Fanfiction.Net's rules and etc...


that's why it's trash can, not trash cannot
It's been YEARS since I really paid any attention to Fanfiction.Net's front page. Gah. ~_~

How do I get detailed instructions on it? For one thing, I'd like to know about http:// linking and pictures on the profile page.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
bluepencil said:
It's been YEARS since I really paid any attention to Fanfiction.Net's front page. Gah. ~_~

How do I get detailed instructions on it? For one thing, I'd like to know about http:// linking and pictures on the profile page.
Ehhh... Rules?

It is under Terms of Service. Here:

FanFiction.NET Terms of Service
- [Direct]

As for Pictures on the Profile page, look in the upper right corner for avatar/image on the page after logging in.


that's why it's trash can, not trash cannot
No, not that... I mean the nebulous 'how things work' sort of help. Is it considered good or bad or just offensive to make offsite links; as I've seen profiles with deliberately removed linking.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
bluepencil said:
No, not that... I mean the nebulous 'how things work' sort of help. Is it considered good or bad or just offensive to make offsite links; as I've seen profiles with deliberately removed linking.
Hmmm... interesting... I just checked my own profile, which has links in it.

It looks like they did tweek something and made it retroactive. Because while all my links are in fact still there, the formatting of them is a bit off.

For example, I have a link to this forum there, currently, the one in my profile looks like:
Niklas Hawk Jonsson's The Fanfiction Forum
- [Direct
When in fact, it should look like:
Niklas Hawk Jonsson's The Fanfiction Forum
- [Direct]á
The '] ' has been tampered with.

The differences are minor, but I admit my own links are not in a format many use, depending upon how entered and made, I can easily see this breaking links.

I can tell you for certain it was ok in March, though I admit forgetfulness in not checking and updating it in May, when I last checked all my 4,445 links.

I could only see FanFiction.NET messing with links if it pointed to porn or illegal sites. Likewise for avatars and pics that are of questionable taste and content.

EDIT1: I'll try updating it with a current set, see what it does with it.

EDIT2: Well crud... ok... upon hitting edit, it removed the '[' from the post as well. When I pasted in the new stuff, it looked fine, but when hit the accept changes, it updated, and removed both '[' and ']' and extraneous spaces.

By doing that, while my own links work, I can see why others might not.

Note also, currently, if you were to check it, you might see the old content still. It takes time for a Personal Profile to be properly updated to where others can see it. It is the same with the Member Profile on MediaMiner.ORG.

EDIT3: I just noticed another change, or something I just plain missed. They now have a profile edited entry when looking at a profile page in normal view. Can't say I recall seeing it before. It had to at least be before May 30th. Checked a couple authors who do update their profiles from time to time, and one from 2007 does not have it, yet one from 5/30/08 does..


that's why it's trash can, not trash cannot
Ah, my thanks.

So there really isn't some sort of unofficial social stigma to hotlinking so much. It would be useful to have some images up, for unfamiliar characters and equipment.