Fall out of the Gate


Well-Known Member
For two hundred years, the room had lain untouched, buried in a forgotten sub-basement of a minor building in the sprawling complex that had once been the center of power for the Uninted States of America. Despite this, the room was large, and the machinery that filled it was of the finest make that nation had produced at it's height. The floor was nearly invisible beneath multitudes of desks, banks of computers, trailing and coiled power and data lines. The only clear space was in the center, a ring of open ground broken only by two long bundles of cables, and the device that all the other machinery had been set to study.

The device was a twenty two foot ring of dully gleaming stone, looking out of place amongst the dusty metal and plastic of the surrounding machines. Inside the outer rim, a second ring rested, this one covered in thirty nine glyphs spaced equally around the circle. And over both rings, again spaced equidistant, were eight chevrons, each framing a dull ruby larger than a man's head.

The rubies flared, light pouring from them in an instant. The inner ring slid smoothly into motion with a faint grind of stone on stone. Thin threads of light spun out of the glowing gems and drifted slowly towards the center of the ring, joining together in a blazing pinprick of white light. The entire room seemed to hum, a complex harmonic building in intensity, shaking the walls and floor. Abandoned detritus fell from the desks and tables, age brittled glass cracked, dust rose in shimmering clouds from every surface.

The pinprick surged outward, a foam of light pouring out into the room like a waterfall turned on it's side, then abruptly fell back on itself, spreading to fill the ring in a vertical plane like a pool of water.

Out of that pool, impossibly, the shape of a man hurtled, flailing briefly before it slammed to the gritty floor in a heap.

Others followed.


Daniel Jackson forced his eyes to unclench as he sat up and brushed the frost of stargate travel from his clothes. Whatever Teal'c and the other guides they'd recruited said about breathing exercises and practice, human bodies had simply never been designed to deal well with being flung halfway across the galaxy. He ached in ways being slammed to the ground had nothing to do with, and his vission was still blured.

It was, as always, Teal'c who first noticed that they were yet again in the shit.

ôThis is not P3X-758 Colonel Jack O'Neilö

Daniel was sure he knew the response even before it was voiced.

ôNope, not enough trees.ö

'Yep, Jack and his damn trees.' He thought.

His own view, once he got his flashlight out of it's pocket and pointed ahead, was creepily similar to his first view of the stargate chamber back on earth, before the defenses had been built up. Bigger, of course, and the computers looked decades less advanced, but that these people, whoever they were, were studying the gate, or had been studying the gate, going by the dust, was itself fascinating.

Jack and Teal'c were already looking over the entry points, and Sam had vanished under a boxy thing that looked like an antique computer, cursing and mumbling excitedly by turns.

Daniel really wanted to start up some of the terminals and make a start on the local language, but with Sam hip deep in the electronics, and dozens of cautionary tales about fiddling with alien electronics lurking in the back of his mind, he settled for drifting towards a shelf full of worn books he spotted in a corner.

He wondered absently if he should be more worried about stepping out of the gate on an unknown, uncharted world, but after four years of doing that every other month, it was almost routine. Especially worlds like this, where the inhabitants were usually gone.

They'd just do a basic survey to see if there was something wrong with the gate, spend an hour or so making a basic check of the world, then dial home and send in a recon team.

Then he got close enough to make out the text on the book spines.

ôJack...Sam...ö He said.

He didn't bother waiting for them to pop up at his elbow, just went to the closes terminal he could see and looked at the top left of the keyboard.


ôDaniel?ö jack asked.

Daniel pointed.

Jack grunted, Sam gasped.

Daniel couldn't see Teal'c, the man was standing behind him, but he was absolutely certain the jaffa's eyebrow was nearing his brand.

'Well fuck,' Daniel thought, 'and this morning started out so well.'


By the time they'd found a way out of the building, the initial question for this sort of situation had been answered. Alternate Reality, Time Travel, or Uplift Ploy had settled down on alternate reality.

which was bad, time travel just meant tweaking the gate, turning off safeguards and spending a month crunching and re-crunching numbers to plot the gravitational influences. An Uplift Ploy could similarly be fought against.

Alternate Realities, on the other hand, were only escapable by luck. Or by the people at SGC figuring out what had happened and happening on the right reality and location with the quantum mirror, which amounted to the same thing.

The maddening part was that there was so much useful technology lying around the place like junk, self contained fusion cells the size of an egg, functional and practical laser hand weapons, magnetic bottle plasma weapons, powered armors, what Sam said was a hand held Gauss rifle. The list kept going.

And they had no way to get it back to Earth, their earth anyway.

Then they stepped out the door and into baking daylight. And the sight punched Daniel in the gut.

Right in front of him, not a half a mile away, was the shattered ruin of the Washington Monument.


So basic idea, Stargate fusion between movie/books verse and SG-1 verse.

The Uplifts are the humans the Ra alien took into it's circle and made godlings, immortal through the sarcophagus technology, powerhungry, and carving their own places in Ra's empire after his fall, they all wish to eliminate the terrans as players on the board. No name is given for them in the books that I could recall, so I used Uplifts.

Other than that, differences are that SG teams are diplomatic/support/study teams, not first encounter recon teams. SG teams go through later to check out ruins, tech, indigenous peoples etc.

Disclosure a done deal, earth population knows there are aliens trying to kill them, lives with alien immigrants and reffugees shareing earth. Conflict by radical groups and isolationist factions of governments *coughidiotscough* commonplace.

Earth also avidly teching up, earth made antigravity drives functional and in production, though still gearing up. Earth made energy weapons existant, but impractical, heavy backpack power source with thick cable connecting to unwieldy firing mechanism. attempts at improvement ongoing.

Jaffa biologically human, if enhanced to a fair degree. Hereditary warrior caste of the Uplift's subjects. Teal'c a traitor to his Uplift god.

then cross it with Fallout three, about the time Lone Wanderer rescues father from the virtual reality simulation. LW leaves father, angry at his abandonment, and goes off on his/her own, possibly with companions. Meets SG1 in some ammusing fashion. Hilarity ensues and LW agrees to take SG1 to the Commonwealth to ask for technical assistance in getting home. Fee is, some of the microelectronics SG carries, probably worth a-lot to the tech geeks at the commonwealth.

Thoughts? Ideas?


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the whole 'Uplifts' thingy; maybe I've been too set in canon Stargate that I'm weary of alternatives. Mixing it up with Fallout, on the other hand, seems like a cool idea. I can picture Sam going insane over the 'impossible' irradiated mutations while Tealc calmly puts down a Mirelurk.


Well-Known Member
GiantMonkeyMan said:
Not sure about the whole 'Uplifts' thingy; maybe I've been too set in canon Stargate that I'm weary of alternatives. Mixing it up with Fallout, on the other hand, seems like a cool idea. I can picture Sam going insane over the 'impossible' irradiated mutations while Tealc calmly puts down a Mirelurk.
while the name isn't canon, the Uplifts themselves are.

Canon from the book series that directly follows the movie, not for SG-1 and it's spinoff books.

Like I said, a fusion of sorts :p

also, book Hathor makes SG-1 Hathor look like a complete pushover. And then she gets hold of the Boat of a Million Years :D


Well-Known Member
You might have to either tweek canon in fallout or move the gate to a diffrent base.

Cheyenne Mountain

It's either home to a faulty insane AI and it's robotic legions or it's a big irradiated crater.

still I'd love to see a good Stargate/Fallout cross.

Jack finds Power armor
It's not a big honkin space gun but it's a good start.


Well-Known Member
Ina_meishou said:
while the name isn't canon, the Uplifts themselves are.?

Canon from the book series that directly follows the movie, not for SG-1 and it's spinoff books.

Like I said, a fusion of sorts :p
I don't really see how the "Uplifts" add anything of note to the story? Could you explain that further? Also only a small percentage of the people who are familiar with SG-1 has read the books continuing the movie, a straight SG-1/Fallout crossover will have a much bigger audience than this 'fusion' thing you're proposing. People don't like it when you screw around too much with the background they're familiar with, it doesn't matter if it's stuff you've thought up yourself or canon from the books. When people aren't familiar with it they're not going to like it regardless.


Well-Known Member
It isn't a bad concept, and I'd like to see it expanded personally. I'll admit to being at a bit of a loss as to where you could take the plot once the basics of learning history and to survive are taken care of. I fear you are doomed to run out of plot to entangle them with rather quickly, though I'd be happy to be proven wrong.