Goddess and a representative of one of our own, Dr. Elizabeth Weir."

"It is good to meet you," the Japanese woman noted idly.

"I'm pleased to be here," the vaguely Mediterranean man said with a short bow.

"Hello," the tall brunette woman said with a smile. "I hope this will be a chance to make things clear."

"Let's start with the question most people are asking," Julia said. "Are these people attacking the Earth because you came here?"

"No," Alastor said. "They're attacking because you are here. We were in the way so we were hit first."

"Can you explain what you mean by that?" Julia asked.

Staring into the TV as it tried to calmly portray the situation, a number of people stood or sat in a local bar as the conversation moved on. As the sequence went to adds, footage from various battle sites around the globe.

It ended with the image of a young Demoness clerk dying in a prison.

"I don't see how we can trust these...aliens," someone noted. "Look at that girl. They're trying to make her out to be like some martyr."

"Her name was Rene," a woman said. "She was born nine months after Woodstock. Her father was a human who died in a car accident I was too drink or high too see coming. She was the only daughter I had in ten thousand years of life and the last thing I said to her before those bastards attacked us was that she'd never amount to anything."

She stood up and finished her drink, leaving some money on the counter.

"And they keep playing her apologizing to me," she said quietly, walking out the door.

Angrily, the man she had interrupted followed her out and grabbed her by the shoulder. Glaring into her red-marked face.

"Do you think I'm going to buy that you're just like us?" he asked. "You're a Demon, aren't you, what makes you think I believe you have the same emotions and you not just playing mind games with us to lead us into damnation."

"Think what you want," Illujanka said. "I don't care. I'm going to go wait for an assignment and if I'm lucky, It'll be something that will let me die half as well as she did."


"Let me go you thug!" Sayoko shouted angrily.

"Yell at me all you want, woman," the God escorting her down below said with a smirk. "Your powers are bond and I don't think you even have the slightest idea..."

Sayoko turned about to glare at the man, walked up into his face and stamped her high fashion heels down hard into his foot.

"Gah!" the soldier snapped, his hand came back and slashed forward to smash her across the mouth. "You wench! Don't you know who you are dealing with?"

Sayoko spat out a bit of blood and pulled herself straight to stare down into his face with a smirk.

"I'm an exotic beautiful woman you're collecting as a tribute for your boss," she said smiling in a superior manner.

She turned her head aside and displayed the bruise forming on her cheek and at the corner of her mouth.

"Does Zeus like his women damaged?" she asked. "The way I read the myths, he fancies himself a ladies man."

A look of fear started to come over the God's face.

"So," Sayoko said. "You're not going to lay a finger on me again. Understand?"

"You'll pay for this!" the God snapped, bringing the woman to the door and pushing her in before undoing the ropes on her wrists.

The door closed behind Sayoko and everybody within could feel the power tracing across the door outside, barring it from supernatural exit or entree.

Looking around her as she rubbed her wrists, Sayoko was unsurprised to find herself surrounded by other women in what would otherwise be considered a luxurious suite.

Mostly around her were other human women, though all very beautiful in different ways. There was an American air force officer, a police officer and a few what looked like pop idols or want to be pop idols. Sayoko did see three other women with marks on their faces. Two Goddesses and a Demoness.

"You're one of those new Immortals," the Demoness said. "How'd you get caught?"

"I came back to look for a friend," Sayoko said irritably. "I was trying to leave when that whatever happened."

"Dimensional wall," one of the Goddesses said, a girl with long gray hair streaked with golden bronze hair. "We ran into it ourselves, woke up here. You?"

"About five hours ago," Sayoko muttered sitting down. "So what happens now?"

"Zeus starts going through us, one by one," the other Goddess noted. She was dark in both complexion and hair, with bright red eyes. "If it's your first time with Zeus, you'll probably get pregnant. He'll probably send you on your way after that."

"It doesn't work like that," a woman said from elsewhere in the room.

"With Zeus, it does," the Goddess said.

"Why haven't you people sealed him already?" the Demoness demanded angrily.

"How did Balor get away with just about wiping out every Demon death seer in existence for five thousand years?" one of the two Goddesses responded.

"Let's focus here," Sayoko said. "Starting with names, I'm Sayoko Mishima, Ainur. Don't ask Ainur of what, last I heard from the people in charge of such things, we haven't set that stuff up yet."

"I'm Melinoe DisPater and this is my niece Nyx DisPater," one of the two Goddesses said.

"Meryl Streit," the Demoness said. "Nobody important."

"DisPater," Sayoko said. "I've met Persephone and Eija."

"Really, you met Eija Satomi?" Nyx said. "She sealed our mother's soul away."

The Demoness stood up and stared down at Nyx angrily.

"You're Hecate's daughter!" she said loudly. "Your mother started all this! Her plan killed thousands of us and you and the humans! Millions even!"

"And I'm not her!" Nyx snapped.

Sayoko stepped forward and got in between the two, pushing Meryl to sit back down.

"Focus here," Sayoko said. "Are all you Gods as predictable as the one that brought me here?"

"You go too long without renewing," Melinoe said. "You get narrow minded, you live in a fantasy world, decisions seem random but follow patterns that get thicker and thicker and don't change even if the world does."

"So the short answer is, the really old ones," Sayoko decided.

"There aren't many who can handle just living," Nyx said. "Some humans, Hild, Kami-sama, but its really rare."

"Wait, what do you mean humans?" the air force lieutenant said.

"Physical agelessness is normal for one of us," Melinoe explained. "But the mind sort of deteriorates. Now if you met a human who was more than two hundred years old, didn't look like they were getting any older than twenty or thirty. That person earned immortality, they weren't just born with it. They can live on and on and on without having to reincarnate."

"They say Hild was sixty-five million years old and never reincarnated," Meryl noted in a reverent tone. "She just changed her form to match what the rest of us were."

"Kami-sama was the same, except the age. I can count on one hand the people whose name's I know fit in that category," Nyx noted. "The rest of us have to either die or reincarnate before we go insane."

"So, you two sound like you've had experience with the Zeus guy before," the woman in the police uniform said.

Melinoe reached up to lift a streak of golden hair.

"He raped my mother," she said.

"Wait, are you saying he's your..." Sayoko let it trail off as the girl nodded. "What are you here for if you're..."

"Oh like he cares," Melinoe said. "I'm pretty. That's what he cares about."


Well-Known Member
Skuld found herself waking up in a small, dry brick room with the occasional cracks in the walls. She was still feeling a little groggy as she came too, wondering just how they knew what sort of drugs to use to put her under with out killing her.

If she'd seen the reports on some of Kodachi's facilities that had been raided during and since her final destruction, she would have known that the parasite had been researching God and Demon anatomy for Amalgam and her own purposes.

"Wha..." she asked blankly, trying to move her hands around and finding them bound behind her. "What? Sanya!"

She sat straight up and looked around worriedly, taking in her position and feeling that sense of worry, mostly for the girl she had been watching.

"You're awake I see," a man said and he stepped into the light then.

He was a tall man with olive complexion and pock-marked face.

"Who are you?" Skuld demanded.

"I'm you're babysitter for the moment," the man said, and he felt rather demeaned by the fact.

"If you don't tell me who you are," Skuld said nervously. "I'll..."

"You'll what?" the man asked. "From what I've heard, you're not that good at defending yourself with raw power, seem to take rather a lot of pride in using technology instead."

"I'm still..." Skuld started to protest.

"An immature, young Goddess," he cut her off. "And currently hidden in a safe spot in the middle of a Japan crawling with your people's rebel population."

Skuld's eyes widened.

"I believe their leader is named Zeus," the man noted, watching Skuld's face turn white. "Now, if you really want to try, I'm sure you could do something to stun me at least briefly. The question is whether or not you're close enough to one of these criminals to attract their attention when you do. And then can you get out of those bonds?"

"And what are you going to do with me?" she asked.

"Me, nothing," he said. "It's everybody else that seems to want a hold of you little girl. I'm just exchanging a favor for a favor here. Now, we've already had a bit of a snag, what with our exit out of this country being rather effectively cut off. Can't use a gate, they're not working. Can't fly, we'd get smeared across the sky. There's no way I'm taking you onto a boat where you'd only need a few seconds to dive away once we got away from Japan."

"So we're just going to sit here then?" Skuld asked.

"Until my client follows through on his end of things," the man noted. "Now, be a good girl and sit there while we see about finding food."


Kasumi moved about the small lava chamber, thankful that Ranma had told her where it was and that she and Tofu had been able to get so many people inside it.

"There's not enough room," she sighed idly.

"We've got some," Tofu said. "Do you know if..."

"Nabiki is out this time at least," Kasumi said. "Akane took her just before the Immortals were locked here or out."

It was at this point that Kasumi mildly wished that she had accepted the chance to become Ainur herself instead of "waiting until there was no one more deserving waiting."

She looked around again.

There were a number of people from the area around Jindai and from her own neighborhood picked up on the way to this hiding place while the Gods were running about in their machines. But there were also a handful of human soldiers of mixed commands.

A human Korean woman spoke with an female Ainur and a Demon along with those military personnel. But they didn't have any other Immortals with them at the moment.

And there was one other person of note.

Kasumi walked across the cave that had once been a serial killer's lair and bent down beside Nodoka Saotome, checking her vitals and temperature again. Careful not to wake her. The pain had started on her sometime in the early morning, but it only seemed to be getting worse, despite what she and Tofu could do.

It was apparently directly in her aura. She remembered hearing something of an explanation from Moloch earlier.

"It's a divine curse," he had said. "Perhaps one of the Gods above laid it on her."

When she'd suggested that to Nodoka last night, however, she'd gotten a rather cryptic answer.

"It's older than that," the older woman had said.


"I know I saw them take some Immortals and other soldiers prisoner," Wraith noted. "If we can get to them we could increase our ability to aid a counter attack. Not to mention any soldiers we can find who got clear."

"Every one of your Ainur has useful skills in some regard," Moloch said, indicating the young woman beside Wraith, "because so far you've been giving soldiers and other people the first priority. But every Demon or God we find is just as likely to be a civilian."

"No," Wraith said. "Because there was time for several trips back and forth and I don't think either Geisthexe, Thor or Testarossa would allow civilians to make repeat trips. Even if some did, the likely answer is that any of you on this side whose not an enemy is trained to fight."

Moloch nodded.

"And there will be Shadows," he said. "But the Gods will know that, they'll be hunting for them."

"Can they find this place?" Wraith asked.

"I could have been standing twenty feet from the trail and not noticed it," Moloch said. "It was already well hidden before whatever Satomi did to it. Is this one of her safehouses?"

"I imagine so," the intelligence operative noted. "So, first step, we need intelligence. We need to know what's up there."

"I can go," the Ainur noted.

"Not during the day, Seina," Wraith noted. "We need to minimize your and Moloch's risk of capture."

"Nor you, Wraith," Moloch noted.

"Pardon me?" the woman demanded. "Are you telling me how to do my job?"

"I merely note that our current enemy is likely having his soldiers on the look out for beautiful women for no other reason than that they are beautiful women," Moloch noted.

Wraith narrowed her eyes.

"So, we need someone who is rather less than noticeable and still human, preferably male," Wraith noted.

"Ahem," a voice interrupted them.

And they turned to look at Tofu.


A giant bluish AS walked down the street outside the school, scanning the area and missing it as two teens, one Ainur and one human, stuck their heads up into the windows after it passed and then hid back down.

"This is your fault, woman," Issei noted. "If you had not been so hard to find."

"I was hiding, Issei-kun," Mizuki said in a pleading tone. "I was supposed to be hard to find."

"What are we doing here anyway?" Issei asked.

"Eija said her mother made a hideaway somewhere on campus," the other teen noted quickly. "That's why I'm here when everybody else is home. By the way, do you know where my family is?"

"They were easy to find and get out," the martial artist said. "It's you that was impossible."

"Sorry for trying to stay out of the way," Mizuki noted petulantly.

"So where's this hideout?" Issei demanded.

"I'm not really sure," the girl said. "Eija was kinda whispering so no one would here and I'm not entirely sure she was supposed to be telling us, so I didn't really listen, cause then I'd probably tell someone and she'd get in trouble...yadda yadda yadda."

Issei grimaced and smacked a palm into his face.

"You couldn't have just not talked about it?" he asked.

"This is safer," Mizuki said idly. "Now it was something about something Naiki knocked down."

Mouse's son froze.

"I know where that is," he said.

A couple minutes later, they were standing at the sight that had once been the karate club's dojo. Which now only seemed to consist of a few remaining timbers of the building's foundation.

"Any instructions on how to find the hiding place?" Issei asked.

"Look for butterflies?" the girl said shrugging.

A sound and a glimpse of a distant Mantle had them both staring quickly around the ruins until Issei tripped over a corner of a stone of some sort.

"What the heck is that doing there?!" he demanded.

Mizuki bent down and started brushing at the dirt, uncovering a large slap of thick stone buried under dirt and sod, a symbol of a butterfly etched into it.

"Hey, here's the butterfly," she said starting to trace it.

"What kind of hideout makes you lift a stone out of the..." Issei stopped as Mizuki finished tracing the butterfly and the stone vanished underneath them, dropping them down into the hollowed out space within.

As they fell down, the stone reappeared above them, complete with dirt and sod.

Sitting up from an unpleasant (for Issei) tangle between a very happy, clingy girl and a martial artist, the two teens found themselves in the first room of what looked to be a small complex under the school.

A complex stocked with....stuff.

"How paranoid is this woman?" Issei wondered as he looked around.


Nodoka slept and dreamed, remembering the battle that had started last night and when she had been taken to the first aid tents to be looked over.

She hadn't been surprised to see a familiar face, but the specific face was surprising.

The pale-skinned girl. The one whose other grandmother had offered a peach several weeks previous. Irritably, Nodoka had stepped back out of the girl's line of sight and set herself to watching what the abomination was doing.

And the first thing shocked her as the girl set out a plastic tarp and cut a line into her hand to bleed over it. The injury seemed to close quickly and the amount of blood, even now, had seemed thoroughly unrealistic to the length of time it had bled.

But what happened next was the girl stepped forward and sank impossibly down into the pool of blood, returning quickly with an injured soldier and calling out for medics. It was clear to watch that she was doing something herself with the people she pulled out of the pool of blood.

Sitting very still, Nodoka watched quietly after that as the girl retrieved the wounded and talked with the soldiers and doctors well past the point civilians were being called to evacuate.

In fact, it wasn't until the tall, blonde form of a young man came along to her side and grabbed her shoulder.

"Eija, we need to go," he said.

"But there are still people to recover," she protested.

"But the doctors are already evacuating. Come on, little sister," he said simply. "We get started again on the other side."

Reluctantly the girl nodded and let the young man, her brother?, catch hold of her hand and both vanished.

Nodoka wondered how she had managed to sit close on hand without them or anyone else noticing, one single old woman sitting quietly out of the way in the midst of haste and chaos.

Perhaps it was fate.

Perhaps it was punishment for not speaking up then.

Idly in her dreams, Nodoka considered that she may have missed an opportunity.


Tessa looked about the central corridor of the city of Atlantis and the people walking two and from it, her arms were crossed politely behind her back and she was taking it all in.

This place is huge! Naiki told her. There are whales and kinda shark things out here too.

Compared to Nifelheim?
Tessa asked.

I don't know, about the same in the city part, the Demoness said. Thinking about doing some hunting for a bit.

Most people call it fishing when it's sea life,
the Ainur noted.

Most people aren't me, Naiki noted.

I'd rather, and I think your mother and Mara would rather, Tessa said, that you get back to this city. I believe you were grounded.

She felt Naiki wince.

I was stupid, the thought was very quiet.

Tessa wandered over toward one of the windows and looked out toward the ocean, casting through a quick series of numbers to zoom in and see Naiki lounging on the surface.

You almost got yourself and your sister killed, Tessa noted. Almost let Balor escape. And now you're swimming around in an alien sea talking about eating fish before hearing whether or not they are poisonous. I swear, Naiki, if you do anything else like that...if you don't die, I'm going to emulate Lucy Van Pelt and subject you to a slide show of your faults.

Why do I get stuck with all the people who tell me what to do?
the Demoness asked. My mother, Geisthexe-san, you.

Act a little more self-controlled,
Tessa noted, and you might find less external controls applied. You can't be a violent, tumultuous, overwhelming flow all the time.

Tessa blinked as the water around Naiki bulged and something started aiming toward the Demoness.

Naiki, you said there were sharks?!

Don't worry, it's a small one trying to scare me...

And then a set of tentacles erupted out of the water and gripped whatever it was swimming along the surface and dragged it down, much to Tessa's relief and Naiki's annoyance.

Ack! She followed me again!

And then there was a pair of bursts of smoke as Tessa shook her head. There was no way that Lusca had been anywhere near Naiki in the water without Naiki knowing.

"Did...did everyone just see that?!" a man's shocked voice called out, pointing at a monitor and then out the window. "Was that a giant squid?"

"Two of the Demons were playing in the water," Tessa noted.

"I thought they were all human!" the man, a rather excitable looking Ainur noted.

"They can change shape," Tessa noted.

"Okay, right," the man said then taking in Tessa and her uniform. "Uhh, who are you? Wait, you're the secretary, aren't you?"

Tessa sighed and started to open her mouth.

Another person walking up then, a man in his late twenties or early twenties, somewhat disheveled and with a rather bland look on his face.

"Rodney, I can hear you screaming all the way down the hall," he said. "Now, have you seen our visitor yet? She was supposed to be coming in any time."

"Excuse me," Tessa noted calmly.

"Just a moment, kid," the second man said politely to her before turning back to Rodney. "Besides the secretary, anything?"

"Aren't we supposed to have a picture or description at all besides Colonel O'Neil's 'uniquely unreal'?" Rodney asked. "I mean, come on Shepard, Teyla met her for goodness sakes. And we probably got a look at her mind for a bit when we did this thing."

He pointed at his forehead.

"Any side effects by the way?" Shepard asked. "Head feel like it's going to explode or something."

"No, not so far," Rodney noted.

"Anyway," Shepard noted. "Teyla called her a 'truly graceful lady', you said O'Neil's. All Teal'c would say was that she was 'indeed most impressive'. And the eggheads over there started talking about her physics and engineering work or her references to Lord of the Rings and the 'symbolic nature of choosing a set of images that were created by humans independently of influence by other species'."

"So no useful descriptions," Rodney noted.

As they spoke, Captain Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa stood behind them getting rapidly frustrated. Again she wondered why so many people had trouble believing she was a military commander. It couldn't just be the age, Sergeant Sagara was sixteen and no one had trouble believing he was a soldier.

She put her hands behind her back patiently after pushing her long lavender hair out of the way, displaying the green Ainur marks. Perhaps if they saw she was an Ainur, they'd realize she wasn't the secretary. That was a particularly disturbing mistake given what had happened to her secretary last week in the siege at Meridia.

Killed by a traitor who had been deep in Tessa's trust. One of the people that had died for Tessa's massive trap to work out completely.

"I got the sense that there was some sort of joke to it," Shepard said. "I swear that Teal'c character was smirking at me. And I know O'Neil was laughing at me when I asked."

"Really, so she could just walk up without us recognizing her and listening us talk about some nonsense or another," McKay noted. "That's a hilarious joke."

"Excuse me, gentlemen," Tessa noted. "I believe..."

"All right, all right," Shepard said, sighing. "I'm sorry, we'll take you to where the Mithril people are so you can relay messages."

"Actually..." Tessa started to say. "Actually, that'll work to start I suppose."

"All right, then," Shepard noted, gesturing casually for Tessa to follow him. "McKay, if you want to come along, maybe there's something techy in whatever news she has."

"Right, right," McKay said. "Let's go."

They walked down a couple of hallways and turned at a door that opened up onto a large room, McKay and Shepard walking in ahead of Tessa, chatting.

Standing across the room, Naiki was standing staring at the door intently, a suppressed grin on her face as Tessa entered the room and there was an immediate reaction from the milling Mithril soldiers.

"Captain on deck!" Mao shouted, snapping to standing. "Attention!"

Rodney stared ahead, a completely lost and confused expression on his face as he took in what had been a collection of assorted milling mercenaries and suddenly had transformed into the model of military discipline and decorum.

Beside him, Shepard froze and closed his eyes tight in surprise, mouth held open in mid sentence. As Rodney stared at the Mithril soldiers trying to figure out exactly what was going, he slowly turned to look at Tessa smiling in a pleased manner at the soldiers as she walked forward gracefully toward the much taller man at the head of the group.

"Lieutenant Groseaux," she said mildly. "At ease please."

"Sergeant Major," the lieutenant noted.

"Soldiers, at ease," Mao called out, and the ranks smoothly switched over.

"Oh God, she's her," Rodney said meekly.

At which point Naiki burst out laughing and fell back to the floor, holding her stomach.

"Miss Satomi," Tessa noted sourly. "If you would please."

"I'm sorry, Tessa," Naiki said working to control herself and calm down. "Really, I am."

Tessa nodded and turned back to her soldiers.

"Sergeant Major Melissa Mao," she said. "Step forward, please."

Mao stepped forward and turned about to come up to where Tessa stood, before snapping a salute.

Behind Tessa, Shepard had entered first attention and then at ease in a hurry, reacting instinctively to the show of military respect in the room.

"Captain Testarossa," she said.

"She's a kid," McKay said.

Irritably, Shepard snapped out a hand and bumped McKay on the shoulder.

"Oh, right," McKay said, getting into something of a cross between attention and at ease, some of the Mithril soldiers glaring at him.

"I have word from the Council," Tessa said. "You are, as of this moment, Second Lieutenant Melissa Mao and officially second in command of the Tuatha DaDanan's Special Response Team."

Tessa retrieved a box and handed it to Lt Groseaux as Mao looked a bit surprised.

"If you would do the honors, Lieutenant?" Tessa asked in a sweet, friendly tone. "As the new commander of the unit."

"Yes, Ma'am," the man said with a smile and salute before turning toward Mao and placing her new rank pins.

As it was done, both Tessa and Lieutenant Groseaux stepped back and snapped a clean respectful salute which Mao returned.

"All right," Tessa said finally in soothing and mild tone. "I am told that the Japanese Imperial Family wants to see honors given to the unit and some of you in particular. But that is going to wait for now. I need everyone to get as much rest as they can. We are still officially employed in defending Japan."

She took a deep breath.

"It is just that the definition of defend has changed a bit," Tessa noted. "We are going to be going back into action in a matter of days. The job is the same, we're making pin point attacks to secure civilian populations from attack while the JSDF presses the attack. US forces are going to be doing the same thing as us, as well as providing support and reinforcements for the Japanese. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am," the soldiers noted in unison.

"Everybody knows what to do if you've cleared an area of civilians and have enemy contacts," Mao asked sharply.

"Tell the Captain where you are," was the response.

"Sergeant Sagara," Tessa said. "2nd Lieutenant Mao, Sergeant Weber. Please follow me."

"Yes, Ma'am," the three said sharply.

The young woman turned around to give McKay and Shepard a sweet, friendly smile.

"I believe we have a meeting with Dr. Weir?" she noted with a friendly tone.

"Yes, Ma'am," Shepard said quickly, snapping a salute and leading the way out with a much more professional bearing.

"Everyone please relax and return to what you were doing," Tessa commanded encouragingly as she left the room and gave her men a little wave.


"So that's our information," Weir said. "Kolya is a renegade soldier from one of the shard realms who made his way to Earth some time ago. And it looks like he's had contact with this Gauron character."

"I thought the Gods could track each other's locations," Shepard noted. "At least with their supercomputer thingy working."

"It's been tried," Tessa said. "We can't find her. But we don't believe Gauron has that capability. As such, we are concluding..."

"They never got of Japan," Dr. Weir said.

"That is what we think," Tessa said. "Sergeant Sagara, what can you add to the discussion?"

"Captain," Sousuke said sharply.

"Captain," Rodney McKay repeated quietly in bewilderment as he still tried to take in the fact that a sixteen year old girl was the much rumored Captain Testarossa.

Several rolled eyes looked toward him as Tessa sighed and Mao smirked.

"It is likely that Gauron has a way to track her," the Mithril sergeant noted. "He plays misdirection games quite frequently."

"I don't really like this," Shepard said. "Kolya isn't exactly the kind of person to do another person's dirty work for them."

"It is most certainly a trap," Tessa agreed in a cutely insistent way.

"She's a cute little girl," Rodney said.

"She's a cute little girl with a nuclear arsenal," Shepard noted.

Tessa sighed in frustration again. She liked dealing with the Council a lot better. They knew her abilities and value.

"What's been suggested," Weir noted. "Is that you find Gauron and get a way to track the hostage. Shepard and his team go in to retrieve her from Kolya."

"Really?" Tessa noted, looking toward Shepard.

"Sounds like fun," Ronan said, shrugging.


"Damn it!" one of several Demons snapped angrily. "This is ridiculous?"

Mara had to agree actually, it wasn't that Nidhog was so well secured at the moment. No, it was that it had been left a bloody mess that was proving incredibly slow to navigate and clear. They could tell the rebels were still getting increased levels of power, but getting to Nidhog itself to shut that down was proving frustrated.

"At this rate, it'll be a hundred years before we can clear everything enough to get something done," another Demon protested.

"No offense," Megumi said, "but your base code is kind of clunky too."

Kaname groaned and thunked her head to a desk through the console she'd been taught to create.

"Somebody just shoot me," she moaned.

"Who the hell can mess up an entire Network like this in a couple of months?" some demanded.


Well-Known Member
"That's it, that's it," Kurz said encouragingly, walking backwards between two bars.

"Hard," the girl in front of him said as she leaned heavily on the bars and took one shaky step forward.

Shichimu slipped and fell forward, Kurz stepping forward to catch her before she could fall all the way to the ground.

"Gotcha," Kurz said with a friendly smile, holding the girl securely. "Easy."

The girl responded with a clutter of confused grammar and vocabulary from several languages. It was hard to tell whether she was using it correctly or incorrectly, but the frustration of the babeling was clear on her face each moment until she gave up and just thumped Kurz on the shoulders in frustration.

"Yeah, yeah," Kurz said quietly. "Don't worry about it."

He let her express her frustration, holding her in support, for a little longer before standing up and carrying her over to set her down on one of the seats there and then stand up himself to walk over to the bars himself.

"Watch, okay, Shichi?" he said with a big smile on his face. "You put your arms here..."

He resisted the urge to use smaller words. It wasn't definitions that was the girl's problem, it was concepts such as "if", "before", "because", "after" and other such nebulous concepts which generally had to be experienced. Someone had said the more people just talked to her, normally, the more likely she was to start thinking in normal terms of causality and relative location.

"Look at my elbows," he said, bending them to show they were loose. "Don't do like this."

He locked his arms in place and pulled himself along by leaning on his arms, quite a bit like what Shichimu had been trying to do a moment ago.

"Don't do that," he said, smiling at her. "Because when you run out of bar..."

and he tried to pull himself into empty air and let himself tumble forward in what looked like a completely unintentional tumble, rolling across the floor a moment and coming to a sitting position rubbing his head.

Shichimu gasped and then relaxed when it was clear that the fall hadn't hurt her friend, and then she started to giggle.

"Funny," she said lightly.

"Heh, yeah," Kurz noted. "Funny."

He stood up again and moved back to the bars and pointed at his feet.

"Okay," he said. "Watch."

At which point he started to walk, pausing every so often to show that his arms weren't taking the weight. Shichimu watched very carefully.

"You got it?" Kurz asked.

Shichimu turned he head about in the characteristic expression that said she was looking for a word. Or rather, trying to tell if a particular word was one that meant what she wanted it to mean.

"Yes?" she tried.

"All right," Kurz said, let's try this again then.

He walked over to her and picked her up to bring her to the beginning of the bars and then step between them himself. The girl started trying to walk again, taking a handful of steps. They were small and hesitant, just like before, using mostly her arms at first and then slipping again as she tried to use her feet.

Kurz caught her and held her up from falling as she started complaining in a babel that only increased her frustration again.

"Hey, hey," Kurz said. "It takes most kids a year to figure this out, don't worry about it, you'll get it."

"Wouldn't it be easier to leave that to the physical therapists?" a voice asked.

Kurz glanced back to see Nimu standing there, coming forward.

"I like to help when I can," Kurz said simply. "By the way, can you tell the other Nis to watch what they say around her?"

"How do you mean?" Nimu asked coming up to the bars herself. "Are the Nis bothering you, Shichimu?"

"Nis?" Shichimu asked, interrupted in her frustration.

"Well when they complain about..." he glanced toward Shichimu's generous chest. "They're going to give her the same complex they have."

"You want her to be happy about..." Nimu cut herself off at the look. "Fine, I suppose we can allow her to appreciate her...body type. She's certainly not the only such person around."

"Thanks," Kurz said. "See, Shichimu, you're pretty, so don't let anything you hear from your sisters make you think otherwise."

"Pretty?" Shichimu repeated. "Cute? Kawaii. Beauty?"

It was just words to her, a thesaurus of many languages that all referred back to each other and none of which completely conveyed the concept that some people were more attractive than others.

For that, she had to have such concepts as "attractive" or "more".

However, Kurz's tone seemed to suggest it was a good thing so she smiled and went back to the more important matter of trying to walk. She started to look down again instinctively adjust in frame of reference to focus on the legs, long ungainly things that were apparently supposed to hold her up.

Though another sensation started to distract her.

An excited babel came out of her then, along with a helpless expression.

"Wha..." Nimu started to say.

Kurz lifted Shichimu up and handed her over to Nimu.

"Restroom," he said quickly.

The elder of the two girls blinked for a moment and then flushed briefly as she rushed for where she'd been directed to the restroom, bringing Shichimu into it and coming out a little bit later, looking rather red.

"Yeah," Kurz said, blushing himself. "She's not really figured out that either. And moving her around isn't helping much, first Meridia to the Labyrinth now to this place. I mean the people here are nice and all, but hopefully she won't have to move anymore."

"You're going on mission soon, aren't you?" Nimu asked.

"Yeah," Kurz said.

"Have you thought about the amoount of change it would be if you didn't come back?" Nimu asked.

"Yeah, I have," Kurz said. "I kinda hope if that happens, she'll end up forgetting about me so she doesn't have to wonder about it."

"I'm not sure that would be best," Nimu said quietly. "We've always tried to remember every one of our sisters that died. Now at least there are other people."

"How are your other sisters doing?" Kurz asked.

"Sanya is awake," Nimu said. "The doctors here say she'll be fine, though I think some Goddesses and magic were involved in making that so. It was close. Yonjuu came out all right, very tired but safe for the most part. And I believe Yaku is playing some sort of new game she either made or found. As for the rest of us. Some died in the fighting, but most of us are still alive. Sans, Yons and Gos were kept out of it at any rate."

"Yeah, the Sans around here keeping making it an issue," Kurz said with a smile.

There was a noise from inside after a brief period of silence and Nimu glanced at the door.

"What does...oh?" she realized, flushing red again.

"Yeah," Kurz said, obviously embarrassed. "Doing it myself just is...inappropriate. I'll go get one of the nurses or doctors around here."

Nimu grimaced and moved toward the door.

"I've got it," she said. Pausing, she turned toward him. "If you need help, I'll try to be there for her when you aren't."


Well-Known Member
"Oh, yeah, that feels nice," Mao said as she lay face down on the bed, head held in crossed arms.

Ranma, with dark hair and a male form, carefully isolated the weary muscles and worked at them with a directed force that broke down the knots of fatigue and worry that had settled themselves into the woman's shoulders and back.

"You realize a rifle is a ranged weapon, don't you?" Ranma asked in a teasing tone.

"I used it at range," Mao protested playfully. "I also stuffed it down his throat, but I used it at range."

She turned around on the bed as Ranma finished with one muscle group and rose herself up on her elbows before reaching for a six pack nearby and grabbing one of the non-alcoholic Heinenkens.

Mission was now less than twenty four hours away.

"So, if you're a nuclear barrage," she said, "capable of wiping out a small country. That makes me...the Death Star?"

She smiled across her beer as she popped it open and took a heavy pull of it.

"I'd say if that were the case, I was more of an X-Wing fighter," Ranma quipped.

"Ha! Well you got the access port right at least," she said, pushing herself up and leaning across her knees to star at him. "I guess you're a..." she counted up a few incidents in the back of her head. "Fifth date kind of guy."

For his part, Ranma lifted one knee and leaned his elbow on it so that he could lean forward to look at her.

"Yeah, well, it was worth the wait," Ranma said. "I hope so anyway."

"You have an unfair advantage," Mao noted. "How am I supposed to compete with someone bilingual in the language of bodies, who has spent their lives studying the way the body works?"

And he...no, make that she, had had lovers in the last seventeen years. At least Melissa would have expected him to be a lot more uncomfortable than he had been in the process.

"I'll match your enthusiasm against my cold technique, anytime," Ranma said.

Mao finished a gulp of her beer and pointed the can toward Ranma with a firm glance. He was much more comfortable now, sitting and talking to her, even if he had enjoyed their earlier exchange.

It was probably one of the larger, unsaid compliments he had paid her so far.

"You," and she emphasized it with her beer can, "are not cold, Mr Li Shengshen," she said teasingly. "You barely show it on your face, but you burn hotter than the sun under that lake surface."

"And you're not quite as crass as you make yourself out to be," Ranma said.

"What?" Melissa returned, pausing to finish her beer and toss it aside before moving forward to get inches from Ranma's face, grinning broadly and poking a finger on his forehead. "Are you calling me some sort of lady? I'll have you know I worked very hard to obliterate every trace of the high society crap my parents tried to force down my throat until I joined the Marine Corps."

"Uh huh," Ranma said, lying back and letting Mao fall on top of him, tangled in the blankets that she stirred up between them. "And it worked just as well as my tries to tamp it down."

"And what do you mean by that?" Mao demanded, untangling herself and settling on top of Ranma.

"I mean that you absolutely turn an evening gown into a deadly weapon better than I'll ever manage," the exorcist explained.

"I've seen you in your feng shih, red monkey suit, lady," Melissa protested. "And you turn eyes."

"I'm a red-headed, busty Japanese woman with less than five feet tall," the dark haired man noted. "I'd draw eyes if my face were a mule's. You, on the other hand, don't need anything 'exotic'."

Mao slapped at him idly on the chest above where her own chest was pushing into his skin.

"You are challenging my status as a tough-as-nails bitch o'war, buster," she noted. "And I protest."

"Protesting too much?" he asked.

Mao pushed herself up shivering at the play of skin against skin and leaned back in, her bangs and short, dark locks draping around down over his cheeks and mixing with his own dark hair.

Their breath came in sharp little gasps for a moment as they were aware of how close their lips were.

"You know," Mao said quietly, turning momentarily serious. "That's the one thing we really haven't done yet, physically speaking. Only big thing anyway."

"I'll warn you that we'll be risking the whole two bodies secret at that point," Ranma said.

"Why's that?" Mao asked, mildly worried.

"I'll be telling my kids," Ranma said.

"Ahh, Naiki," Mao said, clearly relieved. "The kiss is that big a thing?"

"Not the biggest," Ranma said. "But one of the biggest."

"So, it's the point of no return then," Mao asked. "I kiss you and we're stepping through the door of dating co-workers, now with benefits, and heading the gulf of step-kids, dinner sets and family planning or being left with heart-rending emotional debris?"

"Yeah, I'd guess that's a way to put it," the martial artist said.

"That's alot to put on a girl who ran away from her wedding to join the Marines in a bridal gown," Mao whispered trying to keep up the light attitude of humor as her eyes moved from Ranma's lips to his own blue orbs.

"You asked," Ranma returned, running a hand through her hair. "I..."

Mao leaned in closer and her lips touched Ranma's lightly, barely placing any noticeable pressure as each released a short breath that mingled between them and made their hearts catch. The contact was like roaring fire and ice.

Mao felt a wetness at the corner of her eyes and found herself strangely wondering just what was wrong with her. She'd had much racier kisses in the past, so why was this one so...overwhelming? Was it the strain of holding back that part of her that want to make this a fuller more Hollywood kiss and something beyond a junior high smooch? Or was just that she was so heavily aware of what she'd just agreed to try for?

And Ranma's hands around her felt so good and sheltering, sending a tingling warmth where his hands touched her.

Then it was over, in maybe a blink and she was letting herself slip into a crook of Ranma's shoulder to lie her face next to his.

"We did," Mao said quietly.

"Yeah, we did," Ranma agreed.

"So which of us is making out with Cthulhu?" Mao asked, lightening the mood again. "The category 1 Ainur, or the no-one-can-say former human who can obliterate category 1s?"

The humor carried a different character suddenly though. Before, they may have had sex and been affectionate and respectful.

Just now, they had just been intimate.

Scarily intimate.

Now, they were really inside each other, even if it was just the beginning.

"I'm not sure either of us count," Ranma responded with a chuckle. "And Melissa?"

"What is it?" the mercenary asked.



Well-Known Member
Meridia was still in the process of completing repairs. For all intents and purposes, the Tuatha DaDanan was now the seat of the Pacific Fleet with personnel borrowing space from the US Air Force in Atlantis and dry dock capabilities from Korea and Hong Kong.

Which left Tessa walking through the empty halls of the facility, steps clicking in an echo behind her as she passed one of the repair crew and gave him a brief, friendly smile in passing.

She passed by down into the halls, Naiki's mental presence a muted distant swirl of emotions separated by the boundaries between Earth and Atlantis. Pausing at the vending machines, she turned, as she always did at this point in the hall, and stepped forward to put her money in and select a juice.

The young captain wasn't able to make her normal selection since, of the two vending machines, only the one she usually didn't use had survived the siege. The other was in a trash heap somewhere and she could still see the bloodstains on this one where it hadn't been completely cleaned.

She bent down primly and took up the can of unfamiliar flavor and firmed her lips slightly as she tasted it.

Grape juice, perhaps just a touch old.

She lifted up the folder in her other hand and looked at her agenda for this visit as she took another sip and continued walking to her office.

Already she had overseen that the repairs were proceeding well enough, but given that it was a known location, they probably weren't going to be re-staffing it until much later.

Walking into the receiving room of her office and casually stepped around behind the receptionist's desk to push the button that released the security door before moving at a quick step to beat it from relocking.

There wasn't much left here of a sensitive nature, but she did have a few things she needed to wrap up at Meridia.

The Whisper of Souls had been moved, to Atlantis now. The classified files were backed up with her superiors and available in her computer on the DaDanan.

Tessa sat down at her old desk, the seats where Mardukas habitually sat in front of her though the second chair was gone. As she did so, the young woman realized Persephone's body was still in the morgue.

Along with several others who had died in the defense of Meridia

Quietly, she took her pen and added the details of arranging for bodies to get to families to her agenda.

Not that Eija or the rest of her family had the time for a funeral right now.

Taking another sip of the sour juice, she pulled some of the few remaining files on the base out and set them in a pile on the desk.


She added to the pile from some of the bundle that she had taken with her and removed one from the top to open up ahead of her. Out of another slide drawer she removed a stack of performance review forms along with some blank sheets and took one of each aside for the dossier in front of her.

Going through the form was fairly swift, ending with the status.

On patrol.

And then moving on to the blank sheet for her personal comments regarding the individual.

That took a little bit longer and more thought, but she had some practice at making these sorts of personal contacts and it still finished in a reasonable time.

Setting that dossier aside with its performance review and personal commentary, she pulled down the next to repeat the process.

On patrol.

After the third dossier...

On patrol.

...she took another sip from her juice and moved on to the fourth.

On patrol.

Tessa took another short break and looked across toward the portraits that sat on the file cabinet against the wall, across from her desk. Bani Morauta stood in an image there, working on some piece of technology that probably ended up in the Arbalest...

...she needed to check in with Sarah about a new design. The other girl was working with the Arbalest's downloaded AI on something.

Her eyes then came to the face down portrait. She'd done that herself just before they started to work on ascending Kaname. A shiver went down her back and the young woman straightened, feeling firmer in her resolve now and setting to work on the next set of dossiers.

On patrol. On patrol. On patrol.

The next one was a bit of a break from the pattern, somewhat inexplicable. Apparently she'd slipped one of Wraith's intelligence reports in with the other files she'd brought with her from the DaDanan.

She opened it up reviewed it, recognizing it from some weeks past, before Meridia in fact, and took in the photograph she saw inside. It brought a quiet smile to her face and a wistful sigh from her mouth.

She closed the information report and set it aside, making sure to remember to take it with her when she left.

That left the next of the dossiers to attend to. This one she had to brush aside some drops of water before they soaked out some of the ink, and she glanced up momentarily to see if there were some sort of condensation or leak in the ceiling above.

Finding none, she went back to the performance review in front of her.

On patrol.

A sound of knocking on the door outside came to her attention and she looked up briefly and then to her intercom box and pushed it.

"Yes, who is it?" she asked.

There was a moment of waiting, possibly as the visitor found the intercom at the vacant secretaries position.

"Yeah, Captain Testarossa," the voice on the other side said. "This is Major Shepard, I think there's some business we need to discuss."

"All right, Major," Tessa said. "Let me buzz you in."

She reached for another button and waited for the man to step in through the door carrying a small briefcase. He took a look around her office and then catching sight of the dossier and the half-written letter on the desk in front of her, as well as the piles of dossiers about her.

"Oh," he said, a bit uncomfortable suddenly. "I could come back later."

"That's fine, Major Shepard," Tessa said quietly, setting the work aside. "Have a seat, I'm afraid there's not much selection in chairs, but you can move it whereever you like."

Reluctantly he stepped forward and sat down across from the lavender haired young woman sitting at the massive desk.

"It's really nothing," he said hesitantly.

"No please," Tessa noted. "If there is any concern that Socrates Group or America as whole has, it is best to handle that now."

"Ahh," Shepard noted. "I came to apologize."

"Apologize," Tessa said, arching an eyebrow.

"The whole...secretary thing..." he said. "I really should have looked at the rank insignia first."

"That's okay, Major Shepard," Tessa noted in a kindly tone. "I have dealt with that sort of thing before."

"Well," he said. "I should apologize again..."

"What for?" she asked, curious.

"Well, I have to admit, I was still sort of thinking of you as a..." he looked for a good word.

"You thought I was a figurehead," she noted.

"I'm afraid that's right," Shepard noted.

"But figureheads don't..." and she gestured toward the pile of dossiers. Patrols waiting to be declared.

"No, they don't," he said. "So, anyway, heard you were handling some stuff here and..."

he put the briefcase up on the desk and opened it up to reveal a selection of teas.

"Normally for this sort of thing," he said, "I'd bring wine, but given that you're a kid..."

"That's fine, Major," Tessa said with a light giggle as she stood up and moved toward a cabinet and retrieving a Coffeemate tea-brewer and some cups and condiments. "Tea is just fine."

"Do you mind if I keep you company while you're..." he gestured toward the dossiers. "It might make the time go faster."

"I don't suppose that would be a problem," Tessa noted, hiding a brief sigh. "We can discuss other details of cooperation as well."

"Sure," Shepard said immediately. "That'd be good."


Well-Known Member
Deimosu watched as a handful of young Demons and Gods stopped at the door leading to the room he was in. They were being guided about by some of the Socrates Group people, looked like a civilian type rather than one of the Air Force people, but that wasn't the main thing he noticed.

As the Immortals noticed him, most of this set younger than twelve, they froze and looked at him with that same sort of curious fear that most kids would have held for seeing some sort of dangerous beast in a zoo.

The started talking together in a hushed whisper that he could hear bits and pieces of.

"Let's move on please," the SG guide said, pushing the children along.

Yonjuu moved aside from where she was shadowing his routine for her own practice and looked out the door as the kids left.

Damn it, they should know better, Deimosu noted irritably.

Why are you letting it bother you, Yonjuu said as she moved back into trying out the new stance, new to her at least. They're just kids.

Most of them are thousands of years old,
Deimosu corrected her. I know the whole thing about sealing away memories like...like your sister, but I thought they kept some amount of their personality.

Younjuu moved aside and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Never mind, we've got other things to worry about," Deimosu said quickly. Twelve.

"Why do you think 'twelve' if I get close to you or when other boys are talking to me?" she asked.

Deimosu hesitated a moment and flushed brightly as he looked away from her.

"Is this some sort of comment about my breasts or something?" Yonjuu asked looking down.

"No," he said immediately. "You always jump first thing to that whenever you think someone is upset with you. There is nothing wrong with your body. There is plenty wrong with the fact you think there's something wrong with it."

That still doesn't explain the "twelve" thing, Yonjuu snapped telepathically.

You're twelve years old! he sent loudly.

I know that she responded. "What does being twelve years old have to do with anything?"

"Those guys..." he started. They want to...date you. And...do things you shouldn't do to a twelve year old girl.

"Why would they want to date me?" Yonjuu asked aloud. I'm...

Deimosu moved over toward her and put his arms on her shoulders.

"You are not ugly," he said firmly. "You have a perfectly proportioned voluptuous build. Wide shoulders, wide hips, big..."

He flushed in embarrassment.

"..breasts," he said under his breath. "Anyway, you look like a seventeen year old girl about to reach adulthood. In Japan, you look like you're already past what is the age of consent there. And you are a nearly ideal example of one of the more desired body types."

"So..." she said slowly. "Those guys that keep coming up to me...want..."

She thought of the occasional situations out in the world where she, Nimu and Sanya would stumble on a pair of people in a sexual situation.

"Oh...oh!" she said, cheeks flushing brightly. "So you're saying I have the body of a....a...what's the word she used to use...harlot? And they think..."

She shivered in a rather interesting way that she felt should have been revulsion but wasn't.

I don't want to do that! she said excitedly.

Of course not, Deimosu returned, patting her comfortably. You're twelve. You're way, way too young.

Yonjuu shook her head and moved to the side of the room to get a drink of water. Though drinking was not the bar to conversation it was for some.

I...I, this is... Yonjuu wondered. Are you sure? All my other sisters are sure that Nis like me are...

"You're sisters are beautiful in a different way," he said. "It doesn't mean you're not."


Note, your idea of what's beautiful is primarily influenced by a lunatic narcissist with delusions of being the supreme being, Deimosu said.

Yonjuu nodded at that and pointed with the water bottle.

"This is true," she admitted. "What about all the girls that are so..hostile? Are there that many lesbians around?"

"Huh?" Deimosu asked.

"You're telling me all these mean jokes and things the boys are doing is because they're trying to..." she shivered again. "So, do the girls...?"

And the shiver that followed that was legitimately and clearly revulsion.

"No, they're being hostile," Deimosu said under his breath.

"Why?" she asked. "For what reason would they not like me if I'm as beautiful as you say?"

Jealousy, he responded. "Because of the...you know. They're sort of afraid all the guys will want you."

"Which..." she looked sick, "...you say...they do."

Yonjuu looked down at her chest and immediately covered it up.

She turned to look at Deimosu suspiciously.

"Do you not," she asked, "frequently tell yourself twelve when it is just you and I around?"

Deimosu flushed a bit and looked away briefly.

"Does that mean that you sometimes think about...that?" she asked. With me?

"Mostly," he said. Mostly, I just want to avoid people thinking we're dating.

So, wait, the underaged girlfriend in the rumors?
she asked. "Is me!?"

I do wonder how those rumors got started, he muttered mentally irritably.

"So, just to make sure," Yonjuu said. "You don't want to date me."

"No!" he responded quickly.

"But it's because I'm twelve years old, not because of my chest?" she asked.

"Yeah," Deimosu noted. "That's right."

"So...six years from now...?" she started to say.

"You'll be eighteen and look twenty-three," he noted.

As he said that, he made the mistake of realizing that she'd probably lose the last of her baby-fat as she came to that and a matured image of Yonjuu entered his mind.

Yonjuu flushed brightly and both looked away from each other.

"Twelve," Deimosu repeated.

Twelve, Yonjuu repeated, nodding.


Well-Known Member
"Well, aren't you in here wasting time?" Urd asked, sitting down across from Mara.

"I happen to be waiting on reports," Mara said. "Might as well eat while I wait. Unlike some people, I'm actually busy."

"You are very much not what I expected as the person to step into...Mom's shoes," Urd said.

"She was actually hoping that would be you," Mara said. "That's why I was where I was. Belldandy and Keiichi's little childhood meeting was witnessed. And when she manipulated the wish assignments to get assigned to him..."

"Get Keiichi and get Belldandy," Urd said. "Get Belldandy and get me."

There was a bit of silence for a time.

"You might not find much left of Nifelheim, Mara," she said. "I've heard what Asgard looks like. And I know you didn't go half as easily as we did. And we're finding Gods with damaged marks."

"Is the Altar intact?" she asked. "Because that can fix that."

"You, of all people, should know better than to think it's just a matter of the physical harm," Urd snapped, pointing to Mara's own marks.

Mara grimaced and reached up to her forehead.

"You remind me of that and act like I should be surprised," Mara noted. "You know it works so somebody out there has to think it's a good idea."

"A good idea?!" Urd snapped. "Is that some sort ironic reversal thing so you can..."

Urd stopped and sat back down.

"Do you still..."

"I've reincarnated four times since then," Mara said. "And I haven't looked up those memories, so, no. No nightmares."

She laughed a bit bitterly.

"We're stronger than you, Demon to God," Mara said. "Exceptions like you noted. But we just can't seem to win can we? We lose the first war..."

"Everybody lost the first war," Urd said.

"You came out of it better from what I've seen," Mara responded. "And we lost the second war..."

"Hild and Kami-sama both took power about then," Urd pointed out. "I think we'll find there was something of an agreement there, after all, how many of the really insane of us survived much past that?"

Mara shook her head about as if allowing for the possibility.

"Anyway, we lost the propaganda war," she noted. "We lost it so badly, we gave up on dealing straight up with most good people and just started the whole Master of Evil crap to weed out the bad ones."

She leaned back then and crossed her arms.

"And now here you are casually telling me that Peorth sent her people in to retake Asgard now that it's vacant," Mara said. "And that you've started giving medical treatment to your civilians. And our home looks bad so Nifelheim must be leveled, and, oh, by the way, we didn't give up sovereignty to the humans to get anything done."

Urd leaned forward and glared at Mara.

"That's not fair," Urd said. "You know perfectly well that Belldandy and I..."

"I know, I know," Mara said. "But you and Belldandy aren't the accepted leaders of the Gods, not yet at least."

"We don't hesitate at all to get in each other's faces, do we?" Urd asked.

"That's what makes our relationship special," Mara responded.

"I think Peorth is making a mistake," Urd said.

Mara looked toward her, a curious expression.

"Even if we get to numbers as high as Asgard can support," Urd said. "We'll be small, and it won't be more than a year or two before Ainur outnumber us. After this, Demons and Gods like my sisters..."

She paused.

"...and me, we'll join societies in America, Japan, elsewhere. After millions of years we'll be back on Earth, officially home."

Mara leaned forward.

"I have people looking for Skuld," she whispered.

"What?" Urd said, frowning.

"We left fifty Shadows behind," Mara said. "Most are filtering back reports or looking for pockets of resistance, but I have five dedicated to finding Skuld, just in case the psychopath isn't exactly upfront about telling us how to find her."

Urd stared at her silently for a moment.

"Thanks, Mara," Urd said.

"Eh, what can I say, I'm soft on any kid that can make you look like an idiot," Mara said

"Well thanks for that," Urd snapped back.

"So they asked you about the gender thing yet?" Mara asked.

"You mean the 'why are there three of your women to every man' or whatever other such number they pull out of a hat?" Urd asked.

"That one," Mara said.

"I responded that five million years of intermittent war is rough on the population," Urd noted.

"Oh good," Mara said. "Don't mention the parthenogenesis spells. As soon as you talk about those they start thinking we're all lesbians or bisexual."

"There is a much larger percentage of our populations..."

"The last thing I need is rumors getting around to Naiki that Demons are naturally sexually open when it's not true," Mara said.

"You're the one that sicced the Kraken on her, aren't you?" Urd asked.

"What goes around comes around, and hopefully it'll go around the two of them," Mara muttered.

"Imagine for a moment, it works," Urd said. "Then imagine that they go through all the effort of learning and preparing one of those spells we were just talking about..."

"Oh creator," Mara said, paling.


"Yes, thank you, Peorth," Belldandy said, the cell phone to her ear. "I'm glad to hear that."

It shouldn't have been able to call anyone, but it was a phone, and therefore could be contacted by heaven if need be. Or it could be used to contact Asgard.

Belldandy set the phone down and took a deep breath.

"They've gotten the civilians out of Tartarus," she said. "Peorth and some others are staying with Yggdrasil to make sure it doesn't drift too far out before we can try to bring it back into Asgard."

"That's good," Keiichi said.

"She couldn't find Skuld, but she is still connected to Yggdrasil, so...she's alive," Belldandy said quietly.

She walked over to the bed in the spacious quarters that they'd been granted for the time being and wrapped her arms around Keiichi, or at least started to. She hadn't stopped when instead she stood sharply up and started to pace furiously.

"I should have gone looking for her," she said as Keiichi rose up quickly and stopped her pacing on the third cycle by wrapping her up in his arms. "I should have been more worried."

"It's going to be okay, Bell," Keiichi said. "It'll be okay. Everybody is looking for her."

Belldandy buried her head into his head, she was a bit too tall to comfortably lean into his shoulders when they were both standing. The Goddess pulled her arms into her chest and shook with worried sobs.

"It's not just her," Belldandy said. "Chihiro is still over there. Sayoko never got back from looking for them. We haven't heard from Aoishima or Otaki and Tamiya. How could I just leave them behind for that...person?"

She shivered as imagination of what might be happening passed over her.

"It's not your fault," Keiichi said. "We didn't just leave them behind, we looked until we couldn't go back."

Belldandy nodded slowly and as Keiichi sat back on the bed she followed him down, sitting on his lap and still holding him and being held by him.

A hard sob shook her then and was followed by several little ones.

"I let Kishimo-Jin kill herself," Belldandy said tightly. "I almost ruined the trap around that...thing because I broke to help her. And Mara almost died and Persephone did die. And in Japan..."

"You were healing people," Keiichi reminded her. "Pretty much the whole time."

Belldandy sat quietly shaking, arms around Keiichi's head as she slowly calmed down, or at least tired out.

"Am I being selfish?" she asked. "I'm too used to knowing what to do. What's right. What's right? Here, now? What's right? Should I have left the triage to help find Skuld? Was staying there while she was missing wrong?"

"Skuld is going to be fine," Keiichi said. "She'll be just fine, everybody is looking for her. You know that."

"That's part of the problem," the Goddess said quietly. "Some of the people looking for her are the wrong people."

She sighed and held Keiichi harder.

"I suddenly wonder that I presumed to advise Kaname on dealing with Eija and Sousuke," she said. "This is different than before. Confrontations with Demons could leave you imprisoned and trapped, but there would always be the hope of finding them again."

"Hey, Bell," Keiichi said. "Aren't souls reborn?"

"They can be," she said. "You think we will, find them again?"

"There is no doubt about it," her husband said. "You know Skuld is clever. And neither Chihiro nor Sayoko are ones to cave in. Everybody else will be fine too, you'll see."

Belldandy felt remarkably small in his arms as he stroked her hair and her, letting herself express all these things that she had been holding back since probably since Meridia and probably even before that.

Lightly, he let himself fall back on the bed, allowing her to lay down in a physically comfortable way that he hoped soothed her thoughts and emotions as well.

Her breath came out still in short bursts, but slowed down as the gentle quite pervaded the room about the two. And slowly she let her breath slow, matching it in time to Keiichi's own, watching as their entwined hands on his chest rose and fell with each slowly and calmly taken breath.

A small part of her, the unworthy part of her that produced jealousy storms and other such outbursts, wondered how he could be so calm, but the question didn't reach her conscious mind. It was answered before that.

She could feel his heart beating rapidly under her hand, remembered the clench of his hands when she talked about her sister and their friends. That heart wasn't any slower than her own. He was just as worried as she was, but trying to keep her calm.

The tears threatened to return to her eyes, but she'd just about used up all her tears for the time being, and only a miniscule few drops added to the wetness on her cheeks.

Smiling briefly in spite of the worry still in her heart, she leaned up to lightly kiss Keiichi on the cheek.

"I love you, Keiichi," she said in her normal soothing tone, putting it on for him in exchange for how he was staying outwardly calm for her. "We'll get everyone back."


Well-Known Member
Kaname Eija sent quietly as she stood outside the door beside Sousuke.

"Kaname," Sousuke said, still flushing somewhat at the use of familiar still. "We wish to speak to you."

The door opened to reveal Kaname and it was clear that she had been crying. She moved forward and Eija awkwardly accepted the other girl into her arms, patting her and looking toward Sousuke with an encouraging glance.

Apparently it worked, since he moved in to their side and gripped Kaname's shoulder in a way that wasn't what someone would have expected from a romantic movie, but was volumes of emotion coming from Sousuke.

"I heard from New York..." Kaname said.

"I know," Eija said quietly. "I heard you when you got the news."

"We should go into the room," Sousuke noted in a quiet undertone.

He was unfamiliar with much of everyday life, but he was well familiar with the sort of pain one felt at the loss of a comrade or family. He'd felt it many times himself.

Kaname nodded and Eija quietly transferred her over into Sousuke's arms. At first the soldier wasn't clear what to do with the blue-haired girl, but, as Eija moved in and immediately to the little kitchen area to start cooking some tea, he led Keiichi over to one of the couches and eased her down to it, being careful to hold her.

"I know," Kaname said. "I know you've both lost people too."

Eija stopped herself from responding merely telepathically with Sousuke in the room.

"It doesn't make it hurt less," she said.

"Affirmative," Sousuke said, holding Kaname firmly, the way he'd hold a traumatized hostage if necessary. "Our own personal issues should not hinder you at all."

Kaname stared up at him then, eyes flashing angrily.

"Your personal..." she repeated. "Sousuke! In case you didn't understand what we...said...your issues are my issues. If you hurt, I hurt! And I shouldn't be adding to that."

Eija frowned and set the tea kettle to boil as she moved over to sit on the right side of Kaname and Sousuke. The Goddess reached up to brush back a lock of Kaname's hair and leaned into her.

"Let us be selfish and comfort you, Kaname," Eija said. "Right now, it is about you. On Meridia you two made it about me. Later, it will be about Sousuke. But now is about you."

Kaname sniffed and then laughed.

"It's selfish for you to make me feel better?" she asked.

"Yes, it makes at least me feel useful," Eija said. "You are always dragging my unconscious body somewhere."

"Affirmative. You also frequently give morale boosting speeches to me," Sousuke said.

"And I asked Sousuke to look into things," Eija said.

Kaname glanced toward Sousuke hopefully.

"Your brother is well," he said. "I used a photo from your Mithril file and asked that he be looked for. The US military reports finding him in one of the hospitals."

Kaname sighed at the news and leaned back into Sousuke.

At least, she wasn't the last one left of her family.

"Thank you," Kaname said. "Thank you for looking for him."

The three shared a silent time indeterminable, Kaname held between the other two. Sousuke's heart and breathing heavy in her ears as she heard Eija's soothing thoughts slipping into her mind. She felt herself rise up with Sousuke's breath, the heat of his body and Eija suffusing her.

The stubborn, emotionless exterior of Sousuke was a constant she'd come to expect the past few months. She knew, or at least suspected, that it was more to do with an inability to display or understand emotions than an actual lack of them. It made such small things as the gripping of her shoulder before Eija had passed her over to his arms such wonderful gestures.

Even now, when he was clearly nervous about holding her in his arms and trying so hard to do things right that she could feel his muscles tightening, it seemed stony to an outsider, but it was practically screaming out to her.

Even the aura of death about Eija felt different now. At first it was something that disturbed Kaname greatly, just as it did everybody else. Then it was something to tolerate and eventually forget about it. But she hadn't forgotten about it, no, instead it had become a firm part of what made Eija who she was.

Eija's usually wise observations that were at once eerily calm and deeply sad had also become a recognizable pattern in her life. The sadness had been fading of late, but some of it had returned after Persephone died.

Kaname was annoyed with herself again for leaning on them so much. She wanted to take their pain away, not make them focus on hers. With a sigh she realized what they meant about wanting to comfort her being a selfish desire.

She very selfishly wanted to do the same.

"Sergeant Slaughter's next right?" Kaname asked with a sniffing hint under her attempted humor. "He doesn't get to be Mr. Stoic forever."

"I'm sure that we shall be able to get some emotion out of him," Eija noted.

"This is a troubling line of conversation," Sousuke said, the girls weren't completely certain whether he was simply playing along or being serious.

The tea pot gave a shrill cry causing Eija to blink and sit up.

"I'll take care of that," she said, standing up and walking quickly into the little kitchen area to take the kettle off the burner.

The Goddess came back with a tea tray, three cups and the kettle. Kaname's idle thoughts again wondered where Eija always managed to find a tea tray and set, and Eija's thoughts habitually responded that she tried to always be prepared as Sousuke reluctantly let her sit up and accepted a cup of tea from Eija.

Kaname took a deep breath, and Eija hesitated at the thoughts rolling out of the blue-haired Ainur's head worried her. Picking up on the subtext himself, Sousuke turned to look toward Kaname.

"I'm going back to help Geisthexe-san clear a path into Nidhog tomorrow," Kaname said calmly. "And I'm not using one of those consoles."

Eija flinched and put a hand over her cup to prevent it from spilling. Sousuke likewise turned to look at her.

"Are you sure about this," Sousuke said. "I saw Geisthexe-san after their battle with Kodachi Kuno."

"It is dangerous," Eija said.

"Tomorrow you're going off to help retake Kyushu," Kaname said to Eija before turning toward Sousuke. "And you're going after Gauron! I'm not sure which is worse!"

"There's no reason to put..." Eija started to say.

"Yes there is," Kaname said. "The sooner Nidhog is up, the sooner Geisthexe and everyone can get fully into the fight and the sooner everything ends and we can get on with life. And those consoles are too slow!"

Sousuke and Eija were silent for a little bit.

"Then tomorrow, all three of us shall be heading into risk tomorrow," he said carefully. "And we won't be there to help each other."

"I might be able to help Kaname," Eija said.

"Not if you're busy," the Ainur girl responded carefully. "There's something...something I want to do..."

Eija blushed and sipped her tea looking around furiously as Kaname talked.

"This is something...personal, isn't it," Sousuke asked, noting Eija's suddenly nervous reaction.

"Yeah, before we go," she said. "I want to...practice...kissing."

Eija sipped her tea and tried to look at the ceiling and instead found Sousuke's face on the other side of Kaname from her and flushed brighter red.

"This may be our last chance," Kaname whispered, sobering Eija somewhat. "I don't want to leave without kisses between us, just in case that's just the little bit extra you need..."

Sousuke finally lifted his cup of tea to his lips and drank it down, sitting the tea cup on the tray.

"You think a kiss migh..." he didn't get to finish as Kaname leaned in to steal his lips and holding him tightly.

Sousuke's eyes widened and he glanced over toward Eija who shrugged helplessly and then pantomimed wrapping her arms around Kaname. Clumsily he did and kiss held interminably as Kaname tentatively, lacking experience herself, explored his mouth, sending a hesitant shiver down his spine.

For her part, Eija couldn't look away and found herself hearing and feeling the rushing swirl of Kaname's wordless passion through the whole of it, almost as if she was kissing Sousuke at the same time.

The brief worry that they might have started merging again despite the marks was ended when she realized that she could sharply and distinctly tell Kaname's emotions from her own. Strangely she could even feel emotions that she knew were Sousuke's too.

Kaname was nervous and excited and scared and fearful of losing them all at once. Much of that was reflected in Sousuke, as was a confusion over what was happening. Both felt a raw, primal sensation that was pushing for more, and Eija felt a pristine, crystalline joy that the other two were feeling...good.

Slowly, Kaname pulled away and let herself be held in Sousuke's arms for a long sequence of breaths.

"The sensation is...curious," Sousuke said then.

"Very...curious," Eija agreed in a near whimper.

"Yeah..." Kaname said breathlessly. "Was it...any good?"

"I...do not have a...frame of reference," Sousuke protested.

"Then..." Kaname switched around to the other side of Eija and gently pushed her forward. "If she wants to take the challenge of comparing kisses? I present frame of reference."

You had to say 'challenge'? Eija asked.

"You just challenged Eija to a kissing match?" Sousuke asked.

Now, as a Satomi you have to do it, Kaname thought playfully. "Yep, so now it's official."

You don't play fair, Eija noted.

"You are using devious tactics, Kaname," Sousuke noted.

"Do you really not want to?" Kaname asked quietly.

"No...I mean yes! I mean...I want to!" "I think it would be...beneficial."

The two statements were nearly simultaneous.

"Okay then," Kaname said. "Now, Eija's a lady compared to me so, you need to be nice to her here, Sousuke. Ready Eija? Sousuke?"

Both nodded as Sousuke leaned forward, tensing up and looking like he was about to explode even as he got closer to Eija's face and she leaned in.

Until Kaname bumped her forward just a little.

Eija and Sousuke's lips and clumsily they started trying to imitate what Kaname had tried with Sousuke, and the mercenary relying on his experience with CPR.

Even if neither showed even the slight hint of adventurousness that Kaname had in slipping her tongue at least just past Sousuke's lips, the emotion carrying between them was just as heavy and nervous. Kaname could feel it in the back of her mind where Eija's thoughts usually originated from. And she could feel it in the shivering of the Goddess's body.

Like for Eija, the distinctions between whose emotions were whose seemed clear and Kaname felt a mischievous sort of giddiness that she had managed to get this moment to happen, distinct from the perspective of a pure witness that Eija had felt during Kaname's kiss.

A thoroughly blushing Eija lowered her head from Sousuke's face and covered her red cheeks with her nearly white hands.

"So..." Kaname asked, shaking off the echoes of what Eija had felt herself. "Was that...better?"

"I am...not sure," the mercenary said reluctantly, as if asking for permission to say that.

"Perhaps more training is necessary," Eija said from behind her hands in a small squeaking voice.

Kaname moved around again to Sousuke's other side, so that the two girls had him firmly between them. She sat down forcefully and tried to continue looking confident, but the squeak in her voice and other signs told the other two she was just as simultaneously sure and unsure.

"Okay..." she said. "Again then?"

Kaname leaned into Sousuke and let him hesitantly come to meet him, Eija giving a suppressed giggle as their lips met and the emotions swept over her. As Eija's turn came up again, it was Kaname who was swept up in the vicarious emotions this time.

Both girls pushed in closer on either side of him as they started again, forgetting to ask whether it was good or not. Slowly, the world around them faded and there was just the raw emotion of each kiss.

The shared circle of sensations again returned as they let themselves be swallowed up in what had started innocently enough and instincts they were only vaguely aware of pushed them further.

A sublime connection had been offered, accepted and forged on that sunset on the hill, something now that the Ainur and Goddess willingly and instinctively let open wide now.


Well-Known Member
not sure I get explicit enough in the Sayoko-Zeus scene to post it here or the lemon scenes....

and don't want to post it in the lemon threads for safety because that would put it separate from the story

so, anyway, linking to it here:

<a href='http://addventure.bast-enterprises.de/245939.html' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://addventure.bast-enterprises.de/245939.html</a>