For all you 3.5 D&D Players...


Well-Known Member
Goblins by Thunt is amazing! I don't know how many of you read this, or if you ever read it.. but if you are into gaming, this comic is absolutely brilliant to read! Lots of game talk and fourth-wall breaking, along with interesting in-house rules.. and the fact that five goblins decide to band together as player characters in order to better protect their home. The artwork starts off leaving something to be desired.. but it doesn't take long before the art style dreastically improves. Even the facial expressions are perfect.

The character line up is incredible, and one really gets to appreciate the naming conventions that goblins seem to have.

First off, we have Chief. He's the.. well.. Chief of this particular tribe of Goblins and, due to an incident involving a sharp, pointy stick and an idiotic plan, he lost his eye. He's the realist of the group, usually with some scathing remark about half-baked plans... but he sticks with the group because of his loyalty to them and the fact that he's something of a coward. While not the bravest, he is still looked upon for guidance. He's the Cleric of the group.. and while he doesn't come off as overly religious (or even slightly religious), it just goes to show that you don''t have to be a bible thumper to be a cleric. Of course.. he only became a cleric since he wanted to be a class that "stays out of the way and never does anything exciting, but is still pestered by everyone in the group".

Next, Big Ears... and he.. well.. has Big Ears. So big he usually has to tie them up before battle to keep them from getting in the way or hit. He has a very strong sense of justice and loyalty, he is also willing to put everyone else in the party before himself. His character class is Paladin... but he is the most well-played paladin I have ever seen. No long speeches of justice, no riding in on white horses... if it's an enemy, he fights. If they are innocent, he does nothing to them, except perhaps intimidate them to run away by calling himself Fleshripper the Goblin ^^ He became a paladin to protect others.

Third on our list is Complains-of-Names. Yes. That's who he is, that's what he does. Everytime he hears a name, he can't help but complain about it... hell, he complains about everything. He also has a very short temper. Because of this, he was nominated to be the class of Barbarian, which he took offense to until people pointed out the fact that yes, he DOES have anger management problems. He's something of a rebel, breaking rules that don't make sense.. and usually not doing as he's told because of stubborness. But still, he follows his heart and is very true to the Chaotic nature of Barbarians.

Next up we have Thaco. He's been around since Second Edition, or the 'old days', when Negative AC was a good thing and Dark Elves didn't exist. Due to an interesting past, he came across a very unique weapon that is simply called his 'Cane Swords'. He's lost one of his ears during an incident and is very brave and knowledgeable. He's also Complains' father, who respects him alot even if he doesn't say it. Due to a wish of never being bound again, it was suggested he become a Monk. When asking if becoming a monk required a monastery, the reply was "Just think of yourself as a monastery of one." ".. cool" He also has the most sarcastic personality of all of them, one of the few things Complains inherited from his father.

The last of the Goblin Party is Fumbles... who seems to be using a truly epic Fumble Chart.. so much so its a wonder he and everyone around him is still alive. But when he came up with the idea to be a Player Character, he decided to be 'One of everything' and thus became 1/11th of each character class to make a level one character. As a Player Character, he calls himself "Senor Vorpal Kickass-O". He makes mistakes, misunderstands feats and skills and generally is the comic relief... as well as the center of the current story arch.

Finally, we have Dies-Horribly. He's fated to Die Horribly, and thus he's afraid of everything. Combine this with Fumbles and he's nothing but a tense goblin of nerves. He got seperated from the group.. and had a number of impossible things happen to him. It's unknown if he'll join the party.. .but still, he is one of the more amusing characters I've seen.

And that is just the MAIN cast! Seriously, everyone is cool in their own right.. even the minor NPCs and the great villains. You'll laugh, you'll plot characters, and you'll be in awe at the stuff Paladins get at level 3. Also.. you'll learn one of the best curse words ever. "Sonovacrap!"


Well-Known Member
I'm glad soemone is enjoying this ^^ Feel free to talk about teh comic here, I've been in the mood to geek out about this ever since 4th edition came out.


Well-Known Member
This is under my "Check Regularly" list of webcomics, righ after Order of the Stick and next to No Need for Bushido.


Well-Known Member
I will hereby misuse this thread to ask questions regarding D&D and the comic.

Is there really a spear that flys fast-straight, splits into several and after hitting a target evaporates and reintegrates in the users hand?
If so I will now have to try harder to find a D&D group in my region.


Well-Known Member
Reozul said:
I will hereby misuse this thread to ask questions regarding D&D and the comic.

Is there really a spear that flys fast-straight, splits into several and after hitting a target evaporates and reintegrates in the users hand?
If so I will now have to try harder to find a D&D group in my region.
Well... Not really, no, at least from my knowledge. There's an enhancement that'll let your thrown weapon return to where you are on the next round, but none that I know of that can split into many copies.

But then, DMs have DM descretion on making new and unique magical items.


Well-Known Member
there are javlins that do extra damage when thrown... perhaps when reading that it does 5 times the dame (5d6 compared to the usual 1d6) that for visual effect he had it break into five.


Well-Known Member
Ryogas_BF said:
there are javlins that do extra damage when thrown... perhaps when reading that it does 5 times the dame (5d6 compared to the usual 1d6) that for visual effect he had it break into five.
The javilins can hit multiple targets so that doesn't quite cover it.
Like Mechatrill said most likely the DM simply wanted a unique weapon.

And I agree its a great read.
I mean seriously, who guards a drain pipe?
Not quite as good as
Stupid stupid rat creatures!!!
but good for a laugh.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I like the Sarcasm line... and the Fluffles line.

Sarcasm Line:
"I Detect Sarcasm."
"You need to be a Paladin to Detect Thaco's Sarcasm?"
"You need to be a NOUN to Detect Thaco's Sarcasm"

Fluffles Line:

"... I have personified suffering and given it claws. I have created wounded art. An uncompromising weapon that, in a fit of agony, will rend and tear until there is nothing left. This creature IS Death."

*Dramatic Pause*

"I call him Fluffles"

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
Reozul said:
I will hereby misuse this thread to ask questions regarding D&D and the comic.

Is there really a spear that flys fast-straight, splits into several and after hitting a target evaporates and reintegrates in the users hand?
If so I will now have to try harder to find a D&D group in my region.
There are weapons that can copy themselves after a fashion (throw one shuriken and it multiplies into many, draw a single sword and you're holding one in each hand, ect), but the majority of those are Dancing weapons, and that's not a Dancing spear.

You could fudge one with the current rules and enchantments fairly easily, though. Even though it doesn't exist (that I know of), I could easily see it working in the hands of a creative DM that enjoys pushing the envelope of what magical items can and cannot do.

Also, it's worth pointing out that several of the goblins have items and weapons with Artifact-levels of power. The axe alone is easily a Greater Artifact, possibly even a Legendary or Legacy Artifact. The living metal is also of Artifact potency.

So taking that into account. . . I'd probably guess that the spear is an Artifact as well. A profoundly useful one, at that.


Well-Known Member
The master of the world is a generous one indeed... Hubert be praised! :hail:


Well-Known Member
Big Ears - "What are you doing?!"

Complains-of-names - "Redifining a 1/3 challenge rating."

I though I should Update this topic because there are some many awesome moments going on in the comic right now. Any D&D fans, or just play fantasy fans should check this out. The battle at Brassmoon citiy is becoming quite the epic struggle. Thac0 scoring a critical hit to Goblin Slayer's precious ego as well as a nice kickass moment from complains shortly after uttering that quote above.

Goblins - life through their eyes