Akamatsuverse Forsaken Hina

It all started the way many stories normally end: with a massive explosion.

Not that anyone could see the explosion, of course. Few beings can see magical energy with the naked eye, and those that might have had the ability were far more concerned with the more mundane and immediately obvious sight of a collapsing building. As a young couple at the northermost point of Japan finally chose to stop mucking about and admit their feelings for one another - much to the consternation of anti-tsundere fans everywhere - the curse that had fought so valiantly to seperate them and instead unite a clutzy college student with his borderline yandere gothloli stepsister finally gave up the ghost (pardon the soon-to-be pun) and was broken.

The curse's somewhat unlikely source, an abandoned annex attached to an inn-turned-girl's dorm, noted this event and promptly divided by magical zero.

Cue the aforementioned massive explosion.

As the Hinata House's cursed annex crumbled to the ground in the wake of it's epic failure, the magical energies which had powered the curse suddenly found themselves loosed upon the world, cascading (fortunately without resonance) outward in all directions at many times beyond the speed of Light Yagami's crossing of the Moral Event Horizon. Rushing past a young - if somewhat insecure about that youth - woman and a small girl who stood near the collapsing annex completely unaware of what was truly happening around them, the magical shockwave sped across Japan and, indeed, across the entire world, causing a certain vampiress to immediately and loudly orgasm right in the middle of class (something she would never quite live down) the entire nation of France to spontaneously combust and a certain wizarding school in England (one of them, anyway) to be suddenly and inexplicably flattened by the fall of a massive dwarven drawbridge engraved with pictures of elephants and cheese.

And nothing of value was lost.

Unfortunately for the tiny little world of Earth, such outbursts of magical energy tend to get noticed by all the wrong sorts of beings out there in the Great Dark.

Fortunately for us, that gives us our story.


Somewhere in the Twisting Nether Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, for the first time in years, turned his Fel gaze away from Azeroth.

Atop the Black Temple in Outland, Illidan Stormrage slowly turned his gaze upwards.

Upon the Frozen Throne in Icecrown, the the Lich King, Arthas, awoke with a startled jerk, the ice around him cracking in protest.

On Theramore Island in Kalimdor, Jaina Proudmoore blinked and turned questioningly towards Aegwynn, her advisor and the former Guardian of Tirisfal, who returned her gaze silently.

In the Undercity beneath the former capitol of Lordaeron, a group of Forsaken mages began to squabble excitably with one another, dispatching a messanger to the Royal Quarter. The Banshee Queen needed to be informed!

In the Chamber of Aspects, Malygos the Blue turned and extended his senses outwards, Alexstrasza and Ysera glancing curiously first at him, then at Nozdormu, who... strangely appeared to be palming his face.....

And in the corridors of Blackrock Spire...

"Hey bro, bet you five gold you wouldn't charge that Core Hound over there."

"You're on, Riina!"

"Oh for f- uh, did anyone else feel that just now-"







Well-Known Member
No one else mentioned it but I would like to see more of this....... please. :yay: