Harry Potter ennui


Well-Known Member
ennui - a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.

A good definition of what I find when I try and read anything from the HP section any more. Not just here, but trying to read anything from ff.net and using Harry as the subject just seems...stagnant. Same cliche use of characters, nothing new with plot devices. And the ever fun part of people writing characters in a manner that shows they have never touched the books.

Not to mention the amount of bashing that seems standard for a good number of the stories. The bashing seems to stem from authors either being lazy, or just bad writers. Then again, this can be said in general about all "bash fics".

I was quite surpised when I looked up Ron of all characters and actually enjoyed some of the stories. The stories where simpler and just more fun to read.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, know the feeling...