Nasuverse FSN Manga


Well-Known Member
It seems that there is a manga for this out. I can't find it though. Does anyone have a link to a download? Or can put it up at rapidshare?


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For those familiar with Mirc *like it's hard to follow half a page of instructions* there's always


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where I can find Tsukihime scanlations? I've looked through a lot of torrents and all I've found was a raw for Volume 4.

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, unless you find a time machine, or someone who has the scans, I very much doubt you'll get ahold of what did get translated by past groups, as the ones that didn't drop it beforehand, dropped it due to it getting licensed, and the torrents/direct downloads were taken down.

The translation group "Syuura" IS apparently going to translate it, but they've only got up to the prologue currently.


Honestly, if you want to read it, your best bet would probably be to buy it.


Well-Known Member
Well, that sucks. Licensed crap like Naruto keeps getting scanned but manga that might actually be decent is stopped. *shakes head*

Thanks for the link FO, I guess I'll be headed to comic stores and bookshops around here to see what I can find.


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit! Thanks FO ^^

I looked for it but in all of NYC's bookstores and comic shops, I was only able to find one copy of volume 3. That was it.

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
You're welcome. I found them while browsing the TYPE-MOON image boards, so I thought I'd copy'n'paste the links to see if anybody still wanted it.

As for the manga, yeah, not exactly easily to find it every bookstore. I ordered my copies from Amazon.


Well-Known Member
Are those three volumes all there is to the Tsukihime manga? They don't really go very far...

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty much. That's all that's been translated into English. As I said, they're scanned copies of the official translation of the Tsukihime manga, which has only been released up to volume three.

The manga hasn't been cancelled or anything, it's just very slow going, only one chapter released per month. There have also been quite a few delays. -_- Volume four isn't even released out in Japan if I remember correctly.


Well-Known Member
(finally getting back to this thread!)

Yikes. That's pretty slow, alright.

Is it a bad thing that the doujin circles have outpaced the main series by orders of magnitude? I mean, Crazy Clover Club has produced some wicked-awesome material, and then there's Melty Blood to consider... and apparently a Melty Blood 'official' manga in progress... wow.

/still wants more Type-moon fanfiction...


Well-Known Member
Fatuous One said:
The manga hasn't been cancelled or anything, it's just very slow going, only one chapter released per month. There have also been quite a few delays. -_- Volume four isn't even released out in Japan if I remember correctly.
Actually they've released more then twenty-two Tsukihime volumes in Japan. They can for some reason be found on the Amazon. It's just those three that they've translated though. :blue:

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member

Whatever you're looking, it isn't the manga. Shingetsutan Tsukihime volume four practically just got released over there. If you're talking about the "Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon Under The Crimson Air", those are doujinshi. also sells a variety of doujins, but not a lot.

Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon Under The Crimson Air Vol. 2 (Tsukihime) (in Japanese) (Comic)

Also, there's a Melty Blood manga, but that actually has even LESS out for it than the Tsukihime manga.

Is it a bad thing that the doujin circles have outpaced the main series by orders of magnitude? I mean, Crazy Clover Club has produced some wicked-awesome material, and then there's Melty Blood to consider... and apparently a Melty Blood 'official' manga in progress... wow.
CCC's material is godly. Not only is more than their stuff damn funny (when you can understand it [Hello, check my sig! :p]), but when they do hentai, they do it WELL (Tohno house Orgy, anyone? Plus one vampiric alchemist ;)).

And yes, there is an official Melty Blood manga. Some of it has been translated as well. Lord Phrozen has them up on his site.

/still wants more Type-moon fanfiction...
As do I.


Well-Known Member
Fatuous One said:

Whatever you're looking, it isn't the manga. Shingetsutan Tsukihime volume four practically just got released over there. If you're talking about the "Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon Under The Crimson Air", those are doujinshi. also sells a variety of doujins, but not a lot.

Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon Under The Crimson Air Vol. 2 (Tsukihime) (in Japanese) (Comic)

Also, there's a Melty Blood manga, but that actually has even LESS out for it than the Tsukihime manga.
Yep, that was what I was talking about. Thought the Blue Blue Glass Moon Under The Crimson Air was the manga given that was what is written on the front of the covers.

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
The official Tsukihime manga is very easy to spot, as they're all labeled with "Lunar Legend" in the title. Which would be Shingetsutan (???) in Japanese. Anything besides that (disregarding the Melty Blood manga, and more recently the F/SN manga) is likely doujinshi.

Oh, and on the subject of the official manga, there's a definite up for the next volume, it features both Hisui and Kohaku on the cover. :p Something to look forward to once it finally gets imported. Two instead of one! Obviously a good reason for it taking more then twice the length of time to get released!


...Yeah, I know... I'm trying to find some sort of half-decent excuse for the delay, but...


Well-Known Member
Happy day, Happy day. I was walking through the city, and stopped into the japanese bookstores on the japanese strip. What should I find and buy but Tsukihime volume 4. It's in japanese, but you should know FO that it still kicked major major ass. The fight between Akiha and Ciel was mindblowing, and Tohno Shiki showed up and had his first fight with Shiki (which was just as kickass.)

You people really have to get this. Damn, I wish it was scanlated so I can get it as it comes out.