Harry Potter Exalted/HP Cross Idea


Well-Known Member
So, since I've been reading up a bit on Exalted, and have seen a few crossovers with other fictions that looked interesting. So, I thought I would see if I could come up with an interesting combo for Harry Potter. The usual would be that Harry gets a Solar Exaltation and goes about kicking ass and taking names, but one: That is far too obvious, two: Super!Harry has been done to death, and Three: I had a much better, but equally powerful Idea.

Harry, the Abyssal.

What if Harry had died along with Voldemort when he was a child? What if something had seen the powerful destiny Harry had, and decided to find a use for a being with such destiny. He was graced with the Black Exaltation, shown the glory of the fallen Primordials, and was taken away by those who sought to protect him.

Granted, they never expected one so weak to be able to weave such potent barriers, able to endure sorceries lost to ages long past. Still, they were patient, and not without their contingency plans.

Harry grew up, bound by the Sins of Life and Death, with the Whispers of the Neverborn always in his ears. While he never learned the laws governing his existence, they became painfully clear over his childhood. Certain actions resulted in unfortunate coincidences. A dead animal there, broken mirrors here. It wasn't until the death of his cousin Dudly that he truly realized that certain actions had consequences. He ran away, away from the protections shielding him from forces from before history. The source of his dark power showed itself to him, and explained his purpose.

He ran away. It was too much for his young mind, but the seed had been planted. Dreams came to Harry, disturbing dreams, commanding him to unlock the necromatic power that is his birthright. he resists, but he is just a child, fighting against a titan that has existed for thousands of years. Eventually he gives in. It is pitifully easy to find somethign deadly in the cleaning cabinet, just as easy to put a small amount in the food. Watching, day after day as his aunt and uncle grow weaker, more disoriented. Eventually, it stops, and over the corpses of what passed for his family, Harry is initiated into the Shadowlands Circle.

Harry screams.

He arrives at Hogwarts... and finds peace. For the first time in a long time, his dreams are peaceful. Hidden from his bloodthirsty "master," Harry begins to hope to find a way to free himself, or failing that, a way to coerce his master into leaving him alone.

Potential Options:
Hermione as a Twilight:
Her obsessive need to learn and impress others led to her Exalting. Suddenly, everything comes easier to her, isolating hr all the more as she outperforms her classmates, the upper students, and even a number of the teachers. Her quest for more knowledge leads to her unlocking deeper secrets, initiating into the Emerald Circle, a feat almost unheard of. It is only the beginning. She tries to show the others, but they don't want to listen, they can't accept that a child a fraction of their age can know more than them. Her frustration builds, greater and greater as she is repeatedly denied, until is overflows. If they refuse to see, then she will make them see, and damn the consequences. All the world will acknowledge her mastery, or perish before her. As suddenly as it comes, her rage dissapates, leaving behind a trail of broken lives and ruined property. She comes to her senses, but the Great Curse lurks beneath the surface, waiting for a chance to express itself again.

Ron the Infernal:
Granted, way too easy to make Ron into an utter bastard with this, but I think it could be done well, without turning him into the designated villain.

Ron is still friends with Harry and Hermione, but seeing the amazing things they can accomplish, only exacerbates his feelings of inadequacy. He starts withdrawing, spending more time brooding about his failures, when something shows up, offers him condolences and comfort, promising him Power in exchange for loyalty. He's just a boy, he takes the offer, and is forever changed.

Other Exalted would be fairly easy to work in for the most part, if the story needed it. Not sure how to integrate Dragonblooded at all. Could be the hidden masters of the world, could be withdrawn into enclaves in penance for the damage their betrayalwrougth on the world. Could eb all but exinct.

Autochlon... no idea. Most likely still sealed away, and probably shouldn;t be involved with the story. Same goes for the Fair Folk, hough perhaps some whisp of them made it way into the world, creating the various creatures that exist in the HPverse.

Again, this is mostly because it seemed interesting for the moment, any feedback would be appreciated.

So... thoughts?

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
My suggestion is to keep Harry as the only Exalted. They don't just pop out of the woodwork.

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
the DragonBard said:
Aren't Abyssal Exalted undead?
No, they're not actually dead(or undead). The offer is made as they lay dying, and if they accept, they are healed. If not, they die.

If so, how could Harry grow up?
That is a problem, because Exalted age much, much slower than mortals. Or maybe they just age up to a certain point, I'm not absolutely certain...


Well-Known Member
They age normally, until they reach their physical peak, at which point it stops until they reach the end of their long lifespan, they have something unusual affect them, or they want to look older.
Abyssal Exalted don't age. Ever. they're stuck in the moment between life and death, their bodies kept in a strange kind of stasis. There's a specific Medicine Charm that allows Abyssals to alter their apparent age, and actually mentions Deathknights exalted as children specifically.