Gathering of Heroes


Well-Known Member
I'd gotten an idea recently for a gathering of the more pulp type heroes of the pre-WWII settings. People like the Shadow, the Rocketeer, the Mask, several of the characters from the ERB novels, and even Indiana Jones. Add in enemy Nazi's and other such things could make an interesting story and I've got ideas from two of the SciFi channel movies (SS Doomtrooper & Reign of the Gargoyles).

Anyone else got ideas for this sort of thing?


Well-Known Member
This limits most of the actual superheroes because most of them only have a few powers if any. The Mask is more like a comedy version of the Hulk and can concievably cause more havoc than anyone else but is uncontrollable.

The Shadow is a slightly less depressing batman with a more varied skill set and minor magical abilities (Telepathy and Illusions). The Rocketeer has his rocketpack which really isn't that big of an advantage, Indiana Jones may have a few minor powers after drinking from the Holy Grail, then you have the LXG effect with ancestors or descendants of other heroes and villains.

There are also fantastic locations that can appear in it like Pelucidar the world at the Earths Core and others.

There needs to be a big enough villain to gather heroes from all over and keep them togather or just modify the world to allow it.
What if you x-over it with the WW2 Superhero game "Godlike"? Plenty of baddies and goodies there to choose from.

Heck, I even created a pair of RAF heroes in another thread.


Well-Known Member
David Alan Abramczyk said:
What if you x-over it with the WW2 Superhero game "Godlike"? Plenty of baddies and goodies there to choose from.

Heck, I even created a pair of RAF heroes in another thread.
Haven't played that one

Actually started working on a fic with this idea. Its in the Movies area, and makes me think we need a Preview area in the General Fanfiction area

Millenium City
Basically, in the game, ordinary men and woman gain what are called "Talents", such as flight, super-strength, etc. Look it up and you'll get the idea. It's pretty simple, really.