Exceptions to the norm


Well-Known Member
There are certain things in fanfic (and media in general) that we won't touch. EVER. Maybe they just aren't to our tastes, maybe we don't like the genre the story is in, maybe we don't like the pairing, etc.

These are the exceptions to that rule. Things that you wouldn't normally like, but you decide to check it out, and *surprise* you actually like it.

To start out, I'll list an example: Yuri. To be frank, I don't like it. I never have liked it, and probably never will. While I admittedly don't like pairings in general (romance usually takes away from any fanfic), Yuri is something I ignore if I see it.

Except for one. It's the first pairing of yuri I've ever liked, and the only one of TWO. Who are they, you ask?

Yeah. The happy-go-lucky, slice of life Widget series is the source of one of the only yuri pairings I like. Other than that, I don't care for them.

What are your exceptions to the norm?


Well-Known Member
Naruto/Sasuke gay pairing. Kishimoto has given it so much ammunition I don't really mind it at all in fanfics.