Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Half Bloods prologue

I just wanted some more input into this storyline so I'd thought that I would post it here.

Harry Potter and the Half Bloods:
by Agent Reptile

Disclamer: not to seem lazy but for the purposes of secrecy I will only say that those who own some of the stuff in this fic have the rights to them and the stuff that they don't own is mine. This story is different from my others in that this one is told by a series of flashbacks giving the background. If you do not like this type of storytelling then please do not read. I have not forgotten about Through the Years but I haven't been inspired as much to work on it recently, so please wait a little while longer.


Behold the Gothic Structure that is Vatican City, the capital of the Roman Catholic faith, home of Pope Benedict XVI, the place literally millions of people look to for spiritual guidance and moral clarity in an uncertain world, a testament to the faith and hopes of seemingly countless generations for Devine aid in this world and the next. This would seem to be the last place on Earth on would expect to see the Headmaster of a school whose sole purpose is to teach witchcraft and wizardry. But here Albus Dumpledore strides the majestic halls with hat in hand smiling as he passes monks, priests, bishops, and even cardinals with greetings of warm and acceptance for the visitor. It is sad that this is not a journey for pleasure.

"Albus my friend welcome back to Rome. I trust that your trip was not a tireing one?"

"It is an unfortunate condition for some of us that all trips are tiring, but sufice to say that it was not a grueling or unpleasant one, your holiness." Albus bows his head slightly to Pope Benedict XVI himself with a tired smile on his face as the expression is returned.

"Albus we are old friends. Come let us have a small drink. Then you can tell me why the most powerful wizard in Europe, if not the world, must come in person all this way instead of the usual method of delivering letters by owl?"

"I am afraid that such methods may become, shall we say compromised? And the matter of this visit is of a manner I can not allow anyone among Voldemort's forces to even glimpse what the contents of those letters may hold."

"He has become that great a danger then?"

"Indeed, and I am running low on allies on which to call in such a time."

"Albus, you know that the pact of Merlin and the Archbishop of Canterbury(1) does not allow us to wage outright war within the wizarding world. Though there are many of the Catholic faith gifted with magic, members of the church clergy even, to reveal to the world at large that wizards and witches, or as we call them mages, are real then it would unleash chaos on a grand scale that we do not need."

"A 'witch-hunt' I take it." Albus smiled.

"Your words my friend not mine. I understand the need to face Voldemort's forces Albus, but we do not have the ability to call an army against him."

"True, as the Swiss Guard here is only for the defense of the Vatican itself. But what of the Knights of the Holy Order?" Dompledore smirked. "I know that it was them who kept Voldemorts Forces at bay several times. The fear of the 'Red Mark' as they called it."

"Yes, the mark which denotes every knight. You know that I cannot order them to face this foe unless direct evidence that Voldemort himself has unleashed something unholy, has made a pact with a devil of some sort, or something else around those lines."

"Ah yes evidence. Such was missing when he first appeared. Even though the forbidden curses are in essence evil, they do not summon their power from Hell."

"Only from the mana stream, which we know is a form of electromagnetic energy mixed with sonic vibration, and entuned with the person like life force energys such as chi and ki. Power which does not have either good or evil outside the user."

"But is forbidden because the spells themselves can only be used with malevolency of heart. I understand well the problem my friend. However, now I have the evidence you need." Dompledore pulled out a small ring and handed it to Pope Benedict XVI.

"Um Albus what exactly is this?"

"It is a ring, but it is also something more. Are you familiar with horcruxes by any chance?"

"You mean that this..."

"Yes, and you know that to separate a persons soul like this would mean that he..."

"Indeed. And I believe that this is at least enough to look into the situation, is it not?"

"Until an actual field agent says that a fully armed force is necessary, I can not send the Knights in full battlement."

"Ah but you can send one agent at least?"

"Yes I can. Tell me, do you have an opening in your school's faculty list?"

"A moment ago I would have said no, but perhaps. Tell me, what are this agent's qualifications?"

"He knows more about fighting the darker side of the world than most. A flawless mission record as well."

"Is he good with children?"

"Yes, in fact he the father of an enchanting girl, whom he adopted several years ago and has raised as his own since birth."

"It is odd that a teacher would have his children there as well; rare, but not unheard of." Albus smiled liking where this was leading. "Tell me are there any other things I should know about him before hiring him?"

"His morals are essentially beyond reproach, except...."

"Except?" Albus smiled, edging the pope onward to explain the unsaid.

"You are familiar with Dr. Theodore Diggers correct?"

"Indeed, I have meet him a few times. Why is that important?"

"This agent is dating one of his daughters, Brianna I believe her name is."

"Ah, her reputation precedes her. But I take it that his feelings are genuine to her, from what I heard he is actually engaged to her at this moment."

"Well that is at least slightly better, but even though the church does not approve of his...actions, he gets results."

"True, but he is dating a Diggers woman, such is to be expected. But I take it that there is a better reason that you accept hisàweaknesses of the flesh?" Albus smiles remember a few incidences when he was a younger man.

"He is the one person Gotherwaine fears, and did take out several master vampires a few years ago." The Pope point out shaking his head.

"I take it that this is the same warrior that I read about during the Lich King incident?"

"The very same."

"Well that isn't a problem to me then, as I am well aware of who this particular person is. Do not worry I think I can handle the situation without difficulty, provided that you do one thing for me my old friend."

"And that would be?"

"Give him enough vacation time to have his wedding and honeymoon before school starts. Theo and Julia can take it from there." Albus smiled as Pope Benedict XVI fingered the ring in his hand for a moment before placing it into a fountain of Holy Water. The ring burned red for several seconds with an eerie and unholy scream followed by the ring itself bleeding. The blood rose to the surface and burned the moment it reached air. The display did not go unnoticed and the ring was ordered to be destroyed immediately.

(1)This is reference to Le Morte de' Arthur in which Merlin and the Archbishop of Canterbury agree to the sword in the stone as a test for the true King of England. The true nature and ramifications of this treaty will be explained later in the story.


Well-Known Member
a bit late with my reply but...
Dompledore smirked. "I know that it was them who kept Voldemorts Forces at bay several times. The fear of the 'Red Mark' as they called it."

did you make the mistake on purpose or did it evade your eyes?
except for that, interesting start.
Sorry I haven't gotten back to this but since so few comments were made on my work I just lost interest in this forum. Sorry but any mistakes are simple oversite and I hope that you enjoy the rest of the story, whenever I get a break to work on it.